"Get Tannen" Predictions (Spoiler warning)



  • edited January 2011
    All going in the supposed direction, but my question is "Who is Trixie Trotter?"
  • edited January 2011
    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this possibility -

    Is it possible that somebody could discover that Judge Brown had kegs of booze that came from Tannens Speakeasy?

    If so, wouldn't most people construe that to mean they had some kind of "business relationship", which would probably get the judge disbarred?

    The whole case could be thrown out - and it's possible that Docs dad is arrested or disgraced, which could also alter Docs path.

    It may not be that Artie has to die...all he has to do is take a fall for Tannen, somehow.
  • edited January 2011
    Do you think we'll be entering the area underneath the soup kitchen in the second episode? and what does it mean to "get" someone. It could mean pretty much anything.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Nice!!! I didn't think of that. I always thought Marty's GF was underutilized in the movies. (

    Unfortunately, the BTTF game starts out even worse. One of the fundamental rules of storytelling is that you have to show your audience "what's at stake". In "Get Tannen", Jennifer Parker's life will be at stake... and we have never seen her before in the game. Ouch, shouldn't have happened!
    markeres wrote: »
    Yeah, we haven't even discussed Trixie Trotter yet. I think it's obviously a stage name, either for Marty's grandmother Sylvia (who looks suspiciously like Lorraine) or Edna.

    Edna, never. That would completely contradict her character. Marty's grandmother, maybe! A third possibility is that she's actually Jennifer's mother and married a handsome policeman in the original timeline, although a certain gang boss was interested in her.

    Still, three people to be killed or vanish, Trixie, Artie & Officer Parker, isn't that a bit of an overkill?
    moturu wrote: »
    Or Judge Brown might think that Artie was a bad guy and make Artie dissapear from existence.

    I don't think we'll get to SEE Judge Brown. There's no in-game model for him as well, I fear. Artie's life is threatened by Kid's gang and that's that.

    Nonetheless, here's a short list of possible things to happen, just to show you how "predictions" work old-school:
    • Young Doc and Edna will get a lot closer to each other. Bad news. ;)
    • The episode will not have many scenes with Young Emmet and focus on other, new characters instead.
    • Artie will find his courage just like George did, making him a better father. Good news!
    • The 1931 town square will be expanded upon, with more places to visit.
    • Doc will tell Marty what to do to save his life, but not help him, because he's occupied with... say... repairing the time machine yet again. The scene shown in the earliest IGN screenshots will occur right at the beginning of the episode, although it won't look exactly the same.
    • We will find out who burned down the speakeasy. Paradox or no, it could actually be Marty. ;)
    • Trixie might be performing in the speakeasy; it's unlikely that we don't see this place at all. As the only alternative, we'll have a stage setup very much like Jessica Rabbit's first appearance in "Roger Rabbit".
    • Come to think of it, the interior of the speakeasy could bear an actual resemblance to one "inventory".
    • Trixie WILL sing (LONG CUTSCENE!) and people will justly praise Jared Emerson-Johnson for this like a God.
    • While we're there and with all the music going on, Marty could get his hands on a guitar. Maybe Trix needs some support??
    • Kid Tannen won't get even the slightest jota more believeable and continue to be a mere Biff copy.
    • At the end of the episode, Marty will think that he has done everything right and will head right back into his ol' present. But he's WRONG WRONG WRONG!
  • edited January 2011
    Still, three people to be killed or vanish, Trixie, Artie & Officer Parker, isn't that a bit of an overkill?
    I don't think Trixie actually vanishes like the newspaper says. I just think Sylvia (assuming it is Sylvia) gave up the persona without telling anyone, to marry Artie.
    Kid Tannen won't get even the slightest jota more believeable and continue to be a mere Biff copy.
    I don't get why people are jumping on Telltale for this. What are Griff and Buford, if not cariactured "mere Biff copies"?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Griff is - Buford isn't. Also, two copies are enough. :D
  • edited January 2011
    I won't get the game until febuarary i mean the first episode. I believe it's a showdown between Marty McFly Age: 17 Related Relitive: Arthur McFly
    And Kid Tannen Age 29....? Relitive: Biff Tannen and the beginning of The RISE OF CITIZEN BROWN!!!!!!!!
    Ep 3: Citizen Brown March 2011
    I saw a mistake when I saw the ending It said
    To Be Continued......................
    Ep 2: Get Tannen Febuarary 2010!? 2010 it's 2011 not 2010 Telltale.
  • edited January 2011
    I predict we'll all be bored anticipating the next episode until it gets here and when it does we'll like it. 0____0 Seriously, I don't feel like making any serious predictions. The next one comes out in February, right?
  • edited January 2011
    I saw a mistake when I saw the ending It said
    To Be Continued......................
    Ep 2: Get Tannen Febuarary 2010!? 2010 it's 2011 not 2010 Telltale.

    IT'S TIME PARADOX, MARTY! TellTaleGames is a year ahead of schedule! lawls
  • Surprised nobody has thought of this scenario:

    Biff has not been born yet in 1931. If Kid Tannen is arrested and thrown in jail for several years, this could prevent marty's birth since biff plays a part in george and lorraine ending up together.
  • edited January 2011
    Surprised nobody has thought of this scenario:

    Biff has not been born yet in 1931. If Kid Tannen is arrested and thrown in jail for several years, this could prevent marty's birth since biff plays a part in george and lorraine ending up together.

    Yeah, um, that was addressed IN GAME. If you talk to Doc about Kid Tannen, he says that Kid is SUPPOSED to go to jail, he escaped for three hours once and in those three hours Biff was conceived. Kid spends the rest of his life in jail. :)
  • must have missed this part, that does make sense to have biff grow up without a father leading to him being a bully.
  • edited January 2011
    I doubt that father being there would have made much of a difference.
  • edited January 2011
    It does explain why Biff lives with his grandma though.
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Siiiigh, why did Marty even go back only one day before the event. 3 movies HAVE to teach you something.

    For story purposes and Doc said that he must not go back further in time to prevent his capture because it will prevent Marty from knowing he needs to save Doc.

    1 thing no-one rememberd is right in the beginning, Edna's shoe was in the De Loreaon, as well as einstien.
    I am pretty certain that at some point we have to find out how this is possible. On top of that, edna was not the least bit amazed that her shoe looked brand new.
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    For story purposes and Doc said that he must not go back further in time to prevent his capture because it will prevent Marty from knowing he needs to save Doc.

    1 thing no-one rememberd is right in the beginning, Edna's shoe was in the De Loreaon, as well as einstien.
    I am pretty certain that at some point we have to find out how this is possible. On top of that, edna was not the least bit amazed that her shoe looked brand new.

    i figured einstein put it there. It's possible that she could have been IN the delorean.
  • edited January 2011
    Hey! I just received a "Get Tannen!" e-mail from Telltale that linked directly to this thread and asked for predictions, etc. I browse these forums in my free time and haven't found a good place to post this concern of mine, so I will here, and even in the form of a prediction:

    I *predict* that the specific release date for Episode 2: "Get Tannen!" is actually further into February than I would *hope* to wait due to excitement (these episodes, come on, they just say "February." "March". What was the first episode, "December" and wasn't it two days before Christmas that it came out?) and that Telltale will not get better about sharing a solid release date for any of these episodes, which will frustrate me to no end.

    Why can't they do that? Don't they know? Surely they must know. It's a professional company. Guh. That really bothers me! But that is my prediction. I guess it's because I had preordered the game in October-ish and didn't ever get an email when it was available to download and had to keep checking back here the whole month of December looking for a release date. For a while I thought it wasn't real, wasn't the official game, had possibly been a false website etc. Now I know (after playing Episode 1, of course and loving it) of its genius and simply want to know when (specifically!) I can expect more and make TIME for more of this game in my busy schedule.

    Cheers, all!
  • edited January 2011
    i figured einstein put it there. It's possible that she could have been IN the delorean.

    You could be right. Either way, we still need to see her shoe get into the deLorean.

    It doesn't make sense though because the Delorean has to have been in 1931 before Marty for her shoe to be there.

    In other news...
    In one scene in the sneak peak of ep 2, it shows the cop walking away from the DeLorean. Maby he found it.
  • edited January 2011
    It's in the dialogue that Einstein stole her shoe, and Einstein was in the deLorean. It seems pretty obvious that he had it with him when the auto-retrieval system kicked in.
  • edited January 2011
    It's in the dialogue that Einstein stole her shoe, and Einstein was in the deLorean. It seems pretty obvious that he had it with him when the auto-retrieval system kicked in.

    Thanks. I forgot about that.

    Then did Edna actually recognise einstine as the same breed as the dog that stole her shoe? I mean while in 1931.
    I thought she just didn't like dogs.
  • edited January 2011
    Not just the same breed but recognises it as the same dog! She didn't recognise Einy when in 86, probably because she was completely doolaly by that point.
  • edited January 2011
    You guys are reading WAYYYYY into this. Seriously. This is BS that even fiction writers don't think about.
  • edited January 2011
    spielerman wrote: »
    Hey! I just received a "Get Tannen!" e-mail from Telltale that linked directly to this thread and asked for predictions, etc. I browse these forums in my free time and haven't found a good place to post this concern of mine, so I will here, and even in the form of a prediction:

    I *predict* that the specific release date for Episode 2: "Get Tannen!" is actually further into February than I would *hope* to wait due to excitement (these episodes, come on, they just say "February." "March". What was the first episode, "December" and wasn't it two days before Christmas that it came out?) and that Telltale will not get better about sharing a solid release date for any of these episodes, which will frustrate me to no end.

    Why can't they do that? Don't they know? Surely they must know. It's a professional company. Guh. That really bothers me! But that is my prediction. I guess it's because I had preordered the game in October-ish and didn't ever get an email when it was available to download and had to keep checking back here the whole month of December looking for a release date. For a while I thought it wasn't real, wasn't the official game, had possibly been a false website etc. Now I know (after playing Episode 1, of course and loving it) of its genius and simply want to know when (specifically!) I can expect more and make TIME for more of this game in my busy schedule.

    Cheers, all!

    I have several problems with this. Firstly, you will have received an email from Telltale the day it was released or the day after, in the form of the TT Interloper. Secondly, they are polishing and debugging often right up to an hour before it is released, therefore they can't pin a date on it too much in advance because in IT, you never know what problems are going to arise or how long they'll take to sort.

    Thirdly, read this the original post of this thread before posting because it will mean you don't need to make posts like the one I quoted above.
  • edited January 2011
    The first thing I thought when I saw the ending of episode 1 was we'd (initially, at least) have to play as Doc because Marty won't be able to touch anything (anybody remember the guitar sequence during the ball in BttF Part 1?) and won't be able to be seen by people without them thinking he's a ghost.

    I did have more thoughts but they escape me right now because I'm really tired.
  • tbm1986 wrote: »
    The first thing I thought when I saw the ending of episode 1 was we'd (initially, at least) have to play as Doc because Marty won't be able to touch anything (anybody remember the guitar sequence during the ball in BttF Part 1?) and won't be able to be seen by people without them thinking he's a ghost.

    I did have more thoughts but they escape me right now because I'm really tired.

    You may very well be right but I dont think playing as Doc would fit BTTF well. Throughout the entire trilogy, 99% is shown from 1985 Marty's point in time. We see doc dancing in the streets at the end of part I, biff see the delorean travel through time at the beginning of part II, and the train go off the cliff at the end of part III. Those are the only points in the trilogy we see that do not have Marty in that time and they add up to about 30 seconds.

    We don't know how long the disappearing takes. They haven't set the rules yet because we just saw the initial stages with Marty at the end of part I.
  • edited January 2011
    Maby, as someone else suggested, Marty stops dissappearing when he jumps back to before he changed the timeline.

    In BttF part 2, they were unaffected by Biff messing with the timeline because they jumped back in time while the timeline was changing.

    Maby we play as both Marty and Doc, with Doc interacting with objects for Marty.
  • edited January 2011
    Way I understand it is, since like Doc suggests the future isnt written, how much (or little) Marty interacts with events in the past will determine his own fate. His fading in and out of existence (like in the first film when playing Johnny B Goode) happens through every opportunity to change events (Marty's dad building up the confidence to stand up to the guy cutting in). So Marty's predicament differs from say 2015 Biff's (non canon I know) where he disappears as soon as the delorean vanishes from Jennifer and Marty's house, events must play out until his fate is sealed completely and no events can alter the outcome.
  • edited February 2011
    I think in ep 2 we will see Doc and Marty (maybe a playable Doc, which would be cool too) trying to play matchmaker to Marty's grandparents, similar to the events in the first movie. Tannen will of course come in between the two somehow, although I'm not sure he will be trying to "woo" Marty's grandma in the same way Biff was "wooing" Marty's mom in the first movie. Either that, or it will be the same scenario, only about Jennifer's grandparent's instead.

    I suspect that Tannen will probably steal the Delorian, or possibly young Emmet will find it. Kid Tannen or whoever, will screw up the time machine some how or the automatic retrieval thing screws up somehow...(this is the only logical reason I can come up with for Marty and Doc having to go into the "future" since there really was no logical reason for them to go in the second movie.)

    Unlike some others, I don't believe episode 2 will end with Marty and Doc going back to 1985 thinking everything is "a ok". There will be a cliffhanger somehow. Such as.. (just throwing guesses out) Old Marty or Griff or someone comes back to 1985 from the future to screw with the Marty that caused so much grief, or... Doc and Marty get sucked into another alternate dimension, or ...Doc and Marty go back to the old west only to find that someone ganked Doc's stupid flying time train.

    More than anything I think that we probably haven't met our "main villain" Maybe I'm just hoping its not Kid Tannen. Most likely its going to be every single Biff incarnate one after another...or all teamed up? dumb? Mega-Biff? kinda like a voltron of Biffs. dumber? ....yeah this went on to long....done.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »

    I love that spelling. I really do. :D
    zounds! wrote: »
    I suspect that Tannen will probably steal the Delorian, or possibly young Emmet will find it.

    No need for others to screw up the timeline; Marty has once again done enough damage to his own future already, and he only needed one episode for this! ;)
    zounds! wrote: »
    Unlike some others, I don't believe episode 2 will end with Marty and Doc going back to 1985 thinking everything is "a ok". There will be a cliffhanger somehow.

    With the proposed ending, I think there's ample possibility for brutal cliffhangers. We will probably see one crucial moment in alternate 1986 at the end of episode 2. My guess is: Marty arrives, opens the DeLorean's door, puts his feet on the ground, and -fawooosh- both Doc and the DeLorean disappear. Poor Marty!
    zounds! wrote: »
    More than anything I think that we probably haven't met our "main villain"

    That's an interesting idea, and I'd be all up for it. Nonetheless, we're probably too far into the story now to introduce yet another threat of this kind. The movies' "main villain" was always time, and Marty messing with the timeline. Biff was more like an obstacle in the way of fixing things.
  • edited February 2011
    Not really a prediction, but more of a reference: I'm a little slow to get this one, but I found out "Get Capone" was the title of a recent Al Capone biography.

    That's all I got right now, sorry.

    P.S. Al Capone's gang was involved in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. And "Get Tannen" will be released sometime in February. Just sayin'...
  • I love that spelling. I really do. :D

    No need for others to screw up the timeline; Marty has once again done enough damage to his own future already, and he only needed one episode for this! ;)

    With the proposed ending, I think there's ample possibility for brutal cliffhangers. We will probably see one crucial moment in alternate 1986 at the end of episode 2. My guess is: Marty arrives, opens the DeLorean's door, puts his feet on the ground, and -fawooosh- both Doc and the DeLorean disappear. Poor Marty!

    That's an interesting idea, and I'd be all up for it. Nonetheless, we're probably too far into the story now to introduce yet another threat of this kind. The movies' "main villain" was always time, and Marty messing with the timeline. Biff was more like an obstacle in the way of fixing things.

    Well I think griff becomes a villain at some point, theres a reason why the 2025 griff stealing the time machine is in the dialogue.
  • edited February 2011
    biff...not griff...griff was biff's grandson from 2015
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2011
    biff...not griff...griff was biff's grandson from 2015
    No, he meant Griff. If you talk to Doc in jail, he says that when the DeLorean was hit by lightning in 1955, it was split in two and one was sent to 1885 and one to 2025. Doc somehow found out about the 2025 duplicate time machine, which was found and stolen by Griff.

    It would be great to see Griff again, since he had so little screen time and his character wasn't fleshed out at all in Back to the Future Part II.
  • Jennifer wrote: »
    No, he meant Griff. If you talk to Doc in jail, he says that when the DeLorean was hit by lightning in 1955, it was split in two and one was sent to 1885 and one to 2025. Doc somehow found out about the 2025 duplicate time machine, which was found and stolen by Griff.

    It would be great to see Griff again, since he had so little screen time and his character wasn't fleshed out at all in Back to the Future Part II.

    Thanks and you're right. If biff is still alive in 2025 then he's pushing 90. Griff on the other hand will be in his late 20s and the best villain for that area. And i think theres a reason by dog mentions GRIFF stole it instead of just saying it was stolen.

    And yeah you're right in the 10 minutes or so with griff, he's basically a future version of 1955 biff. Would be interesting to see more of him and hopefully see him differentiate himself from biff.
  • edited February 2011
    Something to consider that no one else has brought up yet is towards the beginning of episode 1 when George says to Marty "Sometimes you have to go out on a limb for the ones you love" or something like that, and how he wishes his own father had understood that. That leads me to believe that Artie himself, and his relationship with George will be an important arc in the upcoming episodes.
  • edited February 2011
    The wait on part 2 is excruciating...it's already turning February 10th here and not a word about the release. Most likely adding new puzzles/scenes and fixing up any bugs they can find..making it even better than part 1..here's hoping!
  • edited February 2011
    Something to consider that no one else has brought up yet is towards the beginning of episode 1 when George says to Marty "Sometimes you have to go out on a limb for the ones you love" or something like that, and how he wishes his own father had understood that. That leads me to believe that Artie himself, and his relationship with George will be an important arc in the upcoming episodes.

    I was thinking about that.

    However, George is like this wimpy kid back in 1955, maybe this is due to his relationship with his father? We see throughout history that the McFly family, originally, wasn't a family of fighters. Seamus, Artie, and pre-Marty-intervention George were all these kind of people that wouldn't get involved or wouldn't stick up for themselves.

    Not that I think this would have a huge impact on the timeline (EDIT: Nevermind, my mind has other ideas....see lower paragraphs ;) ), but George specifically mentions, "Wish my dad had understood that," implying that Artie didn't have much of a backbone either. We see this in Episode 1. Changing Artie's life, as well as changing his outlook on life, could prevent George from becoming the wimp he grew up to be until 1955, which would change Marty's tasks up in 1955 to get Lorraine with George....it could result in an alternate future.

    What if George became this kind of hotheaded kind of guy, and that changed how he acted towards people in 1955? Lorraine could be totally turned off by that, and they'd never have kids, and Marty would have more problems! Aaagh, the confusions of time travel!

    To keep history straight, Marty would have to both get Artie and Grandma McFly (Trixie?) AND keep him as this kind of cowardly wimpy jerk, so that George would grow up to be the guy that Marty comes along and changes.

    Another note...
    If Grandma McFly is Trixie...she's like this actress, or singer, or something that was on the poster in the ad for "Tannen!" What if Artie has to go through the similar thing that George went through to court her? Kid Tannen replacing Biff, ect. It would change how Artie would think about himself, and how he'd want his kids to be, which may or may not change how George's outlook on life is like before he meets Marty in '55. Hmm.....I dunno. I think I just broke my brain thinking about all of this.
  • edited February 2011
    That picture of George in your inventory definitely supports that theory, I could see it changing or disappearing in episode 2. Like it becomes Kid Tannen or something.

    I also was thinking that while you are doing all the matchmaking and such, young Emmett will sort of be affected in a way that sparks an alternate reality timeline for Marty and Doc, once they return to 1986
  • zounds! wrote: »
    That picture of George in your inventory definitely supports that theory, I could see it changing or disappearing in episode 2. Like it becomes Kid Tannen or something.

    I also was thinking that while you are doing all the matchmaking and such, young Emmett will sort of be affected in a way that sparks an alternate reality timeline for Marty and Doc, once they return to 1986

    Yeah well i'd imagine if marty's disappearing, george has to as well. George hasn't been born yet in 1931 so whatever he did to arthur jeoardizing marty's birth would do the same for george.

    By the looks of the poster of citizen brown with doc having his back arched, he seems kind of arrogant. I don't see anything marty did to him in 1931 giving him that trait but perhaps something they do makes his head too big for his shoulders. Or maybe he gives up on the rocket drill earlier and invents something else that does work.

    by the way on the subject of villains, I think for the first 4 episodes it will mostly be Kid given the amount of time in 1931. Okay with me, throughout the entire trilogy, the villains have always been the tannens (aside from time obstacles)
  • edited February 2011
    I just had a REALLY crazy thought...remember how we never knew what happened to OLD Biff when he brought the time machine back to 2015? Well he was either clutching his chest from a heartache or a BULLET wound...wouldn't it be awesome if SOMEHOW he went back and found kid tannen, told him about his plan and he SHOT him for one reason or another - not believing him / trying to take the time machine for his own we KNOW how stupid the tannens are....after being shot ...( yes, I know about the "this one shows you where you're going, this one shows you were you were, this one shows you where you are..." ) but anyways...he returns back to 2015 and dies from the bulletwound? And they mix in old griff with the time machine and somehow marty /doc sees this and interferes and...MAJOR PARADOXXXX....hehehe what do you guys think?!?!
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