You shut up, as of right now, I'M legally blind. Or did you forget? Yeah, I get it. You get peripheral vision, and suddenly you forget about the folks RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.
Please vote for me. If you want to know why; its because I was the one who made this contest possible in the frist place, (read the last page of the "BTTF the Game Wallpapers/Posters" Thread in the "Back to the Future Discussion" Forum). And I realy don't want to pay $20.00(plus shipping), for a small second-hand (and possibly ripped, bent, or both), poster from eBay.
You shut up, as of right now, I'M legally blind. Or did you forget? Yeah, I get it. You get peripheral vision, and suddenly you forget about the folks RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.
that must be why you didnt like the game; you didn't notice all the 3D images and topless ladies
I voted for Pants to drive Dashing mad, but please change the vote to divisionten, who actually deserves it. I demand all of Dashing's be moved there too. His is awful.
I voted for Pants to drive Dashing mad, but please change the vote to divisionten, who actually deserves it. I demand all of Dashing's be moved there too. His is awful.
Let's.... not do that anymore. Alright?
Votes remain the same.
Keep things nice, please. you can annoy each-other in private.
Though it may hurt my chances of getting my rightly deserved poster, I say you change Fawful's vote back. The guy has already been alienated from this forum and your reaction to his request isn't helping.
We lose more and more high quality posters every month. We should do everything we can to keep the entertaining people around. Do you really want this place to turn into Eternal September: The Forum?
Hey guys, your friendly forum pharmacist advises everyone to take a chill pill!
I changed Fawful's vote 'cause he said please, and Pants was all right with it (you poor fool, Pants). Fawful, next time just vote for who you really want to vote for - changing votes screws up the poll.
Ain't changing any more votes, so please be careful with your clicks!
Sounds like begging to me. Also, possibly whining.
So What!? We shouldn't even have to be enter a contest for sonething that they(, not only made the posters themselves, but should be selling on their own website in the first place. But don't and won't, because they said it is too "Costly" to ship to anyone.:mad:
The only place you can go to get/buy a bttf game poster; is a $10-$20 plus shipping, second-hand poster from eBay.
So What!? We shouldn't even have to be enter a contest for sonething that they(, not only made the posters themselves, but should be selling on their own website in the first place. But don't and won't, because they said it is too "Costly" to ship to anyone.:mad:
The only place you can go to get/buy a bttf game poster; is a $10-$20 plus shipping, second-hand poster from eBay.
We're going to sell posters, we just can't give them away to everyone who bought them. And they won't be these exact ones.
I think that the person who even made this contest possible in the first, needs at least more than a vote from a friend and himself. Wait, who made this contest possible....Oh yah...ME!!!:eek:
There. Doctor Who 88 has been finally and succinctly owned.
Doctor, can you kindly cease your whining now? Stop feeling so entitled.
Screw you man!:mad: Your just agreeing with Majus because you, me and two other guys are tied at three votes each! And by the way, if you were paying ANY attention to what I said about the contest; than you would've known that when I said that I was the reason the contest was happening at all, I ment that my COMENTING:eek: of the bttf posters not being available to buy from Telltale CONVINCED Amy Lukima to do a contest for then. If you don't believe me, then go to the "Back to the Future Discussion" Forum, then go to the thread "BTTF the Game Wallpapers/Posters" then read pages 8-9 and you will see how it all happend.:cool:
I'm also a bit confused by "I've got two BttF posters and mini prints to give away." Does that mean they have two of each(implied grammatically) or that they have a poster and a mini print, and is it like the top two get something or the first one gets like two/four posters? I honestly have no idea how this contest was actually plotted out.
I guess mine wasn't good.. I knew I shouldn't of entered, everybody hates me of course I would get zero votes, im not suprised..everybody did great! some of those were funny and clever kudos to you guys.
I guess mine wasn't good.. I knew I shouldn't of entered, everybody hates me of course I would get zero votes, im not suprised..everybody did great! some of those were funny and clever kudos to you guys.
I hate nobody. Even those that I vehemently disagree with on their opinions of this game(Dashing and Falanca, you guys keep sticking around, you're fun!)
Still, what's with people voting for themselves? That wouldn't count in ANY poll...
After I voted for someone who wasn't me once, my father told me once "Do you think presidential candidates vote for someone else?" and explained that whenever you run for something, you should vote for yourself because you feel you deserve to win, or not run at all. Be in it to win it, and all.
I can see how it's different when you submit something, as you won't know what other people will submit until after you enter your own thing. But unless the rules specifically say that people who entered can't vote, I say it's certainly fine if they do.
Why would they decide to vote for their competition anyways? And with results being public, doesn't that make it less likely that people will vote for you? I mean, if you of all people didn't believe you deserved to win... why should other people?
Presidential candidates probably vote for themselves, but it's a massive difference because their single vote will hardly tip the scale.
Yes it's true, I would have thought that "don't vote for yourself" goes without saying in this one. And Laserschwert is hardly "whining" here - he's not even a participant in the contest, Comrade. And out of mere fairness he isn't, mind you: I know for a fact that he has no need for yet another one of these posters.
After I voted for someone who wasn't me once, my father told me once "Do you think presidential candidates vote for someone else?" and explained that whenever you run for something, you should vote for yourself because you feel you deserve to win, or not run at all. Be in it to win it, and all.
Concerning the "be in it to win it" part... if you get the chance to watch the movie "Little Miss Sunshine", please go ahead and do that. You might get a slightly different perspective out of it. AND it's a wonderful road movie to boot.
Whether or not pointing out other people's whining constitutes whining itself is debatable. Personally, I don't think it does. I liken it more to the canary in the mineshaft of bitchiness. But that's me.
Concerning the "be in it to win it" part... if you get the chance to watch the movie "Little Miss Sunshine", please go ahead and do that. You might get a slightly different perspective out of it. AND it's a wonderful road movie to boot.
I've seen it already, but thanks.
I would totally understand a rule saying you're not allowed to vote. But if you are, it makes sense to vote for yourself. And I don't think it tips the scales because those who don't vote for themselves had the chance to and decided not to, so they're the only person to rob themselves of that one vote.
Whether or not pointing out other people's whining constitutes whining itself is debatable. Personally, I don't think it does. I liken it more to the canary in the mineshaft of bitchiness. But that's me.
I think he meant you said something and then repeated it when nobody cared.
Well, Pants has all the right to point out my (or other's) whining, since he's obviously a professional in that field as well. I'll just take that as a compliment, from one fellow whiner to the other. Thank you.
Love you too, Dashing.
that must be why you didnt like the game; you didn't notice all the 3D images and topless ladies
Let's.... not do that anymore.
Votes remain the same.
Keep things nice, please. you can annoy each-other in private.
We lose more and more high quality posters every month. We should do everything we can to keep the entertaining people around. Do you really want this place to turn into Eternal September: The Forum?
I changed Fawful's vote 'cause he said please, and Pants was all right with it (you poor fool, Pants). Fawful, next time just vote for who you really want to vote for - changing votes screws up the poll.
Ain't changing any more votes, so please be careful with your clicks!
Hey, some people need the votes more than you
Sounds like begging to me. Also, possibly whining.
So What!?
The only place you can go to get/buy a bttf game poster; is a $10-$20 plus shipping, second-hand poster from eBay.
We're going to sell posters, we just can't give them away to everyone who bought them.
I think that the person who even made this contest possible in the first, needs at least more than a vote from a friend and himself. Wait, who made this contest possible....Oh yah...ME!!!:eek:
Cool idea bytheway, Amy!
There. Doctor Who 88 has been finally and succinctly owned.
Doctor, can you kindly cease your whining now? Stop feeling so entitled.
Congrats to Giant Tope, you deserve it. I laughed so hard reading your entry!
Screw you man!:mad: Your just agreeing with Majus because you, me and two other guys are tied at three votes each! And by the way, if you were paying ANY attention to what I said about the contest; than you would've known that when I said that I was the reason the contest was happening at all, I ment that my COMENTING:eek: of the bttf posters not being available to buy from Telltale CONVINCED Amy Lukima to do a contest for then. If you don't believe me, then go to the "Back to the Future Discussion" Forum, then go to the thread "BTTF the Game Wallpapers/Posters" then read pages 8-9 and you will see how it all happend.:cool:
I'm also a bit confused by "I've got two BttF posters and mini prints to give away." Does that mean they have two of each(implied grammatically) or that they have a poster and a mini print, and is it like the top two get something or the first one gets like two/four posters? I honestly have no idea how this contest was actually plotted out.
I hate nobody. Even those that I vehemently disagree with on their opinions of this game(Dashing and Falanca, you guys keep sticking around, you're fun!)
After I voted for someone who wasn't me once, my father told me once "Do you think presidential candidates vote for someone else?" and explained that whenever you run for something, you should vote for yourself because you feel you deserve to win, or not run at all. Be in it to win it, and all.
I can see how it's different when you submit something, as you won't know what other people will submit until after you enter your own thing. But unless the rules specifically say that people who entered can't vote, I say it's certainly fine if they do.
Why would they decide to vote for their competition anyways? And with results being public, doesn't that make it less likely that people will vote for you? I mean, if you of all people didn't believe you deserved to win... why should other people?
Yes it's true, I would have thought that "don't vote for yourself" goes without saying in this one. And Laserschwert is hardly "whining" here - he's not even a participant in the contest, Comrade. And out of mere fairness he isn't, mind you: I know for a fact that he has no need for yet another one of these posters.
Concerning the "be in it to win it" part... if you get the chance to watch the movie "Little Miss Sunshine", please go ahead and do that. You might get a slightly different perspective out of it. AND it's a wonderful road movie to boot.
You don't say!
Whether or not pointing out other people's whining constitutes whining itself is debatable. Personally, I don't think it does. I liken it more to the canary in the mineshaft of bitchiness. But that's me.
I've seen it already, but thanks.
I would totally understand a rule saying you're not allowed to vote. But if you are, it makes sense to vote for yourself. And I don't think it tips the scales because those who don't vote for themselves had the chance to and decided not to, so they're the only person to rob themselves of that one vote.
I think he meant you said something and then repeated it when nobody cared.
Meh. Whatever. Time for drinking: the sport of unemployable kings!