They got Jennifer for Part 3!! (contains mini-spoilers about her)



  • edited March 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Claudia was in BTTF 1 and Elisabeth Shue was in 2 and 3.


    I consider the switch from Claudia Wells to Elizabeth Shue a temporal anomaly resulting from Marty and Doc tinkering with the past. Somewhere around the time of that Enchantment Under The Sea Dance, Jennifer's dad met and married a different woman ;)
  • edited March 2011
    LOL that's heavy
  • edited March 2011
    I think the fact that the original timeline Jennifer wasn't a "rebel," but the new one is, suggests that in this new world she actually has something to rebel against. She was probably more or less content with her life before, but now she's literally living in an oppressive dictatorship, and so she's latched on to nonconformist punk counterculture as a means of visibly expressing her political defiance.

    It's interesting that she's still wearing the orange polo shirt and khaki pants that the other characters were wearing in the episode preview, but she's modified them to make them her own. It's likely that in Citizen Brown's world this isn't merely a mandatory uniform, but rather the only clothing available.
  • edited March 2011
    Its cool Claudia is playing Jennifer. I wish they would put up art and a trailer and stuff for episode 3 either today or tommorrow!!
  • edited March 2011
    techie775 wrote: »
    Mary Steenburgen (Clara) has been in quite a few things since BTTF 3. I know she was in the movie Elf and the show "Curb your Enthusiasm". So I'd wonder she'd want to do something like this....

    She did Clara's voice in the cartoon series.
  • edited March 2011
    I think it would be very interesting to see a character model for Clara and if they got the original actress, I think it would please a lot of fans.

    I'm not sure where exactly she'd fit in the current plot line though. Still, it's a nice thought.
  • edited March 2011
    sweet nice that they have changed her character a litttle
  • edited March 2011
    YES next week for BTTF ep 3 <3
  • edited March 2011
    Wow. Not only are we getting something way, way closer to a Back to the Future Part IV than anything I expected to exist, but it has Claudia Wells playing Jennifer again! And she's getting a serious role in the story at last! (I for one was always a bit disappointed that she got knocked out for most of parts II and III...) The only way I can think of to have been more surprised would be if they'd somehow gotten Crispin Glover. Episode 3 is looking very exciting indeed!!

    I'm pretty strongly hopeful Clara (and the time train and Jules and Verne... and the hoverboard) will appear, but whether it would be Mary Steenburgen or an impressionist... I dunno. It'd be cool if she did appear, but I'm sure an impressionist could do fine too, they've done pretty good jobs in this area so far (though I do agree that it'd be nice to hear Biff's actor get a little more gravelly... he does okay for most of the dialogue, but he never quite engenders that "oh shit" feeling you got every now and then... like, look at the "Two McFly's... with the same gun" line in Part II. It's really kinda scary! But I do have to say he does a pretty solid performance as Kid Tannen).

    ...Also, I hold out very little hope for it so as not to be disappointed, but no matter how shaky and older he is, I think I speak for most people when I say that it would be awesome if Michael J. Fox played even the smallest, briefest role in the story, and as for where that would be possible, Doc did mention back in Episode 1 that he was planning to visit Marty and Jennifer in 2011... so I'm not going to set my heart on it or anything since there's a very real chance it's not the case, but it would be a very "d'awwww!" moment if it happened. I would tear up a little, I think.

    But hey, at the very least, there was that cool thing about preorders giving donations to his Parkenson's foundation, and I respect that. :)

    ...also, if something like that did happen, it'd be kind of a neat little parallel with the fact that Doc, too, has a (darn good!) impressionist playing his younger self, eh?
  • edited March 2011
    Just watched the video, and all I can say is that my expectations of this series continue to skyrocket! I loved the first episode, the second was interesting in its exploration of the characters, but this one looks like its going to be incredible, and the fact that you have Claudia reprising her role as Jennifer makes the series feel that much more authentic! I cannot wait to play Citizen Brown!
  • edited March 2011
    I didnt recognize her.
  • edited March 2011
    I think it was mentioned that they made her voice a little higher pitched in order for her to sound more like a teenager. She did an excellent job though and I was thrilled to hear the Claudia playing Jennifer once more.
  • edited March 2011
    I got my wish for once, yay.
  • edited March 2011
    I've gotta say I was kind of sceptical about it.
    She hasn't done any acting in so long, and by now it would be just like any old house mom doing the voice. I was scared that they got Claudia for her name more than for the quality of her voice work.

    I was pleasantly surprised to hear how good her voice work is though. Good job Telltale!
  • edited April 2011
    Her Cameo in the beginning was insufficient. She could have done the VO for her Grandma or something. Make sure she hops into the Delorean in Episode 5 or we will wave our fists into the air at you!
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