Even more bizzarre are the comments beneath the article. Apparently, and I wasn't aware of this, "Sherlock" is 'crap' and 'doesn't work' and uses up budget originally allocated to "Torchwood".
Even more bizzarre are the comments beneath the article. Apparently, and I wasn't aware of this, "Sherlock" is 'crap' and 'doesn't work' and uses up budget originally allocated to "Torchwood".
That movie Zero Effect kind of felt like a modern-day Sherlock Holmes movie, if Holmes was a slacker and he only did business through Watson.
Great movie, but I think the comparison to Nero Wolfe (with Darryl Zero as both Wolfe and Archie, depending on whether he's working or not) stands better.
The first three mysteries are out now on iPad 2 and higher. They say that they will be coming out for PC and Mac in a few weeks. I'm glad that these are still being made, as they are among the kickstarter projects that I was most looking forward to.
Oh, it's aired? I'll have to check it out online after work. (Google 'watch elementary online' - I've been using WatchSeries, and GorillaVid, to watch series 3/4 of Castle and it works a treat in the UK)
As I predicted and is no surprise whatsoever, it did absolutely superb in the ratings, improving on the Mentalist who already was doing superb in the same slot. Seems it'll be CBS' big winner this year, following the tradition set by The Mentalist, Hawaii Five-O, and Person of Interest before it with relatively average procedurals becoming the biggest show of the season.
(I'll never forget Person of Interest for depriving us of the planned Abrams pilot in which Emerson and Terry O'Quinn solve crimes together as eccentric billionaires)
(I'll never forget Person of Interest for depriving us of the planned Abrams pilot in which Emerson and Terry O'Quinn solve crimes together as eccentric billionaires)
What... I...
Just about to watch Elementary. I'll report back.
EDIT: Well, that was... hmm. Pretty much what I expected. Not very good, for one. Also, a rip-off of every. Single. Quirky. Crime show. It's like it took elements from all these other shows - Castle, Monk, Sherlock and the like - and threw them into a blender, hoping something good would come out. But it didn't. It was strangely flat, the writing felt rather forced and the plot was actually rather weak, with the deduction of what happened not really coming from anywhere and the big twist at the end being pulled right from the writer's arse. It also seems as if the writer don't know what people from England actually talk like, as I found Sherlock's dialogue quite bizarre at times. We don't really use the word 'prat', for example.
I dunno. There were certain elements (a-ha!) about it that could have worked, but it just didn't gel together. I might try another episode, but I don't have high hopes.
Did anyone else apart from me and Noname play The Testament of Sherlock Holmes? It was a rly good game it had flaws with graphics sounds and sometimes puzzles just not giving you any clue how to solve them but the good parts outshine the negatives and its a charming game and worth a play.
And you play as his dog! that's worth a go just for that!
I am I been eying it since E3.
Aw the link broke.
I've been eagerly awaiting Testament for what feels like forever now. When's it coming out?
Even more bizzarre are the comments beneath the article. Apparently, and I wasn't aware of this, "Sherlock" is 'crap' and 'doesn't work' and uses up budget originally allocated to "Torchwood".
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes pre order on Steam.
If it's impossible for the victim to have done it himself, the rules are wrong.
oh, no...
This is apparently a list of books shown on his bookshelf in the pilot episode of Elementary.
Great movie, but I think the comparison to Nero Wolfe (with Darryl Zero as both Wolfe and Archie, depending on whether he's working or not) stands better.
The first three mysteries are out now on iPad 2 and higher. They say that they will be coming out for PC and Mac in a few weeks. I'm glad that these are still being made, as they are among the kickstarter projects that I was most looking forward to.
I'm not sure what to think, it looks ok I guess. At least, Sherlock doesn't resemble Robert Downey Jr.
I pre ordered but they haven't sent it out yet!
I'm still waiting for mine but I'm glad it sounds good.
And honey you should see me in a crown!
(I'll never forget Person of Interest for depriving us of the planned Abrams pilot in which Emerson and Terry O'Quinn solve crimes together as eccentric billionaires)
Just about to watch Elementary. I'll report back.
EDIT: Well, that was... hmm. Pretty much what I expected. Not very good, for one. Also, a rip-off of every. Single. Quirky. Crime show. It's like it took elements from all these other shows - Castle, Monk, Sherlock and the like - and threw them into a blender, hoping something good would come out. But it didn't. It was strangely flat, the writing felt rather forced and the plot was actually rather weak, with the deduction of what happened not really coming from anywhere and the big twist at the end being pulled right from the writer's arse. It also seems as if the writer don't know what people from England actually talk like, as I found Sherlock's dialogue quite bizarre at times. We don't really use the word 'prat', for example.
I dunno. There were certain elements (a-ha!) about it that could have worked, but it just didn't gel together. I might try another episode, but I don't have high hopes.
Seriously, they couldn’t have fucked up Sherlock Holmes as much as they did with Elementary. It’s just embarrassing to watch.
WOW! I never knew that. Thats rly cool!
I want a spin off as
Or like this?
EDIT: Also, a not particularly glowing look at Testament.
It's fairly good fun - y'know, as these things go. Nothing to write home about.
Oh, and a review of "Elementary". I still wanna watch it
Bloody showoff...
Nah, I have the complete collection. I also have a bunch of anthologies of Sherlockiana.