The Awful Karaoke Thread
Come on peeps, it's time to shatter some ear drums with a bit of tuneless warbling. Why not join the party? I'll kick things off...
I Wanna Be Like You (from the Jungle Book)
PLEASE NOTE: To listen, just click on the little "play" symbol on the linked page.
Now it's your turn...
P.S. If you're a little too shy to have a go yourself then you can always hunt online for other people's strained vocal chords (like this bloke for example).
I Wanna Be Like You (from the Jungle Book)
PLEASE NOTE: To listen, just click on the little "play" symbol on the linked page.
Now it's your turn...
P.S. If you're a little too shy to have a go yourself then you can always hunt online for other people's strained vocal chords (like this bloke for example).
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Bleed, eardrums, bleed! Bahaha! (No Leaf Clover by Metallica)
My sincerest apologies to the Beatles. (I Am The Walrus)
Actually, you're not all that bad. Infact, I thought you sounded quite like Leonard Cohen during the Metallica song, which is certainly no bad thing. Would you mind doing a karaoke version of "Everybody Knows"?
As for The Beatles track, the site you uploaded it to tells me that I'm not authorised to listen to it! Which is a shame as I love The Beatles.
Wow, Leonard Cohen, eh? That's the highest praise I've ever received! Thank ya. Not so sure about doing Everybody Knows, though. I don't know the song well enough (I only sing songs I have memorized note for note, and even then I manage to botch a line or two, haha).
I do plan on recording more soon, though, so I'll try to emulate Cohen when I do.
As for the Beatles, sorry, forgot to set it to public. Try again.
In turn, you've got a bit of a Tom Waits meets Louie Armstrong thing going, which is awesome.
Ah yes, that's working now. I liked it, although I thought you sounded a bit flat (almost tired). I dunno though, maybe that's quite apt for a LSD infused song.
Ha ha, cheers but that's not my natural singing voice. I guess my interpretation of an ape sounds like Waits and Armstrong.
Hehe, that was my eighth or ninth take and the tenth song I did that day (did I mention I *love* karaoke?), so I was definitely tired.
For my money Shagge has more a Tom Waits quality to his voice, but Leonard Cohen def springs to mind as well, I needed to turn my subwoofer down when he came over the speakers!!
Anyway, here's my cack! My voice isn't particulary distinctive or owt, but what you gonna do?
Misery by Green Day
State of Mind by Mad Caddies
Wow, Tom Waits AND Leonard Cohen! Damn, I'm all a-flutter! Actually gives me half a mind to take singing lessons and produce something useful out of the ol' chords.
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis? You're good. I can't think of any famous analogues for your voice, but it's very listenable. Good stuff with the guitar, too. I've tried to sing and play at the same time, and that shit is TOUGH.
EDIT: Wow, DAISHI. I want to hear you do some Beatles. You could knock it out of the park.
HEY! Mr. Great Musician! We don't take kindly to your types 'round here. Go take your beautiful guitar playing and angelic voice and bugger off to a "Wonderful Karaoke Thread" or something. :mad:
...yeah, I'm officially jealous. What of it?
Meh, it was easy. Many years of impersonating Papa Lazarou will tend to do that to oneself.
Oh my hot holy shit, this is the stuff right here!!
Edit: Oh and you're all too nice, but i'll take any compliments I can get!
Uhhhhhhh... disturbing. :eek:
Oh and by the way, it's was sung wonderfully. Top marks. 10/10
Wait until I cover "Thank God I'm Pretty"... bwehehe.
*insert here the MI tributes*
There's nothing like a piano player with a BAD voice.
Aw, come on old Wolfie, you've got to do something new for this thread. You've just got to. Pretty please?
Not a great song for me to sing. McCartney is a different key singer than I am and an octave higher. I'd actually like to give this a shot in a different key.
Think I'll give my voice a rest and do some rap next :P
I've got some rap waiting in the wings as well, will share later.
Dammit, woah daddy, oh yeahhhhh, sweeeeeet, amazing, brilliant, professional even. A+++++++
You sound like John Lennon, had he been brought up on the streets of Harlem. Trust me, I mean that in the best possible way.
We're not worthy, not worthy M'Lord. All praise DAISHI.
(although now I feel too ashamed to post any more songs myself following some of the sheer quality that's been displayed... come on, let's have a few more peeps who sound like a moggy being tortured)!
I've got a rap cover planned for Monday, I think people are going to like it a lot (not my vocals but the song I'm covering) but I don't want to give the surprise away until it's done.
Do share, good sir! I'm curious about your natural singing voice now.
Ooh, I hope it's the entirety of Rappers' Delight!
Let's get something straight right now... I can't sing for shit, so don't go expecting my natural signing voice to sound good or anything.
Find out if you're correct here.
I'll get back to you all on that.
This IS the Awful Karaoke Thread, after all.
@Alcoremaestro: Yes please! I'm all for both opera and thirties jazz.
But I don't know any songs....
I wonder if theres a karaoke version of "Rainbow in the Dark" or "Holy Diver" by Dio
(I know most of the words to that, and I freakin' love those songs!
I'd do "Still Alive" but its a bit of an old hat, plus I always confuse the lyrics up.
I do that.
("Veteran of the Psychic Wars" by the Blue Oyster cult made that very clear to me.)
"Going through the motions" is a pretty nice song to sing to.
(Anything by Blue Oyster Cult really)
Maybe if no-one is around next week, I might take a crack at it.
(I am a-scaredy to do it in front of anyone, even my family. Plus it would seem pretty odd to them that I'm suddenly singing around the house...)
Hmmmm... tempting.
It's not like I'm in the middle of three pre-productions, four productions and two post-productions!
What would you guys like?
"I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" at 2x speed.
... Well?
Very well, I'll see about preparing something. It'll probably be a capella because I have no music tracks that lack the vocals and am rubbish at singing and playing piano at the same time. So we'll see.
2x speed would make it difficult to understand for others.
...and I admit that may be waaay over my possibilities...
But I'll trade you the double speed for a French Accent
...and I can't seem to find a karaoke/instrumental version. Help?
It's your choice my friend because it's all about your own individuality. Well, that and the fact that I'm unable to think of a song for you. Mainly the latter.
I know I would. Big time.
Sounds good to me.
Found an awful midi version, but that's about it, haha.
Well, I'm also just plain rubbish at playing piano at all. Except when it comes to playing the Nyan Cat song. Then I'm brilliant.
I've never heard of the Nyan Cat song before but a quick trip to YouTube revealed this...
... is that the song you're referring to? Either way, it's adorable.
I love animals
I particularly adore cats (I worship them like an old time Egyptian).
I like the bright primary colours found in rainbows.
I fascinated by space and the stars.
And, I'm really not sure but is that a cat that's been spliced with a Pop Tart (presumably via Seth Brundle's teleporting pods)?!
Pop Tart's are a thing of nostalgia for me and everyone know's that nostalgia makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. MMMMmmmmmm
That song (and accompanying video) is all kinds of awesome.
I'm never going to get to sleep tonight because now I'm got that kitty's mewsic (sorry) stuck in my head.
Hey, I'm rubbish at guitar! Let's form a band!
That is indeed the song that I am referring to. I can play it on the piano...though not quite as fast. And only occasionally as accurate. But the sheet music said "Repeat until Forever" at the refrain so I'm afraid I can never stop!
YES! All we need is a rubbish drummer and a rubbish bass and we can be the Detritus Band!
Can't wait to hear Major General being tackled either, it's ahrd enough when English is your native language never mind your second.
Here's Stray Cat Strut i've shortened it down considerably at the request of health and safety.
Yay! I love that song. Nice one.
(although I would have prefurred, or should that be prepurred, the full length version)
(as always, click on the tiny, little play button on the opened links)
Norwegian Wood (The Beatles)
Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd) - This is my natural singing voice, as bad as it is.
Especially for Alcoremortis... Want You Gone (Jonathan Coulton) -With special guest Cockerel
And lastly, a video recording of my previously hinted at rap song.
P.S. Here's an extra special bonus, mystery song.