Osmos starts out relaxing and easy but even though the music stays relaxing the levels will get insanely hard later. I am not willing to ever start this piece of turd ever again. A challenge is a challenge but this game is just insane. And not the good way of insane like Super Meat Boy. Random levels are random get lucky and win or get an impossible level over and over.
On Steam-keys: I already own all the games in the bundle that are available on steam.
I kind of wish I had bought the first bundle though. The key for that one would make an excellent X-mas-present now.
I got an Extra Gift Code for Humble Bundle #1 that a person I gifted it to did not want, so if you still interested let me know!
In my humble (oh ho ho) opinion, this is worth donating to for Machinarium alone. And I'm not just saying that because Rather Dashing forgot it, I've been telling people that since yesterday, I swear. I already have Machinarium, Braid and Osmos, but I'm definitely going to donate some money to this.
Many of us bought the bundle last year. If this were a scam they wouldn't have been able to offer that original bundle to be activated on Steam. They also would have been called-out by Penny Arcade (the guys behind the Child's Play charity) and had to face the wrath of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Gish, Lugaru, World of Goo, Aquaria (worth the price alone, that game is FANTASTIC.), and Penumbra
OOH in that case can I have the gift code hmm.
Although I might get this deal for about $5. I hear it has machinaruim, shame Rather Dashing won't admit it.
Divisionten did a fine enough job with that already, though they didn't specify that it was Penumbra: Overture specifically, it's otherwise completely accurate.
If anyone else has a code for the first one, there is a person who doesn't destroy the English language with every post that would like it too. *hint hint*
Okay bought the second bundle now.
If you already have the steam-version of Machinarium you might want to buy the pack for the soundtrack of the game.
Hint for german users: use a . to seperate dollars and cents (not the ,) or you will end up paying more than you want if you are not cautious.
Divisionten did a fine enough job with that already, though they didn't specify that it was Penumbra: Overture specifically, it's otherwise completely accurate.
Geeze, let down on him. It's not like we'd get on you for forgetting something.
Geeze, let down on her. It's not like we'd get on you for forgetting something.
Seriously, why does everyone think I'm a dude? (in all honesty, I don't mind, its really hard to tell on the interwebs) Anyway, sorry about not calling it Penumbra OVERTURE. What is the difference, if I may be so kind to ask? I never figured it out myself.
Seriously, why does everyone think I'm a dude? (in all honesty, I don't mind, its really hard to tell on the interwebs) Anyway, sorry about not calling it Penumbra OVERTURE. What is the difference, if I may be so kind to ask? I never figured it out myself.
Well the game is called Penumbra Overture and it's sequel is called Penumbra Black Plaque.
This is Penumbra by the same company. A lot smaller filesize, I never tried it and well it's free anyways while the other two are not.
Seriously, why does everyone think I'm a dude? (in all honesty, I don't mind, its really hard to tell on the interwebs) Anyway, sorry about not calling it Penumbra OVERTURE. What is the difference, if I may be so kind to ask? I never figured it out myself.
Penumbra Overture is the first game, Penumbra Black Plauge is the sequel, and Penumbra: Requiem is essentially an expansion pack. They are sort of episodic, and aren't sold separately anymore, and so "Penumbra" can be used to refer to the whole set.
There is also a smaller, old tech demo floating around that is more a "proof of concept" than anything.
I today read an interesting article about how pay as much as you want motivates quite some people to pay what they think is a fair deal and makes them buying things they otherwise wouldn't buy, also dealing with the psychology behind. They based their results on several tests they did in real on marketplaces, no internet.
Penumbra Overture is the first game, Penumbra Black Plague is the sequel, and Penumbra: Requiem is essentially an expansion pack. They are sort of episodic, and aren't sold separately anymore, and so "Penumbra" can be used to refer to the whole set.
There is also a smaller, old tech demo floating around that is more a "proof of concept" than anything.
The tech demo is still well worth a go if you finish the series and are looking for more, though.
Yeah, that's how much they make.
so they wont keep charging my moms credit card
They won't.
I bought it 5 times.
Because if this was an issue, than everyone would be complaining about it. You can say this about any service selling anything.
I got an Extra Gift Code for Humble Bundle #1 that a person I gifted it to did not want, so if you still interested let me know!
What games are on the first pack?
Gish, Lugaru, World of Goo, Aquaria (worth the price alone, that game is FANTASTIC.), and Penumbra
Many of us bought the bundle last year. If this were a scam they wouldn't have been able to offer that original bundle to be activated on Steam. They also would have been called-out by Penny Arcade (the guys behind the Child's Play charity) and had to face the wrath of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
OOH in that case can I have the gift code hmm.
Although I might get this deal for about $5. I hear it has machinaruim, shame Rather Dashing won't admit it.
care to name them?
Are you trtying to steal the code someone offered to me?
Edit: I got the key. Thank you DarkLink.
He would just forget to mention Aquaria.
If you already have the steam-version of Machinarium you might want to buy the pack for the soundtrack of the game.
Hint for german users: use a . to seperate dollars and cents (not the ,) or you will end up paying more than you want if you are not cautious.
Of course we are, dear sir!
A bit less than five days left.
Geeze, let down on him. It's not like we'd get on you for forgetting something.
Seriously, why does everyone think I'm a dude? (in all honesty, I don't mind, its really hard to tell on the interwebs) Anyway, sorry about not calling it Penumbra OVERTURE. What is the difference, if I may be so kind to ask? I never figured it out myself.
Well the game is called Penumbra Overture and it's sequel is called Penumbra Black Plaque.
This is Penumbra by the same company. A lot smaller filesize, I never tried it and well it's free anyways while the other two are not.
There is also a smaller, old tech demo floating around that is more a "proof of concept" than anything.
They are sold separately on Steam. It's even cheaper than the pack with both games if you buy them separately.
On my end it's cheaper to buy them individually by 1 cent. Hardly mega savings, but somewhat backward all the same.
well here it's 1.01€ cheaper.:eek:
Crazy times we live in folks
I today read an interesting article about how pay as much as you want motivates quite some people to pay what they think is a fair deal and makes them buying things they otherwise wouldn't buy, also dealing with the psychology behind. They based their results on several tests they did in real on marketplaces, no internet.
The tech demo is still well worth a go if you finish the series and are looking for more, though.
Care to donate one of those packs?
I hear machinarium is on here, although dashing wouldnt say it.
Fuck you.
Sorry, I bought it on a person-by-person basis.