I think the forum itself should be awarded an award for being so good at allowing spontaneous awesome conversations due to thread derailments. If thread derailments were banned from this forums, the number of interesting conversations I would have had on it would probably be zero.
I've hardly been here long enough to truly get to know people or remember their traits, but TomPravetz has made a lasting impression on me today by not joining my minecraft server with gianttope
I've hardly been here long enough to truly get to know people or remember their traits, but TomPravetz has made a lasting impression on me today by not joining my minecraft server with gianttope
Ah yes. About that. I'm on Linux and couldn't get Hamachi running properly. I'll take another shot at it later...
But, hey, lasting impression, huh? I told y'all! I am these forums!
Too many to post. 52632 found. Displaying first 1000:
No? Jee...
U Talk U (Yes, yes u do)
K.T. Luau
Tau Luk
U.K. Alt. U. (An alternative university in the United Kingdom?)
And this has always been the anagram thread, U Ruggur U 214.
I'm also a free Jinn, so I'm not bound by any rules to use my powers in servitude of anyone.
Ebbed I
Ebb Die
Bide Be
Bid Bee
Ebb Ed I
Bed Be I
Deb Be I
Be Bi Ed
Also, "Yor lame."
Royal Me
Lamer yo (Thanks Ringmaster
Lame Roy
More Lay
Real Yom
My Real O
And I'm bored.
Yar L'emo. (French goth pirate?)
BTW, we seem to be getting WAY off topic, you know.
MOst lost sarcasm: Seibert999
Most misspelled screen name: Seibert999
How are those?
Most uncapitalised sentences: Seibert999
Most lost sarcasm: Seibert999
Most misspelt screen name: Seibert999
Better now
I took the liberty of Europeaning it up a bit while I was at it
I laughed for several minutes when I read that.
A Vibrant Rotund Maid
A Rotund Bard Vitamin
A Dumb Vino Tint Radar
A Damn Turd Vibration
from here
(Aww... Don't) cry hon.
Ah yes. About that. I'm on Linux and couldn't get Hamachi running properly. I'll take another shot at it later...
But, hey, lasting impression, huh? I told y'all! I am these forums!