The '' I completed episode 1'' thread



  • edited December 2010
    I like how when it finished, it told me the continuation comes out in February 2010
  • edited December 2010
    I love the game. The only trouble I had was the lab puzzle. My only question is the dream in the beginning significant to the plot or was it just a dream
  • edited December 2010
    I wonder how Arthur got his hat back, he is wearing it in the trailer for episode 2, and it looks like he has the sopena at the same time so its not like it was set before he got the sopena.
  • edited December 2010
    Why are people complaining that this was so short? It was actually much LONGER than I originally expected. Consider this X 5 episodes and you got yourself what seems to me like a full retail-length game--all for about half the price.

    All I can say about this game is that I LOVED it. Absolutely LOVED it. It just felt like a natural continuation of the movies--and it hit all the right notes. Marty and Doc were as interesting and funny as ever, and the story was absolutely perfect. Sure it stuck to the cliches a lot of the time (the manure, the fading thing, Doc's rambling etc.) but that's what makes it BTTF. I was overjoyed to be able to take part in one of the incredibly famous and always hilarious "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" moments. Not to mention that the writing is FANTASTIC and sucked me into the story right from minute one--all of the strange coincidences between time periods that make BTTF so cool were all there. And the music was wonderfully scored and placed throughout the game--this was unmistakably Back to the Future.

    My one and only MINOR MINOR gripe is controlling Marty--the drag-and-move method is a bit imprecise, which isn't bad when there's no crazy action happening, but I felt it to be a problem during that last part in Young Doc's lab where you need to move really fast.

    But Telltale, you've got me hooked. I can't believe they crammed so much into one episode! It blows my mind that we still have four of these to go! This might be the best $25 I've ever spent on a video game. I will DEFINITELY be back here in February to see what happens next!
  • edited December 2010
    All right, first off the opening was striking. I'm not kidding when I say it's probably my second favorite opening next to Half-Life 2. Excellent foreshadowing, nostalgia packed recreation of great memories, and a great way to introduce the (one) gameplay mechanics.

    A few criticisms though are the constant misspellings, Emett and We'l being the prime examples I noticed. The bar had me stumped until I read the guide because not even the hints really helped. I had to pander about until I saw the guy tap the pipe, which took far too long. The rest of the puzzles were pretty good, though I wish they were a bit harder. I need to think fourth-dimensionally! Also, I'm sure too many have said it, the lip syncing is really what gets me about this product. They're buddies with Valve, so I don't know why they couldn't of nabbed Source as a workable engine.

    The great parts were the rest of the puzzles, the voice acting, the style, the call backs (I loved that it became the Soup Kitchen), the pace of it when played correctly, and the writing. Even the ending, which came all too soon :), was great because it reminded me of BTTF Part 2. So ya, great product.
  • edited December 2010
    Born_Acorn wrote: »
    I like how when it finished, it told me the continuation comes out in February 2010


    Perhaps some ripple effect has caused it to be erased from existence?
  • edited December 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    I wonder how Arthur got his hat back, he is wearing it in the trailer for episode 2, and it looks like he has the sopena at the same time so its not like it was set before he got the sopena.

    He's wearing the hat as he enters the courthouse in Ep 1.
    If you try to give him the hat instead of the subpoena, Marty says he'll give it to Artie afterwards. So you have to assume he did this in the cut between giving Artie the subpoena and him entering the courthouse.
  • edited December 2010
    My one and only MINOR MINOR gripe is controlling Marty--the drag-and-move method is a bit imprecise, which isn't bad when there's no crazy action happening, but I felt it to be a problem during that last part in Young Doc's lab where you need to move really fast.

    You can use WASD (shift to run).
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    He's wearing the hat as he enters the courthouse in Ep 1.
    If you try to give him the hat instead of the subpoena, Marty says he'll give it to Artie afterwards. So you have to assume he did this in the cut between giving Artie the subpoena and him entering the courthouse.

    Damn your right, I forgot.
  • edited December 2010
    This game TOTALLY rocked! I cant wait for the next episode. I have to say it was long and I'm glad it was. I mean those graphics were AMAZING I cant believe how real it looked! Thank God for the hints though because I cant believe how clueless I was.
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished the game. I thought it was awesome but way too short for me, considering how long I've got to wait for the next part now :(
  • edited December 2010
    When I played through the second time, throughout the game, I kept looking at the picture of George McFly to see if it'd change at some point and everytime Marty would say "Nothing's changed... I guess i haven't messed up my dad's future yet." even up to the end. So I'm wondering if it was Kid crashing the paddywagon into the manure truck that changed Arthur's fate in some way. Maybe Kid was actually caught and put on trial as they had something to finally nail him for (steeling a police vehicle).
  • edited December 2010
    I have to admit, that was a pretty good beginning. Now lets see how it continues, shall we? :D
  • edited December 2010
    Really enjoyed the episode. Only thing is people get upset on how short it might of been, but even if you spent 2 hours on the episode and you get 5 in all. That's a 10+ hour game. Hell for $25 that's a steal nowadays. The fanfare and dedication TellTale put into this was pretty bad ass. Wouldn't be too discouraged on the length. I was surprised the graphics maxed out looked pretty damn good. Hoping this does well and gets a few more seasons. It's nice to sit down and go back into an old school adventure game.
  • edited December 2010
    I really liked the game. I agree with others that it was too short and mostly the puzzles were lacking but I'm hoping that was just so they could set up the game story. I expect the puzzles to be better in future games. This first game DEFINITELY has me excited for the next one.
  • edited December 2010
    The game was pretty good. I liked how all of the BTTF stuff was handled, and I think it was overall fairly well done.

    What I didn't like:

    1. almost game ending pipe glitch. Apparently if you don't follow a certain conversation with Kid Tannen and do the hat stealing thing before hand you won't get to see the scene where they hit the pipe. This frustrated the hell out of me as the hints were then useless and I had to reload to get the scene.

    2. puzzles way to easy, or just annoying (the lab was just tedious), and that damn pipe glitch is stupid frustrating.

    3. too short

    Anyways it was still a good game. Hopefully there's no stupid glitches in the next one.
  • edited December 2010
    I was totally psyched up for it and it didn't disappoint.

    And it was short, even as an Episodic game compared to say an episode of ToMI. But maybe that was only because I didn't get stuck on any puzzles. That was actually a bit disappointing. It felt more like replaying it than playing it for the first time. Like the "Get Alcohol to Brown Residence" I managed to solve more or less on accident. If I hadn't that probably would have had me stumped for a while, but instead I solved it before I even knew the soup was the alcohol.

    Also Marty clearly has no idea how to be an Adventure Game character. He was lacking in the standard kleptomania. :P
  • edited December 2010
    I just beat the game, I took my time so I can play little at a time, to let this beauty last me.. i'm going to play again because..well..I love it! Marty is vanishing? hmmm.. wonder why? can't wait for the second! I totally loved the first game it was so much fun!
  • edited December 2010
    I really liked the game and this being the first telltale game I didn't know what to expect from this sort of game.Nice casual game play with a interesting story.
    It did leave me wondering what happened with anything that happened in bttf 3 .
    Where is Clara and docs kids?
    What happened to the time train?
    Did I miss something with this supposing to be a BTTF 4 or an alternate BTTF 2.

    This game is fun and all but for any one who's played BTTF hill valley mod for gta vc it makes me really wish they could make that a complete and official game.
  • edited December 2010
    darb wrote: »
    I really liked the game and this being the first telltale game I didn't know what to expect from this sort of game.Nice casual game play with a interesting story.
    It did leave me wondering what happened with anything that happened in bttf 3 .
    Where is Clara and docs kids?
    What happened to the time train?
    Did I miss something with this supposing to be a BTTF 4 or an alternate BTTF 2.

    This game is fun and all but for any one who's played BTTF hill valley mod for gta vc it makes me really wish they could make that a complete and official game.

    Talk to Doc in the jail a bit more, he tells you a lot of info.
  • edited December 2010
    Where is Clara and docs kids?

    Doc mentions them, I think he says something about his sons going off to college in the 1960's or 21st century.
  • edited December 2010
    prizna wrote: »
    Talk to Doc in the jail a bit more, he tells you a lot of info.

    I guess I'll have to do a replay and pay better attention to all the dialog options
  • edited December 2010
    Did you guys played any of the other TellTale games or is BTTF your first?

    BTTF EPISODE ONE was still an introduction some sort.
    It will be longer and more difficult in episode 2!
  • edited December 2010
    Did you guys played any of the other TellTale games or is BTTF your first?

    This is the first time I ever played a game like this.
    Never heard of telltale until I heard there was going to be a BTTF game.
    It did leave me wondering what the deal was when it ended,but I was glad I played it.
  • edited December 2010
    darb wrote: »
    This is the first time I ever played a game like this.
    Never heard of telltale until I heard there was going to be a BTTF game.
    It did leave me wondering what the deal was when it ended,but I was glad I played it.

    And, are you planning on buying other Telltale games?
  • edited December 2010
    I loved it when Kid Tannen crashed into the manure truck. I was hysterical!
  • edited December 2010
    I love it, i hope the second is best & more difficult than the first
  • edited December 2010
    And, are you planning on buying other Telltale games?

    I'd say I was amused enough to probably give another game like this a shot after BTTF is completed and I get the full effect the the story.
    but then again BTTF has been my favorite movie since I first seen it in the late eighties,so i might have a bias because I'd like the game no matter how the game play was.So its hard to say if another game in this style could hold my interest enough if i'm not as aware of the story.
  • edited December 2010
    Krohn wrote: »
    Strangely enough that is the one I hated the most.
    Well, to be fair it wasn't that bad the first time around..but the repetitiveness of it all.
    After I had about 3 quarters of the fuel I just had more had enough of it and just wished it would finally be over.

    But except for the repetitiveness of that puzzle there are only two flaws to be found.

    1) The camera angle for the town center.
    It would have been nice if one could pull out more to see a bit more at once.
    Otherwise it is a bit hard around to see where one is going the first time around.
    (Or to spot where Emmet went after you bumped into him the first just can't look around to know in which direction to run)

    2) It was waay too short

    Now we only have to solve one mystery...
    Why are there that many manure trucks in hill valley, and why do they magically attract Tannens :)

    Yeah I agree with you, I wish there was more of a camera angle on town square also. it was a lil short, but 1st episode. im sure with all episode combos it will be about 3-5 hrs of gameplay. I hope they show more of town sguare and the clock tower, marty or docs house to in the nxt up comming episodes!
  • edited December 2010
    darb wrote: »
    I'd say I was amused enough to probably give another game like this a shot after BTTF is completed and I get the full effect the the story.
    but then again BTTF has been my favorite movie since I first seen it in the late eighties,so i might have a bias because I'd like the game no matter how the game play was.So its hard to say if another game in this style could hold my interest enough if i'm not as aware of the story.

    Very well put! I feel the same way, I mainly just wanted to play a good bttf game, not a huge fan of point and click so prolly wouldnt buy any of TT other games.
  • edited December 2010
    ILoveDoc wrote: »
    I loved it when Kid Tannen crashed into the manure truck. I was hysterical!

    I liked that too, but did he say 'Manure! I hate manure!' or was it just me not listning properly?
  • edited December 2010
    adman500 wrote: »
    I liked that too, but did he say 'Manure! I hate manure!' or was it just me not listning properly?
    So would you say that Kid crashing into the manure truck is the reason that Marty is starting to erase?
    Or is it just because Arthur wasn't supposed to give evidence against him, because he was meant to stay in hiding?
  • edited December 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    So would you say that Kid crashing into the manure truck is the reason that Marty is starting to erase?

    From what I gather, Marty's existence depended on:
    a) Arthur not getting the subpoena
    b) Kid getting arrested (by some cop, maybe he's the one Marty accidentally forced to crash)
    c) Kid not being pissed off at the whole wide world (Marty, Manure, Doc, Arthur).

    I guess the manure was 'the final straw' (just like the interrupted kiss of his parents was the final straw and he started to disappear).

    However, at first I wondered how can it be that Marty will be 'ghosty' for such a long time but I guess that's got something to do with Marty and Doc going quickly back in time when there's no reason for him to continue to disappear (but he will still stay in an uncertain 'ghosty' state).
  • edited December 2010
    first off the opening was striking but the lab puzzle was just tedious. Marty--the drag-and-move method is a bit imprecise. Excellent foreshadowing nostalgia packed recreation of great memories. i did not feel it was all that short good set up for the next 4
  • jtcjtc
    edited December 2010
    It was really fun to play, the story was excellent, but it was too short and way too easy. Please put some more effort into the puzzles in ep2, the game didn't require any brainwork. Things just solved themselves. Also, it would be great to see the unnecessary icons removed, like the hints button and that exclamation mark, if you choose to turn off hints and goals (which you REALLY should do in a game this easy).
  • edited December 2010
    bttf1985cc wrote: »
    Very well put! I feel the same way, I mainly just wanted to play a good bttf game, not a huge fan of point and click so prolly wouldnt buy any of TT other games.

    You ever try the hill valley mod for vice city?I haven't messed with it in a long time but it would be really great if they could actually finish it
  • edited December 2010
    Guinea wrote: »
    Another example is the puzzle at the soup kitchen with young doc. I was under the impression that I had to get into the kitchen and then Doc is conveniently just there and does all the work for me, except not being able to bring me to the kitchen and I was like, ok fine. The rest of the puzzle was fine again, but only after the puzzle I realized that the puzzle I solved before must have been somehow important for this to work, like, the barrels might have rolled down on the other side or something if it weren't for the table stack leaning there. The puzzle should have worked the other way round: first making the barrels fall and then having to figure out that you need to keep the door open so the tables form a barrier for the barrels.

    I agree with all of the points you make about some of the puzzles seeming to be backwards, but especially this one - I ended the game still not knowing why I wanted the door open.

    I did enjoy the game, although one thing I really disliked was the huge 'made-for-ipad' UI - it was far too big on my 22" widescreen! I didn't mind the inventory screen itself, but the Inventory, Hint & Story-so-far buttons on the game screen were just too big; the Hint panel was offensively large. Also, the hint window at the start had me literally yelling at my screen in frustration; I'm trying to explore the environment - with all the hints turned off - and there's this massive nag window telling me to go look at Doc's model; it was far too big and didn't have a close button. "Go away!" Hated it.

    I actually came here to complain about this obvious 'not-being-able-to-turn-off-the-hints' bug when I found someone else complaining about it - and it was only the assurances on that thread that the thing went after the intro 'tutorial' scene that made me go back to the game.

    Yeah, I was ready to quit right there, it annoyed me that much!
  • edited December 2010
    I completed the game in about 2 and a half hours. And I am sure TT will make the minor necessary improvements for the next episode. One quick question - Am i the only one who finds Emmet's "H to the inverse of A... H to the inverse of A" a reference to jay'z H to the Hizzo V to the Izzay ?

    Speaking of which can people share their favorite inside joke. I found alot throughout the game i would quietly smile in between cut scenes. I know there are probably too many to list - but any that really stand out for you guys?
  • edited December 2010
    Sugar Rush wrote: »
    I ended the game still not knowing why I wanted the door open.
    It props up the tables so the barrels don't roll away.
    thisisvick wrote: »
    Speaking of which can people share their favorite inside joke. I found alot throughout the game i would quietly smile in between cut scenes. I know there are probably too many to list - but any that really stand out for you guys?
    In-joke thread here:
  • edited December 2010
    One thing I have been wondering, is if the time machine got duped in the lightning storm in BTTF 2, is this the real Doctor Brown that we have been talking to in episode 1, or has he been duped too?
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