Back to the Future episode 2 waiting thread

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Is it February yet? :D


  • edited December 2010
    ...After the first episode, I'm not exactly looking forward to the second episode.
  • edited December 2010
    This may also be the Episode 1 waiting thread for people who's waiting for it to be unlocked. Naah, who am I kidding, we're going to buy the other episodes eventually.

    I wish Telltale was also aware of this fact, so that maybe they would let us play the first episode out of kindness. Money goes to them eventually, I mean :l
  • edited December 2010
    I'm excited. I really didn't think there was a way to continue the story, but they found a way to keep it cleaver and interesting. I wish we didn't have to wait all of January (and then some), but it should be well worth the wait. BTTF is awesome!
  • edited December 2010
    ...After the first episode, I'm not exactly looking forward to the second episode.

    You have a very good point
  • edited December 2010
    Well, I loved it... I wouldn't mind for episode 2 to be a bit longer though.
    But so far, so good.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm eagerly awaiting the second installment!
  • edited December 2010
    ...After the first episode, I'm not exactly looking forward to the second episode.

    ...No offense, but considering the amount of sheer negativity that I've seen in a lot of your posts, I'm surprised you played the first episode.

    And I'm not surprised that this thread already exists. :p
  • edited December 2010
    ...After the first episode, I'm not exactly looking forward to the second episode.

    As far as gameplay is concerned I completely agree. Story-wise? That's a different story. I NEED to see how this ends.
  • edited December 2010
    haha it says february 2010 at the end of episode 1
  • edited December 2010
    As far as gameplay is concerned I completely agree. Story-wise? That's a different story. I NEED to see how this ends.
    Thanks to the "Episodes" tab on the game page with the story synopsis for each one, I feel I have a pretty strong idea of how things will turn out. I could be wrong. Still, the story was able to wrestle one or two actual emotional reactions from me. For example,
    Marty admitting that he wasn't from the patent office
    , that scene did what was intended(made me SAD), why couldn't that much care be taken with the actual GAME part of the video game?
  • edited December 2010
    I was far more excited about the Back to the Future video game than i should be, but the awesomely told story made me go nuts.

    What were the pros and cons of the first episode?

    I liked every single bit of this episode, although it may have been a bit longer..

    Telltale better prepare themselves for a better release in february, internet traffic and game crashes wise :cool:

    Also, how much replay value does this game has?

    I'd say it's about 70%

    *selects new game*

    make that.. 90
  • edited December 2010
    Yes, the episode is really short (I didn't control the watch very often, but I think it last about 2 hours more or less) but we have to consider that the game is made by 5 episodes and not by only this one.
    It's my first time I come close to a TellTale game but I don't know why they're used to split a game in episodes (it's not bad at all to be clear). Anyone can tell me?
    By the way, february seems to be so far right now. Last question, what does FIN 2011 means?
  • edited December 2010
    MPittore3 wrote: »
    Yes, the episode is really short (I didn't control the watch very often, but I think it last about 2 hours more or less) but we have to consider that the game is made by 5 episodes and not by only this one.
    It's my first time I come close to a TellTale game but I don't know why they're used to split a game in episodes (it's not bad at all to be clear). Anyone can tell me?
    By the way, february seems to be so far right now. Last question, what does FIN 2011 means?

    Telltale Games presents itself specifically as a developer of episodic games. Many critics feel that Telltale is the only company to have done episodic gaming right, usually citing its ability to consistently deliver on a monthly schedule.
    And FIN means FINALE.

    Did you liked episode 1?
    February seems indeed so far away, that makes me sad
  • edited December 2010
    love how at the end of episode one it mentions that episode two will be released February 2010!
  • edited December 2010
    I believe we already have one of these:
  • edited December 2010
    It was just great, i loved every part of it.. nice talks, nice location.. I fall in love...

    But yes, its a little bit toooooo short... :-(
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    I believe we already have one of these:


    Your right, and according to the time of the post he was earlier..
    a few minutes ):
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale nailed it! Can't wait for episode 2!!! :)
  • edited December 2010
    yeah it was super duper!!!
  • edited December 2010
    It was so awesome. Im replaying it right now!
  • edited December 2010
    Why is it being released in Febuary and not January, hmm???:confused::confused::confused::confused:
  • edited December 2010
    LOVE THE GAME! TwT PLease released in January i cant wait!
  • edited December 2010
    bttffan wrote: »
    Why is it being released in Febuary and not January, hmm???:confused::confused::confused::confused:

    Telltale New Year Party in Vegas last 30 days.
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale New Year Party in Vegas last 30 days.

    Dang, that's some party.:eek:

    I'm almost willing to bet that January's when we'll get BttF Ep.1 on PS3 and also our first real glimpse of Jurassic Park the game. You know, not counting the Tycho velociraptor.
  • edited February 2011
    wasn't today the release of the second episode of BTTF well so what happened?
  • edited February 2011
    wasn't today the release of the second episode of BTTF well so what happened?

    I thought so too but just went to my account and there's no download link next to episode 2 yet?
  • edited February 2011
    Nobody from TTG said that it will be launched today :) They all said February... we're just in the middle of the month.
  • edited February 2011
    I hate it that they always only let you download the game at 12 midday (noon).

    The suspence is nibbling away at my brain.
  • edited February 2011
    Oh god please stop the ass kissing just because you are on the board of the developers, you all know and can't deny that the game also had ugly sides.

    I know it's not about the graphics but cmon most of the part the graphics were just horrible, sometimes I couldnt believe how creepy the 3D animations are, it looked like the first steps from an amateur in cinema, and the settings looked liked it had been made in a very very short time, no details, no charme, everything just looked too big.

    Telltale, when you don't have good 3D artists then just don't use 3D graphics, I would rather have oldschool graphics a la Day of the Tentacle than this creepy 3D style.

    Then the controls were bad too, it was very confusing to walk arround in the game.
    But the story was ok and the game had some good back to the future like moments, sometimes it was weird, I hated the part in the appartment of the old lady, couldnt stand her voice. But in the end the game was ok, can't wait for the second episode now.
  • edited February 2011
    When it is coming out?? It's now the 18th Feb and still nothing. How do they plan on delivering it? Do you open the original episode and it asks if you want to download episode 2? Or will it be a completely separate program?
    More importantly When will it be available?
  • edited February 2011
    When is it 12 midday in the US (pacific time)?
    I might as well wait till tomorow.
    Also...I agree with ffertigo, the graphics were a bit creepy at points.
    Though I seem to have a unique ability to ignore a game's flaws unless the flaws are literally game-breaking
  • edited February 2011


  • edited February 2011
    I will never buy a game with these type of obscure release dates again. It is really disturbing that a company such as Telltale can't give a proper release date, even during the same month as the release is supposed to happen. Next time I will wait for the complete game to be released before parting eith my hard earned cash.
  • edited February 2011
    25 dollars for about 30 minutes worth of work.. oh the agony
  • edited February 2011
    The crybaby thread blossoms s-liebe.gif
  • edited February 2011
    At least we can predict episode 3 will be out in late March. :)
  • edited February 2011
    It would be nice if they gave definite dates. I'm starting to think i should have just waited until they were all out.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    maximr wrote: »
    When it is coming out?? It's now the 18th Feb and still nothing.

    You might want to check that calendar again. Or toss it out of the window.
  • edited February 2011
    It'll be out in a few hours people!
  • edited February 2011
    Guys, they've never given the release date for Episode 2. Ever. At all. The trailer was only uploaded when it was because that's when it was finished. I really doubt it will be released today. I wouldn't expect it until at least tomorrow during their press conference, where they'll do the same thing Microsoft did with the 360 slim. After all their announcements, they'll go, 'Oh yeah, before we forget, we uploaded the next Back to the Future episode while you were here. Run along home kids, and play our labor of love.'

    Either that or the 28th.

    And guys, not having a definite date is better than, say, what Valve does. They give you a date, delay. They give you a date, delay. Date, delay, date, delay. Release, awesome.
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