Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars is one of my favourite 3D platformers. It just has so much imagination and charm behind it that I find it hard to dislike it, even when the camera gets stuck behind something or I get lost in one of the larger levels. If you can grab it cheap, then I urge you to do so.
And since people seem to have given up, here's the games I hid in my big ol' post. No cookies since you failed miserably, I guess I'll just have to have them all. Nom!
The problem I have with games these days is that said conflict is represented by one modern country attacking another modern country with modern weapons in modern times resulting in a constant flow of modern warfare. (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) And there doesn't seem to be a great deal of variation from this formulae in most big-name releases.
Games are supposed to fun, but there's not a great deal of fun to be had in doing the same thing over and over again. Isn't variety the spice of life? And clearly the spice must flow. (Dune/Dune II)
So let's have a little more variety in out constant wars. Let's set them in space, or have us play as insects... perhaps Mushrooms or something. (Mushroom Men)
Let's have the main character be something other than a tough grizzled American. Let's have a Serbian committing Grand larceny, (Grand Theft Auto 4) or maybe a British guy throwing shit at stuff. (Saints Row 2)
Let's focus on more interesting, exciting ideas, like the darkest days (Darkest of Days) of our history other than World War 2. Let's have games that aren't so serious all the time, (Serious Sam) that kill the pain (Painkiller) of endless gritty realistic blandathons.
Let's have some seriously shocking plots, (Bioshock / System Shock) with nobody living forever. (No-One Lives Forever) Let's have wars among the stars (Star Wars) where we can craft new (Starcraft) and exciting worlds of war. (Warcraft)
I was just thinking today about the critic, how it wasn't funny at the time because everyone thought they wanted more sequels and remakes and he mocked everything that was ever made, but now a days I think the show is more socially relevant and would be funny to watch as their are lots of bad movies being made these days.
Okay, so Interplay looks like its going to crash down hard, which means:
Earthworm Jim IP could go on sale
Now, I'd love it if Tennapel could buy his character back, as I would love anything Earthworm Jim related, but if a proper dev bought this license it wouldn't be as bad.
The series still has A LOT of untapped potential.
And I'm sure with the right dev, Earthworm Jim 3 would be awesome.
Back To the Future should be revived immediatly or at least the video game for BTTF!!!
Precisely! The LJN games deserve another shot. Get those guys back in an office. I know LJN itself doesn't exist anymore, but Jack Friedman(who founded LJN) also founded THQ, so we can just give the license to them! They're already used to doing tie-in games, too! IT'S A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN.
I like telltales' BTTF. I never played any other bttf games, and I like it! I like the story and to some it may be easy, but it was not made to be a tough puzzle hard to figure out game, it was a fan based game and meant to bring back the feeling of the movies. And I think they did a great job! I think they should do the second season!
I like telltales' BTTF. I never played any other bttf games, and I like it! I like the story and to some it may be easy, but it was not made to be a tough puzzle hard to figure out game, it was a fan based game and meant to bring back the feeling of the movies. And I think they did a great job! I think they should do the second season!
Yes, they did an EXCELLENT job of bringing back the feeling of watching a movie without any actual involvement whatsoever. And it has a very Biff-like motif, whereby a dumb game yells at you that you're stupid all the time, so there's that too!
The DCAU needs to be reviewed! I loved how it had its own separate continuity from the comics but was the same continuity though out the DCAU. It has some of my fave ever in its universe! Batman Superman Justice League Batman of the future!!! It needs to return! Also we need to see the near Apocalypse of 09.
Yes, they did an EXCELLENT job of bringing back the feeling of watching a movie without any actual involvement whatsoever. And it has a very Biff-like motif, whereby a dumb game yells at you that you're stupid all the time, so there's that too!
Ouch. Though I can't help but agree with you. The story's good and the player only does the usual "Use object with other object to solve puzzle" scheme. If they were to take out Marty's ability to walk, the genre of the game could easily be dummbed down to an interactive movie. *Sigh* Tis' ashame. We can only aspire to hope that Telltale has learned from this and will give more to control to the player in future projects/games.
The DCAU needs to be reviewed! I loved how it had its own separate continuity from the comics but was the same continuity though out the DCAU. It has some of my fave ever in its universe! Batman Superman Justice League Batman of the future!!! It needs to return! Also we need to see the near Apocalypse of 09.
I was hoping with 'The Batman' they were doing a complete reboot of the DCAU, and the new movies aren't that great now that The Batman's done. One would hope they'd find someone unique to carry a show and later be the flagship of the universe instead of just Batman again, though.
Speaking of Super Heroes, MAKE SOMETHING WITH DOCTOR STRANGE PLEASE MARVEL ANYTHING. I swear, he's the super hero the world has forgotten about (also my favorite :P).
Speaking of Super Heroes, MAKE SOMETHING WITH DOCTOR STRANGE PLEASE MARVEL ANYTHING. I swear, he's the super hero the world has forgotten about (also my favorite :P).
I was hoping with 'The Batman' they were doing a complete reboot of the DCAU
It don't need a reboot the shows that came from the DCAU where great they should continue the storys from Justice Leauge. (and the others too but JL & JLU was my fave).
Yes, they did an EXCELLENT job of bringing back the feeling of watching a movie without any actual involvement whatsoever. And it has a very Biff-like motif, whereby a dumb game yells at you that you're stupid all the time, so there's that too!
Well everyone has a right to their own opinion. I can not force you to change your mind, but Back to the Future the Game being awesome is a fact! Facts can not be changed unless they changed it and added gross stuff and bad things in it. Which they will not, BTTF The Game is awesome!
The story may be good, but it's not told in a very good manner. Most of the storytelling comes in the extended cutscenes, and very little through the actual gameplay (this is how I remember it, anyway). This probably wouldn't matter too much if there was actually some decent puzzles and dialogue in between the cutscenes, but all we're provided with is a series of monotonous chores and dialogue trees consisting of boring, dull jokes, blatant hints and crappy expositions. The story may be good at its core, but it's greatly damaged when it's cut in to pieces and locked behind horrible, unrewarding gameplay.
and the player only does the usual "Use object with other object to solve puzzle" scheme.
This is one of the main problems with the game's interface - there's only one frigging action: click once. You either click on items once to interact with them, and once you have them you click them onto another thing in order to finish your chores solve the puzzles. There's no other factor in the puzzle solving. In old, classic adventure games, you had as many as twelve possible interactions with the world around you. Sure, it made some parts of the game slightly grueling and difficult, but it was challenging and it gave the game a certain depth, richness and replayability, all of which 'Back to the Future' lacks greatly. Heck, even in 'Tales of Monkey Island', there was still at least the option of combining items, which provided one other puzzle-solving parameter. 'Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse' also had a one-click interface and no item combining, but it got by with the Toys of Power, which provided at least a tiny bit of a challenge, and also gave the player something fun to play around and experiment with.
What does 'Back to the Future' provide for the player that's fun and will bring them back for more? Nothing. In fact, in 'It's About Time' I'm pretty sure I exhausted about 98% of the game's options, seeing as how I like to explore the world and try random item combinations just to see what response it might bring. Too bad Telltale didn't really have much of an imagination in the production of this game, and just gave standard "I don't think that will work" responses. And even the responses that I did get from Marty weren't particularly exciting or interesting.
If they were to take out Marty's ability to walk, the genre of the game could easily be dummbed down to an interactive movie.
Actually, some of the greatest puzzles I've ever played rely on the player character being unable to walk (or move).
Well everyone has a right to their own opinion. I can not force you to change your mind, but Back to the Future the Game being awesome is a fact! Facts can not be changed unless they changed it and added gross stuff and bad things in it. Which they will not, BTTF The Game is awesome!
Yes, because this is perfect reasoning. Why don't you go into some of the reasons why arguably one of the worst adventure games ever made is so 'awesome!'?
What did you say shoulder? Now where did that guy go who's always crying about BTTF? I just have to get you two together. You guys would really hit it off , you were made for each other! Where did he go...?
What did you say shoulder? Now where did that guy go who's always crying about BTTF? I just have to get you two together. You guys would really hit it off , you were made for each other! Where did he go...?
Hey, guys, nobody tell him that Hayden isn't me, okay?
I love all the missions you can do in GTA so I'm always up for more of them.
I remember playing and beating Final Fantasy X and XII and was amazed with the stories and the quests. The only other one I've played is III/VI and I like it. Gotta finish it some day...
Make Knights of the Old Republic 3 (no online BS). I loved the first two even though the 2nd one was incomplete.
I seriously think the Simpsons should end. I got bored with the show in the 14th season and it seems like now all they do is recycle plots. I saw the Movie but barely remember it.
So, what's Ubisoft's E3 comment towards the above mentioned "Beyond Good & Evil 2"?
According to some German websites (didn't find this in English), the official statement was that it will "skip the present console generation" (!!), but also that they're at a stage in development that there's "no way back now".
Riiiiiiiight. No game was ever cancelled five+ years before its slated release.
I'd add some comments about Ubisoft now, but I'd have to censor them myself immediately as I'm a moderator.
So, what's Ubisoft's E3 comment towards the above mentioned "Beyond Good & Evil 2"?
According to some German websites (didn't find this in English), the official statement was that it will "skip the present console generation" (!!), but also that they're at a stage in development that there's "no way back now".
Ouch. I'd be ticked off by Ubisoft because of this if they weren't making Rayman Origins.
Last thing heard was creator Michel Ancel's comment, the limitations of present consoles sort of suppressed his creativity for BG&E2, so the project would be pretty much inactive right now. What a stupid man.
Depends on what he's actually doing, though. I mean, if it's a graphical thing, then yes, what a stupid man. The latest generation of consoles are already sufficient to bring pretty much the greatest graphic quality you can have. Also, graphics are not important. However, if he's got a really amazing new concept of gameplay that's so great, he is unable to abandon it despite the fact that it requires some sci-fi hardware specifications that exist only in the imaginations of mad philosophers, then maybe it's wiser to wait for a better console. I mean, I'd rather wait longer for an amazing game rather than getting a quick, unsatisfying game.
Just as long as it doesn't become Beyond Good and Evil Forever.
And since people seem to have given up, here's the games I hid in my big ol' post. No cookies since you failed miserably, I guess I'll just have to have them all. Nom!
The problem I have with games these days is that said conflict is represented by one modern country attacking another modern country with modern weapons in modern times resulting in a constant flow of modern warfare. (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) And there doesn't seem to be a great deal of variation from this formulae in most big-name releases.
Games are supposed to fun, but there's not a great deal of fun to be had in doing the same thing over and over again. Isn't variety the spice of life? And clearly the spice must flow. (Dune/Dune II)
So let's have a little more variety in out constant wars. Let's set them in space, or have us play as insects... perhaps Mushrooms or something. (Mushroom Men)
Let's have the main character be something other than a tough grizzled American. Let's have a Serbian committing Grand larceny, (Grand Theft Auto 4) or maybe a British guy throwing shit at stuff. (Saints Row 2)
Let's focus on more interesting, exciting ideas, like the darkest days (Darkest of Days) of our history other than World War 2. Let's have games that aren't so serious all the time, (Serious Sam) that kill the pain (Painkiller) of endless gritty realistic blandathons.
Let's have some seriously shocking plots, (Bioshock / System Shock) with nobody living forever. (No-One Lives Forever) Let's have wars among the stars (Star Wars) where we can craft new (Starcraft) and exciting worlds of war. (Warcraft)
I didn't play much of the last game, because the controls enraged me.
The Critic (TV, 1994)
Duck Dogders (TV, 2004)
Trespasser (VG, 1998) - possibly a remake
Tales of Monkey Island (VG, 2009)
Sam and Max Season 4
A new Don Bluth Movie
The Simpsons (TV Series, 1989)
Superhero Movies
Bad sequels
Earthworm Jim IP could go on sale
Now, I'd love it if Tennapel could buy his character back, as I would love anything Earthworm Jim related, but if a proper dev bought this license it wouldn't be as bad.
The series still has A LOT of untapped potential.
And I'm sure with the right dev, Earthworm Jim 3 would be awesome.
Surely Earthworm Jim 3D was the 3rd game in the series? I know it sucked but still.
You talking gibberish Davies. There is no Earthworm Jim 3D for the N64 and PC, and I definately do not own both. :mad:
I'm not going to touch that comment with an 88 foot pole.
I have a 89 foot clown pole if you wanna borrow it.
Someone force them to make music again.
Ouch. Though I can't help but agree with you. The story's good and the player only does the usual "Use object with other object to solve puzzle" scheme. If they were to take out Marty's ability to walk, the genre of the game could easily be dummbed down to an interactive movie. *Sigh* Tis' ashame. We can only aspire to hope that Telltale has learned from this and will give more to control to the player in future projects/games.
I was hoping with 'The Batman' they were doing a complete reboot of the DCAU, and the new movies aren't that great now that The Batman's done. One would hope they'd find someone unique to carry a show and later be the flagship of the universe instead of just Batman again, though.
Speaking of Super Heroes, MAKE SOMETHING WITH DOCTOR STRANGE PLEASE MARVEL ANYTHING. I swear, he's the super hero the world has forgotten about (also my favorite :P).
EDIT: 2007's recent, right?
It don't need a reboot the shows that came from the DCAU where great they should continue the storys from Justice Leauge. (and the others too but JL & JLU was my fave).
Well everyone has a right to their own opinion. I can not force you to change your mind, but Back to the Future the Game being awesome is a fact! Facts can not be changed unless they changed it and added gross stuff and bad things in it. Which they will not, BTTF The Game is awesome!
The story may be good, but it's not told in a very good manner. Most of the storytelling comes in the extended cutscenes, and very little through the actual gameplay (this is how I remember it, anyway). This probably wouldn't matter too much if there was actually some decent puzzles and dialogue in between the cutscenes, but all we're provided with is a series of monotonous chores and dialogue trees consisting of boring, dull jokes, blatant hints and crappy expositions. The story may be good at its core, but it's greatly damaged when it's cut in to pieces and locked behind horrible, unrewarding gameplay.
This is one of the main problems with the game's interface - there's only one frigging action: click once. You either click on items once to interact with them, and once you have them you click them onto another thing in order to finish your chores solve the puzzles. There's no other factor in the puzzle solving. In old, classic adventure games, you had as many as twelve possible interactions with the world around you. Sure, it made some parts of the game slightly grueling and difficult, but it was challenging and it gave the game a certain depth, richness and replayability, all of which 'Back to the Future' lacks greatly. Heck, even in 'Tales of Monkey Island', there was still at least the option of combining items, which provided one other puzzle-solving parameter. 'Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse' also had a one-click interface and no item combining, but it got by with the Toys of Power, which provided at least a tiny bit of a challenge, and also gave the player something fun to play around and experiment with.
What does 'Back to the Future' provide for the player that's fun and will bring them back for more? Nothing. In fact, in 'It's About Time' I'm pretty sure I exhausted about 98% of the game's options, seeing as how I like to explore the world and try random item combinations just to see what response it might bring. Too bad Telltale didn't really have much of an imagination in the production of this game, and just gave standard "I don't think that will work" responses. And even the responses that I did get from Marty weren't particularly exciting or interesting.
Actually, some of the greatest puzzles I've ever played rely on the player character being unable to walk (or move).
Yes, because this is perfect reasoning. Why don't you go into some of the reasons why arguably one of the worst adventure games ever made is so 'awesome!'?
Maybe you have multiple personality disorder.
Nah, they have the right to voice their opinions and be dis-satisfied.
Wednesday might be your lucky day.
I remember playing and beating Final Fantasy X and XII and was amazed with the stories and the quests. The only other one I've played is III/VI and I like it. Gotta finish it some day...
Make Knights of the Old Republic 3 (no online BS). I loved the first two even though the 2nd one was incomplete.
I seriously think the Simpsons should end. I got bored with the show in the 14th season and it seems like now all they do is recycle plots. I saw the Movie but barely remember it.
According to some German websites (didn't find this in English), the official statement was that it will "skip the present console generation" (!!), but also that they're at a stage in development that there's "no way back now".
Riiiiiiiight. No game was ever cancelled five+ years before its slated release.
I'd add some comments about Ubisoft now, but I'd have to censor them myself immediately as I'm a moderator.
LOL I missed this post. Thanks for sharing.
Ouch. I'd be ticked off by Ubisoft because of this if they weren't making Rayman Origins.
Depends on what he's actually doing, though. I mean, if it's a graphical thing, then yes, what a stupid man. The latest generation of consoles are already sufficient to bring pretty much the greatest graphic quality you can have. Also, graphics are not important. However, if he's got a really amazing new concept of gameplay that's so great, he is unable to abandon it despite the fact that it requires some sci-fi hardware specifications that exist only in the imaginations of mad philosophers, then maybe it's wiser to wait for a better console. I mean, I'd rather wait longer for an amazing game rather than getting a quick, unsatisfying game.
Just as long as it doesn't become Beyond Good and Evil Forever.