"Get Tannen" Predictions (Spoiler warning)

edited February 2011 in Back to the Future
Only read the rest if you completly finished the "It's about Time" part. All the way to the credits.

If you are still reading you should know that Marty begins to dissapear like in Part 1. (Original Part 1(the movie)) And then it says that Marty goes back to 1931. I think it's because he gave the subpoena to his grandfather, so Kid Tannen kidnaps him or something and somehow makes Artie dissapear form existense. Or Judge Brown might think that Artie was a bad guy and make Artie dissapear from existence. But in the Synopis (http://www.telltalegames.com/bttf) it says that Kid might erase Jennifer fron the future. I'm not really sure how that happens. Maybe One of the gang members is her grandfather or her grandfather is another guy like Artie that gets pushed around by Kid. Say what you think will happen! :)

Edit: Alright, now we know Officer Parker is Jennifer's Grandpa, and Trixie Trotter is presumably the singer that dissapears. The Information was received by a Telltale email update thing.

Email as follows

"Following the blockbuster series premiere "It's About Time", the second episode of Back to the Future, "Get Tannen!" will be available for download on the PC and Mac this February. That means it's just a few short weeks until you can find out what happens in the second of five monthly chapters of Marty and Doc Brown's new adventure. You'll be able to get your first look at "Get Tannen!" in the official trailer, also coming soon.

We have a special treat for you, the faithful Interloper subscriber: We're pulling back the curtain on two of the characters that appear in "Get Tannen!", Officer Parker and Trixie Trotter. Officer Parker, Jennifer's granddad, is just a good cop caught up in a bad situation. On top of dealing with Kid Tannen and his goons, he also has a time-traveling duo causing him some problems. Trixie Trotter, on the other hand, is a small-town girl with big-city dreams. She may seem like just another mob moll, but she actually has aspirations for greatness.

What do you think is next for Doc and Marty? Speculate and discuss your theories in the comments of our "Get Tannen!" Predictions blog post and forum thread! Get on it butthead!"

We know that the singer dissapears because in one of the newspaper articles in Edna's house, it says a singer dissapears. Keep looking for clues! :D


  • edited December 2010
    moturu wrote: »
    But in the Synopis (http://www.telltalegames.com/bttf) it says that Kid might erase Jennifer fron the future. I'm not really sure how that happens.
    In the preview, Doc mentions that the rookie cop who's supposed to arrest Tannen is "Danny Parker". Must be Jennifer's grandfather.
  • edited December 2010
    Doc does say something like "If everything goes the way it's supposed to, Arthur McFly will be free from Kid Tannen and live a great life" or something I don't remember. But he specifically mentioned it. Foreshadow....obviously he doesn't...somehow.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    In the preview, Doc mentions that the rookie cop who's supposed to arrest Tannen is "Danny Parker". Must be Jennifer's grandfather.

    I also noticed that he is remarkably similar in looks to the cop driving the police car when you first go back to 1931, I mean the cop driving the police car who is chasing the gangsters, and you appear in between them.
  • edited December 2010
    Doc does say something like "If everything goes the way it's supposed to, Arthur McFly will be free from Kid Tannen and live a great life" or something I don't remember. But he specifically mentioned it. Foreshadow....obviously he doesn't...somehow.
    So Artie obviously wasn't supposed to receive his subpeona and getting him out of his apartment screwed up the timeline somehow? That is confusing because Artie needed to receive the subpeona so that Young Doc would work on the rocket drill.
  • edited December 2010
    So Artie obviously wasn't supposed to receive his subpeona and getting him out of his apartment screwed up the timeline somehow? That is confusing because Artie needed to receive the subpeona so that Young Doc would work on the rocket drill.
    How is that confusing ? Young Doc would have never tried to work on the rocket drill ON THIS DAY. It's because Marty said he needed this night.
  • edited December 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    So Artie obviously wasn't supposed to receive his subpeona and getting him out of his apartment screwed up the timeline somehow? That is confusing because Artie needed to receive the subpeona so that Young Doc would work on the rocket drill.

    In the original timeline young Doc had lots of time to work on the Rocket Drill, he didn't have to complete a working prototype TONIGHT. And when we get into the Soup Kitchen for the first time we see Kid specifically sending Arthur into the safehouse so he wouldn't receive the subpoena. So Marty does screw up by making Arthur actually RECEIVE the subpoena to make Doc work on the drill faster.
  • edited December 2010
    Siiiigh, why did Marty even go back only one day before the event. 3 movies HAVE to teach you something.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Siiiigh, why did Marty even go back only one day before the event. 3 movies HAVE to teach you something.

    It's better than 10 minutes :p
    But still, Marty's four-dimensional skills haven't improved much, it seems... :)
  • edited December 2010
    To recap what's been said and adding my own thoughts:

    1) Rookie cop that catches Kid is likely Jennifer's grandfather, based on the name Doc says during the teaser. Judging from the summary, Marty might be putting him in danger too, hence why Jennifer might be erased from existence as well.

    2) "...young Doc Brown's proverbial date with scientific destiny" - Most likely the Expo Doc mentioned during the first jail scene and also shown on a billboard as the Delorean arrives in 1931.

    According to Doc in the original timeline he never heard back from the patent office regarding the Rocket-Powered Drill. He devoted his life to science completely after attending the Expo, despite his invention being a terrible failure (a humbling experience, as another user has noted in a different topic). Marty has messed this up by convincing Emmett to work on the Drill by going along with Emmett's false assumption that Marty was a patent officer.

    No doubt Emmett is not exactly feeling the best right now after Marty's lie and subsequently revealing the truth (mostly) to him. To avoid further disappointment he might just decide not to attend the Expo at all and try to live up to Judge Brown's expectations of him instead, thus never inventing the time machine in the first place. Marty will have his work cut out for him.

    3) Kid's goons and Kid are aware Arthur received a subpoena. Marty disappearing implies they likely "sent him up the river". In the original timeline, Kid successfully kept Arthur in hiding preventing Arthur from receiving a subpoena from Emmett. Marty has messed this up by successfully delivering the subpoena prior to Kid being stopped by a rookie cop.

    4) The newspapers in Edna's apartment in 1986 note a singer goes missing. Who is she and what role will she play in the story if any?

    5) Marty and Doc will travel back to the same day in 1931 and need to avoid being seen by their other selves. This Marty and Doc will probably focus on saving Arthur from Kid and his gang.
  • edited December 2010
    Eh, I think everyone is missing a rather key point to this.

    Marty already altered the timeline during the car chase when he first arrived in 1931. The police officer was chasing Tannen's gang, and by Doc's remark that this newbie cop was going to arrest them...which didn't happen. At least, not as it was supposed to.

    Marty arriving when he did in the middle of that chase allowed Tannen's gang to remain on the loose, and so everything that happened in Episode 1 involving the gang that Marty witnessed wasn't supposed to happen. Arthur was never supposed to be put into hiding to avoid the subpoena.

    Marty never told Doc about arriving during the car chase (At least not in any dialogue I saw), so Doc doesn't know that Marty already mucked up the timeline just by coming there.
  • edited December 2010
    I can definately predict that the next episode will feature another manure joke.
  • edited December 2010
    Marty arriving when he did in the middle of that chase allowed Tannen's gang to remain on the loose, and so everything that happened in Episode 1 involving the gang that Marty witnessed wasn't supposed to happen. Arthur was never supposed to be put into hiding to avoid the subpoena.

    Having Kid's gang captured would give Kid even MORE reason to hide Arthur to avoid the subpoena (remember, there's no Kid or Arthur in the car the cop, most likely Jennifer's grandfather, chased).
  • edited December 2010
    forummouse wrote: »
    4) The newspapers in Edna's apartment in 1986 note a singer goes missing. Who is she and what role will she play in the story if any?
    Yeah, we haven't even discussed Trixie Trotter yet. I think it's obviously a stage name, either for Marty's grandmother Sylvia (who looks suspiciously like Lorraine) or Edna.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Having Kid's gang captured would give Kid even MORE reason to hide Arthur to avoid the subpoena (remember, there's no Kid or Arthur in the car the cop, most likely Jennifer's grandfather, chased).

    Not really. The two members of the gang might have ratted out Kid Tannen and so Arthur would have never had to testify. It would also tie in the what George said about going out on a limb, and how his father (Arthur) never did that.

    In the original timeline, he never had to testify and Tannen merely got taken down without Arthur having to do anything as they had plenty of evidence from the two gang members to convict Tannen.
  • edited December 2010
    Good call. Sylvia has to come into it eventually, I'm sure, since her name was mentioned specifically.

    Keep in mind that Artie doesn't have to get killed by Kid to erase Marty from existence, he just has to not meet Sylvia.
  • edited December 2010
    Not really. The two members of the gang might have ratted out Kid Tannen and so Arthur would have never had to testify.

    I've made the key word bold ;)
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    In the preview, Doc mentions that the rookie cop who's supposed to arrest Tannen is "Danny Parker". Must be Jennifer's grandfather.

    Nice!!! I didn't think of that. I always thought Marty's GF was underutilized in the movies. She almost had a major part in part 2 but instead they decided to relegate her to being in a coma most of the time. :(
  • edited December 2010
    Good call. Sylvia has to come into it eventually, I'm sure, since her name was mentioned specifically.

    Keep in mind that Artie doesn't have to get killed by Kid to erase Marty from existence, he just has to not meet Sylvia.

    If artie is killed by Kid then its possible that Artie might not meet Sylvia and get her pregnant.
  • edited December 2010
    Nice!!! I didn't think of that. I always thought Marty's GF was underutilized in the movies. She almost had a major part in part 2 but instead they decided to relegate her to being in a coma most of the time. :(

    Gale and Zemickes has commented, that if they had known that they would be making a sequel, they would never have put Jennifer in the DeLorean in the first place. The problem is, the series is, to a point, buddy-movies. It is about Doc and Marty. Bringing Jennifer in as a major character would make it about Marty and Jennifer, religating Doc to the comedy sidekick, as she would have had to have been involved in 2015, couldn't be left behind in alternate 1985, had to follow Marty to 1955 and 1885.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Siiiigh, why did Marty even go back only one day before the event. 3 movies HAVE to teach you something.
    Well how long was Doc sitting in jail before Marty arrived? Events would certainly have to play out to avoid a paradox.
  • edited December 2010
    I believe it was more than a week.
  • edited December 2010
    Good point but, why is it being released in febuary '11 and not january '11??? Just something to think about.
  • edited December 2010
    With all the Christmas breaks and stuff that kinda leaves only a month of work till February. Maybe a wee bit more. So it's all fine.
  • edited December 2010
    Great Scott! On a replay, I noticed something that just might come into play. In old Edna's apartment, there's a newspaper with the headline: LOCAL SHOPKEEPER ROBBED BY ZOMBIES. Normally I wouldn't give this a second thought, would've just assumed it was someone at TellTale putting in a funny newspaper headline. But it's in the right foreground when it shows up, giving it some meaning. And the date: June 15 1931, the day after Doc would have been shot.
  • edited December 2010
    I thought as much. As much as Part 2 being my favorite, Jennifer always seemed liked dead weight/ a 3rd wheel. Felt like they could have done a little something more with her in part 2, besides making her pass out and making side stories about finding her in comas and hiding her comas in a hellish present. lol
  • edited December 2010
    Well, here's my two cents:

    I think it's apparent that Artie McFly's future was altered so he was killed by Kid Tannen and his goons, or of course somehow he and Sylvia were unable to meet. There's no doubt that giving Artie the subpoena tipped this event.

    You raise a good point regarding the incursion that the DeLorean's appearance with Marty going through to 1931 might have stopped Parker from taking Kid Tannen into custody.

    The end though obviously will be a cliffhanger no doubt. Once they manage to get the McFly stuff dealt with,
    I think they'll go back to 1986 and First Citizen Brown is in charge of things
  • edited December 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Well how long was Doc sitting in jail before Marty arrived? Events would certainly have to play out to avoid a paradox.

    He could arrive earlier so that Doc wouldn't be around the speakeasy. I mean it's not even needed for Doc to be in jail. They do know that being near the speakeasy will end badly anyway since Marty has the newspaper and all. It does not cause a paradox other than the "I wouldn't be here if you don't die but you would die if I wasn't here" one which does not affect time travellers at all in this franchise.
  • edited January 2011
    1.This has obvious spoilers
    2.In the end of Its About Time, Marty was disappearing and Einstein is missing, this is the thread to discuss it, what you think will happen, and the surprises that will come in Get Tannen
  • edited January 2011
    Sorry seibert - you were beaten to the punch by about 2 weeks. Threads merged.
  • edited January 2011
    If Marty is already fading away by the end of the first episode wouldn't he be completely erased in the second episode? Or does Doc come up with a way to slow down the process and buy him more time?
  • edited January 2011
    ragdoll556 wrote: »
    If Marty is already fading away by the end of the first episode wouldn't he be completely erased in the second episode? Or does Doc come up with a way to slow down the process and buy him more time?

    I understand that Marty will be half-visible for most of the gameplay time (judging by some preview shots from the credits). I guess this is because Marty and Doc went back in time straight away - while Marty is before the final life-changing event which causes him to disappear, he doesn't fade further.
  • edited January 2011
    Farlander wrote: »
    I understand that Marty will be half-visible for most of the gameplay time (judging by some preview shots from the credits). I guess this is because Marty and Doc went back in time straight away - while Marty is before the final life-changing event which causes him to disappear, he doesn't fade further.

    Until seeing the actual death of Artie, at least, he may stay transparent, which does make sense. Although I thought half-existence actually hurts people so I'm unsure if Marty will stay efficient on the case.
  • edited January 2011
    In this episode we will get Tannen. Who disagrees?
  • edited January 2011
    In this episode we will get Tannen. Who disagrees?

  • edited January 2011
    jaden551 wrote: »

    Tannen will get you! And thats what we call GAME OVER!
  • edited January 2011
    My vote is on "Marty and Doc will
    get Tannen
    " or at least try to.
  • edited January 2011
    A spirited adventure in which Doc and Marty extract phenolics from grapeskins in an attempt to get tannin.
  • edited January 2011
    My theory is that Tannen and 99 will attempt to stop KAOS from taking over the free world. And maybe they'll find Agent 13 in a mailbox.
  • edited January 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    My theory is that Tannen and 99 will attempt to stop KAOS from taking over the free world. And maybe they'll find Agent 13 in a mailbox.

    Surprisingly Tannen will Get Smart before ultimately Fang takes CONTROL of the situation?
  • edited January 2011
    PainDealer wrote: »
    My vote is on "Marty and Doc will
    get Tannen
    " or at least try to.

    You're really going out on a limb there...
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