Telltale should make a bounus game which is like the GTA mod for free for everyone who pre-ordered and $1,000,000 for everyone who didn't preorder. No really i'm serious.
They DO care...thats why the TEST the game a lot before the release it..which is why is takes a while...if you can't wait..then
Well either they've already finished testing it and they should release it straight away or they've still got a little bit left to do and should give us a heads up so we're not just waiting around…
:rolleyes: ... and now prepare for the stupidity levels to skyrocket beyond anything yet witnessed for the other episodes. Who says the wait for the download to become available will be boring? ... *settles back with popcorn* Just go find something else to do! We're in the 21st century - there's a heap of options. Watch Jaws. Go to Burger King. Skitch. Hang out with your scientist friend. Whatever.
You guys know that video:
Well at the end when the delorean is flying towards the screen pause it right before it time travels. There's no one driving it! :eek: Pause it at 2:10- 2:11 It seems that either telltale was too lazy to put Doc and marty in there, or Doc was doing another timetravel experiment.
The way it usually happens with telltale releases, it should be out by the time I'm up to go to work on the next day than they said (in my timezone) so I'll have to wait till the afternoon.
EDIT: They surprised me and released it as I was making this post, apparently. Now I have to wait for the mac edition I guess (I cba to turn on the PC or reboot into windows).
Yeah, something seems to be still not right with the downloads. Might take a while for TTG to set it right. But in other news, look at the top of the forum now. Seems like TTG thinks everything is OK.
Oh my gosh, seriously. I almost had a heart attack when I saw it was up. I checked on a lark... did not expect it like, LITERALLY when they opened. LOL! Good job Telltale! I see that teleportation device is serving you well! I get to play while my children nap!
Nice, I'm downloading the real PC version now. It's nice to see Telltale actually have a game out at a decent hour for once. Usually, this stuff goes up in the late evening, causing us all to get rather impatient.
I guess its lucky that they waited for opening hours before release or it would have been f'd up and we would have had to wait for hours for them to even do anything about it
damn can't someone please invent a time machine
just ask doc brown...oh wait.........
... well, would we? Perhaps we would. I mean, we still play games based on real life activities...
Discuss. Maybe this will distract from the waiting.
Maybe BTTF: The Game could be used as a training tool for time travellers on avoiding paradoxes. :P
They DO care...thats why the TEST the game a lot before the release it..which is why is takes a while...if you can't wait..then
Well either they've already finished testing it and they should release it straight away or they've still got a little bit left to do and should give us a heads up so we're not just waiting around…
At least they should if they really do care.
I do think they care but by now they are in the office and CAN release it
I had the same thing for a PC version. And I'm currently downloading a bttf_105_setup.dmg from it. Something's wrong here.
Well at the end when the delorean is flying towards the screen pause it right before it time travels. There's no one driving it! :eek: Pause it at 2:10- 2:11 It seems that either telltale was too lazy to put Doc and marty in there, or Doc was doing another timetravel experiment.
in 11mins i will finnish downloading and be playing
EDIT: They surprised me and released it as I was making this post, apparently. Now I have to wait for the mac edition I guess (I cba to turn on the PC or reboot into windows).
Not that I'm complaining, as I'm a Mac guy.
Its been horrid waiting angrily every month but im gonna miss it
Go there so you can waste time and chat and watch something special
Let's try again!
Did you download the version which first came out which didnt work, or the mac version or or i ran out of ideas...