LOL time is a physical dimension, a mirage other wise. It's relevant but not relevant. Some people aren't understanding. You live in stacked dimensions, I think the universe supposably has 10 or 11. You'd be physically moving through "time" until you got back to a physical point of dimension to where a dimension began.
Thank you Telltale games forums for being so decent, kind, understanding, thoughtful, to me and letting this thread go on. If not for you , and this thread , and the support of my true friends, good honest, caring people, I would never have believed in myself and started my blog that I have today. And I take joy and peace within my own beliefs and ideas.
I don't want to over do it, put myself on a stool, no no no no. But, I am very thankful for your support and kindness that lead me to try different things, explore new ideas, I am personally seeking out peace for myself.
Please try to understand this universe is more than it appears, more than we realize. And beings have taken over our minds in a way but we are divine we are the vessels and we are the change.
You were given this thread because you kept creating new ones. The thread is called "Whatever's on Your Mind" for a reason, so you can post there as well if you like. I wasn't trying to scare you out of that thread or anything, just don't post the same things in both threads.
You were given this thread because you kept creating new ones. The thread is called "Whatever's on Your Mind" for a reason, so you can post there as well if you like. I wasn't trying to scare you out of that thread or anything, just don't post the same things in both threads.
Guru, I love and respect you. Thanks for being kind to me, understand. Thank you, I'm letting go of the biggest questions and it hurts, physically. I know that sounds crazy, hard to understand.
You're not a influence but over all I seem to be causing more negative consequences and harm than good. I don't want to get too dramatic. And that's exactly it. My beliefs are formed around harmony, balance, the sound of the universe, that sort of thing.
And if I continue on like this, I won't let people discover that for themselves. Maybe I can save myself, but who knows and if I can, living out the rest of my life like this is unimaginative and I desire nothing anymore. TV, movies, things may pass the time. But, over all, now that I've pushed myself as far as I have. I just don't care anymore about anything else except for my own self honesty and the self honesty of others.
And now I'm all alone in my own little world, reality . That's ok, that's ok. It's where I've always been. I am going to find harmony, balance in my own life, but it's hard for me to do that.
My philosophy wasn't to control others, and now I can't have peace of mind. It didn't end well. I had sincere, honest faith in all of us, and people hurt me.
That's ok, I love, respect, admire your ability to express yourself your ability to self honesty and self forgiveness, even if not for me, here and now, even if I am ignorant, wrong, and we are equal or you the wiser. I love and respect your right, and only hope that you find true self honesty in your way and are saved in your own way.
Even if I'm not saved, I inspire that you will be. Good luck to you, find your own way. I'm sorry I hurt me.
People say I'm needy because I feel this way, maybe they're right. I don't know. IF it makes them happy they can be right, I've done what made be happy.
I don't believe in leading people on to my path. If you want to check out my videos, I still periodically upload, for myself, I don't do it anymore for everyone. I'm just not worthy of all of you yet.
Thank you. Latest topic, light, color being a actual time, space relativity, infinity, information data, small data information microscopic inter dimensional data, dimensional data. etc etc.
I can't promise you won't see me with a ego, or won't hate me or want to never see me again, or that you'll like my videos. I can't promise they won't make you angry.
I respect your right to all these things however and so have at it if you choose. But please, I'm sort of sensitive , please respect that.
XD I have to go with my flow, I love you guys, but I understand if you don't want to take my videos seriously but I am weak and strong in that I seek your attention for my videos. Thank you.
My second video, please watch and enjoy being! Love being!
For this one
Back for more, huh!?
And I made a few others before this but, this one seems to be the most relevant.
BLEH BLEH!;_ylt=AnsxtdLqoa2JdWq5ljZUsMLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110808113050AAMjUiV
There's a joke guys, here's the real video.
Thank you Telltale games forums for being so decent, kind, understanding, thoughtful, to me and letting this thread go on. If not for you , and this thread , and the support of my true friends, good honest, caring people, I would never have believed in myself and started my blog that I have today. And I take joy and peace within my own beliefs and ideas.
I don't want to over do it, put myself on a stool, no no no no. But, I am very thankful for your support and kindness that lead me to try different things, explore new ideas, I am personally seeking out peace for myself.
Thank you.
I've went on , didn't give up yet. I was going to give up
Please try to understand this universe is more than it appears, more than we realize. And beings have taken over our minds in a way but we are divine we are the vessels and we are the change.
If I don't believe the underlying assumption then I can't follow through on the conclusion.
Not that I don't agree with parts of the message in the video.
Parts is enough, I respect your own divine conclusions, but please accept that we need to be self aware, and not victims of deception.
Some common sense thoughts. Multiverse.
Here is another video for you, for us.
Part two
You're not a influence but over all I seem to be causing more negative consequences and harm than good. I don't want to get too dramatic. And that's exactly it. My beliefs are formed around harmony, balance, the sound of the universe, that sort of thing.
And if I continue on like this, I won't let people discover that for themselves. Maybe I can save myself, but who knows and if I can, living out the rest of my life like this is unimaginative and I desire nothing anymore. TV, movies, things may pass the time. But, over all, now that I've pushed myself as far as I have. I just don't care anymore about anything else except for my own self honesty and the self honesty of others.
And now I'm all alone in my own little world, reality .
My philosophy wasn't to control others, and now I can't have peace of mind. It didn't end well. I had sincere, honest faith in all of us, and people hurt me.
That's ok, I love, respect, admire your ability to express yourself your ability to self honesty and self forgiveness, even if not for me, here and now, even if I am ignorant, wrong, and we are equal or you the wiser. I love and respect your right, and only hope that you find true self honesty in your way and are saved in your own way.
Even if I'm not saved, I inspire that you will be. Good luck to you, find your own way. I'm sorry I hurt me.
People say I'm needy because I feel this way, maybe they're right. I don't know. IF it makes them happy they can be right, I've done what made be happy.
Thank you. Latest topic, light, color being a actual time, space relativity, infinity, information data, small data information microscopic inter dimensional data, dimensional data. etc etc.
I can't promise you won't see me with a ego, or won't hate me or want to never see me again, or that you'll like my videos. I can't promise they won't make you angry.
I respect your right to all these things however and so have at it if you choose. But please, I'm sort of sensitive , please respect that.
It's still processing right now...
Make sure you watch the other if you watch this one that I posted today. It's coming together but I don't believe ANY ONE can have all the answers.
Part two
I really don't think Part 1 will clear up any of the confusion here.