The '' I completed episode 1'' thread
What were your impressions about the first episode, i personally loved every single hour..minutes and seconds.
First i thought it would be hard for Telltale to capture the spirit of Back to the future like it was back in the days, but they nailed it..
Puzzles were all awesome, especially the one with young Emmet Brown giving me directions while having that conversation with his father.
What did and didn't you look about the first episode?
Telltale, you made me hungry for more..
See you all in February on the forums..
First i thought it would be hard for Telltale to capture the spirit of Back to the future like it was back in the days, but they nailed it..
Puzzles were all awesome, especially the one with young Emmet Brown giving me directions while having that conversation with his father.
What did and didn't you look about the first episode?
Telltale, you made me hungry for more..
See you all in February on the forums..
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Strangely enough that is the one I hated the most.
Well, to be fair it wasn't that bad the first time around..but the repetitiveness of it all.
After I had about 3 quarters of the fuel I just had more had enough of it and just wished it would finally be over.
But except for the repetitiveness of that puzzle there are only two flaws to be found.
1) The camera angle for the town center.
It would have been nice if one could pull out more to see a bit more at once.
Otherwise it is a bit hard around to see where one is going the first time around.
(Or to spot where Emmet went after you bumped into him the first just can't look around to know in which direction to run)
2) It was waay too short
Now we only have to solve one mystery...
Why are there that many manure trucks in hill valley, and why do they magically attract Tannens
Did anyone had the same
REALLY fun, storyline is excellent.
The story is awesome so far, as expected from TellTale
I also really liked the graphics, voice acting and all that other presentation stuff.
But the puzzles... idk. The amount of reverse puzzles was way too high.
A couple of puzzles were really well thought out and fun to play, such as the lab puzzle, or the truck puzzle. But most of the other puzzles were like *click* "oh that was supposed to be a puzzle..."
The puzzle in Mrs Strickland's room in the beginning for example. I had no idea that I need to distract her, and when I randomly clicked on the radiator to examine it, it turns out to be a distraction connected with the tea in the kitchen, and practically solved the puzzle before I knew there was one. The rest of the puzzle, talking to her, figuring out the year and stuff was ok for an early puzzle I guess.
Another example is the puzzle at the soup kitchen with young doc. I was under the impression that I had to get into the kitchen and then Doc is conveniently just there and does all the work for me, except not being able to bring me to the kitchen and I was like, ok fine. The rest of the puzzle was fine again, but only after the puzzle I realized that the puzzle I solved before must have been somehow important for this to work, like, the barrels might have rolled down on the other side or something if it weren't for the table stack leaning there. The puzzle should have worked the other way round: first making the barrels fall and then having to figure out that you need to keep the door open so the tables form a barrier for the barrels.
Or the puzzle with the alcohol. I persuaded Mrs Strickland to hold off those SSS meetings at the Brown mansion before finding out that the soup actually might be alcohol. Just by talking to her normally and picking random lines in the dialogue to see what she says.
But yeah, that too is as expected from TTG. I know that you guys can think up better puzzles, because I have seen satisfying puzzles in the Sam and Max games (at least the first two) and some in TMI. At least your story telling skills, the capturing of the BttF spirit and the two or three good puzzles save this episode.
Yes, it is always hard to come up with good puzzles for a character who normally doesn't solve puzzles, like Marty. I get that he's not a Guybrush Threepwood or MacGyver, but I really hope that just like in TMI you get used to the new subject and get more good puzzles matching the universe and less reverse puzzles in the later episodes.
That said, looking forward to Episode 2, expecting the same high quality in story telling and presentation, but also expecting the same low quality in puzzles. Feel free to surprise me.
Looked fine at 1600x1200.
Unfortunately there are a lot of possible reasons for something like that.
You might want to play around with antialiasing settings..and maybe run it in a smaller window for a test.
Just to see if it is resolution dependent or just a general dislike of your video card.
It was great! My only gripe is I felt there could've been a little more interactivity in certain segments such as the time travel and rocket-bike bits. Also I found the lab puzzle slightly tedious. But overall a great start!
My theory is that young Doc would not have been able to give Arthur the subpoena without Marty's help, so they basically killed Arthur by accident. Since, if I got the story right, he has to show up in court to get Kid arrested, and Kid won't like that and thus kills him.
A great continuation of the story.
My only issues are:
The game was too short.
Did anyonw use the "new" delorean before Doc found it?
Why was Einstien in the car?
Why is there never some random person discovering the DeLorean behind the billboard?
But this, this had me hooked. Not just because of the great characters and voice-acting, but also because of the phenomenal music score. Very, very well done.
There were some really nice Back to the Future-moments, especially the ending in my opinion.
I'm looking forward to the next episode, which will be released February 2010 ... uhm ... what?
Great job, Telltale!
Can't wait for Ep 2 though!
And the music was really really good!!
It's only the first episode. When all are released it should be around the length of a decent sized game. Also bare in mind that it's a download title and only $25.
I was really impressed, it hit me with the same kind of nostalgia that Tales of Monkey Island did and once again it was really well written, they captured the style and tone of BttF perfectly and a lot of it was really clever. I think trying to work out how things will fit into later time periods and what's been placed as a hint will keep us guessing until the next episode
The game did feel a little short and easy, but it is just the first episode. Monkey Island and Sam & Max worked the same way too, getting more involved and difficult as the season progresses. Really can't wait for the next episode.
The only real gripe I have was the game not remembering my name when after being asked by Edna. Otherwise thoroughly enjoyable.
Looking forward to Episode 2 now with elements of Part 2
If you guys there at Telltale pull this off another 4 times, I swear won't ask for BTTF4 ever again! I won't have to!
...I might start asking for BTTF 5 though
Finished episode 1 just now and i am anxiously awaiting the next episode!
Telltale has kept this game true to the fun of the films. I really enjoyed seeing and hearing cameos of things brought back from the originals.
Don't want to put any spoilers here but, during the opening scene, when things begin to go awry, I caught my jaw dropping.
Excellent animations which captured some of Marty and Doc's actions from the film as well as one for George which made me laugh out loud.
Thank you to all the contributors for making this game!
Can't wait for episode 2!
Did you watch the trailer for part 2? Random police man who might figure into the plot did find it.
Also, I completed it, other then it being really short, it was good.
Too bad it was rather short, but at least i enjoyed every moment of it.
Just next time I would like a longer episode. And preferably harder puzzles. I only felt a "oh thats clever" moment with the
Telltale was able to capture the essence os BTTF!
The only downside was that it was too short
Well... let's wait for the next chapter!
My only problem was the huge buttons showing the Goal, Hints, Inventory and "Story so far", whatever use that is supposed to be. I understand you are kind of gearing it towards players new to your company and, indeed, possibly to adventuring in general, which I applaud. Gearing towards those already in the know is what practically killed adventuregames the first time around. Anyway, I would have liked a way to remove the buttons.
Young Doc might not have found him before the day ended without Marty's help.
I loved it though, please just iron out the bugs in the next four episodes because it's a real pity to have such great casting and animation hindered by the odd jump, unexpected pause or sound sync error at a crucial and exciting moment in the story.
Minus the bugs, it really is worthy of bearing the name; 'Back To The Future'.
But Arthur was in hiding and Doc had no idea where he was, and even if he did find him, he wouldn't have been able to get him down from the apartment.
So from what I understand future events needed to be changed, in order for Marty to get the rocket drill in time?
So Marty is fading because Arthur is in danger now right?
what most impressed me was that it was like an interactive movie, it felt like watching the movie unfold while also being a part of it. its hard to describe but telltale did a great job at making this movie COME ALIVE.
the puzzles made me scratch my head a few times, but didn't take me more than 5 minutes to figure out the "most difficult". i do love HARD puzzles, something that makes me stay up till midnight and come back early the next morning... i remember playing monkey island 3 on the incredibly hard setting spending hours just on one puzzle (then again i was like 7 years old
thank you telltales for such an awesome experience and i can't wait for episode 2.
These kinds of games are always most satisfying when you're presented with a problem that you then figure out by using your own initiative.
Other than that, GREAT FREAKEN JOB TELLTALE!!!!! The BTTF movies have been my absolute favorite since I was 3-years-old! I have wanted a 4th movie for nearly my whole life, and I feel like I have finally gotten one. It's hard to believe how spot on the story and dialogue are in this game. You guys really nailed it! Thank you.
i m the big fan of this movie and the game from turkey . i ve grown up with BTTF films.
So that was was fantastic but so short, i wish next episodes will be more detailed.
i cant wait to see next episode , new characters are so great.
come on lets play icon adventure again and again
C'mon, you're questioning the whole Back To The Future series there! Who would ever thing of looking behind a billboard?