Suikoden II - This game just rocked. Politically intriguing, with a lengthy tale of politics between two grand governments setting the stage for war, it also focused on the tale of two best friends split on both sides of the combat. Leaders of their respective nations and forced to stare each other down to the death, the reward for gathering the 108 Stars of Destiny was the chance to see them have a chance to reunite, departing from the main stage of politics and history, to live out their lives in peace.
Crono Trigger - Once upon a time I was an an incredibly sensitive kid, maybe too sensitive. Crono Trigger hit a sweet, sentimental spot with me. The game itself was something I'd never experienced before, a sci fi RPG as much as a fantasy one with insanely creative elements. After the death of the protagonist and all the work to get him back, that final scene with the two innocent loves flying into the sky on balloons with their theme playing in the background was just touching.
Final Fantasy 6 - Had one of the single most epic endings of all time. I think that ending went 30 minutes, with a 15 minute montage of all the main characters with their themes mixed. After such a long, challenging and deep RPG, to end it with so much bravado and triumph was only fitting. I consider this game to be a masterpiece.
Portal - It's hard to explain what an impact Portal's minimalist approach had on me. It's so short that the entire game... I probably played through in a day. I like star. I like questioning. I remember the endings of THX 1138, Blade Runner, Metropolis, Solaris, Akira, 1984, A Brave New World as some of the best I'd ever seen or read and, since I consider this world to be inherently harsh and often meaningless, with no easy answers, I find endings that do not provide easy answers to be occasionally the most appealing to me, or at least the most intellectually stimulating. Portal's ending was about more than the end, but about all that was left unstated. It gave no real answers, provided little in background, and left you with a character, possibly dead, victim to a cold laboratory to which there seemed to be no other survivors. The ending is the game and the game is the ending, and it was one of the most intriguing I'd ever played.
Metal Gear Solid - The original MGS is still the best, in my mind. MGS Snake Eater is close, but little compares to me to seeing the humanization of Snake and his relationship to Meryl and Otacon over the course of the game. The closing scene, and the emphasis on life and the appeal to people to enjoy living their lives, was a triumph after seeing so much of a character defined by death. Unfortunately, future games in the series pandered too much in sci fi babble and war jargon (both of which have been done better many times), rather than emphasizing the importance of the character's transition.
REVISION: Journey has the greatest ending of all time.
You liked the fact that Joker died in the end! You bastard!
1.Respect other peoples opinions
2.It's not just
Joker dying
that makes the ending bad or good but they try to sum up Batman & Joker in the ending. Batman says no matter what Joker did he would have given Joker the cure for venom. Joker goes out laughing and Batman carries Joker out of Arkham City. Everyone sees but no one attacks and Batman just leaves Joker on Gordon's police car and leaves without a word and again respect other people's opinions. At least you have to admit it was a twist ending because usually everyone who makes a Batman thing wants Joker to stay alive (Ok fair enough Frank Miller did kill Joker off in Dark Knight Returns) But they killed Joker off and still right now people are debating if Joker's really dead or is it just another one of his jokes.
The boss wasn't really played like a puppet it's what she wanted to be a national hero.
However Jack I completely agree with. He had no choice in it and was the real tool.
Well.. in Portable ops
its revealed the CIA (Hotcoldman) arragned Volgin to Fire the Davy Crocket to get rid of her. She gave everything to her country and they still used her to the end.
REVISION: Journey has the greatest ending of all time.
1.Respect other peoples opinions
2.It's not just
This really isn't necessary. Please try to tone it down.
The boss wasn't really played like a puppet it's what she wanted to be a national hero.
However Jack I completely agree with. He had no choice in it and was the real tool.
Well.. in Portable ops