Aren't people getting just a little carried away? I was indifferent before I saw the blind power of his death and the extremity of how it is influencing people.
If he hadn't invented the interface, I highly highly highly doubt that some one wouldn't have after him. Granted technology is great, superb, people are acting like he's Christ. I respect what he did, and our world has evolved into technology. But, I'm sorry...aren't people getting a little carried away?
There are lots of people all around the world contributing and we've put him on a stool so high , god has turned his head in shock and said WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?
And Steveo is probably saying I DONT KNOW MAN!
He wasn't worshiped as a god before death, I guess it's the same as artists who are appreciated after they are dead.
Technology isn't God, I just don't see it. I mean yes, ok...but shrines, statues, a holiday!?
I'm sorry, let's mix this up alittle...
Even if he was a genius of his era, I'd like to think he was just another human being contributing to a field of science, not some sort of regular Hercules...
People die...and we're acting like he created the holodeck...not to say what he did wasn't impressive, but aren't people getting carried away? I mean, did he make this in his basement or something? I'm sure he was trained , schooled, educated in technology, and part of some sort of research team or something?
I tried to imply it, communication is only so effective. People are building shrines and now there is a official holiday. If you want to argue it's fine just because it is, that's what you'll argue and you'll even have a point as in this physical manifest of reality things have been directed to this point of time, measurement. Light, energy, directed to this moment, physically and mentally.
But, I still question the way things are, and seriously? A shrine, statues, a holiday?
It just seems a bit much to me. I respect what he does, I'm fine with people respecting what he did but my god, a statue? This is no different than in the ancient times when pharaohs or people with god like powers or intellect where made into statues. Technology is becoming the new God...and it's ok if he is respected, but a holiday?
Technology is important only because we physically rely on it as a mental calculator for reality, a tool, something to make life easier. It isn't a god to me and people die...
We've invested intellectually into technology so that our energy transfer manifest into technology to do thinking for us, it's a balance , a mathematical equation of need/ invention, then design, and balance through invention it's a transfer of energy.
It does the calculation for us. But I don't see how some one who is a part of this becomes a hero or worship. Even if in the crude sense it is evolution. Thought and invention already existed.
People mark significance through these things. Given that human life is inherently insignificant, what people deem significant is in order to give order to a callous universe.
People mark significance through these things. Given that human life is inherently insignificant, what people deem significant is in order to give order to a callous universe.
Perhaps, but it's just extremities that bother me. After all technology is the majority of business and businesses are screwed up in our economy.
Respect to what he was as a human being is granted, honestly it is. But I just wish things were a bit more balanced.
This guy is being treated like Gandhi. I guess I'll just see how it turns out in the end. A few days of worship won't hurt anything.
Nature doesn't care about it, Why should we? I believe in Tabula Rasa philosphy. Anyone can be or could've been Steve Jobs. Is there something to accomplish in life? Is life valuable? No. (I'm also a Nihilist) There is no point in it and nature/god is indifferent. but none of this means you shouldn't live and do what you like. Even though it's meaning-less. That's what Steve Jobs did. He did what he liked and now he's dead. End of story. Why should we praise him? I see no reason. He did all these inovations because deep inside, He enjoyed doing so. He didn't care about making the world better, If he ever did! ... Does what he did it matter? No. It's dark I know, Our ID does't like it but it's true. it makes us feel weak but that how your creator wanted you to feel. Believe me, Lieing to yourself makes things worse. Just acsept that your creator is a neutral un-feeling thing that we can never figure out what it is. It's cruel but it's true. And I like to believe in truth no matter how harsh it is. You can help by not breeding and not giving pain to someone else by bringing him/her here.
Well, I think quite a few people 'worshipped him as a god'. Or at the very least worshipped what he created. They'd buy anything and everything he worked on. The public loved him.
I don't agree much with Apple, granted I don't know much about it or own the products, but I acknowledge the impact they had.
I'm grateful for what Steve Jobs did for Pixar and I'm sad at his parting RIP
Nature doesn't care about it, Why should we? I believe in Tabula Rasa philosphy. Anyone can be or could've been Steve Jobs. Is there something to accomplish in life? Is life valuable? No. (I'm also a Nihilist) There is no point in it and nature/god is indifferent. but none of this means you shouldn't live and do what you like. Even though it's meaning-less. That's what Steve Jobs did. He did what he liked and now he's dead. End of story. Why should we praise him? I see no reason. He did all these inovations because deep inside, He enjoyed doing so. He didn't care about making the world better, If he ever did! ... Does what he did it matter? No. It's dark I know, Our ID does't like it but it's true. it makes us feel weak but that how your creator wanted you to feel. Believe me, Lieing to yourself makes things worse. Just acsept that your creator is a neutral un-feeling thing that we can never figure out what it is. It's cruel but it's true. And I like to believe in truth no matter how harsh it is. You can help by not breeding and not giving pain to someone else by bringing him/her here.
Contrast his death against Shuttleworth's. If I believed what you're saying, then Shuttleworth's fight for equal rights was in vain and there was no advantage to freeing the slaves or accomplishing the Civil Rights Act. However those things have a value that I believe transcend simple 'feels good' stimuli.
There is more to humanity than that. I to agree with DAISHI
Even if we discover that this species is random or made for no reason at all, we should strive in our existence. But I do not like it when people are taken and ruined, brilliant minds like some of the people I know on this forum, and used as a selfish agenda to rule the world and take away everything we truly value in ourselves , as individuals as a existence.
I'm a people person, I don't enjoy people around them. XD But I do care about all of you.
And I think our intentions have more power than we realize.
Um, I hate to break the bad news, but the Westboro Baptist freaks are about to protest Steve Jobs' funeral! And they're using iPhones to protest and attack Jobs! When will these people ever learn?
Um, I hate to break the bad news, but the Westboro Baptist freaks are about to protest Steve Jobs' funeral! And they're using iPhones to protest and attack Jobs! When will these people ever learn?
I'm not going to let those psychotics wedge me from the people I respect here. Not all churches are like that, and they are clearly part of a devil agenda. They were at a satanist's concert protesting about gays...
A very intelligent satanist, but not to sound conceited I have the shred of wisdom to see his agenda and see how people are being poisoned by his intelligence and his deceit.
This won't affect me and religion or make me fight amongst forumites.
I have something against technology, but not like that and I won't let their crazy words and ideas manifest any proportion of me. I am open minded as much as I can be. I think a healthy balance of everything is acceptable.
Those people are extremists and are a loose cannon on society. Even if they were right, which they aren't. They are full of bad psychic energy.
They are taking a side others might embrace, even intelligent people and being ridiculous, closed minded. I don't condone everything our system does, but I love people and I feel sorry for Mr. Jobs dying of cancer and I wish only the best for society. And technology is good, it's going to save us in the future, but we need to evolve as people too. That is all I ever meant to say.
Um, I hate to break the bad news, but the Westboro Baptist freaks are about to protest Steve Jobs' funeral! And they're using iPhones to protest and attack Jobs! When will these people ever learn?
What has Jobs done to annoy them? Honestly, some people just need a sound thumping.
“Westboro will picket his funeral. He had a huge platform; gave God no glory and taught sin,” Margie Phelps, daughter of the church’s founder, Tweeted Wednesday. An automatic note appeared at the bottom of the Tweet saying “via Twitter for iPhone.”
...Phelps responded Thursday to the widespread criticism of her using the iPhone to Tweet the messages, saying that the phone was created by God–not Jobs–for that purpose, ABC News reports.
“Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell.God created iPhone for that purpose! ” she tweeted Thursday, as reported by ABC News.
Last time I checked Mr. Jobs and a bunch of smart engineers created the iPhone.
Wait there protesting Steve Jobs funeral cos he made the IPhone and Ipad. Yet they said God made them not they can send a message protestieng Jobs for making it!? Wibbly Wobbly Religiously Wimey.
Wait there protesting Steve Jobs funeral cos he made the IPhone and Ipad. Yet they said God made them not they can send a message protestieng Jobs for making it!? Wibbly Wobbly Religiously Wimey.
*tries to comprehend this stupidity*
Nope, I still have no fucking idea how this can be possible.
Wait there protesting Steve Jobs funeral cos he made the IPhone and Ipad. Yet they said God made them not they can send a message protestieng Jobs for making it!? Wibbly Wobbly Religiously Wimey.
Maybe they're saying that Jobs IS God?
While I appreciate that all of the work that Steve Jobs did and enjoy greatly the fact that we have point and click adventure games (which don't really work without a mouse interface)...I don't think I'm quite ready to convert at this point and time.
It would probably be a negative effect on Ratherfarianism(or Dashtafarianism?), the religion based entirely on myself, if I were to convert to a religion based on Steve Jobs ascending to the throne of God. It also would mean having to change my phone OS, and I like Android.
Can't it be both? Or either! That way, I can have two factions of worshipers that HATE each other! That could be cool. All the cool deities have warring groups of followers, after all.
The hypocrisy is so thick you'd need a MACHETE to cut it.
I'm convinced that they're just real-life trolls who really want to get some attention. I don't want to be disillusioned of this. If I can pretend that they just have a really twisted sense of humor, I may be able to resist the urge to bang my head on the wall repeatedly.
I'm convinced that they're just real-life trolls who really want to get some attention. I don't want to be disillusioned of this. If I can pretend that they just have a really twisted sense of humor, I may be able to resist the urge to bang my head on the wall repeatedly.
I'm under the impression a large portion of them (since they're mostly his kids) are brainwashed.
If he hadn't invented the interface, I highly highly highly doubt that some one wouldn't have after him. Granted technology is great, superb, people are acting like he's Christ. I respect what he did, and our world has evolved into technology. But, I'm sorry...aren't people getting a little carried away?
There are lots of people all around the world contributing and we've put him on a stool so high , god has turned his head in shock and said WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?
And Steveo is probably saying I DONT KNOW MAN!
He wasn't worshiped as a god before death, I guess it's the same as artists who are appreciated after they are dead.
Technology isn't God, I just don't see it. I mean yes, ok...but shrines, statues, a holiday!?
I'm sorry, let's mix this up alittle...
Even if he was a genius of his era, I'd like to think he was just another human being contributing to a field of science, not some sort of regular Hercules...
People die...and we're acting like he created the holodeck...not to say what he did wasn't impressive, but aren't people getting carried away? I mean, did he make this in his basement or something? I'm sure he was trained , schooled, educated in technology, and part of some sort of research team or something?
But, I still question the way things are, and seriously? A shrine, statues, a holiday?
It just seems a bit much to me. I respect what he does, I'm fine with people respecting what he did but my god, a statue? This is no different than in the ancient times when pharaohs or people with god like powers or intellect where made into statues. Technology is becoming the new God...and it's ok if he is respected, but a holiday?
Technology is important only because we physically rely on it as a mental calculator for reality, a tool, something to make life easier. It isn't a god to me and people die...
We've invested intellectually into technology so that our energy transfer manifest into technology to do thinking for us, it's a balance , a mathematical equation of need/ invention, then design, and balance through invention it's a transfer of energy.
It does the calculation for us. But I don't see how some one who is a part of this becomes a hero or worship. Even if in the crude sense it is evolution. Thought and invention already existed.
There's more to my life than a computer...
Perhaps, but it's just extremities that bother me. After all technology is the majority of business and businesses are screwed up in our economy.
Respect to what he was as a human being is granted, honestly it is. But I just wish things were a bit more balanced.
This guy is being treated like Gandhi. I guess I'll just see how it turns out in the end. A few days of worship won't hurt anything.
I'm grateful for what Steve Jobs did for Pixar and I'm sad at his parting RIP
Contrast his death against Shuttleworth's. If I believed what you're saying, then Shuttleworth's fight for equal rights was in vain and there was no advantage to freeing the slaves or accomplishing the Civil Rights Act. However those things have a value that I believe transcend simple 'feels good' stimuli.
Even if we discover that this species is random or made for no reason at all, we should strive in our existence. But I do not like it when people are taken and ruined, brilliant minds like some of the people I know on this forum, and used as a selfish agenda to rule the world and take away everything we truly value in ourselves , as individuals as a existence.
I'm a people person, I don't enjoy people around them. XD But I do care about all of you.
And I think our intentions have more power than we realize.
I'm not going to let those psychotics wedge me from the people I respect here. Not all churches are like that, and they are clearly part of a devil agenda. They were at a satanist's concert protesting about gays...
A very intelligent satanist, but not to sound conceited I have the shred of wisdom to see his agenda and see how people are being poisoned by his intelligence and his deceit.
This won't affect me and religion or make me fight amongst forumites.
I have something against technology, but not like that and I won't let their crazy words and ideas manifest any proportion of me. I am open minded as much as I can be. I think a healthy balance of everything is acceptable.
Those people are extremists and are a loose cannon on society. Even if they were right, which they aren't. They are full of bad psychic energy.
What has Jobs done to annoy them? Honestly, some people just need a sound thumping.
Last time I checked Mr. Jobs and a bunch of smart engineers created the iPhone.
*tries to comprehend this stupidity*
Nope, I still have no fucking idea how this can be possible.
And to be honest, I can't wait for news of this protest to make its way to the Daily Show.
Maybe they're saying that Jobs IS God?
While I appreciate that all of the work that Steve Jobs did and enjoy greatly the fact that we have point and click adventure games (which don't really work without a mouse interface)...I don't think I'm quite ready to convert at this point and time.
That way people can get it confused with Rastafarianism or Pastafarianism.
Get this man an iTunes Terms and Conditions Bible!
If you shrink the text down really small, I bet you could make it fit.
Like...paste pages from one of these Bibles onto an 8 1/2" by 11" piece of paper...
...maybe a slightly larger piece of paper.
There you go Dashing, SCIENCE!:p I'm joking .
See, problem solved, no stupid media coverage, no crazy churches, every one is entitled to a normal, average opinion. Balance...XD
Okay, not funny. How 'bout this.
Hold on- pic's broken. I'm getting it from my hard drive now.
The hypocrisy is so thick you'd need a MACHETE to cut it.
So logical shouldn't they be protesting God then ?
I'm convinced that they're just real-life trolls who really want to get some attention. I don't want to be disillusioned of this. If I can pretend that they just have a really twisted sense of humor, I may be able to resist the urge to bang my head on the wall repeatedly.
Try advocating LGBT rights. That oughta piss them off.
I'm under the impression a large portion of them (since they're mostly his kids) are brainwashed.