If a person goes out every night for a drink or two, is that worse than someone who binges heavy on a Friday or Saturday? Are there differences between a person who goes out for a drink or two and someone who stays home and takes a drink or two?
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and no, there is no difference between going out or staying in. Some people are social/antisocial, money can be a factor, worrying about travel etc.
@Johro I'm debating at the moment about 'social addiction' and whether alcohol is incidental to wanting to go out a lot or if its the main drive.
Personally, I've seen alcohol addiction in both forms and I am rather sure that the labels "worse" and "better" should not be attributed. There might be more immediate effects with heavy drinking, but you have to consider the danger potential for those other forms of addiction as well.
Social drinking is a b****. And I state this from a rather unusual perspective, as I haven't been drinking any alcohol for 17 years now (yes, none at all). And whenever I'm in a new crowd and have to make clear that I just plain don't, it doesn't matter much if these people are open minded/tolerant/reasonably or not, I can feel the disappointment. It's as if you said: "You're nice people, but I don't really want to have anything to do with you". Feels weird every time.
I think in the US a standard drink is defined as a beverage containing 0.6 fluid ounces (approximatly 15 grams) of pure alcohol.
In my opinion, having two of those on a daily base will have negative long term effects on liver metabolism and as a result on metabolism in general.
The binge drinker will have similar metabolical effects all in all, depending on the lenght of the abstinent interval, and of course the degree of acute intoxication.
Plus he has a far higher risk of neural damage and asphyxia.
Alcohol doesn't hurt unless yor put in your body more than it can metabolize (getting dizzy or drunk) and even that isnt' extremely dangerous on the short term. Of course, in the long term, if you get wasted every night you are to gonna encounter some problems.
Also, it should be mentioned that everybody (and every body) it's different. A drink or two for someone that never drinks could be too much, but for somenone who is used to it, it's nothing.
All in all, i think the only difference between a person that drinks in his house and a person that drinks when he goes out, is that this last one is probably having more fun.
The scientific consensus is that moderate drinkers live longer and suffer fewer health problems than both heavy drinkers and those who abstain from alcohol completely. This is due to the beneficial effect of (moderate amounts of) alcohol on the cardiovascular system.
Like it or not, but drinking a glass of wine or two a day is a perfectly healthy lifestyle.
Hello, I'm Iryon and my opinion is relevant because this is a forum
It's not the alcohol, but rather the antioxidants in the wine that comes from the grape skins during fermentation (red wine is made with grape-skin contact).
I knew my post-graduate wine-making qualifications would finally come in handy...
I don't like "binging" anymore. If you drink, you drink. I'd say the real difference you should be comparing would be that person that gets drunk every day... and the person that has one drink per day (or binges once a week). Clearly these are people that either enjoy a good pint, or are just having fun with their mates on the weekend. If you drink to drunkne-ness every day, then there's a problem.
Prove me wrong.
Soda's bad for you. I drink beer and I feel happy without inhibition.
Sounds like a cry for help to me!
I liked it so much I sig'd it.
No shit?
*looks at Pant's signature*
No shit!
That's due to the increased liver enzyme count. Before you ask, no, I will not give you my liver when yours retreats from this world.
Like I would even consider taking your inferior liver! My has been steeped in alcohol and carefully aged...yours be frank, a n00b.
Though I understand some people actually prefer theirs like that...
Some people. We call them spineless.
I do believe "lily-livered" is more apropos.
I find it amusing that you of all people would use that insult...
Look, look, look. Just because my spine is all manner of fucked up, doesn't make me spineless.
Fixed that for ya, buddy!
This is how it should be...
Also, I haven't gotten intoxicated in two's terble.
Verr terble. We will fix it at Dragoncon!
FUCK YES! Intoxication via beer, whiskey, vodka, rum, gin, brandy, mixed drinks, absinthe, and your company. Greatest ever or best ever?
But the biggest test is yet to come. My 21st birday is next month and my brothers want to take me to all the bars in the city to get drunk and then bring me to a strip club. But I seriously don't want to start drinking. I haven't yet and I feel very good about that.
.... I'll go to the strip club though. lol