I just had a try with the Tofu version, i wonder when Sushi will show up, and at some point the keyboard steering made me wanting to throw a joystick against the wall.
Yeah, keyboard steering really isn't a good idea for these type of games. Playing a level for the xx time due to steering issues can make you kind of aggressive.
Sorry for being repetitive, but is a proper PC demo expected anytime soon? I really need to try the supposedly great controls myself before making up my mind, since I found the wall-jumping controls in the flash version and STB pretty awful, like in basically every other wall-jumping platformer I've ever tried. Difficulty is one thing, but having to ragequit over jumps I know are supposed to be possible is not my idea of a good time.
I've clicked through a few levels and as i thought it has it's pros and cons but i'm glad i didn't buy it. Same applies to Costume Fest, it has some wonderful coloured scenes but sadly doesn't look this convincing as a game.
Btw watching adventure playthroughs, especially the more story related ones, can sometimes be very relaxing.
No amount of video can explain the experience of playing Super Meat Boy. Its superb balance and control can't be *watched*, at some point you have to actually play it. Team Meat is doing the game an incredible disservice by not offering a demo.
No amount of video can explain the experience of playing Super Meat Boy. Its superb balance and control can't be *watched*, at some point you have to actually play it. Team Meat is doing the game an incredible disservice by not offering a demo.
There is a demo for the 360 version. If consoles are your preference (for some reason) you can just grab it off of XBL. I suspect the WiiWare version will offer a demo as well.
And they are looking for a publisher for a disc release because otherwise they will have to cut a lot of content to make it fit within Wiiware's limit.
And they are looking for a publisher for a disc release because otherwise they will have to cut a lot of content to make it fit within Wiiware's limit.
And they are looking for a publisher for a disc release because otherwise they will have to cut a lot of content to make it fit within Wiiware's limit.
Fine, slight hyperbole. Wiiware has demos for an insanely tiny selection of titles, they're up for 4 weeks when they DO go up(unless Nintendo is persuaded by high user ratings to, in its infinite generosity, to extend its time on the service) and the demos that are there are hard to find at best. I should have just said Wiiware's support for demos absolutely SUCKS instead of saying it was nonexistent, however close to true that statement may be.
Fine, slight hyperbole. Wiiware has demos for an insanely tiny selection of titles, they're up for 4 weeks when they DO go up(unless Nintendo is persuaded by high user ratings to, in its infinite generosity, to extend its time on the service) and the demos that are there are hard to find at best. I should have just said Wiiware's support for demos absolutely SUCKS instead of saying it was nonexistent, however close to true that statement may be.
They're about to add a permanent demo section to the Wiiware system sometime next year, if Reggie is to be believed.
That's at least another, very small, step in the right direction.
But come on, we're talking about the system being HALF A DECADE LATE in terms of implementing not BETTER features than the competitors, not even EQUAL, but "similar, though heavily undersupported in comparison". We're to the point now that Nintendo is implementing "demos for downloadable games" slower than the time it takes Microsoft and Sony to create and implement motion controls! That's pretty unacceptable turnaround.
Now TTG, when will you deliver Comrade Pants well deserved price?!
*whispering* I hope they don't charge you too much for the delivery.
I'll accept scotch as a substitute, but it must be aged 21 years under the constant wailing of a bagpipe. These are my demands. Seriously, TTG, get on this. I'm thirsty and man can only live on soda for so long. I mean, what am I supposed to sip whilst reclining in my black Italian leather chair; wearing a red smoking jacket of the finest Persian silk in a teak-wood panelled room covered in the heads of my latest big game hunts?
I'm also running out of Cuban cigars, so chop-chop, boyos!
Cool I finaly got the xbla version.
Plus it is one of this listed rewards games so it is basicaly 400 points off for me.
EDIT:Oh sure purchase 2 of the special games to get the 400 points. Oh well It is still going to be fun.
In that case I'd recommend Meat Boy on Newgrounds.com
No I am waiting for a demo that will let me check if the actual real game I am going to purchase runs. I played the flashgames.
Coming soon in an update.
Game's great, but it's doing my nut in to see Meat Boy wants another 170mb update to fix something simple
...I don't really want a technical answer smartarses, I just wanna bitch about it
Painting process blog post.
you Win. Nemesis!
I am watching the one by hamsteralliance and some of the "Let's introduce" by xAeternax
Btw watching adventure playthroughs, especially the more story related ones, can sometimes be very relaxing.
There is a demo for the 360 version. If consoles are your preference (for some reason) you can just grab it off of XBL. I suspect the WiiWare version will offer a demo as well.
And they are looking for a publisher for a disc release because otherwise they will have to cut a lot of content to make it fit within Wiiware's limit.
Oh, never mind then. By the way...
I've Wiiware demos for like 6 games.
I win. As a prize I demand a bottle of brandy of the highest quality, aged 12 years. With bendy straws.
Obviously i spontaneously support your demand.
Now TTG, when will you deliver Comrade Pants well deserved price?!
*whispering* I hope they don't charge you too much for the delivery.
They're about to add a permanent demo section to the Wiiware system sometime next year, if Reggie is to be believed.
But come on, we're talking about the system being HALF A DECADE LATE in terms of implementing not BETTER features than the competitors, not even EQUAL, but "similar, though heavily undersupported in comparison". We're to the point now that Nintendo is implementing "demos for downloadable games" slower than the time it takes Microsoft and Sony to create and implement motion controls! That's pretty unacceptable turnaround.
I'll accept scotch as a substitute, but it must be aged 21 years under the constant wailing of a bagpipe. These are my demands. Seriously, TTG, get on this. I'm thirsty and man can only live on soda for so long. I mean, what am I supposed to sip whilst reclining in my black Italian leather chair; wearing a red smoking jacket of the finest Persian silk in a teak-wood panelled room covered in the heads of my latest big game hunts?
I'm also running out of Cuban cigars, so chop-chop, boyos!
About frakking time. Tell me, do you now accept Super Meat Boy into your life as your Lord and Saviour? 'Cuz I did.
He's cool, but he's no Felix the Cat.
Plus it is one of this listed rewards games so it is basicaly 400 points off for me.
EDIT:Oh sure purchase 2 of the special games to get the 400 points. Oh well It is still going to be fun.