will there be a Season 2?

5 episodes isn't enough! Will there be another season after Episode 5???


  • edited January 2011
    we haven't even got episode 2 yet!!!
  • edited January 2011
    Let's wait for episode 2 first shall we?
  • edited January 2011
    I hope not.
  • edited January 2011
    I hope not.
    Why do I laugh out intensely loud whenever I see a post of you containing your opinions on BTTF? I was just eating some cookies. You're a choking hazard, pal.

    You know what, I actually agree with RD. Not because I found the first episode BAD (I didn't, it was mediocre at best), but this first game itself is a forced continuation of the movies and a second season would be even more forced. To me the season actually started like "it starts here and it'll end here". I do not think Universal will give Telltale another chance -even if they do their job perfect- because the way I see it, BTTF The Game is being done for nostalgia and honoring the movies for one time. A second season would be overusing this idea.
  • edited January 2011
    Probably not. Unless the game does really well and Telltale wants to make another, Bob Gale wants to do another, and Universal lets them do another, probably not.

    Should there be another? I don't know. It's too early to say with only one episode out. As tempting as having an ongoing BTTF series is, I don't know if TT could keep the quality consistently high (no offense to TellTale). I don't know if there's really anywhere left to go with the franchise without it being a retread (and many feel that's already going on).

    This isn't to say I don't like the game so far. It's fantastic, BTW.
  • edited January 2011
    Right now, I'm don't want one. but my mind might change after the season's end. let's wait till' then to make any sort of speculation or judgement on a season 2, shall we?
  • edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    Why do I laugh out intensely loud whenever I see a post of you containing your opinions on BTTF? I was just eating some cookies. You're a choking hazard, pal........

    Yeah Dashing more often than not has a completely different opinion than my own, but he is still one of my favorite posters here.. dude cracks me up sometimes I think its unintentional... But he is cool in my book.... yeah that's right, I keep a book..
  • edited January 2011
    I don't think it'll be considered until the season is over.
  • edited January 2011
    I sincerely doubt it. I don't mean I don't WANT another BttF season. But I think this Universal partnership for Bttf and JP is a one-game-only deal.
  • edited January 2011
    i hope so i love this game
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    You know what, I actually agree with RD. Not because I found the first episode BAD (I didn't, it was mediocre at best), but this first game itself is a forced continuation of the movies and a second season would be even more forced. To me the season actually started like "it starts here and it'll end here". I do not think Universal will give Telltale another chance -even if they do their job perfect- because the way I see it, BTTF The Game is being done for nostalgia and honoring the movies for one time. A second season would be overusing this idea.

    From some remarks in the insider forum Q&A with the team, it has become clear that Telltale would jump at the opportunity. Still, I must agree with Falanca here. Telltale has taken great pains to not make the game feel a "forced continuation", and while I feel respect for the careful way they treat the original material, it still feels forced on so many occasions. In a second season, this forced feeling WILL increase. Even if TTG will wipe out my initial disappointment with the first BTTF episode by implementing lots of exiting and creative gameplay in subsequent episodes (and ridding my screen of ugly icons), even then I'd say one season is enough. The partnership with Universal may well continue to blossom with other franchises. Bob Gale might be a little disappointed, though. :(

    No second shot at Back to the Future, TTG - your chance is NOW. :D
  • edited January 2011
    I'd rather a S2 of ToMI.
  • edited January 2011
    In a second season, this forced feeling WILL increase.
    It would only feel forced if it was a further stretching out of the trilogy, or if it had to do with saving Doc yet again. If a second season used season 1 as the jumping off point, I don't think it would feel forced at all. It's kind of like how the beginning of BTTFII is pretty forced (since they wrote themselves into a corner with the "joke" ending of BTTF). The writers had to make excuses for why Jennifer was brought along, and she was then quickly shoved out of the way. But once the almanac comes into play, the plot gets rolling.
  • edited January 2011
    lets see how this season goes first
  • edited January 2011
    The crucial thing is to get this season as strong as possible. If they do that - reaction will dictate if it's a smart business move for Telltale. Always focus on the primary, and the secondary will fall into place.
  • edited January 2011
    It is far too early to tell if it is a possibility yet. If this season remains strong then ofc I would like to see it happen.
    We will just have to wait and see, though I don't want it before TOMI season 2.
  • edited January 2011
    I am now very uncertain if I want it to continue after Episode 5. Not because I don't like the story. Quite the opposite, I love the game. But we can't expect Christopher Lloyd to keep belting out "Great Scott!" with the same enthusiasm forever. He is, sadly, getting older, his voice is getting lower and more whispery, and he definitely doesn't have the same energy he used to. That much is sadly obvious in the first part of Episode 1. And frankly, after the abomination that was Doc's voice in the animated series(Seriously, they couldn't ask Lloyd to read some lines, but they'd make him put on the outfits and make up and get in front of the camera for every episode), I don't think I want anybody but Chris Lloyd to voice Doc. :(
  • edited January 2011
    I am now very uncertain if I want it to continue after Episode 5. Not because I don't like the story. Quite the opposite, I love the game. But we can't expect Christopher Lloyd to keep belting out "Great Scott!" with the same enthusiasm forever. He is, sadly, getting older, his voice is getting lower and more whispery, and he definitely doesn't have the same energy he used to. That much is sadly obvious in the first part of Episode 1. And frankly, after the abomination that was Doc's voice in the animated series(Seriously, they couldn't ask Lloyd to read some lines, but they'd make him put on the outfits and make up and get in front of the camera for every episode), I don't think I want anybody but Chris Lloyd to voice Doc. :(
    Which is why, if they are going to make season 2, they should get on it right away.
  • edited January 2011
    I hope not.

    me too. This game is pretty bad.
  • edited January 2011
    As much as I like BTTF I don't know if Universal will want to do a season 2 and I don't know how many times you can do Doc or Marty going to another time, screwing it up and then trying to fix it.
  • edited February 2011
    I hope not.

    Why not? then you could just troll those forums too. :P
  • edited February 2011
    zounds! wrote: »
    Why not? then you could just troll those forums too. :P

    You sir, win a free internetz.
  • edited February 2011
    I don't know if you guys should be saying those kind of things 1. it's not nice. 2. let's try and be respectful of other members.
  • edited February 2011
    Unless episode 2 3 4 5 are STELLAR, I hope not. The story is so forced and the game so limited ... Seriously, no. I always thought a BTTF game made by decent people would be so much fun. Well... As for the story, simple time exploration and a new villain could be nice. Or maybe a Marty from the future, altering the timelines for whatever reasons and you would have to stop him, and what he's trying to prevent at the end... I don't know, it's time travel, it' not hard to think of something more original than " Doc's in trouble " ...

    So far, I would just want Universal to give the licence to somebody else. If new episodes are good, I'll change my mind.
  • edited February 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    Unless episode 2 3 4 5 are STELLAR, I hope not. The story is so forced and the game so limited ... Seriously, no. I always thought a BTTF game made by decent people would be so much fun. Well... As for the story, simple time exploration and a new villain could be nice. Or maybe a Marty from the future, altering the timelines for whatever reasons and you would have to stop him, and what he's trying to prevent at the end... I don't know, it's time travel, it' not hard to think of something more original than " Doc's in trouble " ...
    "Doc's in trouble" is actually just the set-up for this one. If you read the episode synopsis, you'll see that we dovetail into a more complex story. The first episode or two is devoted to CAUSING the problem, with the last three dedicated to fixing it. Honestly, of all the issues with this series, I really doubt that story will end up being one of the big ones at the end.
  • edited February 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Yeah Dashing more often than not has a completely different opinion than my own, but he is still one of my favorite posters here.. dude cracks me up sometimes I think its unintentional... But he is cool in my book.... yeah that's right, I keep a book..

    How do I rate in this book?
    PedsterUK wrote: »
    I'd rather a S2 of ToMI.

    I'd rather let MI rest now. It has a good finish (better than EMI, anyway, even though TMI is a cliffhanger of sorts). I'd be more inclined to be interested in another MI if Tim Schaffer played a role.
  • edited February 2011
    "Doc's in trouble" is actually just the set-up for this one. If you read the episode synopsis, you'll see that we dovetail into a more complex story. The first episode or two is devoted to CAUSING the problem, with the last three dedicated to fixing it. Honestly, of all the issues with this series, I really doubt that story will end up being one of the big ones at the end.

    Sort of how "Marty, we've got to keep your kids from going to jail" was only the set up for BTTF2.

    To be honest, if there is another season, I hope that there won't be free exploration through time. That's not what BTTF is at heart. Heck, exploration in any time period isn't what BTTF is about at heart. Time travel is never the solution. In fact, it often ends up being the problem. Especially since Marty doesn't understand the whole "don't mess with anything" rule of travelling to the past.
  • i think marty knows to try and avoid people in the past by now, in episode 1, he avoids people including his grandfather. Even in part III, marty is the voice of reason telling doc he can't stay in the past where he doesnt belong.

    I'm somewhat disappointed that it seems this game will be spending a lot of time in 1931, seems epsides 1,2 4, and maybe 3 are spent there. I was hoping to see more time periods.

    But i wont complain, any bttf game is better than none at all.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm somewhat disappointed that it seems this game will be spending a lot of time in 1931, seems epsides 1,2 4, and maybe 3 are spent there. I was hoping to see more time periods.

    I too am hoping to see more time periods, I'm sure we will too. But yeah, it does seem like a lot of 1931. Seems like it would be a wasted opportunity, not to have multiple time periods. We shall see....:)
  • yeah from what i can tell, the only 2 time periods we see in the first 4 episodes are 1931 and 1986. Hopefully episode 5 has quite a bit. Its not scheduled to come out until the end of 2011 so hopefully they go out on a bang.
  • edited February 2011
    The movies don't show more than a couple time periods either, so I don't see how this is surprising to anyone.
  • edited February 2011
    Hopefully episode 5 has quite a bit. Its not scheduled to come out until the end of 2011 so hopefully they go out on a bang.
    Wut! Its out in May or June.
  • The movies don't show more than a couple time periods either, so I don't see how this is surprising to anyone.

    The movies show 4 time periods. As far as we know, the game only shows 2 (one being 1986) in the first 4 episodes.
  • edited February 2011
    The movies show 4 time periods. As far as we know, the game only shows 2 (one being 1986) in the first 4 episodes.

    4 time periods, over 3 films.
  • 4 times periods, over 3 films.

    yes and if you assume each episode is an hour (which it probably is more than an hour but i'm being generous) then we see 2 time periods over 4 hours and only 1 non-present time period.
  • edited February 2011
    virgil79 wrote: »
    i hope so i love this game

    How can you love this game? So far we have 1 part of the game, which is basicaly the demo.

    Yeah that is why it feels short and easy to us, its a DEMO!
    It will be free to all eventually and thus, this will just be the demo, such as how TDP's demo is easy.
  • edited February 2011
    yes and if you assume each episode is an hour (which it probably is more than an hour but i'm being generous) then we see 2 time periods over 4 hours and only 1 non-present time period.

    The entire game's storyline is supposed to be roughly equivalent to a film's worth of storyline. The first episode is basically as though you only watched the first 20 minutes of a film, but obviously it takes a bit longer to get through because it's a lot more dialogue heavy.
  • edited February 2011
    I'd rather let MI rest now. It has a good finish (better than EMI, anyway, even though TMI is a cliffhanger of sorts).
    At least ToMI was aimed at adventure gamers, thus more taxing to the brain.
    I understand BTTF:E1 was a demo and aimed at non-adventure gamers, but all the puzzles were "in your face", less taxing. Who knows, the remaining episodes could change dramatically - heres hoping!
  • edited February 2011
    PedsterUK wrote: »
    At least ToMI was aimed at adventure gamers, thus more taxing to the brain.
    I understand BTTF:E1 was a demo and aimed at non-adventure gamers, but all the puzzles were "in your face", less taxing. Who knows, the remaining episodes could change dramatically - heres hoping!

    Yeah, like I said episode one is easily just a demo(hence why it will be free and leaves at a pretty good cliffhanger)

    Plus telltale DID have an extra month for harder puzzles.
  • edited February 2011
    Keep in mind while reading this that I have not played episode 1.

    [insert all the posts saying that it will be too forced here]

    I agree. In fact, that's one of my main concerns with this game. However, if they were going to push further, they wouldn't HAVE to keep continuing the same story. It should still be possible to shift focus away from Marty and Doc.

    Especially if it weren't a "BTTF Season 2", but a new unique game, miniseries, or movie.
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