Been nice knowing you all END OF THE WORLD THIS SATURDAY!
The way a question is presented changes the idea expressed behind it, obviously the tone, intent, value, purpose of the question. But, I did mean this as a some what joke. But, let me be honest and say that these predictions do make me a little nervous.
I dont have a source but "they" (yes, implying, I don't know who they is) say that the end of the world date has been moved back to this coming Saturday.
The 21st.
I dont have a source but "they" (yes, implying, I don't know who they is) say that the end of the world date has been moved back to this coming Saturday.
The 21st.
This discussion has been closed.
My sentiment exactly.
Looks like we have until October until the end end.
Sucks about the death and horror, though.
D'uh, I mixed up the dates. Where's the end of the world when you need it?
SPOILER ALERT: They were wrong every time.
You could argue that the end of the world begun with the invention of radio, leading to television, leading to internet, leading to implantation of chips directly into our brains that will malfunction and kill us all.
Everything that has been predicted couldn't even be called the end of the world. Shit, very few would even be the end of the entire ecosystem. Most are just the death of our species and species are wiped out naturally and unnaturally all the time. "Welcome to dying".
Ah, the day before my birthday? WHY?!
If 2012 ending is important in Mayan culture, then why don't any of the 7million mayans care in the slightest? If a giant asteroid is going to hit the earth next week, then why haven't astronomers gone on a looting rampage? etc.
Yeah but. The guy did some math. So. You know... he's clearly correct. Never mind the fact that the same guy already predicted the end of the world in the early 90's.
As for me, I'm pretty bummed that the world is going to end before The Walking Dead game and second TV season come out. And I really wanted to see how Assassin's Creed was going to end, darn.
Patrick "Top Dog" Moore Sayz -
"I iz going to be looting me some fine wares me nizzle, come da end of da world. Fo sho bruv, fo sho."
In terms of religion, that quote on the end was already said so i dont need to requote it.
In terms of science, what? Are the scientists playing Monopoly while we die?
There's a lot that goes on that you're not aware of. This argument is a argument of perspective, the angle at which a question/ problem is viewed and so it narrows it self down to yourself and others within your position, or near to your position.
There's lots of things you're government as well as other intellectual groups do about major issues that you know nothing about. Public knowledge is "awareness" knowledge constructed on the basic principals of language you're taught in schools and by your parent, your common sense, your supposed obvious facts.
Their are groups far above "awareness" knowledge , their are even enlightened groups of intellectuals who have knowledge that surpasses the very confines of idea , concept, the knowledge is more pure, absolute, true.
We only have power over our levels of power, those above us have power over us. Our words only have the design of power and purpose at our level. The enlightened groups of the world have greater power in words, ideas, greater ideas, more powerful ideas. You're ideas are designed to control you, to confine you to ideas that are simply ideas, nothing more, nothing more creative, imaginative. You aren't supposed to see the bigger picture.
Their are statistical reasons as well as logical reasons as they may or may not be understood by a commoner why such knowledge may or may not be kept a secret.
Also, your ideas are meant to keep you innocent, common, naive, ignorant, easy to control, because above you those have a greater knowledge and can control you.
That is the ego, power of those above you, your awareness is insignificant.
Aliens, UFOS, might be another example, but I'll hold my tongue.
What exactly do you want scientists to do to prove or disprove fundamentalist garbage?
Edit: I suppose the scientists could be working to ensure it's Judgment Day by hurriedly developing Skynet?
True. It's not the responsibility of the disbelievers to disprove a crackpot's theory. It should be up to the crackpot to proves his or her ramblings.
I quite liked the end of the world guy in the 80s who responded to this objection with "I don't know the day or hour. I just know the week."
You see, I can safely predict that these nutjobs will be saying just that; that it's been "delayed" come the 23rd. Hmm, I wonder who's prediction will come to pass, theirs or mine?...
"Um, uh... theirs?!"
I understand that there are lots of things that people with knowledge of a subject do that I know nothing about, but it's easy to find out.
Suppose I have a disease, and a friend says I should take pill X for it.
If it turns out that lots of doctors have this disease, and none of them would touch pill X with a barge pole, then I would become slightly skeptical.
The get-out of this situation is to suggest a conspiracy of all doctors in which they do indeed support pill X, behind closed doors, for no clear reason, and even though they are not one unified group, successfully manage to enact the biggest conspiracy ever without a single leak.
I actually do know about Operation Northwoods and Project MKULTRA because I used to be into all the conspiracy theory type stuff, and still am to an extent. It seems very likely that the government does do certain secret things, but if they ever tried to cover up something which affects humanity, there would always be an independent scientist nearby to check the claim.
Operation Northwoods is actually a great big nothing. It's the US government refusing to partake in a conspiracy. MKULTRA may be the biggest actual conspiracy, and it failed. Someone leaked, the NYT covered the story, a future administration released tonnes of info about it.
But end of the world theories suggest something even more amazing. They suggest that something much much bigger, not even by a single group but by thousands upon thousands of independent academics, succeeded without any obvious motive, where the CIA failed.
Their are debates within the medical field for several medical issues, actually.
Most these things didn't "fail" , or atleast it's not fair to say such things as their is no proof that the research didn't continue
There are things above both our imaginations in science and truth , and that is because they exist on a higher plain of idea, knowledge, imagination.
In the past scientists have tried to run with certain ideas, they're discredited within a hour, ruined,a complete mockery...regardless of the evidence, proof of their claims.
It's all about what you can believe because belief is only belief, fact is only fact.
Not all science is ethical especially when it's considered absolute, true, science. Secrets are what's kept between some one who holds them and some one else who doesn't comprehend them, realize them, notice them, the naive.
Big secrets are semantic issues where clearly these advanced groups of thinkers have had disagreements with the public in the past. Many BIG ideas are different than our ideas, some even imcomprehensible, where we wouldn't understand the truth even if we were told the truth.
Semantics. Clearly, the commoner is far behind those who work on teleportation, or time travel, or anti gravity, force fields, invisibility...
Secrets are the result of discovery.
There are debates within the medical field on a number of issues, yes, but nothing that is being kept from the public. When people claimed debate was being kept from the public (something like the MMR vaccine = autism thing) you could tell it was incorrect without knowing any of the arguments from either side, just from the fact that the people who would know the most about it, were letting their children have the vaccine.
They aren't "human".
This world ,your parents bring you up in values, religions, etc etc. Common sense, beliefs... Science ultimately doesn't need to have faith, doesn't need to be structured. People need to be structured, people need faith. People need ideas.
Science is about exploration, pushing the boundaries beyond the horizon , people live on the horizon.
Imagine a world where spirits do exist, and I believe they do, but I am far from proving it, and, everyone knows what happens when you die, similar to NDE, and people know that there's another life after the possibly horrid life they are leading...
Or imagine that we can explain life/ death, or life without even being within a physical body, imagine what they would do to religions that propose that the body is designed as the ultimate, true vessel for human life in God's image. Imagine if that vessel could be redefined, then who is your God?
As for aliens, take our beloved Hawking,
Again, imagine the impact on religion. Aliens exist in another vessel? Human life is possible in "distant"(haha), remote areas of the universe? These are greater things than gravity and what not. Evolution was most likely an eye opener to how ignorant and stupid people truly are when a supposed 50 percent of the US refuses to believe in it.
We're already structured, and we survive like any other animal based on our evolution of behaviors, knowledge, intelligence, instincts, imagine how lost and plain and diminished the entire human race would be if your parents knew nothing after all, if your teachers knew nothing after all, if it came to light that the entire human race is actually in the dark.
It wouldn't go very well, doesn't take a genius to see this. Also, independent thinkers are designed based on a system of PAID education and ADVANCED PROGRAMS such as NASA, or other bodies of science where the greatest current discoveries are being made, funded, paid for, where time is money, and time is spent to advance science and knowledge.
That is why the greatest minds end up consulting our greatest professionals. This is why they are called geniuses, visionaries, researchers because they are funded and they have the truth knowledge, power. Your governments seek this power.