Played Machinarium and enjoyed it.
Braid... interesting but somewhat too difficult for me right now. Might give it another go later on.
Cortex Command - graphics options didn't work so nicely, and from what little I saw of the gameplay it doesn't really interest me.
Osmos - locked up my machine, didn't show up much beyond the main title screen.
Revenge of the Titans - didn't even run!
So two out of five games are worth it (for me) and two don't even work properly...
But considering what I chose to pay ($10), I feel I've got my money's worth.
Gah! What is the surprise? It's been teased all day in tweets, but it's not up yet and I have to go to bed. How am I supposed to sleep without knowing?
(It's going to be relatively tame, isn't it? It'll just be some production art, or activation on Steam. Nothing worth hanging on every tweet.)
I think beside of any charity reasons the bundle is interesting because of Machinarium and Braid. The rest of the games aren't on the same level. The killer game in the first bundle was World of Goo. I wonder which games will be in #3.
I donated..... I already had Braid and Machinarium (spelling?) I have no real interest in playing the others in the pack... but tis the season for giving.
The killer game in the first bundle was Aquaria. I wonder which games will be in #3.
I agree.
But anyway, the top three donations make me smile. #1 donated the first couple digits of Pi, #2 is a huge donation from Notch who is a gentleman and a scholar, and #3 donated $1337!
Speaking of Notch, I'm calling Minecraft for Humble Bundle 3. It's finally hit beta after all!
By the way, Samorost2 won't be activated on Steam, but that's probably because it wasn't originally on the Indie Bundle 1 anyway, so I don't think it matters much, since on the HIB page you can download it without DRM anyway.
Beside of this great offer, i'm looking very much forward to HumbleBundle #3 sometime next year. #2 also came in handy as a wonderful gift for a few persons.
By the way, Samorost2 won't be activated on Steam, but that's probably because it wasn't originally on the Indie Bundle 1 anyway, so I don't think it matters much, since on the HIB page you can download it without DRM anyway.
Humble Indie Bundle #2 now contains Humble Indie Bundle #1. Anyone who bought the second one but missed the first one? Go to your redemption page.
I'm not sure about people who already bought HIB2, but for those who are thinking about purchasing now (still 3 days left as I post this), you'll have to donate more than the average in order to get HIB1.
By the way, Samorost2 won't be activated on Steam, but that's probably because it wasn't originally on the Indie Bundle 1 anyway, so I don't think it matters much, since on the HIB page you can download it without DRM anyway.
Oh wow. That was a great Christmas surprise! I missed Humble Bundle #1 and was wishing there was some way I could donate to get it, and then I'm surprised by an e-mail saying they added Humble Bundle 1 to my Humble Bundle 2!
I'll definitely be donating more next time if they make a Humble Bundle 3.
Definitely a nice surprise. I was a little disappointed that only 2/5 games in Bundle #2 were ones I liked/ones that worked, but getting a bonus 5 games (even if only 2 work) is pretty awesome
HIB2 now includes OnLive keys for Braid and World of Goo. Interesting, but I'd already played both before the bundle hit. I am curious as to how well OnLive works, so maybe I'll wait a while and let those who really want the keys claim them.
Just wanted to say that Wadjet Eye Games is selling their moody adventure trilogy Blackwell for a discount, $10 instead of $25, this year as well.
Oh wow!
Love his work, always thought about buying it, but I always was like "I should get this sometime later."
I think this "later" is right now then.
Now I only wonder if the CD Version of the Bundle also comes with instant download...
Puh, i have no idea. I bought them some time ago as pure downloads only.
But if you're really interested in, i'm sure you can get an answer on his page.
I remember that it was very interesting reading the diaries and i liked the jazz music. Anyway if you dig the oldskool gfx, then it's an enjoyful adventure serie.
Each of the copies I bought was for a specific person.
Oh. all right then.
What? He had to remind you that you still haven't put it in the OP!
Played Machinarium and enjoyed it.
Braid... interesting but somewhat too difficult for me right now. Might give it another go later on.
Cortex Command - graphics options didn't work so nicely, and from what little I saw of the gameplay it doesn't really interest me.
Osmos - locked up my machine, didn't show up much beyond the main title screen.
Revenge of the Titans - didn't even run!
So two out of five games are worth it (for me) and two don't even work properly...
But considering what I chose to pay ($10), I feel I've got my money's worth.
(It's going to be relatively tame, isn't it? It'll just be some production art, or activation on Steam. Nothing worth hanging on every tweet.)
I agree.
Also, Why didn't anyone tell me Machinarium was on here?
The other two aren't done with development yet, but when they will they'll automatically be added to your steam account if you redeem key.
I'm also looking for a 'humble bundle 1' steam code, wasn't around for that one, but can't find it anywhere *sigh*
But anyway, the top three donations make me smile. #1 donated the first couple digits of Pi, #2 is a huge donation from Notch who is a gentleman and a scholar, and #3 donated $1337!
Speaking of Notch, I'm calling Minecraft for Humble Bundle 3. It's finally hit beta after all!
I agree. with all of you (especially taumel) Aquaria >>>>> all other games.
Well after the beta you will no longer get the furure versions for free. And the game costs more. Who in his right mind will still buy this game?
So yeah.
Awww, oh well.
I'm not sure about people who already bought HIB2, but for those who are thinking about purchasing now (still 3 days left as I post this), you'll have to donate more than the average in order to get HIB1.
But, they would like to fix that.
I'll definitely be donating more next time if they make a Humble Bundle 3.
Oh wow!
Love his work, always thought about buying it, but I always was like "I should get this sometime later."
I think this "later" is right now then.
Now I only wonder if the CD Version of the Bundle also comes with instant download...
But if you're really interested in, i'm sure you can get an answer on his page.
I remember that it was very interesting reading the diaries and i liked the jazz music. Anyway if you dig the oldskool gfx, then it's an enjoyful adventure serie.