As for leaving in the dust, I say Crash Bandicoot.
See, I was, like, in the middle. Crash doesn't have that much of a dust over it yet it's not like the license holders even attempt milk the franchise lately. I was thinking of mentioning Crash, but I didn't know which category to mention it in. Plus, well, I haven't played Crash games that much. They are just unappealing to me.
But Crash games are quite good, outside of the Vivendi titles (Crash of the Titans, Mind over Mutant) which just plain SUCK! A total mockery of the Crash we know and love! Vivendi has totally EMBARRASED him! (And I don't mean by reavling his pink underpants!) And I understand that Tag Team Racing isn't very good either. (Though I really enjoy Team Racing and Nitro Kart.)
Agreed, as long as it's made as an adventure game, and not a cheap action game. Or an action/adventure, perhaps, as long as the adventure and action elements are well balanced and both executed well... but that a long shot.
Monkey Island Tales and Special editions
This too. I loved 'Curse's art style, but when I look back on it or play it again, I can definitely see some room for improvement. And, as for 'Escape', that's arguably the game in the series that needs a special edition the most.
Sam and Max
Yes, but it certainly needs to be a little more challenging this time around, and the environments need to be more expansive, and there needs to be more of them. This would mean scrapping the monthly production format (which needs to go anyway) in exchange for a bi-monthly production schedule (which I keep talking about), or perhaps just making one continuous game. I'm all for another 'Sam & Max' game - I think there's still a lot that can be done with the franchise - but Telltale desperately need to choose a different production schedule.
ghost pirates of vooju island (I think there could be something here)
Agreed - there certainly is something there, but it needs to be properly cultivated. The only thing I really liked about 'GPoVI' was the visual aesthetics and the concept. I thought that the storytelling, character development, dialogue, puzzles and overall execution could have been done a lot better than they were.
I'd actually like to see Telltale pick up the franchise, and work alongside Bill Tiller in the production of a sequel. Even though Telltale have lost my trust somewhat, having gone slightly downhill of recent, I think that they could give this franchise good treatment (better treatment than it's currently getting, anyway). It just seems like a franchise that's actually suited to Telltale, and is one that they could really breathe some life into.
This 100%. I love Grim Fandango, but, I don't see a sequel working.
Agreed. The original ended in a fashion that sort of eliminated any chance of a sequel. A direct sequel would only feel forced, since the original game concluded so nicely. For it to even be possible, there'd have to be a lot of work done on the story, a lot of explaining to do as to why the perfect, well-rounded ending of the first game wasn't so perfect and well-rounded after all. We'd probably get a bunch of half-believable excuses, and a whole lot of crappy character expositions, and I really don't think it can be pulled off without it coming off as very forced. A comeback of this kind just doesn't seem possible without it tarnishing the franchise.
I think that a second installment would need to focus around a different character in a different circumstance, or the franchise should be just left to rest (so to speak). Because a direct sequel just cannot work.
I hope you're joking. Fable 1 was the only good one in the series. The second is the worst, and the third was "It's okay, but I'll never play it again."
Might I just ask, how was 'The Lost Chapters'? Just curious to know.
Although I never liked turn based strategy games, I always liked the way these games presented themselves.
So, I agree... continuing, no. Reviving, yeah. And make them for PC already!
I'm sorry to be pedantic Silverwolfpet, but that should have read as "Turn-Based-RPG's", unless you were refering to the spin-off series Final Fantasy Tactics, which is in the Turn-Based-Strategy genre. I personally dislike strategy games but I love J-RPG's, so I felt it necessary to point out the difference.
Also, if you ever do choose to play a Final Fantasy game then you may care to know that arguably the best game in the series - FVII is available for the PC, as is FFVIII, XI and XIV (plus the first 6, IX, X and XII providing you go down the emulator route).
I really wouldn't recommend touching any of the main series past IX though. Trust me when I say that you're not missing out on the likes of FFXIII, it's crap anyway, but it would be a shame to miss out on some of those earlier titles, particularly VII.
This 100%. I love Grim Fandango, but, I don't see a sequel working.
Neither do I, it would be worse than someone making "Casablanca 2: Sam Plays Electric Boogaloo". Another person who has gone on record a saying it's not a good idea is one Mr.Schafer.
Yes, there's still Rifftrax, but I really miss the 'bots.
The Tick: The Animated Series (TV)
While the comic books are still going, I really wish they'd make a new TV series of it. It'd be a cool Venture Bros-esque show on Adult Swim, no? What with Jackson Publick being a former Tick writer and all.
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
Not necessarily the show itself, though that would be awesome, but the Hannah-Barbera-on-crack universe it takes place in. I'd love a spinoff of the series, like Potamus, P.I. or The Magnificent Sebbens or something.
Full Throttle (Game)
Don't hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't threaten suicide if Tim Schafer decides to make a non-adventure-game Full Throttle sequel. I mean, in this day and age, when someone tells you about a game about biker gangs that takes place in a Mad-Max world, would you think "Point and Click"? As long as the writing is good, I'd be excited. As long as it's not a racing game.
Monkey Island, Sam and Max, etc. (Games)
You know, the usual stuff. (Website)
God, I miss them. I really, really hope that they'll make more cartoons in the future.
Oddworld (Game)
While the Farmville-esque Hand of Odd is intriguing (even though I don't like Farmville), I'd love to see a new game based on the mechanics of the original 2D games. Maybe with real time rendering?
The Arrested Development Movie
Yeah, it's a long shot. But I just want a decent movie to be made. Just for the sake of making the prophecies come to full circle.
Psychonauts (Game)
Shrek (Movie)
One thing I hate about Shrek is its ability to keep me watching despite how much I am sick of it. Are they going to make more? Of course what do you think? They already put the ideas into practice. The studio makes money and they are using me and I am the fool.
Two and a Half Men (TV)
Used to watch it. Stopped watching by the 6th season or so. Realized how bad it is. Stopped watching Chuck Lorre shows altogether.
Mo-cap (Animation Technique)
I don't mind Mo-cap in video games, but I hate when it's used in movies.
Avatar (Movie)
The movie itself was neither the best nor the worst thing to ever happen in movie history. No, what I hate the most is the overzealous fans. I just wish that they would disappear into pop-culture obscurity, but with the sequel plans, and the possibility of TV shows and comic book tie-ins, it's not gonna happen soon.
EERNH... MAYBE (AKA: Not sure if it's a good idea, but I'd be sort of excited if they bring it back)
Grim Fandango (Game)
Portal (Game)
Star Control: Star Control 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. Star Control 3 was given to a different developer and was dreadful. The creators of SC1 and SC2 have repeatedly said they'd love to work on a new one and damnit someone should let them.
Quest for Glory: The Coles run a website that's essentially a take-off on the Famous Adventurer's School, so I know they still think fondly on QfG. There was nothing cooler when I was a kid than importing the same Hero through multiple games.
Arrested Development: This was really one of my favorite shows of all time. Every character was great, and random quotes always pop into my head and make me laugh. The long-rumored movie is still being talked about here and there, but I don't know if it will ever really happen, which makes me sad.
Sam and Max: And please don't listen to all the... special people down in the Sam and Max forum that want an entire season about reviving the "real Max."
Final Fantasy: Square Enix doesn't know what it's doing anymore. Final Fantasy is just a mess that only marginally resembles the epics they used to produce. A Square Enix artist once commented that they had so many unused environments leftover from Final Fantasy 13 that they could make a whole other game out of it. If that doesn't prove that no planning goes into these things anymore, I don't know what does.
Oddworld (Game)
While the Farmville-esque Hand of Odd is intriguing (even though I don't like Farmville), I'd love to see a new game based on the mechanics of the original 2D games. Maybe with real time rendering?
Two and a Half Men (TV)
Used to watch it. Stopped watching by the 6th season or so. Realized how bad it is. Stopped watching Chuck Lorre shows altogether.
I haven't played a single Oddworld game, but I am so psyched that they announced a remake of "Abe's Odyssey"! Now I fear that this will be a Steam-exclusive thing... I don't do Steam...
Concerning Two and a Half Men, I watched two half-episodes tops and realized that this is about the worst thing ever. Quoting TV comedy writer Ken Levine:
Truthfully, I have never warmed to that show. I know a lot of people absolutely love it, and God bless ‘em. But to me it’s just a half-hour barrage of penis jokes with the occasional masturbation joke thrown in to break things up. (That said, I wish I ever created a hit as big as that.)
I haven't played a single Oddworld game, but I am so psyched that they announced a remake of "Abe's Odyssey"! Now I fear that this will be a Steam-exclusive thing... I don't do Steam...
Concerning Two and a Half Men, I watched two half-episodes tops and realized that this is about the worst thing ever.
A remake? Oh. Great, I guess, but I was hoping for a new game.
Also, what are your thoughts on The Big Bang Theory? I watched it for 3 seasons, and then got bored of it.
I haven't played a single Oddworld game, but I am so psyched that they announced a remake of "Abe's Odyssey"! Now I fear that this will be a Steam-exclusive thing... I don't do Steam...
I haven't played a single Oddworld game, but I am so psyched that they announced a remake of "Abe's Odyssey"!
I wasn't aware that such a thing was happening. Not only does it seem like one step forward and two steps back for the franchise, but it also irks me because the original is still a great game. Why not just offer a re-release through PSN / X-Box Live instead?!
“Abe HD is going into production. It’s basically Abe’s Oddysee being redone in a 3D physics engine as a 2D side-scrolling platformer. So the way Just Add Water wants to approach it, we thought was very smart; they are not trying to reinvent any wheels. It’s like, ‘Can we make that experience in a new engine, with new tech, in the old way?”
Urgh! They couldn't possibly leave the gorgeous pre-rendered graphics as are. Noooo, they have to update it with 3D graphics... on a 2D plane. Absolutely pointless! Still, it'll be a day one purchase for me because I'm a hypocrite.
On a positive note, it should attract some new fans to the series and that could lead to a proper new installment. We shall see...
Shrek (Movie)
One thing I hate about Shrek is its ability to keep me watching despite how much I am sick of it. Are they going to make more? Of course what do you think? They already put the ideas into practice. The studio makes money and they are using me and I am the fool.
I wasn't aware that such a thing was happening. Not only does it seem like one step forward and two steps back for the franchise, but it also irks me because the original is still a great game. Why not just offer a re-release through PSN / X-Box Live instead?!
The PS1 versions of the two Abe games are available from the PSN store (when the store exists). They gave Exoddus away as a free game for PS+ subscribers.
The PS1 versions of the two Abe games are available from the PSN store (when the store exists). They gave Exoddus away as a free game for PS+ subscribers.
That's cool. I wasn't aware of that (seeming as I already own the original PS1 discs it's not surprising), but it's good to know that the originals are available for newcomers.
Revive:Dragon's Lair How hasn't any one touched this yet? I see it on PS3 Network , and else where. But, how a remake hasn't been considered is beyond me. A remake would likely be much easier and maybe even in a slightly different format, but a game like this could benefit from modern technology and a company with vision to create a new engine that could be used for other titles in the future
I have heard reports that Don Bluth is currently trying to find a studio to make another video game before doing the feature of Dragon's Lair. Although the last time a Dragon's Lair game was made was that Cel shaded game. Which I dont think it did good sales wise. Now for my games to see returned, going on, or leaving in the dust.
Bring back
Earthworm Jim- 2D sidescrollers are getting popular again, so why not bring back the worm to fix what those people did to kill off Jim? I've even heard stuff of Doug tennapel being interested in a new game if ever a chance would come(Last thing I heard about jim, was that Doug was trying to find who owns the rights to the character).
Leisure Suit Larry- If I ever get into the video game bussiness, I might consider on making a larry game that is more true to the original series. Just remove that horrible so called nephew loveage from the series. He's just a wannabe of the original Laffer.
Crash Bandicoot- I would really love it to see this wacky bandicoot back, anyways. I've heard stuff about a new title that was in development but for reasons unknown was canceled. here's some footage of it though, along with concept artwork. A new game with the platform elements from the first three games along with some new elements. Although, I always saw Mind Over Muntant and Crash of the titans medicore. The only thing that annoyed me about titans was the design change. Although I did laugh that Tiny was sounding a bit like Mr.T xD.
Puzzle agent- Hey telltale games, bring on more Puzzle agent. They are fun and not to mention the fact that Grickle is of the best guys to do video games.
Epic Mickey- Mickey mouse is brought back to his old school roots in this, so countine the story of epic mickey. There is so many possibilities with the concepts of The Wasteland.
Madworld- I wanna see some more Sin City like action for the Wii, besides. Madworld is one of the few M rated video games that I had fun with on the Nintendo Wii..
Call of Duty- Quit making people so brainless to think that nearly every video game needs to be endless running around with shooting everything in sight.
Halo- Same reason as call of duty.
Final Fantasy- Oh lord. Square has really messed up this time. I used to be a fan of this series, but I now only play one title and thats Final Fantasy 7. All of these endless sequels trying to make profits are unneeded and its making the final fantasy fanbase more and more crazy.
Kingdom Hearts- Same reason as Final Fantasy. Although it irks me that people just play this game just for Sora, his idiotic friends, and the organization over the Disney characters and Final Fantasy characters. End the series now, make the 3rd KH game and be done with it! I bet this series wouldn't do so well if it didn't have Disney characters or even the Final Fantasy characters for that matter. They should have just stuck with the original idea to have Donald Duck as its main character. But that got changed since the creator of Kingdom Hearts hates Donald duck.
Final Fantasy was a good franchise, why end it? It just needs redirected, revived. They just stopped expanding their horizons and making improvements with sequels and went on to making spin offs without any real heart/ ambition where improvements were made or vision was seen.
Notice how the map size in 13 was pocket sized, and how the franchise is shrinking rather than expanding, it was always the other way around.
Bring Back
Still Life, I haven't beaten it yet , but I simply love the first game. I stopped playing a while back, because I don't use my old computer anymore. I might go back to it some day.
Tron, let's be realistic, Tron isn't that impossible, it's good to see a movie that thinks so, even if it's a science fiction film.
Leisure Suit Larry- If I ever get into the video game bussiness, I might consider on making a larry game that is more true to the original series. Just remove that horrible so called nephew loveage from the series. He's just a wannabe of the original Laffer.
Puzzle agent- Hey telltale games, bring on more Puzzle agent. They are fun and not to mention the fact that Grickle is of the best guys to do video games.
Call of Duty- Quit making people so brainless to think that nearly every video game needs to be endless running around with shooting everything in sight.
I agree with these three. While I like EWJ, I think I'd rather have a new Neverhood more.
I think the one thing I hate the most about the new LSL games, especially MCL, is that the engine, interface and navigation is actually pretty good if implemented into an adventure game, but they ended up making some stupid mini game collection.
Final Fantasy was a good franchise, why end it? It just needs redirected, revived. They just stopped expanding their horizons and making improvements with sequels and went on to making spin offs without any real heart/ ambition where improvements were made or vision was seen.
I object to that. They had their chances.
15 times. No other franchise got that much of an amount of tries. Well, maybe Mario or Ultima, but those franchises are consistently good. There is that Sonic franchise also tried at least 15 times and I gotta say not many people dig the franchise anymore BECAUSE of it. Why is Final Fantasy that special from, say, Sonic?
¬ Luigis mansion (I have to admit i never played it but i really want to)
¬ Time splitters (I think thats the name its been a while Its the one where theres a mini game where you shoot mellons of monkeys heads)
¬ Streets of rage
¬ Halo (geekest and most overated game)
¬ Call of duty black ops (worst of all of them)
¬ Driver (Atari did a way better job than ubisoft will ever do)
15 times. No other franchise got that much of an amount of tries. Well, maybe Mario or Ultima, but those franchises are consistently good. There is that Sonic franchise also tried at least 15 times and I gotta say not many people dig the franchise anymore BECAUSE of it. Why is Final Fantasy that special from, say, Sonic?
Let's see 1- 6 are classics. People love 6! People love 7! People love 8, though it's mixed audience. 9 Has a fair fan base. X has a large following.
x-2, meh...11, MEH....not bad meh though. 12, kind of shaky, different. 13, ok, not so good.
But, where have they used 15 tries , directly, rather than abstractly with all their stupid spin offs and kingdom hearts games, and ...
But, as far as a series, I don't think we're that bad yet, but with all these future spin offs coming out...:(
I dont even care about Final Fantasy anymore. I think it should have just ended off with 7, but no. They just had to keep going, the only thing good about the FF series to me is the soundtrack of the games.
I would just like to share a short story here which I witnessed not too long ago.
Mother enters room. Mother: Mihai, are you still playing Gothic?! You haven't eaten in more than 10 hours!! My bro: Ok, Mom! I'm eating! *presses button, character on screen starts eating porkchop*
I would just like to share a short story here which I witnessed not too long ago.
Mother enters room. Mother: Mihai, are you still playing Gothic?! You haven't eaten in more than 10 hours!! My bro: Ok, Mom! I'm eating! *presses button, character on screen starts eating porkchop*
Time for an intervention. Tie him up, delete the game from his PC, avoid his claws and teeth as he turns violent, then take him to a park and comfort him as he breaks down.
Also, I forgot a series I think should be continued-
Y'know, the Adventure game community is the hipsters of the video game industry. 'Hey, have you played The Dig? It's pretty obscure, you probably haven't heard of it.' You all act like shooters are terrible things when it's people who think Portal 2 is a wonderful game that should come under scrutiny because it's just not.
Anyone want to see the Discworld series back in the point and click atmosphere? I'd like to see it back as long as they make it animated like second Discworld game.
You all act like shooters are terrible things when it's people who think Portal 2 is a wonderful game that should come under scrutiny because it's just not.
I don't act like shooters are terrible things. I know generic shooters are pretty much depthless abominations. I'm not saying this just because I'm an adventure gamer either; me being an adventure gamer isn't a reason in this factor, it's just an unrelated result.
Okay let me get this straight, there is shooter and there is SHOOTER. What is the difference between them? One of them sells the shooting aspect of the game only as a gameplay variety and in the end, has more stuff in it then just being a shooter. Half Life is like that. PORTAL, is like that. Fallout: New Vegas is like that. Even Bulletstorm is like that, which is a mediocre game for yet other reasons.
And there are shooters that try to impose pointless militaristic shit, just because the game has guns in them. Those games' depth is only measurable either with their Sun Tzu quotes that they copied/pasted from Wiki article, or how detailed the guns look and feel. People go NUTS, JUST BECAUSE the M4 gun in the game has the same reload time, same time interval between bullets, same weight, same height, same shit with a real-life M4. I don't know what the fuck it's like to hold an M4, and I hope I'll never actually learn that. But those guys are like already clustered so many unneeded information about all those guns, and when their sheer knowledge of nothing of importance is verified in a videogame it's just like porn to them. They don't even care about anything else. They get quotes by the game itself about war being bad and overall, shitty -which is done to be "cool" but in the end nothing but ridicilously ironic- they just go "Whoa, deep, bro" and then continue to their mayhem. This pisses me off greatly. What pisses me off is that I'm expected to know these stuff by default just because I'm a guy or some shit like that. It's the reason I don't like generic FPSs. It's also the reason why I don't like racing games or soccer games. I don't know how much gas a Citroen C4 can contain, or that guy playing in the defence line of Real Madrid. I'm not interested. Therefore I don't need some other people to verificate my knowledge on those.
I have no beef with the violence, I have no beef with the usage of guns, I don't even have one single shred of beef jerky with the games being just mindlessly shoot and proceed (some of the mainstream shooters are not like that anyway, like in CoD, I guess. According to some videos I watched on Youtube you also need to position yourself to somewhere safe before shooting people, and that makes the game overly tactical for some reason I'm not entirely sure of. Oh and you can use explosive toy cars as well. Deep.). It's all about the vast nothingness, sheer blank void of silence you get if you strip down a game from their guns and violence and presumedly philosophical war bullcrap (if any, games like Red Faction doesn't even resort to that anymore, they just show beefy guys holding self generating guns as if it's supposed to make sense or something). They're just nothing.
Portal 2 is a wonderful game. It's one of the most entertaining games that released this year. And it's not just because the game is a puzzle or something. It has many lineer levels in itself. Portal 2 is a wonderful game, because they dare to do something different with the franchise they named as Portal. They don't make the game the way it's almost certain that some people will like it (like adding actual real info of guns or real military force names or some shit so that history maniacs will dig it), they make the game accordingly to their own liking and they don't hesitate creating their own rules and making their own quotes memorable (instead of reusing some other guys' ones). They know many people won't like the game they made. They don't care. Because what they've come up with is a game that they like. This single rule, this thesis that I wrote down here is the sheer definition of the difference between a "profitable product", and what's considered to be an "artwork". And if I'm nothing but a hipster because I prefer the latter, then your mainstream bullshit is the bane of my existence.
I seriously can't wait until Forever comes out and everyone just goes "Meh, it's okay..."
I apologize. What I meant there was that Serious Sam is just Duke Nukem without all the badass.
This idea is what makes me sleep well at nights lately.
*grimacing at you* (Why does the word grimacing sound so hot to me?)
The word disgusts me because of that McDonald's' mascot. Creepy tumor-purple slug with limbs for a mascot for a chain of restaurants. Man.
See, I was, like, in the middle. Crash doesn't have that much of a dust over it yet it's not like the license holders even attempt milk the franchise lately. I was thinking of mentioning Crash, but I didn't know which category to mention it in. Plus, well, I haven't played Crash games that much. They are just unappealing to me.
This too. I loved 'Curse's art style, but when I look back on it or play it again, I can definitely see some room for improvement. And, as for 'Escape', that's arguably the game in the series that needs a special edition the most.
Yes, but it certainly needs to be a little more challenging this time around, and the environments need to be more expansive, and there needs to be more of them. This would mean scrapping the monthly production format (which needs to go anyway) in exchange for a bi-monthly production schedule (which I keep talking about), or perhaps just making one continuous game. I'm all for another 'Sam & Max' game - I think there's still a lot that can be done with the franchise - but Telltale desperately need to choose a different production schedule.
Agreed - there certainly is something there, but it needs to be properly cultivated. The only thing I really liked about 'GPoVI' was the visual aesthetics and the concept. I thought that the storytelling, character development, dialogue, puzzles and overall execution could have been done a lot better than they were.
I'd actually like to see Telltale pick up the franchise, and work alongside Bill Tiller in the production of a sequel. Even though Telltale have lost my trust somewhat, having gone slightly downhill of recent, I think that they could give this franchise good treatment (better treatment than it's currently getting, anyway). It just seems like a franchise that's actually suited to Telltale, and is one that they could really breathe some life into.
Agreed. The original ended in a fashion that sort of eliminated any chance of a sequel. A direct sequel would only feel forced, since the original game concluded so nicely. For it to even be possible, there'd have to be a lot of work done on the story, a lot of explaining to do as to why the perfect, well-rounded ending of the first game wasn't so perfect and well-rounded after all. We'd probably get a bunch of half-believable excuses, and a whole lot of crappy character expositions, and I really don't think it can be pulled off without it coming off as very forced. A comeback of this kind just doesn't seem possible without it tarnishing the franchise.
I think that a second installment would need to focus around a different character in a different circumstance, or the franchise should be just left to rest (so to speak). Because a direct sequel just cannot work.
Might I just ask, how was 'The Lost Chapters'? Just curious to know.
No, I wouldn't say so. The game really isn't that old, and Schafer has expressed his willingness to make a second game. I wouldn't consider it dead.
I'm sorry to be pedantic Silverwolfpet, but that should have read as "Turn-Based-RPG's", unless you were refering to the spin-off series Final Fantasy Tactics, which is in the Turn-Based-Strategy genre. I personally dislike strategy games but I love J-RPG's, so I felt it necessary to point out the difference.
Also, if you ever do choose to play a Final Fantasy game then you may care to know that arguably the best game in the series - FVII is available for the PC, as is FFVIII, XI and XIV (plus the first 6, IX, X and XII providing you go down the emulator route).
I really wouldn't recommend touching any of the main series past IX though. Trust me when I say that you're not missing out on the likes of FFXIII, it's crap anyway, but it would be a shame to miss out on some of those earlier titles, particularly VII.
Neither do I, it would be worse than someone making "Casablanca 2: Sam Plays Electric Boogaloo". Another person who has gone on record a saying it's not a good idea is one Mr.Schafer.
Yes, there's still Rifftrax, but I really miss the 'bots.
The Tick: The Animated Series (TV)
While the comic books are still going, I really wish they'd make a new TV series of it. It'd be a cool Venture Bros-esque show on Adult Swim, no? What with Jackson Publick being a former Tick writer and all.
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
Not necessarily the show itself, though that would be awesome, but the Hannah-Barbera-on-crack universe it takes place in. I'd love a spinoff of the series, like Potamus, P.I. or The Magnificent Sebbens or something.
Full Throttle (Game)
Don't hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't threaten suicide if Tim Schafer decides to make a non-adventure-game Full Throttle sequel. I mean, in this day and age, when someone tells you about a game about biker gangs that takes place in a Mad-Max world, would you think "Point and Click"? As long as the writing is good, I'd be excited. As long as it's not a racing game.
Monkey Island, Sam and Max, etc. (Games)
You know, the usual stuff. (Website)
God, I miss them. I really, really hope that they'll make more cartoons in the future.
Oddworld (Game)
While the Farmville-esque Hand of Odd is intriguing (even though I don't like Farmville), I'd love to see a new game based on the mechanics of the original 2D games. Maybe with real time rendering?
The Arrested Development Movie
Yeah, it's a long shot. But I just want a decent movie to be made. Just for the sake of making the prophecies come to full circle.
Psychonauts (Game)
Shrek (Movie)
One thing I hate about Shrek is its ability to keep me watching despite how much I am sick of it. Are they going to make more? Of course what do you think? They already put the ideas into practice. The studio makes money and they are using me and I am the fool.
Two and a Half Men (TV)
Used to watch it. Stopped watching by the 6th season or so. Realized how bad it is. Stopped watching Chuck Lorre shows altogether.
Mo-cap (Animation Technique)
I don't mind Mo-cap in video games, but I hate when it's used in movies.
Avatar (Movie)
The movie itself was neither the best nor the worst thing to ever happen in movie history. No, what I hate the most is the overzealous fans. I just wish that they would disappear into pop-culture obscurity, but with the sequel plans, and the possibility of TV shows and comic book tie-ins, it's not gonna happen soon.
EERNH... MAYBE (AKA: Not sure if it's a good idea, but I'd be sort of excited if they bring it back)
Grim Fandango (Game)
Portal (Game)
Star Control: Star Control 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. Star Control 3 was given to a different developer and was dreadful. The creators of SC1 and SC2 have repeatedly said they'd love to work on a new one and damnit someone should let them.
Quest for Glory: The Coles run a website that's essentially a take-off on the Famous Adventurer's School, so I know they still think fondly on QfG. There was nothing cooler when I was a kid than importing the same Hero through multiple games.
Arrested Development: This was really one of my favorite shows of all time. Every character was great, and random quotes always pop into my head and make me laugh. The long-rumored movie is still being talked about here and there, but I don't know if it will ever really happen, which makes me sad.
Sam and Max: And please don't listen to all the... special people down in the Sam and Max forum that want an entire season about reviving the "real Max."
Final Fantasy: Square Enix doesn't know what it's doing anymore. Final Fantasy is just a mess that only marginally resembles the epics they used to produce. A Square Enix artist once commented that they had so many unused environments leftover from Final Fantasy 13 that they could make a whole other game out of it. If that doesn't prove that no planning goes into these things anymore, I don't know what does.
I haven't played a single Oddworld game, but I am so psyched that they announced a remake of "Abe's Odyssey"! Now I fear that this will be a Steam-exclusive thing... I don't do Steam...
Concerning Two and a Half Men, I watched two half-episodes tops and realized that this is about the worst thing ever. Quoting TV comedy writer Ken Levine:
A remake? Oh. Great, I guess, but I was hoping for a new game.
Also, what are your thoughts on The Big Bang Theory? I watched it for 3 seasons, and then got bored of it.
Remake!? what remake!?
I wasn't aware that such a thing was happening. Not only does it seem like one step forward and two steps back for the franchise, but it also irks me because the original is still a great game. Why not just offer a re-release through PSN / X-Box Live instead?!
You have to listen to the news once in a while!!
Urgh! They couldn't possibly leave the gorgeous pre-rendered graphics as are. Noooo, they have to update it with 3D graphics... on a 2D plane. Absolutely pointless! Still, it'll be a day one purchase for me because I'm a hypocrite.
On a positive note, it should attract some new fans to the series and that could lead to a proper new installment. We shall see...
Well we could both agree that it's NASTY!
Shrek? Shrek's over. This, however...
Uurgh. Don't remind me.
Well, they already re-released the original games on PC. Also, these days, real time rendering can sometimes bear pre-rendered graphics.
The PS1 versions of the two Abe games are available from the PSN store (when the store exists). They gave Exoddus away as a free game for PS+ subscribers.
That's cool. I wasn't aware of that (seeming as I already own the original PS1 discs it's not surprising), but it's good to know that the originals are available for newcomers.
I have heard reports that Don Bluth is currently trying to find a studio to make another video game before doing the feature of Dragon's Lair. Although the last time a Dragon's Lair game was made was that Cel shaded game. Which I dont think it did good sales wise. Now for my games to see returned, going on, or leaving in the dust.
Bring back
Earthworm Jim- 2D sidescrollers are getting popular again, so why not bring back the worm to fix what those people did to kill off Jim? I've even heard stuff of Doug tennapel being interested in a new game if ever a chance would come(Last thing I heard about jim, was that Doug was trying to find who owns the rights to the character).
Leisure Suit Larry- If I ever get into the video game bussiness, I might consider on making a larry game that is more true to the original series. Just remove that horrible so called nephew loveage from the series. He's just a wannabe of the original Laffer.
Crash Bandicoot- I would really love it to see this wacky bandicoot back, anyways. I've heard stuff about a new title that was in development but for reasons unknown was canceled. here's some footage of it though, along with concept artwork. A new game with the platform elements from the first three games along with some new elements. Although, I always saw Mind Over Muntant and Crash of the titans medicore. The only thing that annoyed me about titans was the design change. Although I did laugh that Tiny was sounding a bit like Mr.T xD.
Puzzle agent- Hey telltale games, bring on more Puzzle agent. They are fun and not to mention the fact that Grickle is of the best guys to do video games.
Epic Mickey- Mickey mouse is brought back to his old school roots in this, so countine the story of epic mickey. There is so many possibilities with the concepts of The Wasteland.
Madworld- I wanna see some more Sin City like action for the Wii, besides. Madworld is one of the few M rated video games that I had fun with on the Nintendo Wii..
Call of Duty- Quit making people so brainless to think that nearly every video game needs to be endless running around with shooting everything in sight.
Halo- Same reason as call of duty.
Final Fantasy- Oh lord. Square has really messed up this time. I used to be a fan of this series, but I now only play one title and thats Final Fantasy 7. All of these endless sequels trying to make profits are unneeded and its making the final fantasy fanbase more and more crazy.
Kingdom Hearts- Same reason as Final Fantasy. Although it irks me that people just play this game just for Sora, his idiotic friends, and the organization over the Disney characters and Final Fantasy characters. End the series now, make the 3rd KH game and be done with it! I bet this series wouldn't do so well if it didn't have Disney characters or even the Final Fantasy characters for that matter. They should have just stuck with the original idea to have Donald Duck as its main character. But that got changed since the creator of Kingdom Hearts hates Donald duck.
Notice how the map size in 13 was pocket sized, and how the franchise is shrinking rather than expanding, it was always the other way around.
Bring Back
Still Life, I haven't beaten it yet , but I simply love the first game. I stopped playing a while back, because I don't use my old computer anymore. I might go back to it some day.
Tron, let's be realistic, Tron isn't that impossible, it's good to see a movie that thinks so, even if it's a science fiction film.
I agree with these three. While I like EWJ, I think I'd rather have a new Neverhood more.
I think the one thing I hate the most about the new LSL games, especially MCL, is that the engine, interface and navigation is actually pretty good if implemented into an adventure game, but they ended up making some stupid mini game collection.
I object to that. They had their chances.
15 times. No other franchise got that much of an amount of tries. Well, maybe Mario or Ultima, but those franchises are consistently good. There is that Sonic franchise also tried at least 15 times and I gotta say not many people dig the franchise anymore BECAUSE of it. Why is Final Fantasy that special from, say, Sonic?
¬ Luigis mansion (I have to admit i never played it but i really want to)
¬ Time splitters (I think thats the name its been a while Its the one where theres a mini game where you shoot mellons of monkeys heads)
¬ Streets of rage
¬ Halo (geekest and most overated game)
¬ Call of duty black ops (worst of all of them)
¬ Driver (Atari did a way better job than ubisoft will ever do)
Let's see 1- 6 are classics. People love 6! People love 7! People love 8, though it's mixed audience. 9 Has a fair fan base. X has a large following.
x-2, meh...11, MEH....not bad meh though. 12, kind of shaky, different. 13, ok, not so good.
But, where have they used 15 tries , directly, rather than abstractly with all their stupid spin offs and kingdom hearts games, and
But, as far as a series, I don't think we're that bad yet, but with all these future spin offs coming out...:(
Mother enters room.
Mother: Mihai, are you still playing Gothic?! You haven't eaten in more than 10 hours!!
My bro: Ok, Mom! I'm eating! *presses button, character on screen starts eating porkchop*
Time for an intervention. Tie him up, delete the game from his PC, avoid his claws and teeth as he turns violent, then take him to a park and comfort him as he breaks down.
Also, I forgot a series I think should be continued-
I don't act like shooters are terrible things. I know generic shooters are pretty much depthless abominations. I'm not saying this just because I'm an adventure gamer either; me being an adventure gamer isn't a reason in this factor, it's just an unrelated result.
Okay let me get this straight, there is shooter and there is SHOOTER. What is the difference between them? One of them sells the shooting aspect of the game only as a gameplay variety and in the end, has more stuff in it then just being a shooter. Half Life is like that. PORTAL, is like that. Fallout: New Vegas is like that. Even Bulletstorm is like that, which is a mediocre game for yet other reasons.
And there are shooters that try to impose pointless militaristic shit, just because the game has guns in them. Those games' depth is only measurable either with their Sun Tzu quotes that they copied/pasted from Wiki article, or how detailed the guns look and feel. People go NUTS, JUST BECAUSE the M4 gun in the game has the same reload time, same time interval between bullets, same weight, same height, same shit with a real-life M4. I don't know what the fuck it's like to hold an M4, and I hope I'll never actually learn that. But those guys are like already clustered so many unneeded information about all those guns, and when their sheer knowledge of nothing of importance is verified in a videogame it's just like porn to them. They don't even care about anything else. They get quotes by the game itself about war being bad and overall, shitty -which is done to be "cool" but in the end nothing but ridicilously ironic- they just go "Whoa, deep, bro" and then continue to their mayhem. This pisses me off greatly. What pisses me off is that I'm expected to know these stuff by default just because I'm a guy or some shit like that. It's the reason I don't like generic FPSs. It's also the reason why I don't like racing games or soccer games. I don't know how much gas a Citroen C4 can contain, or that guy playing in the defence line of Real Madrid. I'm not interested. Therefore I don't need some other people to verificate my knowledge on those.
I have no beef with the violence, I have no beef with the usage of guns, I don't even have one single shred of beef jerky with the games being just mindlessly shoot and proceed (some of the mainstream shooters are not like that anyway, like in CoD, I guess. According to some videos I watched on Youtube you also need to position yourself to somewhere safe before shooting people, and that makes the game overly tactical for some reason I'm not entirely sure of. Oh and you can use explosive toy cars as well. Deep.). It's all about the vast nothingness, sheer blank void of silence you get if you strip down a game from their guns and violence and presumedly philosophical war bullcrap (if any, games like Red Faction doesn't even resort to that anymore, they just show beefy guys holding self generating guns as if it's supposed to make sense or something). They're just nothing.
Portal 2 is a wonderful game. It's one of the most entertaining games that released this year. And it's not just because the game is a puzzle or something. It has many lineer levels in itself. Portal 2 is a wonderful game, because they dare to do something different with the franchise they named as Portal. They don't make the game the way it's almost certain that some people will like it (like adding actual real info of guns or real military force names or some shit so that history maniacs will dig it), they make the game accordingly to their own liking and they don't hesitate creating their own rules and making their own quotes memorable (instead of reusing some other guys' ones). They know many people won't like the game they made. They don't care. Because what they've come up with is a game that they like. This single rule, this thesis that I wrote down here is the sheer definition of the difference between a "profitable product", and what's considered to be an "artwork". And if I'm nothing but a hipster because I prefer the latter, then your mainstream bullshit is the bane of my existence.