Batman General Discussion Thread



  • edited January 2013
    So far, the best Joker interactions have been with:

    Damien Wayne
    Dick Grayson
    Barbara Gordon

    Tim and Jason kind of got the shaft writing-wise, but Jason was the worst. Red Hood and the Outlaws is such a shitty series, and Starfire is groan-worthy. I can't believe her lines get through editing.

    Starfire: "What's a Joker? No really, what's a Joker?"

    Eat shit and die, Starfire.
  • edited January 2013
    Starfire is, from what I understand, the character that got hit the worst by the New 52 retcon. She's now a space slut bimbo. Then again, my only real knowledge of the character came from the Teen Titans series. But I did read a Teen Titans graphic novel yesterday and Starfire didn't seem like an idiot or a slut. *shrugs*
  • edited January 2013
    Starfire is, from what I understand, the character that got hit the worst by the New 52 retcon. She's now a space slut bimbo. Then again, my only real knowledge of the character came from the Teen Titans series. But I did read a Teen Titans graphic novel yesterday and Starfire didn't seem like an idiot or a slut. *shrugs*

    Se was an effing regal princess before the reboot. She was ignorant of earth customs but not an idiot. Now she's space bimbo supreme.
  • edited February 2013
    Question. Does anyone know if they were going to have Harley Quinn as the bad guy for Nolan's Batman movie series before Bane? I remember hearing an old rumor that there was some talk about the Joker being killed off(before Ledger himself died) and Harley wanted revenge on the batman.
  • edited February 2013
    Leplaya wrote: »
    Question. Does anyone know if they were going to have Harley Quinn as the bad guy for Nolan's Batman movie series before Bane? I remember hearing an old rumor that there was some talk about the Joker being killed off(before Ledger himself died) and Harley wanted revenge on the batman.
    There were always rumors, but I never saw anything in interviews or from any credible source to actually make me think it was very likely.
  • edited February 2013
    I just hope that the next Batman movie doesn't stick him in an all black bat-suit. Go with an Arkham-style look. Just no more all black.
  • edited February 2013
    There were always rumors, but I never saw anything in interviews or from any credible source to actually make me think it was very likely.

    They were going to have Leo DiCaprio as the Riddler.
  • edited February 2013

    (Click it for a bigger version)
  • edited February 2013
    I'm clicking but it's not getting bigger, just sending me to
  • edited February 2013
    Try it now.
  • edited February 2013
    That works better, just needs an extra click.

    Cool looking wallpaper. And the idea behind it is very cool too.
  • edited February 2013
    'twas indeed. Oh well.
  • edited February 2013
    You know after seeing that wallpaper i think Joker and Riddler are good (Riddler looks like how he does in Arkham City) but Harley looks wrong for some reason. Then i got thinking what is the best version of Harley. So what do you guys think is best? Batman TAS, The Batman, Batman Arkham Asylum/Batman Arkham City. I like her the best in Batman TAS because she is like The Joker. Her design is good,She has moments where she scares even Joker and personally the episode Mad Love is one of Batman TAS' greatest episodes and is just another reason why i think she is the best Harley.

    Well we might as well look at Joker as well. So which version of Joker is better? Batman 1889,The Dark Knight,The Batman, Batman of the Future/Batman Beyond,Batman TAS, Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City (I put these 2 together because unlike Harley, Joker does not got a new design or anything) Personally i can't decide between The Batman's Joker and Batman TAS/Batman Arkham Series. The Batman's Joker sounds great and does Joker's crazy personally well and Vampire Joker from The Batman Vs Dracula is pretty good as well. Joker is even more crazy as a vampire as he tries to destroy Batman with almost no jokes when Batman tried to stop him from stealing from the blood bank. When Vampire Joker is captured, he does start calling Batman like he usually does by saying ''Bats'' but he still is a little more crazy as a Vampire. Also his design is good just not as good as Batman TAS.

    Speaking of Batman TAS, I like the design of this Joker and of course Mark Hamill as the voice of Joker is just epic. I like how he acts in it. He always jokes around but there's always some kind of threat from him but he does have his funny moments when he's doing something evil like in Christmas With the Joker where he kidnaps Gordon and other people and hosts a Christmas special and Batman & Robin must save them before the end of the Christmas Special. Also the way Joker escapes at the start of the episode is very funny. Overall i would say it's a tie between them both.
  • edited February 2013
    To me? My favorite Batman/Joker/Harley are the Animated versions, with the Arkham versions right behind(mainly because I see the Arkham versions as being almost like the Animated, continued)
  • edited February 2013
    I think both Harley and Joker are two characters that can be just as good in one interpretation as any other. Joker is extremely flexible because he can be used psychologically, comedic, dark, light, and any other mood or form you need him in. And with good writing he'll always be the best in the story. He's such a good character stories basically revolve around him.

    Harley is even more flexible. She can be used all the ways Joker can but she can also go from being a good guy to being a bad guy and vice versa at any time. She has this part of her that wants to do good and it's only when Joker comes back into play that she is back to evil. She can refuse him, though. She does in The Death of a doesn't work out very well for her though.

    Rather Dashing pointed something out to me I never thought of before. My whole life I always had a massive crush on Harley and thought she was extremely attractive as a character. I saw her superficially and though...she's cute, she's smart, she's deadly, she's playful, etc. and that was appealing.

    I'm a complete asshole for ever thinking Harley is attractive. Not just an asshole, but a sick digusting pile of shit too. Dashing didn't point that out, but he did point out that Harley is basically a psychological rape victim. She's broken, she's beaten, she's demented because of Joker's mind games, and she's struggling to repair her mind only for him to continuously come back and destroy her mentally again and again. To sexualize and find attractive a character who is a symbol for and embodiment of that sickness and abuse is disgusting. And that's what Harley is. Joker and Harley's relationship is a give and take one. Harley gives and Joker takes. And her stories are best when they recognize this. The Animated Series was actually pretty bold to introduce a character like this and keep her that way. That's why Joker will never give her love, and he'll never give her family. Even when Joker gives her a child in the form of Tim Drake, it's a sick perverted spin on the entire concept. He gives her a child that is brainwashed, tortured, driven mad, will never love her or him, and isn't even their dna. And she defends it.
  • edited February 2013
    You're right, Harley is a very broken character. Just in the animated series they show the depths of madness that go through that relationship. There were many times where she did turn on her puddin because of something he said or did. The trial episode was a minor one, the episode where Joker was going to blow up Gotham was another, and she was almost ready to give up on him in "Mad Love" until she saw the Get Well Soon from him. I've never seen Harley as inherently evil. Insane? Oh yeah. There's no doubts about that. But I don't think she's evil. She's just overly devoted to the Joker, and about the only times she's NOT with him, she's with her other partner(in every meaning of the word), Poison Ivy. Part of it, I think, comes from the line she had when she was first starting at Arkham Asylum. "I've always had a thing for extreme personalities. You can't deny there's an element of glamour to these super criminals." The Joker played her hard. Whether there's any true feelings from the Joker is up for debate, though I think that can be attributed to his ever changing moods. Sometimes, yes, I believe the Joker DOES care, and even misses her when she's not around, often forgetting(Such as in "Harley and Ivy") that he's the reason she's gone. Sometimes he just needs his henchwoman. Basically it comes down to one sad truth. Harley's devotion to the Joker is absolute, but his devotion depends on the time of day.

    Heck, this is even shown a bit in the most recent trailer for Injustice: Gods Among Us where it seems the Joker was about to stab Harley when Lex Luthor, of all people, saved her by zapping the Joker.
  • edited February 2013
    Last week Time Warner held a call to investors.

    It's very boring, so I'll just quote the most interesting bit:
    And we also have a strong games release this year, which will include the next release in the Batman Arkham franchise. So all in all, we expect Warners to post another very strong year in 2013.
  • edited February 2013
    Last week Time Warner held a call to investors.

    It's very boring, so I'll just quote the most interesting bit:

    I hope I'll be able to play that one. I still can't play more than 10 minutes of Arkham City before the game crashes and only a hard reset fixes the machine.
    That was 15 euro's well spent... :(
  • edited February 2013
    I hope it'll be good, and if there's more than one playable character, someone other than Catwoman. Hell, I wouldn't mind playing as Batgirl, whichever one they decide iss around at the time. Probably not Babs since the Arkham games have Oracle, but Stephanie Brown or Cassandra Cain wouldn't be bad.
  • edited February 2013
    These DC Animated movies keep getting better and better...still wish that the Teen Titans one hadn't been cancelled.
  • edited February 2013
    I’m writing a Batman novel about a conspiracy involving the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, the true identity of the Joker, the corrupt Mayor Hamilton Hill and the equally corrupt former Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb, and a notorious gangster who’s main guys were Tony Zucco and Joe Chill.
  • edited February 2013

    I broke the Bat.
  • edited February 2013
    Barbara Gordon Batgirl is better than Batman or Robin.
  • edited February 2013
    Stephanie Brown is still my favorite Batgirl, but DC editorial has decided she's never existed and cannot exist anywhere in the multiverse, even to the extent that she could appear as a background character in the Smallville comic.

    Speaking of Batman, he is the/a star of and major influence on a lot of currently-running DC publications.

    Detective Comics
    Dark Knight
    Batman, Inc
    Birds of Prey
    Red Hood
    Justice League
    To a certain extent Teen Titans(Red Robin is in it)
    To a certain extent Suicide Squad(Harley Quinn is in it)
    To a certain extent Earth 2(their Bruce Wayne is dead, but is getting a new Batman)
    To a certain extent World's Finest(Earth 2's Bruce Wayne is this Huntress's father)

    The guy's reach takes up over a quarter of the currently-running DCU.
  • edited February 2013
    Which explains why he and his family take up quite a bit of the roster for Injustice: Gods Among Us.
  • edited February 2013
    I liked that Grant Morrison had been moved from being Main Batman Writer to Writer of a Batman Spin-Off book, because I never liked his period as lead writer for Batman(which lead to the introduction of Batman, Inc). I liked the idea that Morrison had his own little corner to play in that I could happily ignore. Well, it seems that now he's gone and broken one of the bigger toys he shares with everybody else and now we all have to pay attention to him.
  • edited February 2013
    Why doesn't Superman say fuck it il become the most powerful being in the universe and get a Green Lantern ring.
  • He ain’t a bitch like Sinestro.
  • edited March 2013
    DC killed off Damian. WTF.
  • edited March 2013
    Great news.
    Batman needs tragedy and he just felt "off" since his introduction.
  • How is that great news?
  • edited March 2013
    ...because I never liked him.
  • edited March 2013
  • edited March 2013
    I loved him...except in his introduction arc. Eat me.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Death usually leads to greater character arcs for characters in comic stories. Just look at Jason Todd.
  • edited March 2013
    No one stays dead in comics unless your Uncle Ben or Batman's parents.
  • edited March 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    No one stays dead in comics unless your Uncle Ben or Batman's parents.

    ......Aunt May seems to always survive, just look at Linkara's one more day review.
  • edited March 2013
    ......Aunt May seems to always survive, just look at Linkara's one more day review.

    Well duh anyone who can kick Thanos ass won die easy.
  • edited March 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    No one stays dead in comics unless your Uncle Ben or Batman's parents.

    Does being a zombie count as staying dead?
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