I figured out that with some songs you can quiten the singing by splitting and reversing one of the tracks, then remerging.
Already done it to Veteran of the Psychic Wars.
Now if I get some time alone, I think I might give it a go.
May have a go at Rainbow in the Dark. Its my favourite Dio song.
(Though there are a lot of great Dio songs)
(Maybe Holy Diver... Fun song that! )
EDIT: Maybe I should try something really obscure, and do "Love Me Like A Woman" or "I'm Coming Back For You" from Elf.
(One of the first bands Dio was in)
At some point, I've managed to completely ruin my voice somehow, so I can't even sing this "well" anymore. But here is a pile of me singing random crap.
Also, when I recorded these I didn't have karaoke versions, nor did I really care about mixing them properly, so sometimes you can barely hear me. But that's probably for the best.
I meant I'd add a few here that weren't private. Right, then...And I set them to private after I had posted them, some time after. I decided I didn't want them on line, public at the time.
Here's me doing Don't Worry Be Happy in a bad accent. I posted this in a thread on these forums before, but it fits here better since it's definitely awful karaoke.
Here's me doing Don't Worry Be Happy in a bad accent. I posted this in a thread on these forums before, but it fits here better since it's definitely awful karaoke.
Hahaha... that accent!
I'm nominating this for the most hilarious song in this thread.
@Jennifer - I think your voice would suit 'Still Alive', fancy giving it a bash?
I suppose I can sing a song that suits me for a change. If I can get my computer sorted out so that Audacity doesn't keep skipping when I record, then I'll give it a try this afternoon.
Already done it to Veteran of the Psychic Wars.
Now if I get some time alone, I think I might give it a go.
May have a go at Rainbow in the Dark. Its my favourite Dio song.
(Though there are a lot of great Dio songs)
(Maybe Holy Diver... Fun song that!
EDIT: Maybe I should try something really obscure, and do "Love Me Like A Woman" or "I'm Coming Back For You" from Elf.
(One of the first bands Dio was in)
And I completely messed this up.
A new version of my Johnny Cash cover.
And now, live karaoke.
Here, melody, timing and all musical sensibility is thrown out the window in the name of pure unadulterated speed.
Seriously this is one of the roughest things i've ever shown publically, and that's really saying something.
Does the video have to include special effects?
Also, when I recorded these I didn't have karaoke versions, nor did I really care about mixing them properly, so sometimes you can barely hear me. But that's probably for the best.
Ok , here I am singing...for real... no lyrics, lol, don't know lyrics.
Gahhh, it's marked as private! A lot of your videos seem to be, please can you sort them out as I'd like to watch. Cheers.
Ok, I'll add a few non privates ones later.
...Um, why even bother adding private videos to a public forum in the first place? The only person who can see them is you!
I saw it at the time, it was quite the sight to behold.
Stop taunting me with your tauntingosity.
Lonely at the Top - Randy Newman
Slip Slidin' Away - Paul Simon
They're both a bit botched, but I love how the piano in the Newman song translated to guitar so nicely.
Here's me doing Don't Worry Be Happy in a bad accent. I posted this in a thread on these forums before, but it fits here better since it's definitely awful karaoke.
Hahaha... that accent!
I'm nominating this for the most hilarious song in this thread.
Speaking of which...
U Can't Touch This
Brilliant! Your voice is so sweet. It's like listening to Mickey Mouse trying to be hard-core. It's absolutely adorable.
Maybe I'll do Still Alive.
(Since its one of very few songs I know mostly be heart. Plus its fun to sing!)
YES! Please do 'Still Alive'. Also, I agree; it really is a fun song to sing.
@Jennifer - I think your voice would suit 'Still Alive', fancy giving it a bash?
Enjoy your head ache and nausea
You've got a great singing voice. I can't quite put my finger on who you remind me of but you have a classical singing voice.
My only criticism is technical; the song ends at 2:05 and then there's a long period of silence, followed by an alternative ending at 3:48.
That's an easy question to answer; FUCK YES!
That's fine, just as long as you wake up tomorrow and say "I think that I should sing some karaoke today!"
Honestly, that's cool mate. I don't want to put pressure on you or anything.
Damn, now I'm thinking about what song I would possibly do.
Due to your avatar; how about the Rimmer munchkin song from series VII of Red Dwarf?
Cool. I guess that I'll have a bash at the Rimmer Munchkin Song instead.
I'm certainly not afraid to sing songs that are against type for my voice.
I suppose I can sing a song that suits me for a change.