"Get Tannen!" REVIEW thread



  • edited March 2011
    meretchen wrote: »
    And yes, it is actually doing that, and it works here. I picked Sonny Crockett and have never been called anything else. And I thought that was pretty nifty. :)

    I chose Mike Corleone and I am pretty sure they called me that and only that. Its a cool little feature TellTale Games has added.
  • edited March 2011
    Bridge wrote: »
    I'm a completely new guy around here - but I do hope the voice acting critique was one of the lines you copied from another source, because...well...but actually I thought the SAME thing until a friend of mine corrected me, heheh.

    I'm actually enjoying this game immensely - maybe just because it takes me back to the 80s & all its glory (or the parts I consider glory, that is.) Sure, it's got its lil' problems here & there - & a few things have me scratching my head, but I'm staying positive & keeping the faith that everything will make complete sense in the end (well, sense for BTTF anyway.) Thanks for a great & fun game that my whole family is enjoying - can't wait for Citizen Brown!

    No it wasnt anything you said, the review i got it from the guy completley hated the game lol
  • edited March 2011
    FOR SOME Reason i cant get episode 2 for the PS3.
    SO iritating!!!! :(
  • edited March 2011
    opps i ment mad face
  • edited March 2011
    Men10doh wrote: »
    FOR SOME Reason i cant get episode 2 for the PS3.

    Just be patient. Good things come to those who wait.
  • edited March 2011
    The entire episode virtually take place in one room, piss easy puzzles = Rip off

    (It took me 2 hours to finish it)

    So the atmosphere and voices are reminicent of the movie, but this isn't much of a game and more of a animated short.
  • Pros: Excellent story, fun puzzles, I really enjoyed this episode and look forward to the 3rd.

    Cons: TERRIBLE CONTROLS!! Really bad I would go as far to say possibly the worst controlling adventure game I've ever played. Awkward from the outset where you are sneaking around the Delorean but at its worst running around the town square. To get to the inn where doc is for example you cannot just run down the road like in a normal 3D game you have to go through the park and around bumping into invisble walls all the time. With every camera angle change the directional keys change so you can never run straight. Bad with the keyboard, even worse with the mouse. Can we have either A: a proper 3D game where camera angles in open areas are a bit more flexible and where the controls work properly or B: a proper point and click control scheme where you click to walk and double click to run.
  • edited March 2011
    The control sucked. Marty's too slow and you can only really move him in four directions. Aside from that, I liked it better than Episode 1. But I think it's the shortest game from TellTale yet.
  • edited March 2011
    Finally managed to play this! I tried downloading it 5 or 6 times before actually managing to a non-corrupted download. Nothing to do with you guys though, it's a problem we've had with our internet connection for a while now. So I was pleased when I managed to successfully run the installation file.

    And just finished playing it. I was pleased when I got stuck in one or two places (well that's something you don't hear everyday) and it took me longer to finish than the first episode. I'm hoping the next episode will still be more challenging than this one, but that said I thought there were some fun and clever puzzles in there. So that was cool.

    Once again, excellent presentation. The animation, the soundtrack and the voice overs were great. I had to play the game with the graphics set quite low (my PC is nearing the end of it's life and is pretty outdated anyway) and they still looked good!

    I found the controls okay mostly, the only problem I came across was that it took me a long time to actually find out how to get to the speakeasy (as in, the alleyway the speakeasy is down) because there seemed to be some collision on the road that takes you to it, and you had to be walking in a certain area of the road to actually reach that scene. At first, when I crashed into an "invisible wall" on the road I presumed there was nothing down there. I think I actually found the scene by accidentally running into it!

    I must admit, I had forgotten we chose Marty's "fake name" in the first chapter. All the characters called me Sonny Crockett, but I'd forgotten that this was actually my choice. So I didn't appreciate this while playing the game, only until now when I've read the other comments. That's a really cool little feature though!

    Something else I'm really thankful is that the direct downloads can all be accessed through one desktop icon. It's only a very minor thing but it is something I was happy to see. :)

    Most of all, I'm loving the storyline! For those of us who are used to adventure games, the puzzles are mostly quite straightforward. But I found I was okay with that because throughout both episodes so far I have just been completely fascinated with where the story is going. I kind of had an idea of how this episode would end (
    by that, I mean I was fairly sure it'd have something to do with Doc and his inspiration from Frankenstein
    ) but that still doesn't mean I know what to expect in the next part.

    Looking forward to Citizen Brown! :D
  • edited March 2011
    It was as short as Episode 1, but it was better and cooler. Great story too!

  • edited March 2011
    I thought this Episode was good, except I didn't like the Door puzzle though, so far both Episodes were great.
  • edited March 2011
    Overall, I liked it. It was too easy though. The timing based puzzle at the end was slightly annoying. The one part I was stuck on was the "Saving Einstein" puzzle, as the dialogue required to complete it wasn't available until I completed a completely unrelated exposition based dialogue tree was exhausted. (The fact that you were trying so hard to show me the ticket made the ending completely obvious, by the way.)

    I actually liked the door puzzle. Again, it was easy, but I liked the old school style of it.

    Something else I liked, that also freaked me out a little bit, was the game's ability to remember what name I gave. I chose Harry Callahan, and was called that on the second episode. What was really impressive was that it was on another computer. My brother played as Michael Corleone and it switched the name to it in the second game. It must be linked to the account. This feature really adds to the flavour of the game.
  • edited March 2011
    Though despite it being even more linear than the first episode, I'm still missing two PSN trophies.

    Finding a hidden passage, which I'm thinking has something to do with the roulette table Kid used to get out. And finding "Chuckles Lenart"

    Edit: Okay wow, got the Chuckles one but I still can't get Escape Artist, even after looking it up.
    Edit2: Now I got them both.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    Tyrfing42 wrote: »
    "Chuckles Lenart"

    That sounds creepy. I'm glad Dennis doesn't go by "Chuckles," at least not that I know of.
  • edited April 2011
    Not to bump an old thread but i played Episode 2 today along with Episode 3.

    I loved Episode 2, especially the Speakeasy part and different timelines etc. Lots of action in this one :)
  • edited April 2011
    Am I the only one that this has happened to? This is getting very discouraging.
  • edited April 2011
    Try black coffee.
  • edited April 2011
    try not playing it after not sleeping for 40 hours :D
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