I've said it before, but Chloe Noonan would make a great adventure game. She's an accidental and reluctant monster hunter. And the creator is clearly a fan of somethingorother....
It sounds okay to me. I'd be for an Inventory sequel. It isn't on the top of my list, but I'd be interested if it was announced. I think others are kind of in the same boat for the lack of responses. No one really feels that strongly about it either way. They could even include more recent original characters as well and I've heard staff bring up the idea of a sequel more than once....so it's quite plausible they could make one.
No. No. No. No no no no no no. I swear if TTG touches Family Guy, I am GONE. I'm serious. That show is worse than South Park in regards to intelligence.
Ten pages and nobody's said "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? How?
Because I don't want a QTE wherein I mash the "A" button in an effort to enjoy Vogon poetry. Especially since listening to actual Vogon poetry would probably be more fun.
That picture looks vaguely familiar...
Nah, not tonight.
I know 2 gals who will agree.
Sure, as long as they don't use season 2 for inspiration. As cool as that'd be though, I don't think it's very realistic at this point.
Oh Coolsome, you always make the funniest references to The Simpsons.
Sounds good to me. But only if your character is half walrus, half cigar smoking cockney shrew.
I'm being serious, that shit would rule!
I would play this.
A first person shooter on the Titanic!? That is defiantly somthing I want to see.
No!!! Silly! Well maybe! The old person who goes after Jack and Roses side of the story if you know what I mean he he!:o
Would the goal be to kill everyone before the ship sinks?
No one died! A giant dog faced octopus saved everyone!
Only if you're Bill Paxton's character. I'll be honest, I never sat through the movie.
So, a Hitchhiker's Guide / Walking Dead crossover, then?
The infocom game was awesome, but it was a text adventure... and also pretty ruthless
And we had a new H2G2 book so I doubt it'd be too hard to get a game.
Pretty much. Lol
Because I don't want a QTE wherein I mash the "A" button in an effort to enjoy Vogon poetry. Especially since listening to actual Vogon poetry would probably be more fun.
You called?