Back to the Future episode 2 waiting thread



  • edited February 2011
    There was a thread started by jack less than an hour ago saying it's out, and people couldn't download it ... it's probably going to be reuploaded
  • edited February 2011
    @'' " posts remind me of masses of clones mumbling unintelligble words with the occasional "whens it out" peeping from the slurry of brainde -- Ughh I give up
  • edited February 2011
    Well, I have to say, as much as I liked the game, I would have prefered to download the entire game.

    Episodic style is just a bad idea. Waiting 2 months for another 2 hours part of the game, this is bad for the rythm of the whole game. You play it, you're in it, and then, just when you're starting to feel the power of love (^^), bam, you have to wait 2 months...

    And, today, still no release date for the next part? Seriously, this is baaaad communication! They could at least give us a final date when we're in the middle of the release month.

    As if it wasn't bad enough, I am french, and I'm sure I will NEVER see a french voiced version. :s

    I love Back to the Future, Monkey Island, Sam & Max, but it's starting to get to my nervz.
  • edited February 2011
    @GeorgeC 'Toooooys.'

    @Arakara Yes, there are downsides to the episodic model. But on the upside, this allows Telltale to take criticism and ideas and make the game better in the future, and they can get more content out quicker, as opposed to a new game every two years or so. I do agree with you on the whole language thing. You'd think the developers could hire out a third party to translate the game into other languages, since it seems to me they have a LOT of foreign fans. I'd think that any costs it would take to do that would be worth it.

    EDIT: I also like the smaller downloads, so that I can get into the game much quicker than if I had to download a full sized game. That way, if I just want to play it a little bit before going to sleep, download, setup, done. If I want to do that in a full-sized game, too bad! You have to wait 3 hours before you can touch it. (I know physical games take less time to install, but I get everything off Steam nowadays.)
  • edited February 2011
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    There was a thread started by jack less than an hour ago saying it's out, and people couldn't download it ... it's probably going to be reuploaded

    That's right. I read it, too. Now, the post is gone. I'm confused.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Don't be. The episode will come around eventually... soon. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    Triloge wrote: »
    But on the upside, this allows Telltale to take criticism and ideas and make the game better in the future, and they can get more content out quicker, as opposed to a new game every two years or so.

    Well, as still see the same problems from Tales of Monkey Island (the camera is a problem when you move, there is a lot of choices in the dialogues that leads to nothing different than the others choices...) so...
    I want to believe in what you're sayin', but when I see the progress between Tales of Monkey Island and Back to the future...

    I ask for proofs on this idea that the comments of the players brought a real evolution of the game during its episodic production to believe in it.

    If in the episode 2 I do not find the same camera problem than the episode 1, and if there are more dialogues where the choices which we make have of the importance on the rest of the game (as the choice of the name which Marty chooses by speaking to miss Strickland), then I'll believe in it.
  • edited February 2011
    Arakara wrote: »
    Well, as still see the same problems from Tales of Monkey Island (the camera is a problem when you move, there is a lot of choices in the dialogues that leads to nothing different than the others choices...) so...
    I want to believe in what you're sayin', but when I see the progress between Tales of Monkey Island and Back to the future...

    I ask for proofs on this idea that the comments of the players brought a real evolution of the game during its episodic production to believe in it.

    If in the episode 2 I do not find the same camera problem than the episode 1, and if there are more dialogues where the choices which we make have of the importance on the rest of the game (as the choice of the name which Marty chooses by speaking to miss Strickland), then I'll believe in it.

    Also all TV shows should be movies because the episodic format doesn't work and it'd have less dull moments if confined to 2 solid hours
  • edited February 2011
    I am waiting excitedly. fortunately I have other activities to take my time. But I wanna play the next episode :D

    So, anyways. We'll get it in the next couple weeks.

    Does Telltale usually send an eMail or anything when the game is released?
  • edited February 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    Also all TV shows should be movies because the episodic format doesn't work and it'd have less dull moments if confined to 2 solid hours

    Assuming that a paying movie is like a full and free TV show for you?
  • edited February 2011
    Well, this was the shortest waiting thread I've seen. I guess that's a good thing for us.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    A waiting thread with only three pages, and I even merged two together... this was obviously one short wait, guys. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    Triloge wrote: »
    Guys, they've never given the release date for Episode 2. Ever. At all. The trailer was only uploaded when it was because that's when it was finished. I really doubt it will be released today.

    Well, I guess I have to eat my own words now...

    *munch munch*

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