make him a villain who hires Vinnie Jones to hang 36 people upside down and slit their throats. Oh, and apparently Moriarty killed Irene, whom Sherlock was absolutely smitten with.
Also, I feel that in the spirit of this thread, I should mention that I watched The Great Mouse Detective last night. It was brilliant
It is a *superb* film (although the... ahem, nightclub act is even iffier than the nice young girls who greet David Tomlinson in "Bedknobs and Broomsticks") - why they never did a sequel when they were doing all those bad straight-to-DVD movies, I will never know. Vincent Price also cited Ratigan as one of his favourite roles of his career.
Yeah. For a moment I was thinking that a TV show would have been interesting, but they wouldn't have been able to keep the gorgeous backgrounds for a show and that was one of the great contributing factors to the movie's excellence. I will have to stick to fanfiction if I want more Basil of Baker Street.
Er, what show would that be? Are you thinking BSG, which iirc started out as a mini-series?
Really though I've hated far too many pilots to trust them any more. I like the way SyFy is handling the making of the new Blake's 7 - read the script for the pilot, comission a full series from there. That way they can all be done in one block and be more consistent with one another.
Jonathan Creek really lost its way. They just ran out of interesting stories and started making random s**t up in the hopes of recapturing the magic. I remember when there was actually crimes being solved on that show.
Jonathan Creek really lost its way. They just ran out of interesting stories and started making random s**t up in the hopes of recapturing the magic. I remember when there was actually crimes being solved on that show.
Don't forget to catch the Easter Special this year, then!
The first two episodes of Series Three are "The Empty Hearse" (by Mark Gatiss) and "The Sign of Three" (by Steven Thompson) These are truly the pinnacle of difficult to guess what they are adapting.
Heh in all seriousness that game looks like it is gonna be awesome. It has Heavy Rain inspired gameplay where your choices effect the stroy and endings (to each case).
It is a *superb* film (although the... ahem, nightclub act is even iffier than the nice young girls who greet David Tomlinson in "Bedknobs and Broomsticks") - why they never did a sequel when they were doing all those bad straight-to-DVD movies, I will never know. Vincent Price also cited Ratigan as one of his favourite roles of his career.
What are the original stories that the movie was based on like? I notice on Amazon that there is now also a Solar Pons-figure to Basil's Sherlock.
(In other news, first episode of "Elementary" on Pick TV last night, finally. Not worth waiting for. Not bothered they aren't showing the rest).
I believe the books were much shorter and Ratigan wasn't nearly as... nice? Presentable. He didn't have the arc from the movie, he was just... a rat.
Of course like any sane person watching any show ever I watched Episode Two first.
Even if a show starts on a 2 parter?
The worst is the 4 part "movie" pilot.
Er, what show would that be? Are you thinking BSG, which iirc started out as a mini-series?
Really though I've hated far too many pilots to trust them any more. I like the way SyFy is handling the making of the new Blake's 7 - read the script for the pilot, comission a full series from there. That way they can all be done in one block and be more consistent with one another.
Plus Nathan Fillion is a pretty amazing actor.
Owh and watch Jonathan Creek.
Don't forget to catch the Easter Special this year, then!
Huh. Welcome back Origami. Once again. I guess we'll only see more of you once BTTF Season 2 is announced?
Well, this is as close as we're likely to get!
The first two episodes of Series Three are "The Empty Hearse" (by Mark Gatiss) and "The Sign of Three" (by Steven Thompson) These are truly the pinnacle of difficult to guess what they are adapting.
Heh in all seriousness that game looks like it is gonna be awesome. It has Heavy Rain inspired gameplay where your choices effect the stroy and endings (to each case).
A lot of info about the game.
Summer of 2013. STILL NOTHING!
I'm sure we will get lots of info at E3 like last time with Testament.
Mind you, Bleeding Cool have been hypeing things that don't pan out recently.... (or at least, not panned out yet).
After all, you know that however they explain Sherlock's survival, we're all going to respond the same way -
Sorry but since it's a teaser we will get another full trailer.