I didn't want to disturb the discussions from the other Doctor Who thread. ...something about Picard. o.o
GO!! GO!! GO!! And make sure you comment and tell us what you think!
Thanks to everyone who supported us and who donated. This is where your donations went... we hope it was worth it.
Oh, and the intro was awesome. Very awesome.
There is a Doctor Who fan movie which cast a *real* Doctor and a *real* companion in it (no, I'm not talking about "Devious"). Yours is so much better.
/edit: Owwwww, get going fast with that Youtube upload. I've seen 10 seconds now before it stopped again. And please never write "it's" if you don't definitely mean "it is".
/edit2: No, this is unbearable. Needs five minutes to load a few seconds. And I USE Firefox.
Vainamoinen... try firefox or another browser. It should load. I tested the hell out of it, shouldn't have any problems! There is no youtube link.
Just a second... I think we can post the theme sooner for you.
Oh, EUROPEAN version is up now!! You guys should be able to load it faster The things we do for you.....
(Yeah, fair enough. Dude still seemed chipper though)
Did you upload the complete version?!?
Thank you! I'm very glad!
What the... yeah, I did, duuh! It sounds like your interbernet connection is faulty or something
Some people say it's lagging, but they saw it all. You just...stop receiving info on the line.
Try it again, let it load for 30 minutes or so... then skip to the end and see if it works. It's the SAME file.
Thanks Albo!
I just checked...works fine. Try again. ^^
What's slightly annoying is that on the European version, the progress bar doesn't show mow much of the video has actually loaded. It's a tad annoying not knowing if I can watch it yet or not!
Oh, but thanks for uploading the theme. That thing really is epic. If I ever become the Doctor, I'm so using it.
I also noticed it lagging at first, but if you press Pause and let it get a head start for a few minutes, it does fine after that.
As for the youtube thing, have you considered maybe using an alternate video site?
But yeah, fantastic tribute. Someone should totally show it to Moffat.
But I can understand your fear to put this on youtube. Copyright's a battlefield, and this battle is fought on youtube primarily these days.
The video was great, though, although I still lack the last minutes. SFX were quite impressive considering your limited resources. Your brother and you had the characters down pat, and every time you really got those specific mannerisms right was worth a good laugh. Kudos also to your team; it was obvious that none of these actors was holding back or was embarrassed by what they did (something you always have to reckon with in fan-produced anythings ).
Also, you may now tell us what prop it was the kids at the school tried to steal from you. AND what the super-secret project is.
FLV players can be found on the net, so don't come asking me for those!
The prop was
I will reveal the secret project soon-ish. It's not Dr. Who related. I just need a few more things to put together.
Anyway, what was the scene you forgot to shoot, out of interest?
The film fulfills totally my expectations, I don´t know what you ment, I really like the special effects, especially the
I am cursed or something. So I DOWNLOADED the flv (that worked rather smooooooth), got my WMP to display .flv aaaaaaannnnd... wait for iiiit....
Same thing happened to me with the European .flv download, but I had also downloaded the US server version which played fine.
EDIT: Ah, I see what you mean. The Europe version is just over 1GB, while the US one is around 1.2GB.
SWP, get in here FAST and apologize!!!
My interbernet was always A-OK.
So the European version, both in player as in download version, definitely stops a few minutes before the ending. And the US server versions download with just a few KB a minute...
This is impossible, I've checked everything!!
Ok, I'm downloading my own movie, european version... brb
(ignore the computer date, it's buggy)
(also, I renamed the file... so don't think I downloaded something else)
(also the blurry stuff is from future projects tests, so shush! )
I downloaded the european version... no problems whatsoever. o.o I'm baffled why this has happened to so many of you.
Random guess: how much space do you have on your hdd? I know, stupid question... but maybe you overlooked it? I have absolutely no idea... I'll ask my friends who helped me upload this. Sorry guys.
It is strange, however, that you stop exactly at 1Gb. ...I'll look into it.
We did have browser issues in the past.