Surprised no-one's posted that the latest Indie Gala Bundle is live now. It's all on , so a certain moderator probably won't be having any part of this.
Basic level get you the original Commandos, it's add-on and The Void.
Beat the average ($6.25) and get Air Conflicts: Secret Wars, Cargo: The Quest for Gravity, Commandos 2 & 3 and Ion Assault as well.
I would be most thankful if somebody could tell me how to retrieve my AGS Bakesale games. I deleted them to save space and would rather like them back again.
Whatever. Next time you write the entry after two months of non-stop coding.
Chill dude, chill. He didn't mean anything offensive by it (I hope).
As for the bundle... it's interesting, but having tried UnEpic I can say it's not for me, and since I already own Puzzle Agent, there's nothing else in there that interests me. So I'll give it a pass - this time.
Oniken and the Geneforge games are actually EXTREMELY good.
I will admit that the Geneforge games, like most Spiderweb Software titles, are not for everyone. They have EXTREMELY rough graphical presentation, and the interface is absurdly retro and somewhat difficult to learn. If you can get past that, though, you'll find that the Geneforge games are very open-ended games with lots of customization and a ton of depth.
Oniken and the Geneforge games are actually EXTREMELY good.
I will admit that the Geneforge games, like most Spiderweb Software titles, are not for everyone. They have EXTREMELY rough graphical presentation, and the interface is absurdly retro and somewhat difficult to learn. If you can get past that, though, you'll find that the Geneforge games are very open-ended games with lots of customization and a ton of depth.
There's a new Humble Bundle on the go, but with music instead of games. The Artists are: They Might Be Giants, Jonathan Coulton, MC Frontalot, Christopher Tin, Hitoshi Sakimoto, and OK Go!
You have to pay over the average for the OK Go! one, if you can't afford it don't fret as OK Go! are total horseshit. I'm getting this for Christopher Tin and They Might Be Giants myself.
Meh, I just freaking love music, doesn't really matter much which artist. It's just that I never even had a MC Frontalot album, and actually loved to have one anyway. He's awesome.
The one that I suspect people will be most interested in is the Triforce of Bass Bundle, which is a bunch of remix/original albums.
- Triforce of Bass
- Diddy Kong Racing: Bootleg Circuit
- Hydrocity - original album
- Powerglove (It's So Bad) - single track
- Mega Air - single track
There's also the Be Mine 4 bundle, which has a bunch of stuff. Games
- Guns of Icarus
- Laxius Force
- Metal Drift
- Revelations 2012 (TotalBuscuit thinks it's abysmal and you have no reason to question him)
- Zero Gear Music
- Be Mine 4 EP
- Special EP
- Sub ON
- The Destruction Series Vol. 1
- Analogue: A Hate Story (+ OST)
- Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass (+ OST)
- Miniflake
- Shattered Horizons
- Super Amazing Wagon ADventure
- Waves (+ OST)
I played about 1 hour of this game and I have no idea what I was doing so I deleted it again. Unintuitive gameplay, the horror aspect doesn't work and finding out that how to get some light at the start took forever.
Aw crud, already have Space Empires V. In fact, the only Space Empires games I don't have are the first three, and that's because it isn't on Steam. They should totally get the first three though. I had a lot of fun with the shareware version of Space Empires II.
Also, yeah, Ghost Master is hella fun. Stopped playing though because I found other games. But I did pull an all-nighter playing the game.
Thank you, sir. I just quoted my Indie Gala post and changed the games, but I forgot to change the bundle name and site.
Basic level get you the original Commandos, it's add-on and The Void.
Beat the average ($6.25) and get Air Conflicts: Secret Wars, Cargo: The Quest for Gravity, Commandos 2 & 3 and Ion Assault as well.
The Lost Souls
Battle Group
Beat the average and also get:
Call of Cthulhu
Little Stars For Little Wars 2(plus soundtrack)
Tiny Plumbers for PC/Mac DRM-free
Spin Deluxe
Cute Things Dying Violently
Be warned, only one game is available DRM-free this time. There are no alternate versions of the Android games for PC/Mac(except Ichi on Desura).
The July Jubilee Bundle
Puzzle Agent (Telltale Games) - steam (pc, mac), windows, mac, desura
Geneforge Saga (Spiderweb Software) - steam - separate keys for each game (pc), windows, mac, desura
Oniken (Danilo_Dias) - windows, desura (and OST)
Mutant Storm Reloaded (PomPom Games) - steam (pc), windows, desura
SWIFT☆STITCH (SophieH) - windows, mac, desura (including bonus game: Rose and Time)
Unepic (franfistro) - windows, desura (includes "Royale Ring" + 100 "Unepic Credits")
But is still great. Everybody get Puzzle Quest!:D
Whatever. Next time you write the entry after two months of non-stop coding.
As for the bundle... it's interesting, but having tried UnEpic I can say it's not for me, and since I already own Puzzle Agent, there's nothing else in there that interests me. So I'll give it a pass - this time.
I will admit that the Geneforge games, like most Spiderweb Software titles, are not for everyone. They have EXTREMELY rough graphical presentation, and the interface is absurdly retro and somewhat difficult to learn. If you can get past that, though, you'll find that the Geneforge games are very open-ended games with lots of customization and a ton of depth.
I bought both of those seperately...
(But they are indeed good!
You have to pay over the average for the OK Go! one, if you can't afford it don't fret as OK Go! are total horseshit. I'm getting this for Christopher Tin and They Might Be Giants myself.
Wait, MC Frontalot?
HOLY F****** **** **** ***** VALKYRIA CHRONICLES?! It has the soundtrack of one of the most amazing SEGA games of all times?
- Reign: Conflict of Nations
- Rig n Roll
- Space Rangers
- Theatre of War: Africa 1943 (new)
Beat the average to also get:
- Death To Spies
- Death To Spies: Moment of Truth
- King's Bounty: Armored Princess
- Star Wolves (new)
- UFO: Afterlight
SOL: Exodus
All Zombies Must Die!
Platformance: Castle Pain
Platformance: Temple Death
And again, an album, this time it's Pocustone from Floex, which you get by beating a certain amount.
All games are playable on Android, PC, MAC and Linx Systems and include the soundtrack as mp3 & FLAC.
Bit Trip Beat
Space Chem
Pay more than the Average:
I just tested Spirits for a short bit and it's okay. Great art, plays like a Lemmings game and has 42 levels.
Coming soon in a theatre near you.
The one that I suspect people will be most interested in is the Triforce of Bass Bundle, which is a bunch of remix/original albums.
- Triforce of Bass
- Diddy Kong Racing: Bootleg Circuit
- Hydrocity - original album
- Powerglove (It's So Bad) - single track
- Mega Air - single track
There's also the Be Mine 4 bundle, which has a bunch of stuff.
- Guns of Icarus
- Laxius Force
- Metal Drift
- Revelations 2012 (TotalBuscuit thinks it's abysmal and you have no reason to question him)
- Zero Gear
- Be Mine 4 EP
- Special EP
- Sub ON
- The Destruction Series Vol. 1
Just thought I'd throw those out there.
- Analogue: A Hate Story (+ OST)
- Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass (+ OST)
- Miniflake
- Shattered Horizons
- Super Amazing Wagon ADventure
- Waves (+ OST)
Beat the minimum to get an album - Handheld Heroes, Volume I.
Dangerous Waters (Steam)
Battle Mages: Sign of Darkness (PC)
Sentinel 3: Homeworld (PC)
Superstars V8 Racing (PC)
Beat the average for:
Ghost Master (Steam)
Dark Fall: Lost Souls (Steam)
Achtung Panzer: Operation Star (PC)
Space Empires V (Steam)
Sacred Gold (Steam) far. There will be bonuses of course.
Both recommended!
I played about 1 hour of this game and I have no idea what I was doing so I deleted it again. Unintuitive gameplay, the horror aspect doesn't work and finding out that how to get some light at the start took forever.
Also, yeah, Ghost Master is hella fun. Stopped playing though because I found other games. But I did pull an all-nighter playing the game.