I've got an honest question. How much influence does Kirkman actually have on the game? I mean is it "We got permission but thats it" or is he a sounding board? does he have veto power on ideas?
Kirkman's been a little more hands off lately, due to having both the comic and TV show fully under his watch, but in early story development (where we mapped out the entire season in broad strokes and the main cast) he was definitely involved and was a great sounding board for ideas and pitches.
And people say Telltale doesnt respond Jake can you give us a reason why you cant give us a reason that the release date has been delayed or a reason why you cant give us a reason why you cant give us a release date?
And people say Telltale doesnt respond Jake can you give us a reason why you cant give us a reason that the release date has been delayed or a reason why you cant give us a reason why you cant give us a release date?
All I want to know is when Episode 2 is coming out. Since it will come out in June, will that mean Episode 3 will come out in July?
So far it seems that way. Of course stuff happens and we have no clue what will happen in the future. I hope this was a one-time thing and the rest of the episodes come out monthly...
Hay Jake like these other guys just said could you give us any type of reason for the delay or maybe even a possible release date for episode 2, if you did that would be great because a lot of people if you have read the episode 2 discussion thread are not happy with the delay and any info you can give us would be great. So thanks again Jake loved the first episode and can't wait for more. (If you need more time with the episodes that is perfectly fine with me but info on the episode would put my mind at ease.)
So far it seems that way. Of course stuff happens and we have no clue what will happen in the future. I hope this was a one-time thing and the rest of the episodes come out monthly...
Lol this gonna suck. This is my first Telltale Game. So im new at this Episodic-monthly stuff. But i guess im gonna have to wait.
I've always wondered if it's a lie when someone else is speaking for you. Like take for example the trailer that has Pepper pots tossing Iron Mans helmet outside the plane and he leaps out saying you complete me. But then it didn't make it into the movie. Was that a Lie?
or what if Marketing promised a cameo from Fing Fang Foom in the Avengers but then it didn't show up did that mean the people making the movie lied?
got bad news for you too they lied about monthly and so far could 2 monthly no one seems to know whats going on
Why is it lie? Has it ever occured to you that things happen in life, that don't go as planned? This isn't the first time there has ever been a delay and probably won't be the last. Is it a lie if you go to a restaurant and they tell you that they are fully booked, but later on they have a cancellation? Of course not. Plans change all the time.
I like to Believe that Telltale is following an age old Adage
"If you give a mouse a cookie they'll want a glass of milk."
If they tell us a date
we'll want to know why it's delayed,
If they tell us it's delayed
We'll want to know why this problem occured
If they tell us why this problem occured
We'll insult their programming skills and quite frankly they don't deserve it. They are here they are listening. Pick a reason and believe thats why thats why it's delayed.
Here i'll get us started
I believe they began programming new outfits for all the characters but at the last second right before release realized Queen Clem hadn't gotten a new outfit so they had to go back and make new character models or explain they couldnt find anything in her size.
Boom theres my reason if thats not the reason when it comes out then....
Who Cares?! It's out!
A) are we going to get anymore crossing story arcs like glen.
I found myself emotionally attached to clementine in a way I haven't felt for a game in a while. Do you guys feel the same way. You know this girls parents are almost certainly dead. It is your job to make sure she is safe.
Anytime someone says one thing then does something else or doesn't do what they said is LYING. That doesn't mean it is intentional however, or that we should hate TTG because of this. Stuff happens.
I told my customer I would deliver their laptop to them Thursday evening and that I'd call another customer 10am Friday but guess what? I was in JAIL so I couldn't. I LIED. It was beyond my control and not intentional.... I apologized to my customers, told them I had had an emergency, and got them taken care of as soon as I could.
Maybe TTG should wait till the game is already submitted to Steam , XBLA, and everything else Before Explaining what happened and or Apologizing.
"Sorry guys we found bug 1 and that delayed us so itll be out on the 12th"
5 minutes later
"Hey bob we just found bug 2 so the games delayed even longer"
Yeaaah there's a lot of hate goin on over in the Project Zomboid forums right now cuz of that. They said they had a slight issue so it'd take a few days to get the release out. That was early last month. They said "a few more days." "Oh we found the bug!" Then "a few more days." "We're making progress." A few more days. lol Hopefully soon release R will come out and be amazing
At this point in the delay I really don't care anymore. I just check once a day and if it's not up oh well it will get up eventually. Besides we can all agree that we want episode 2 to be the best it can be.
But I do have a question for the TT team. Since we know that Lilly eventually joins up with the governor, will we get to find out how she does or if she survives the prison attack afterwards?
I have a question for great developers of zombies dead of walking!
Will be there more Jew invasion in next zombies dead of waking episode, why not have money to make a the Jew go away? And what about Jew egg! It is a very dangerous!
In the first zombie dead of walking episode, we have very dangerous Jew Monster called tractor.. this is bad for small children to show in zombies dead of walking game.. these fantasy make head go a crazilly.. in Kusek we have a the natural way of very strong woman in plow! It is a better, no problem with tractor monster!
I have a question for great developers of zombies dead of walking!
Will be there more Jew invasion in next zombies dead of waking episode, why not have money to make a the Jew go away? And what about Jew egg! It is a very dangerous!
In the first zombie dead of walking episode, we have very dangerous Jew Monster called tractor.. this is bad for small children to show in zombies dead of walking game.. these fantasy make head go a crazilly.. in Kusek we have a the natural way of very strong woman in plow! It is a better, no problem with tractor monster!
I have a question for great developers of zombies dead of walking!
Will be there more Jew invasion in next zombies dead of waking episode, why not have money to make a the Jew go away? And what about Jew egg! It is a very dangerous!
In the first zombie dead of walking episode, we have very dangerous Jew Monster called tractor.. this is bad for small children to show in zombies dead of walking game.. these fantasy make head go a crazilly.. in Kusek we have a the natural way of very strong woman in plow! It is a better, no problem with tractor monster!
Fail! Don't try to be funny. Its def not what you are good at.
imitation borat is 100 percent less funny then real borat. Real borat is 100% less funny then jerry seinfeld. Jerry seinfeld is 100 percent less funny then actual funny
imitation borat is 100 percent less funny then real borat. Real borat is 100% less funny then jerry seinfeld. Jerry seinfeld is 100 percent less funny then actual funny
Not sure if this has been asked yet but I just thought about this today and I was wondering if we will ever see Chet or the police officer (depending on day/night option in ep. 1) in any of the future installments of TWD?
Ok yes hello I am a pc user, and I payed 25 dollars for your game. Now it said an episode will be release (MONTHLY) I thought to myself I can wait a month. Then may 30th goes past, I thought maybe it will be out tomorrow then came 6th of june, still no release. I would think for this long that you guys have been talking about this game you would of been ready? You can't go out and promise people stuff which you can not make in time. I am a big fan and every day since may the 30th I have been looking at your sight to see if you will give me something to hang onto. you haven't even given us a reason why you are late with ep2. what are ep 3,4 and 5 gonna be late too? I have seen on many comments saying I am losing intrest in this game. to tell you the truth I am beginning to lose intrest myself I hate when people say they will release stuff on a date but they don't and no reason why, the last thing I want to happen is that. so PLEASE!!!!!! I really want you too give me and all of the world a something to look foward too. Please telltalegames give us some hope, I know you showed your game at E3 I wasn't there you could atleast release something offical for us. I don't like to hear all these games reporter telling us " the walking dead episode 2, might be released at the end of this month." I hope they are lieing so please just tell us, we already sick of the lies.
How are the relationships between Lee and other survivors being recorded by the game? Is there a score which the game records, or do their actions depend on whether you sided with them on a particular argument?
I have a question for great developers of zombies dead of walking!
Will be there more Jew invasion in next zombies dead of waking episode, why not have money to make a the Jew go away? And what about Jew egg! It is a very dangerous!
In the first zombie dead of walking episode, we have very dangerous Jew Monster called tractor.. this is bad for small children to show in zombies dead of walking game.. these fantasy make head go a crazilly.. in Kusek we have a the natural way of very strong woman in plow! It is a better, no problem with tractor monster!
Definitely funny, I lol'd. True to character and whatnot.
And the Dictator was AWESOME. I would suggest it even for people who aren't fans of Borat.
im bored as fuck and not really tired ... i think i might play the walking dead episode 1 for the 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 time i might have missed something :P jk...anyone know the exact date of when it comes out?
Ok yes hello I am a pc user, and I payed 25 dollars for your game. Now it said an episode will be release (MONTHLY) I thought to myself I can wait a month. Then may 30th goes past, I thought maybe it will be out tomorrow then came 6th of june, still no release. I would think for this long that you guys have been talking about this game you would of been ready? You can't go out and promise people stuff which you can not make in time. I am a big fan and every day since may the 30th I have been looking at your sight to see if you will give me something to hang onto. you haven't even given us a reason why you are late with ep2. what are ep 3,4 and 5 gonna be late too? I have seen on many comments saying I am losing intrest in this game. to tell you the truth I am beginning to lose intrest myself I hate when people say they will release stuff on a date but they don't and no reason why, the last thing I want to happen is that. so PLEASE!!!!!! I really want you too give me and all of the world a something to look foward too. Please telltalegames give us some hope, I know you showed your game at E3 I wasn't there you could atleast release something offical for us. I don't like to hear all these games reporter telling us " the walking dead episode 2, might be released at the end of this month." I hope they are lieing so please just tell us, we already sick of the lies.
It's funny to read everyones comments. I've been following the forum pre-release of ep1. I understand that we're all upset because we want to keep playing. But to read people talk about being ripped off is nonsense. The Telltale team are working their butts off to make sure they put out a quality game that we can walk away from happily. Ep 2 will come out when the developers are ready to release it. Be patient: it will come out soon
It's funny to read everyones comments. I've been following the forum pre-release of ep1. I understand that we're all upset because we want to keep playing. But to read people talk about being ripped off is nonsense. The Telltale team are working their butts off to make sure they put out a quality game that we can walk away from happily. Ep 2 will come out when the developers are ready to release it. Be patient: it will come out soon
The problem comes in that they promised their consumers 5 monthly releases. And if they weren't able to do that, then those consumers who paid up front for the entire series have a right to be upset, especially with the absolute lack of communication from Telltale. You put out a game and have over a million purchases. I doubt any of their other games have even come close to that number. Why are you going to alienate what probably amounts to 3x the business you've ever done, in one week. All people wanted was a reason for the delay and a updated release date. Now they're losing customer support. Just bad business.
The problem comes in that they promised their consumers 5 monthly releases. And if they weren't able to do that, then those consumers who paid up front for the entire series have a right to be upset, especially with the absolute lack of communication from Telltale. You put out a game and have over a million purchases. I doubt any of their other games have even come close to that number. Why are you going to alienate what probably amounts to 3x the business you've ever done, in one week. All people wanted was a reason for the delay and a updated release date. Now they're losing customer support. Just bad business.
Agree with this. At the lack of information part overall.
(in johnny depps voice from potc) i'll keep a sharp eye (extends hand camply with a raised eyebrow)
You want you to find this. Because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's-er-face." maybe he's talking about the long lost treasure of episode 2
Here's a question Has TTG ever pulled a Bioshock 2? I mean I now TTG takes fan input. But like in Bioshock 2. Fans Loved Mark Metzer from the A.R.G. But when Bioshock 2 included him it was a tragic fate that befell him {Be careful what you wish for}
TellTale, have you guys submitted Episode 2 to Sony and Microsoft for certification yet? I realize that protocol requires you to do so before either company will permit distribution of a product over their systems.
Also, how long does it take to certify a product through either company?
yup pretty certain this is the last game im buying from telltale or w/e games they help make...good job losing a customer, how much longer before you tell us something? how many customers are you willing to lose for a tad bit of information?
Would definitely be weird if that never came up again.
So far it seems that way. Of course stuff happens and we have no clue what will happen in the future. I hope this was a one-time thing and the rest of the episodes come out monthly...
Lol this gonna suck. This is my first Telltale Game. So im new at this Episodic-monthly stuff. But i guess im gonna have to wait.
or what if Marketing promised a cameo from Fing Fang Foom in the Avengers but then it didn't show up did that mean the people making the movie lied?
"If you give a mouse a cookie they'll want a glass of milk."
If they tell us a date
we'll want to know why it's delayed,
If they tell us it's delayed
We'll want to know why this problem occured
If they tell us why this problem occured
We'll insult their programming skills and quite frankly they don't deserve it. They are here they are listening. Pick a reason and believe thats why thats why it's delayed.
Here i'll get us started
I believe they began programming new outfits for all the characters but at the last second right before release realized Queen Clem hadn't gotten a new outfit so they had to go back and make new character models or explain they couldnt find anything in her size.
Boom theres my reason if thats not the reason when it comes out then....
Who Cares?! It's out!
A) are we going to get anymore crossing story arcs like glen.
I told my customer I would deliver their laptop to them Thursday evening and that I'd call another customer 10am Friday but guess what? I was in JAIL so I couldn't. I LIED. It was beyond my control and not intentional.... I apologized to my customers, told them I had had an emergency, and got them taken care of as soon as I could.
"Sorry guys we found bug 1 and that delayed us so itll be out on the 12th"
5 minutes later
"Hey bob we just found bug 2 so the games delayed even longer"
But I do have a question for the TT team. Since we know that Lilly eventually joins up with the governor, will we get to find out how she does or if she survives the prison attack afterwards?
Will be there more Jew invasion in next zombies dead of waking episode, why not have money to make a the Jew go away? And what about Jew egg! It is a very dangerous!
In the first zombie dead of walking episode, we have very dangerous Jew Monster called tractor.. this is bad for small children to show in zombies dead of walking game.. these fantasy make head go a crazilly.. in Kusek we have a the natural way of very strong woman in plow! It is a better, no problem with tractor monster!
Was that meant to be funny? Because it wasn't.
Fail! Don't try to be funny. Its def not what you are good at.
this x 100
(in johnny depps voice from potc) i'll keep a sharp eye (extends hand camply with a raised eyebrow)
Ahh but Rimmer Directive 271 states just as clearly: "no chance you
metal bastard"
Definitely funny, I lol'd. True to character and whatnot.
And the Dictator was AWESOME. I would suggest it even for people who aren't fans of Borat.
It's funny to read everyones comments. I've been following the forum pre-release of ep1. I understand that we're all upset because we want to keep playing. But to read people talk about being ripped off is nonsense. The Telltale team are working their butts off to make sure they put out a quality game that we can walk away from happily. Ep 2 will come out when the developers are ready to release it. Be patient: it will come out soon
The problem comes in that they promised their consumers 5 monthly releases. And if they weren't able to do that, then those consumers who paid up front for the entire series have a right to be upset, especially with the absolute lack of communication from Telltale. You put out a game and have over a million purchases. I doubt any of their other games have even come close to that number. Why are you going to alienate what probably amounts to 3x the business you've ever done, in one week. All people wanted was a reason for the delay and a updated release date. Now they're losing customer support. Just bad business.
Agree with this. At the lack of information part overall.
You want you to find this. Because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's-er-face." maybe he's talking about the long lost treasure of episode 2
Also, how long does it take to certify a product through either company?