When I first read that, I thought there had been rumors that I had a sex change and you were wondering when I changed back.
Here is my own list, off the top of my head, with apologies to everyone who deserves to be mentioned and yet wasn't because I didn't think about it enough:
most liked: Rather Dashing and Comrade Pants
most active (responds fastest): GuruGuru (Rather Dashing's posts are too long for him to respond "fastest", in my opinion)
most artistic (best at art): Junaid and Jen Kollic
most annoying (think seibert or saucerfoot):
most missed (not on for at least 4 months):' Will and Lena (special mention for nikasaur and Yare)
favorite newest member:
favorite ttg member: Jake
I'm still here (and I'm actually female!) but I tend to go to the Control Panel and check for new messages to threads I'm subscribed to, so I regularly miss new threads (such as this one!). Also, I'm pretty much only active in the General forum nowadays.
Before someone goes all "you didn't vote for your boyfriend!" on me, I don't see him much as a forum member (we were already a couple before he ever posted on the forums, and he hasn't done much of that) and these are the FORUM awards.
I like lots of other people on the forums, so hugs all around!
roberttitus? If he didn't start the most, I'm sure he's responsible for getting the most locked.
Haha, that would be a pretty good bet. Though I think doodo! would also have to come pretty close; I've seen a lot of his threads end up locked (it's not always his fault, though).
I miss roberttitus he was the only other wrestling fan on TTG Forum
I miss roberttitus just because he was interesting. It's too be bad he had to go and get himself banned (still not sure how, though). Was his ban permanent, or will his account be re-enable (un-banned) eventually?
As far as I know, it was an indefinite ban, and I think the mods finally had enough of his general douchebaggery when he decided to question someone's sexuality for no reason. I don't remember exactly, it was a long time ago.
he questioned my ability to know what a penis looked like. it was quite silly, but i think his ban was more along the lines of just getting into fights all the time.
Ah, I see. So... it was sort of a build-up of various things that led to his ban, but the comment he made to Tope was the final straw? Well, yeah, that's fair enough.
This morning I started browsing the forums and was all... what the crap? What's with all these damn eyes everywhere? Hey Nik, what's with all the eyes?
It was starting to feel annoying. anyways, I fixed it, but I got a screenie to remember it by. I can bring it back if I want, though.
I don't know exactly how it happened, but I created a screenshot from the game with mspaint and gave it a 372x502 size. After saving it, I moved the part of the image I wanted to the top left corner and dragged the canvas to the size I wanted and resized the image to 50x50 (at least I think that's how I did it.) It seemed to have t same effect on the forums whether I uploaded it directly or linked to it via imageshack.
I could tinker with it further and try to recreate it, but I think I've had enough fun for now.
Ah, yeah, the eyevatar wasn't my idea at all, as Chyron proved. I wasn't even one of the first people to have an eyevatar, I just never took mine down. For the record, my favourite eyevatar was the iEye one (Will's post-masterpug avatar) but I really enjoyed most of them. The Cyclops Sam avatar was pretty nifty too.
Chyron gets my vote for biggest avatar (OR eyevatar) too, BTW.
he questioned my ability to know what a penis looked like. it was quite silly, but i think his ban was more along the lines of just getting into fights all the time.
*some highly irrelevant, mod-snipped comment*
Watch me get away with something that got someone else banned, ultimately proving my invincibility.
but "Fart Clues Few" is not
If I could play any instruments or sing even halfway decently, I would totally join a band called Fart Clues Few.
Zap Vet Mr To
When I first read that, I thought there had been rumors that I had a sex change and you were wondering when I changed back.
Here is my own list, off the top of my head, with apologies to everyone who deserves to be mentioned and yet wasn't because I didn't think about it enough:
most liked: Rather Dashing and Comrade Pants
most active (responds fastest): GuruGuru (Rather Dashing's posts are too long for him to respond "fastest", in my opinion)
most artistic (best at art): Junaid and Jen Kollic
most annoying (think seibert or saucerfoot):
most missed (not on for at least 4 months):' Will and Lena (special mention for nikasaur and Yare)
favorite newest member:
favorite ttg member: Jake
I'm still here (and I'm actually female!) but I tend to go to the Control Panel and check for new messages to threads I'm subscribed to, so I regularly miss new threads (such as this one!). Also, I'm pretty much only active in the General forum nowadays.
Before someone goes all "you didn't vote for your boyfriend!" on me, I don't see him much as a forum member (we were already a couple before he ever posted on the forums, and he hasn't done much of that) and these are the FORUM awards.
I like lots of other people on the forums, so hugs all around!
Phew, thank goodness, it's not taken
Haha, that would be a pretty good bet. Though I think doodo! would also have to come pretty close; I've seen a lot of his threads end up locked (it's not always his fault, though).
I miss roberttitus just because he was interesting. It's too be bad he had to go and get himself banned (still not sure how, though). Was his ban permanent, or will his account be re-enable (un-banned) eventually?
So it was PecanBlue's idea.
Award to PecanBlue for that. really.
Chyron gets my vote for biggest avatar (OR eyevatar) too, BTW.
*some highly irrelevant, mod-snipped comment*
Watch me get away with something that got someone else banned, ultimately proving my invincibility.
Fawful is now banned from the International House of Pravetz.
Eww you.
Get a room, you two.
Shh! No! You're banned!
I have one.
Get rid of a room, then. There is one room more than enough.
Entangle Them.
I am a trap.
It's also Meat Lengthen. My god man, clear your browser history at once!
Them Mighty
Thyme Might
Gem Hit Myth
Get Him Myth
Hem Tight My
Them Gym Hit
The Might My
Em Might Thy
Me Might Thy
Met Thigh My
Get Hmm Thy I
I saw vet
Vet is aw
Save wise
At views
Waves it
As for anagrams of my full name, I am delighted that so many of them include the word "cleavage". (Some "lactates", "castrates" and "caveats" too).
Lob Rem
Bro Elm
Orb Elm
Rob Elm
Damn. I've only got five, and most of them are about Elms.
A Calabashes Loiterer Linoleum
A Ascertainable Oriole Smell Uh