They got Jennifer for Part 3!! (contains mini-spoilers about her)



  • edited March 2011
    well said
  • edited March 2011
    actually the inappropriate things were deleted... I do not think its wrong for me to warn you guys to be respectful to women. Saying she is hot is ok... but that is not what I was talking about.

    Making lewd comments about her physical appearance is disrespectful to her and any other female poster here... and I CAN enforce that...
  • edited March 2011
    Why is she so hot????
  • edited March 2011
    I wonder if there are other people that played in the movie interested in helping with the game (voice-acting). Maybe there are more people like Claudia that says "Yeah i wanna be in the game!" :D man thats so awesome.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2011
    Claudia's been off the job for quite some time. Most of the other actors are still active. As far as I know, TTG tried to get most of them in the boat, but as of yet only succeeded in the case of Christopher Lloyd.
  • edited March 2011
    Claudia's been off the job for quite some time. Most of the other actors are still active. As far as I know, TTG tried to get most of them in the boat, but as of yet only succeeded in the case of Christopher Lloyd.

    Which is, in any case, the far most important.
  • edited March 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Yes.. Gentlemen I agree 100% she is a VERY attractive woman.... but like Vainamoinen said keep the comments respectful... its pretty easy just say things you would be comfortable hearing said about your mom or sisters... see simple.

    Remember she could very well end up on these boards at some point to do a Q&A you never know do you really want her seeing disrespectful comments?

    Noted...just got a little too excited there :p

    If only Tom Wilson would join the crew...:rolleyes:
  • edited March 2011
    Thats awesome. Im glad the series is getting more characters and actors from the movie.
    And I too have to admit that she looks great. Amazing how young she looks.

    One thing i had to laugh about though is that AJ has the same haircut as the Marty in the game.
  • edited March 2011
    someone please tell my why you think she is hot.
  • edited March 2011
    Dragekatten, it's going to be difficult to explain if any remarks along those lines get deleted as inappropriate....
  • edited March 2011
    awesome about Claudia. Glad to see she's willing to participate in this.

    I really haven't had a complaint about any of the voices. George McFly doesn't sound exactly right but it's close enough.
  • edited March 2011
    someone please tell my why you think she is hot.

    shes gorgeous. look her up online.
  • edited March 2011
    To the Devs : so how is Claudia doing so far at Telltale Studio's. she enjoying the voice acting / hanging around with you guys? :)
  • edited March 2011
    Claudia's been off the job for quite some time. Most of the other actors are still active. As far as I know, TTG tried to get most of them in the boat, but as of yet only succeeded in the case of Christopher Lloyd.

    Michael J. Fox probably would've loved revisiting the character if his illness didn't make it near-impossible. :(
  • edited March 2011
    Great news about getting Claudia for the game!
    Michael J. Fox probably would've loved revisiting the character if his illness didn't make it near-impossible. :(

    Probably, but I'm skeptical if would still be able to play a teenager. I think they made the right choice with AJ LoCascio
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    Trackah123 wrote: »
    To the Devs : so how is Claudia doing so far at Telltale Studio's. she enjoying the voice acting / hanging around with you guys? :)

    We only hung out for voice recording and when we filmed this. She's a super cool lady and she's really enthusiastic about working on the game. It was really awesome of her to let us shoot the "reenactment" in her store, Armani Wells :)
  • edited March 2011
    Great news about getting Claudia for the game!

    Probably, but I'm skeptical if would still be able to play a teenager. I think they made the right choice with AJ LoCascio

    Claudia doesn't sound like a teenager anymore either. I think most fans can suspend their disbelief if it means having one of the original actors on board. I doubt anyone would have complained if Michael were able to rerise his role.

    That's all beside the point, of course. I'm just saying.
  • edited March 2011
    Probably, but I'm skeptical if would still be able to play a teenager. I think they made the right choice with AJ LoCascio

    The sad thing is, at this point AJ Locascio can probably do a better Marty voice than Michael J. Fox can. Even if he didn't have Parkinson's, age takes its toll on everybody. :(

    And yes, Claudia doesn't sound like a teenager from what we've heard, but it seems like Citizen Brown Jennifer is supposed to sound a little deeper than normally, so I guess it's OK.
  • edited March 2011
    Im really excited!! Were there 2 different Jennifers' in the movie? Or was Claudia Wells the only one?
  • edited March 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    Im really excited!! Were there 2 different Jennifers' in the movie? Or was Claudia Wells the only one?

    Claudia was in BTTF 1 and Elisabeth Shue was in 2 and 3.

  • edited March 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    Im really excited!! Were there 2 different Jennifers' in the movie? Or was Claudia Wells the only one?

    There were 2. Claudia Wells was in BTTF 1, but the time BTTF 2 was shooting her mom got sick so she declined to reprise the role. So the got Elizabeth Shue to recast for 2 & 3. That's what i've heard.
  • edited March 2011
    VeryTori wrote: »
    Im really excited!! Were there 2 different Jennifers' in the movie? Or was Claudia Wells the only one?

    Hopefully I'm interpreting your question correctly.

    Claudia Wells played Jennifer in the first movie.
    Elisabeth Shue played Jennifer in Parts II and III.
  • edited March 2011
    Thank you guys!!! I thought she was just older and had a different hair due or something. Thank you!!!! Because the movies were a few years apart and notice Marty's hair due is different. And Marty looks older in the second movie.
  • edited March 2011
    I just found out Elizabeth Shue was in The Karate Kid.
  • edited March 2011 shows what movies/TV shows Claudia Wells and Back To The Future The Game is mentioned as well as TellTale Games. I just wanted to share that.
  • edited March 2011
    Very cool. Nice job once again TTG.
  • edited March 2011
    Good news for BTTF's fans. Wells is hot because she is still beatiful although she is old.
  • edited March 2011
    Great job Telltale! I really wasn't expecting to see some characters like Loraine or Jennifer but it looks like we get to see them. I wonder if Clara will show...
    I'm happy to see more actors reprising their roles. I think those actors who do not associate with BTTF are missing out.
  • edited March 2011
    Bunnyman wrote: »
    Great job Telltale! I really wasn't expecting to see some characters like Loraine or Jennifer but it looks like we get to see them. I wonder if Clara will show...
    I'm happy to see more actors reprising their roles. I think those actors who do not associate with BTTF are missing out.
    Mary Steenburgen (Clara) has been in quite a few things since BTTF 3. I know she was in the movie Elf and the show "Curb your Enthusiasm". So I'd wonder she'd want to do something like this....
  • edited March 2011
    Having met Claudia, I can say that she is a very sweet and lovely person, and I'm excited she's in the game. :)
  • edited March 2011
    I preferred Elizabeth Shue's portrayal, but that's really unfair of me to say; it's not like Claudia had much material to work with in the first movie. It's pretty cool that she gets the chance to flesh out *her* Jennifer, finally.
  • Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    why purple hair?
    someone explained this but actully that makes no sense why would she become more of a rebel if they make a system where everyone behaves and works hard......

    Teens rebel... it's in their nature. Most teens, at least. Plus, Marty's actions in 1931 had a more global effect on the Parker family that would lead to Jennifer growing up to be more of a rebel.
    Claudia doesn't sound like a teenager anymore either. I think most fans can suspend their disbelief if it means having one of the original actors on board. I doubt anyone would have complained if Michael were able to rerise his role.

    That's all beside the point, of course. I'm just saying.

    We have some digital sound magic that helps to push her sultry voice into a higher register. All we needed from her was a clear timbre and an excellent performance.

    I think one of the coolest parts of writing ep 3 was finally giving Jennifer a more central role to fill. We wanted to introduce Jennifer in such a way that it would garner the response, "hells yeah... that's more like it!" Jennifer's return develops immediate character conflict with Marty, but we remain mindful of her original timeline incarnation. The question to ask-- is there some innate chemistry between Marty and Jennifer that exists no matter the timeline?

    We are mere days away of finding out! So excited!
  • edited March 2011
    oh for sure Elisabeth was an awesome Jennifer and she is a really great actress... but I am REALLY glad they got Claudia Wells instead... she was the original and she seems and from everything I have heard is a really sweet lady...
  • edited March 2011
    Sinaz20 wrote: »
    Teens rebel... it's in their nature. Most teens, at least. Plus, Marty's actions in 1931 had a more global effect on the Parker family that would lead to Jennifer growing up to be more of a rebel.

    We have some digital sound magic that helps to push her sultry voice into a higher register. All we needed from her was a clear timbre and an excellent performance.

    I think one of the coolest parts of writing ep 3 was finally giving Jennifer a more central role to fill. We wanted to introduce Jennifer in such a way that it would garner the response, "hells yeah... that's more like it!" Jennifer's return develops immediate character conflict with Marty, but we remain mindful of her original timeline incarnation. The question to ask-- is there some innate chemistry between Marty and Jennifer that exists no matter the timeline?

    We are mere days away of finding out! So excited!

    Very cool. I do like that Jennifer has gotten to be fleshed out more. I don't mind that it's an alternate version of herself.

    I do also think that there will still be that spark between her and Marty. True love always finds a way. I see her helping him all the while she is wondering why she is.
  • edited March 2011
    There's this idea that I've seen among Back to the Future fans that comes out when talking about these games, in that, "Oh, it's just an alternate version of _____, not the REAL ____." This kind of baffles me. I mean, that's the whole point of the film franchise, really, especially when you get to the core of what the first movie is. "What if things had gone differently?" They're not different people, you just see different sides of them. It's a way of exploring characters in a way that is impossible otherwise, not a way of replacing a character with one that looks very similar and has the same name but is otherwise different altogether. This is still them, but under different circumstances. If written correctly, anyway.
  • Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    There's this idea that I've seen among Back to the Future fans that comes out when talking about these games, in that, "Oh, it's just an alternate version of _____, not the REAL ____." This kind of baffles me. I mean, that's the whole point of the film franchise, really, especially when you get to the core of what the first movie is. "What if things had gone differently?" They're not different people, you just see different sides of them. It's a way of exploring characters in a way that is impossible otherwise, not a way of replacing a character with one that looks very similar and has the same name but is otherwise different altogether. This is still them, but under different circumstances. If written correctly, anyway.

    This is something I actually thought about often. There's the notion that Marty shouldn't care about these alternate versions of his friends and family... his only goal is to undo this reality.

    But, I see Marty as unable to help himself but to be invested in these versions of people. He understands that the timeline is tenuous and probably going to be rewritten, but that doesn't mean he can completely devoid himself of empathy towards their station in life-- it is, after all, Marty's and Doc's fault in one way or another.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah... they ARE the same exact people... its just how they would have ended up growing up in a world slightly altered.. because an event happened or didn't happen...

    its like a domino effect.. on thing changes the next until it builds into something larger.

    this was such a Capt Obvious post... look away I'm ashamed....

    I said stop reading

    why are you still reading... don't you have something better to do?

    this is getting ridiculous...



    just kidding... we can still be friends....

    I need more sleep.
  • edited March 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I need more sleep.

    I recommend eight hours.
  • edited March 2011
    There's this idea that I've seen among Back to the Future fans that comes out when talking about these games, in that, "Oh, it's just an alternate version of _____, not the REAL ____." This kind of baffles me. I mean, that's the whole point of the film franchise, really, especially when you get to the core of what the first movie is. "What if things had gone differently?" They're not different people, you just see different sides of them. It's a way of exploring characters in a way that is impossible otherwise, not a way of replacing a character with one that looks very similar and has the same name but is otherwise different altogether. This is still them, but under different circumstances. If written correctly, anyway.

    Well maybe it could be because they are alternate versions of themselves. They are not the person as they were in the original timeline. Hence they are an altered version of that person. Hence the name alternate because they are not the person as they were originally. Even the movies use the term alternate a couple of times.

    Keep in mind nobody thinks that it's bad that they are alternate versions of themselves. If anything it is used to explore another side of the person and is even done so in the movies.
  • edited March 2011
    Claudia wasn't able to reprise her role in part II and III because her mother had cancer at the time. She was replaced by Elisabeth Shue. But you can barely tell the difference since they shot the last scene from part I again for part II.

    Edit: Hmmm... Seems like I missed a whole page of comments... Never mind this...
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