Which type of Gamer are you?

edited November 2011 in General Chat
So I was reading Kotaku just now and I read this article:

I thought it would be a pretty good discussion topic, so I say we should discuss it.

I personally can't pin myself on any of those "classifications", as I could fit into several of those.

I guess thats due to my unusually balanced personality, that fluctuates madly between extemes.


  • edited November 2011
    I'm more of the retro gamer. Though I do play modern games..my love for the classics will never die.
  • edited November 2011
    retro gamer - forever replaying Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Loom etc...
  • edited November 2011
    I think I sorta lean towards the Politician a bit. This is probably the only time you will ever hear me say that.
  • edited November 2011
    I fit into the Politician as well seeing how I seem to like every game I play. But I won't lie and say I played a game I never played. Also, I'm losing intrest in FPSs. I'm really starting to hate them... alot!

    But yeah, I'll play just about anything just to give it a try and see if i enjoy the game.
  • edited November 2011
    I seem to be a loner/cheater/clown. Loner 'cause I am. Cheater because I cheat, but I really don't care about the score board.(Non-game altering cheats at that. Clown cheats) And a clown 'cause SCREW THE SYSTEM.
  • edited November 2011
    There's no option fitting 'video games are good, but I feel no great attachment to them nor do I pay attention to industry news on an active basis'.

    Also; you got me to visit Kotaku. You fiends. You're maniacs! All of you!
  • edited November 2011
    I need a gamer type for "Wants to play them all but has nowhere near the time for it."

    (I have multiple Telltale series that have been purchased but not started yet....)
  • edited November 2011
    Some kind of odd mixture of The Politician, The Collector and The Importer, I guess.
  • edited November 2011
    I don't think I fit any of these. Feel free to call me one of the more negative ones in response! =D
  • edited November 2011
    I'm a combination of Politician, Clown, Retro, and Hater.
  • edited November 2011
    I don't really fit any description...but I AM a casual gamer. I buy games that catch my eye, I can beat them(except some FPS), but I'm not overly great. I rarely play on days I work yet there are games I absolutely love. I prefer the journey through the game rather than the challenge and will use codes and such if it makes the game more enjoyable...I'm not in it to prove anything.
  • edited November 2011
    I think I am closest to The Loner.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm a little bit Loner, True Nerd, Collector, and Retro Gamer. I'm sure quite a few of you know enough about me to understand why.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2011
    The Rebounder:
    They played Atari or NES but then left the hobby all together, only to return years later and discover with child-like wonderment the advancements of their once beloved hobby. Like a puppy, every day is the first day, meaning every game release is a new and interesting thing that should be explored. They are often frustrated because their income can't keep up with their exploration. They try games and then quit unexpectedly, moving on to the next shiny thing, often finding themselves unable to offer an opinion on the game they just played. There is very little attachment to the games they own, but the hobby has great worth. When they see something they had an attachment to as a youth, they splurge on it, often finding that the actual experience is lackluster in comparison to what they had in their mind. They have a love/hate relationship with remakes and ports.

    Ummmm... these classifications really do not work. They are neither mutually exclusive nor do the individual stereotypes comprise pieces of gamer "characters" that necessarily belong together. Also, they find such flaws in their stereotypes that you would not really want to pick one of them and pinpoint it on yourself.

    The "Rebounder" strikes me as an extreme case of this. What if you have quite the gaming history (including the original GameBoy, the NES, the C128 and the Amiga 600), but having skipped the present console generation and despising many present copy protection mechanisms, just find yourself out of games for your PC? It is true that every of the very few games you'd treat yourself with would be somehow "new and interesting", but having seen all the old ideas, you might recognize that a lot of repetition is at work pretty fast, leaving the disappointing purchase in the dust, but you'd hardly "quit unexpectedly" then. I fully expect not to finish "The Witcher - Extended edition", which I started three weeks ago. It's nice, but it's just too damn long, I don't have the time for it and you're just running from point A to B and right back most of the time. I'm old enough to demand a more concise experience. ;)

    Also, if you often clean house and sell games, you'd get rid of the games you are least attached to. I have done so many times, and I can safely say that 50% of the PC games I have bought in the last ten years have ended up on ebay, while others - despite the fact that they run most crappily or not at all on Windows 7 - still remain most prized possessions. And on the games I've played, I'm always at hand with a strong and hopefully informed opinion, so there goes that idea.

    But concerning those last two sentences: guilty as charged. For me, games age as well, and I am not likely to overlook flaws in yesterday's games that have become less common in today's entertainment products. As for remakes, the more you are attached to the original, the less likely you are to accept the changes a remake necessarily makes.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm kind of a mix of the Retro Gamer and Collector. I do enjoy a few modern games, though, but very few. There are probably trace elements of The Loner or The True Nerd in my makeup as well. Nothing on the list is fully accurate of me, though.
  • edited November 2011
    Collector, hands down.

    Truth: I have more games in my collection than I've actually played for over a half hour.
  • edited November 2011
    I fit the Loner category except replace 'MMOs' with 'Adventure games'. I have a friend who fits the Competitor mould and another who definitely fits the Wizard (he to game exploits what Sherlock Holmes is to the field of solving crime).
  • edited November 2011
    Collector, clown, retro, and a bit of the importer.

    However I found them all to be either too interlinked or just not really fitting much of anything.
  • edited November 2011
    A n00b turned Vet.
  • edited November 2011
    combination of The Politician and The Rebounder
  • edited November 2011
    A mix between Politician, Retro and Yearner, and a bit of Casual, but mostly Retro.
  • edited May 2014
    There is a new launched quiz here www.brighthouse.co.uk/what-gamer-are-you/

    Find out what gamer type you are!
  • Politician. I love using games/movies/sports as a way to 'shoot the shit' with people even if I don't enjoy the specific topic of conversation. It's weird because I'm strongly opinionated when it comes to most things.
  • edited May 2014
    I'm a Hater, hands-down. And a bit of a Yearner as well.
  • edited May 2014
    I s
  • Combo of the Rebounder and the Casual Gamer. Possibly the Loner.
  • The collector? I'm looking for the best PS2 games because I don't have a next gen console (I play Telltale games on iPad)
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