There will be no other Mass Effect game with Shepard as the main hero. I'm not quite sure what the Bioware guys said, but I'm VERY sure the ME series will go on (in stupid multiplayer sequels most likely).
In Geoff Keighley's Final Hours of Mass Effect Casey Hudson says that he doesn't plan to ever have any games set after ME3. Final Hours also revealed their Quebec studio was working on a downloadable FPS Mass Effect game but that was put on hold. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's next and I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Though the likelihood of a prequel starring Anderson or an MMO are also strong possibilities. For now just expect more ME3 DLC.
...changing the ending because people don't like it robs the authors of control.
Interviewer: “So are you guys the creators or the stewards of the franchise?”
Hudson: “Um… You know, at this point, I think we’re co-creators with the fans. We use a lot of feedback.” Source
“We have a rule in our franchise that there is no canon. You as a player decide what your story is.” Source
@Retrovortex what would your ideal ending have been.
Hmm... I think I already suggested it.
For my Shepard, he would have knobly sacrificed everything, his time, his body, his mind, to defeating the Reapers.
He is more than a man, he is a galactic hero, he managed to bring the whole galaxy together to fight for his cause, but yet he is still mortal.
He would still have doubts, injuries, regrets, challenges which would strip him to the bone, but it would have been his hope for the future and his tenacity that would have kept pushing him forward, even when hope appeared to be completely lost.
He would have fought to bring true choice back to the galaxy. To end the cycle, and enable all life the ability to truly fufill their potentials, to find the end to their stories.
Once victory is found, then he could rest.
It is very likely his body would not have survived. No living creature, organic or synthetic could ever stand what he has stood. The man has even cheated death, because he was still needed.
Once that purpose was fufilled he would rest, and rest well.
They would try to revive him, but his mind was not there anymore. It had moved on. Dispersed into the subconcious as that is what the universe needed now.
A guiding force to lead the galaxy to recovery and prosperity.
In lateral terms, he would have rejected the choice, putting his faith in who he was, and what he had accomplished. His friends. His Allies. His army. The team he constructed by hand, specifically contructed from the collective intel and experience he had gathered from his adventures.
If he lost, he would have lost doing what was truly right.
Yeah, a little cliche I know, but thats what I felt Shepard was about, what Mass Effect was about.
It was never "push button to destroy/control/fuse reapers", it was about the rise of the living legend, that was Commander Sheperd, the man who united everyone against an seemingly impossible foe, AND WON! By his own means. His control.
So basically he would have done what Neo did at the end of Matrix Reloaded. Okay, I can see that.
What if they took your scenario, and in an epilogue revealed that Shepard still didn't win. Would you still feel robbed of control, even if Shepard had lived up to his ideals?
So basically he would have done what Neo did at the end of Matrix Reloaded. Okay, I can see that.
What if they took your scenario, and in an epilogue revealed that Shepard still didn't win. Would you still feel robbed of control, even if Shepard had lived up to his ideals?
No. Because I feel even if Sherperd failed then there would be a chance that the cycle would have eventually ended.
The reapers are flawed by their design, they couldn't cover up everything.
Evidence of the events of this cycle would have been there for someone to find at some point.
And maybe someone even mightier than Sherperd may rise up. Maybe even go as far as to win.
EA/Bioware dropped the ball in thinking people would ever seriously care about changes to the gameplay.
Multiplayer? It was not necessary in the first two, and it still isn't.
Put that in a seperate game where its designed to have its own significance, don't just tack it onto this game.
All that effort and resources wasted in working on the multiplayer, could have been put into making sure Mass Effect 3 works by itself, and concludes that contract between the player and the dev with satisfactory results on both sides.
I would love to see some evidence that the multiplayer aspect had anything to do with the ending being bad, or had any other negative impact on the core game. The single player game, aside from the last five minutes or so, is terrific. It's superior to ME2 in just about every aspect if you ask me. Not to mention that Bioware delayed the game four or five months after multiplayer was announced.
In Geoff Keighley's Final Hours of Mass Effect Casey Hudson says that he doesn't plan to ever have any games set after ME3. Final Hours also revealed their Quebec studio was working on a downloadable FPS Mass Effect game but that was put on hold. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's next and I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Casey Hudson said last week or so that this is not the last we'll see of Commander Shepard, and Ray Muzyka makes it pretty clear in his blog post about all the ending complaints that Mass Effect is going to go on.
"We’re working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we’ve received. This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue."
Continuing your journey in the universe definitely sounds to me like post ME3 gaming.
Casey Hudson said last week or so that this is not the last we'll see of Commander Shepard, and Ray Muzyka makes it pretty clear in his blog post about all the ending complaints that Mass Effect is going to go on.
"We’re working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we’ve received. This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue."
Continuing your journey in the universe definitely sounds to me like post ME3 gaming.
Yeah we're going to see Commander Shepard return in the DLC they have lined up to be released throughout the rest of year. Which will all be set during ME3. I'd chalk up that last part to poor choice in words. He probably meant/should have said you'll be able to continue to explore the Mass Effect universe.
"While there will definitely be more Mass Effect games and other stories told in the future, Commander Shepard's story has concluded. Hudson isn't sure where the series goes next, but he's pretty confident that he never wants to tell any stories that take place in a post-Shepard era. 'Whatever we do would likely happen before or during the events of Mass Effect 3, not after,' he suggets." - The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3
Yeah, but on the other hand, EA and Bioware are in the business of making money, and folks are going to want it to continue. Besides, what would you do in multiple prequel games? Playing out most of the past conflicts wouldn't be that interesting when we know how they're all going to resolved.
Who wants to bet they'll make a game about Shepard's early days, where you play through any of the 3 back stories presented in the games? (Colonist, spacer, earth-born)
Then they'll release a ME1 Director's Cut that can import your choices from ME0.
Although I'd still like to .. you know .. not end up hating the end to 3, I'd actually like Mass Effect to move forward without Commander Shepard. One guy shouldn't have to solve every problem that the galaxy ever has. It's the same problem I have with Star Wars' expanded universe novels, why do 9 out of 10 threats in a huge galaxy have to be solved by either a Skywalker or a Solo?
Give me a new main character, and a more localized threat, but keep the story moving forward remembering what came before. Basically do what Dragon Age 2 did but not, you know, terrible.
Finished it last night, when I saw the ending initially I had this feeling that there was more to this than was being said, like it was something to mull over, a good sci-fi ending basically, maybe I was just looking for a silver lining.
Then I read the indoctrination theory and I was sold. Honestly, I don't care who you are or, just believe in the indoctrination theory to enjoy your game ending and to enjoy it a lot. Because if it is the case it may well be one of the greatest endings out there.
Regardless though Bioware still look forward to selling you more DLC by the truckload for closure, because they're a right pack of shits.
Finished it last night, when I saw the ending initially I had this feeling that there was more to this than was being said, like it was something to mull over, a good sci-fi ending basically, maybe I was just looking for a silver lining.
Then I read the indoctrination theory and I was sold. Honestly, I don't care who you are or, just believe in the indoctrination theory to enjoy your game ending and to enjoy it a lot. Because if it is the case it may well be one of the greatest endings out there.
Regardless though Bioware still look forward to selling you more DLC by the truckload for closure, because they're a right pack of shits.
Yeah, from what I gather, people don't like DLC endings.
Someone over at Kotaku asked for someone to explain what the problem with the ending is without spoiling it. I posted the following:
It's a little hard to get into much detail about the endings without any real spoilers, but I'll give it a go.
The problem with the endings is that, right at the end of the game, you're given a great big Deus Ex Machina. A god-like being comes down, explains everything (badly) and then says you can choose one of three ways for you to bring down the Reapers.
Despite the names of these endings and the supposed differences between them, they all result in an one ending that basically has a different coloured set of explosions depending on which option you chose.
And when I say one ending, I mean it. The various different endings all use 99% of the same assets, so they're practically identical.
As well as this, the three options given to you are incredibly unsatisfying. For a series that's allowed you to challenge authority and forge your own path, being forced to choose between one of three colour coded endings is a massive letdown, and there's no way to challenge this.
The biggest kick in the balls is that Bioware effectively lied to us about this. They constantly said that the choices you made throughout the games would have an effect on the way the trilogy ended. And it didn't. You just get three stock endings (which, as many have pointed out, are basically ripped from the original Deus Ex).
Basically, people have invested around 100 hours in a massive story, only to find that all their hard work, all their efforts into hunting down War Assets and solving everyone's problems, was all for naught as they're herded into picking one of three incredibly poorly written endings that all basically leave the universe screwed and provide absolutely no closure for any of your companions.
It's a hell of a way for the series to end (although this isn't the end of the franchise, there's too much money at stake).
To be fair, that only fixes one of the problems. The others being the "ripping off of Deus Ex"(I haven't beaten this yet, so I wouldn't know), the fact that your choices over the past games meant jack squat which was a lie, and the fact that the different choices even with that theory in mind, is still just a change in explosion each time.
To be fair, that only fixes one of the problems. The others being the "ripping off of Deus Ex"(I haven't beaten this yet, so I wouldn't know), the fact that your choices over the past games meant jack squat which was a lie, and the fact that the different choices even with that theory in mind, is still just a change in explosion each time.
Well the other part of it is that if it were true than that means they could have meant to release a DLC with the real ending a month or two later. Probably/hopefully free. There was a rumor there's supposed to be a big free DLC release next month with that and a bunch of multiplayer stuff.
If that wasn't their original intent they could still use the theory as a jumping off point and release a new ending(s) based off the indoctrination theory anyway.
Finally finished it. Went for the synthesis ending. After helping EDI and the geth gain individuality and a sense of being, I don't think that I could have sentenced them to death just to take care of the reapers. It didn't seem right to me. And honestly, the synthesis ending seems to be the nice middle ground and the only one to lead to a lasting peace. Plus, I could easily see the organics and synthetics eventually rebuilding the mass relays. And the Normandy? It didn't look too bad, it seemed to be in mostly one piece. If the crew lived, then I could see them getting her back into space.
Also, someone explain to me how the only endings where Shepard lives are the ones that kill all synthetics? That'd kill Shepard too.
Also, someone explain to me how the only endings where Shepard lives are the ones that kill all organics? That'd kill Shepard too.
The "destroy" option kills all synthetics. You know, like the Reapers.
What I'm curious about, if the indoctrination theory is true, and the DLC ending follows on from that based on your saved games, are people who chose synthesis or control going to be playing as a mostly or fully indoctrinated Shepard? That would be... interesting.
Also, Amazon has the first two games on sale as digital downloads right now, so I might consider actually buying and playing them. I'll check out the demo first at some point, since I've never been much of a fan of RPG's or shooters, but combining those genres might work for me if they pull in the right attributes of each... I was a big fan of Wolfenstein RPG.
For now though I've just been gradually taking in the story by reading articles on the Mass Effect Wikia. It's certainly a different sort of narrative experience that way. I've mostly avoided reading the central plot articles about the games themselves, in favor of reading the articles on individual characters and races... I wish I had time to put together an Illusive Man costume before PAX.
I just want an explanation for why, supposing indoctrination, you get three choices if you're really prepared and only one if you're not. Is this implying that the unprepared Shepard has rushed through things so there hasn't been enough time for it to really take a hold of him?
I just want an explanation for why, supposing indoctrination, you get three choices if you're really prepared and only one if you're not. Is this implying that the unprepared Shepard has rushed through things so there hasn't been enough time for it to really take a hold of him?
I had a couple theories on this. It does seem really odd that you'd have to unlock a "bad" ending.
One possibility: what you're really unlocking is choice. The fact that you get to choose is a reward for playing well.
One theory for how this could work in-universe... A stronger Shepard means that the Reapers feel the need to try harder to confuse him, so they put more effort into the scenario.
Either way I agree this is what stands out as being odd here. I wonder if there's more to the synthesis ending that we're missing. It is the weirdest of the three options by far.
Also, I don't totally know if this is right, but the mass effect wikia seemed to think that it doesn't simply default to the "Destroy" option if your war assets are low, it will select either Destroy or Control depending on whether you destroyed or preserved the Collector Base at the end of ME2. Which again says to me that the third option is more about the privilege having three options to choose from rather than the contents of the third option itself... Still... weird...
Well the other part of it is that if it were true than that means they could have meant to release a DLC with the real ending a month or two later. Probably/hopefully free. There was a rumor there's supposed to be a big free DLC release next month with that and a bunch of multiplayer stuff.
If that wasn't their original intent they could still use the theory as a jumping off point and release a new ending(s) based off the indoctrination theory anyway.
Yes, but the problem people are having IS the fact that the ending is going to be DLC.
I mean, regardless of whether the DLC will be free or not, the intent would have always been to make this DLC paid.
Also, Microsoft doesn't really allow much of free DLC. So there's that.
It does hit most of the crucial points without babbling (something I could never do ). It could be added that the endings all negate Shepard's efforts to co-operate with other species, the philosophy of the entire series; and also, that Shepard accepts the three choices without argument, which would have been his/her specialty.
Yes, but the problem people are having IS the fact that the ending is going to be DLC.
I mean, regardless of whether the DLC will be free or not, the intent would have always been to make this DLC paid.
Also, Microsoft doesn't really allow much of free DLC. So there's that.
Yeah I totally get that but at this point I personally don't care anymore I just need a real ending. No matter what Bioware does now they're going to be screwed. I know I'm going to think twice before purchasing another Bioware title and that really makes me sad as I used to be a fan and champion of the company. I chalk all this down to the influence EA has had on the company and I just want to slap whoever agreed to sell to that monster.
It does hit most of the crucial points without babbling (something I could never do ). It could be added that the endings all negate Shepard's efforts to co-operate with other species, the philosophy of the entire series; and also, that Shepard accepts the three choices without argument, which would have been his/her specialty.
I disagree that all the endings negate Shepard's efforts. The destruction ending would, without a doubt, unless you sided with the quarians and destroyed the geth. The synthesis ending though, I firmly believe works out the best for all involved. Except Shep, but the hero sometimes has to sacrifice him/herself to save the day. But with the help of all the races, I could see the galaxy rebuilding the mass relay network.
In Geoff Keighley's Final Hours of Mass Effect Casey Hudson says that he doesn't plan to ever have any games set after ME3. Final Hours also revealed their Quebec studio was working on a downloadable FPS Mass Effect game but that was put on hold. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's next and I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Though the likelihood of a prequel starring Anderson or an MMO are also strong possibilities. For now just expect more ME3 DLC.
Interviewer: “So are you guys the creators or the stewards of the franchise?”
Hudson: “Um… You know, at this point, I think we’re co-creators with the fans. We use a lot of feedback.” Source
“We have a rule in our franchise that there is no canon. You as a player decide what your story is.” Source
Hmm... I think I already suggested it.
For my Shepard, he would have knobly sacrificed everything, his time, his body, his mind, to defeating the Reapers.
He is more than a man, he is a galactic hero, he managed to bring the whole galaxy together to fight for his cause, but yet he is still mortal.
He would still have doubts, injuries, regrets, challenges which would strip him to the bone, but it would have been his hope for the future and his tenacity that would have kept pushing him forward, even when hope appeared to be completely lost.
He would have fought to bring true choice back to the galaxy. To end the cycle, and enable all life the ability to truly fufill their potentials, to find the end to their stories.
Once victory is found, then he could rest.
It is very likely his body would not have survived. No living creature, organic or synthetic could ever stand what he has stood. The man has even cheated death, because he was still needed.
Once that purpose was fufilled he would rest, and rest well.
They would try to revive him, but his mind was not there anymore. It had moved on. Dispersed into the subconcious as that is what the universe needed now.
A guiding force to lead the galaxy to recovery and prosperity.
In lateral terms, he would have rejected the choice, putting his faith in who he was, and what he had accomplished. His friends. His Allies. His army. The team he constructed by hand, specifically contructed from the collective intel and experience he had gathered from his adventures.
If he lost, he would have lost doing what was truly right.
Yeah, a little cliche I know, but thats what I felt Shepard was about, what Mass Effect was about.
It was never "push button to destroy/control/fuse reapers", it was about the rise of the living legend, that was Commander Sheperd, the man who united everyone against an seemingly impossible foe, AND WON! By his own means. His control.
What if they took your scenario, and in an epilogue revealed that Shepard still didn't win. Would you still feel robbed of control, even if Shepard had lived up to his ideals?
No. Because I feel even if Sherperd failed then there would be a chance that the cycle would have eventually ended.
The reapers are flawed by their design, they couldn't cover up everything.
Evidence of the events of this cycle would have been there for someone to find at some point.
And maybe someone even mightier than Sherperd may rise up. Maybe even go as far as to win.
I would love to see some evidence that the multiplayer aspect had anything to do with the ending being bad, or had any other negative impact on the core game. The single player game, aside from the last five minutes or so, is terrific. It's superior to ME2 in just about every aspect if you ask me. Not to mention that Bioware delayed the game four or five months after multiplayer was announced.
Casey Hudson said last week or so that this is not the last we'll see of Commander Shepard, and Ray Muzyka makes it pretty clear in his blog post about all the ending complaints that Mass Effect is going to go on.
"We’re working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we’ve received. This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue."
Continuing your journey in the universe definitely sounds to me like post ME3 gaming.
Yeah we're going to see Commander Shepard return in the DLC they have lined up to be released throughout the rest of year. Which will all be set during ME3. I'd chalk up that last part to poor choice in words. He probably meant/should have said you'll be able to continue to explore the Mass Effect universe.
"While there will definitely be more Mass Effect games and other stories told in the future, Commander Shepard's story has concluded. Hudson isn't sure where the series goes next, but he's pretty confident that he never wants to tell any stories that take place in a post-Shepard era. 'Whatever we do would likely happen before or during the events of Mass Effect 3, not after,' he suggets." - The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3
Then they'll release a ME1 Director's Cut that can import your choices from ME0.
Give me a new main character, and a more localized threat, but keep the story moving forward remembering what came before. Basically do what Dragon Age 2 did but not, you know, terrible.
If they release it for PS3, then I'm all for it.
Then I read the indoctrination theory and I was sold. Honestly, I don't care who you are or, just believe in the indoctrination theory to enjoy your game ending and to enjoy it a lot. Because if it is the case it may well be one of the greatest endings out there.
Regardless though Bioware still look forward to selling you more DLC by the truckload for closure, because they're a right pack of shits.
Don´t microsoft have the rights for Mass Effect 1 I believe that was the reason it has not been released on the ps3.
Yeah, from what I gather, people don't like DLC endings.
Angry Joe puts forward the top 10 reasons the Indoctrination theory works.
Hell, maybe that was the original plan before they had to redo it due to a lack of time. Who knows?
That about sums it up.
To seibert, you'd be better off linking to Acavyos original video which Angry Joe even references at the beginning of his.
To be fair, that only fixes one of the problems. The others being the "ripping off of Deus Ex"(I haven't beaten this yet, so I wouldn't know), the fact that your choices over the past games meant jack squat which was a lie, and the fact that the different choices even with that theory in mind, is still just a change in explosion each time.
Well the other part of it is that if it were true than that means they could have meant to release a DLC with the real ending a month or two later. Probably/hopefully free. There was a rumor there's supposed to be a big free DLC release next month with that and a bunch of multiplayer stuff.
If that wasn't their original intent they could still use the theory as a jumping off point and release a new ending(s) based off the indoctrination theory anyway.
Also, someone explain to me how the only endings where Shepard lives are the ones that kill all synthetics? That'd kill Shepard too.
The "destroy" option kills all synthetics. You know, like the Reapers.
What I'm curious about, if the indoctrination theory is true, and the DLC ending follows on from that based on your saved games, are people who chose synthesis or control going to be playing as a mostly or fully indoctrinated Shepard? That would be... interesting.
Also, Amazon has the first two games on sale as digital downloads right now, so I might consider actually buying and playing them. I'll check out the demo first at some point, since I've never been much of a fan of RPG's or shooters, but combining those genres might work for me if they pull in the right attributes of each... I was a big fan of Wolfenstein RPG.
For now though I've just been gradually taking in the story by reading articles on the Mass Effect Wikia. It's certainly a different sort of narrative experience that way. I've mostly avoided reading the central plot articles about the games themselves, in favor of reading the articles on individual characters and races... I wish I had time to put together an Illusive Man costume before PAX.
Whoops, fixed.
I had a couple theories on this. It does seem really odd that you'd have to unlock a "bad" ending.
One possibility: what you're really unlocking is choice. The fact that you get to choose is a reward for playing well.
One theory for how this could work in-universe... A stronger Shepard means that the Reapers feel the need to try harder to confuse him, so they put more effort into the scenario.
Either way I agree this is what stands out as being odd here. I wonder if there's more to the synthesis ending that we're missing. It is the weirdest of the three options by far.
Also, I don't totally know if this is right, but the mass effect wikia seemed to think that it doesn't simply default to the "Destroy" option if your war assets are low, it will select either Destroy or Control depending on whether you destroyed or preserved the Collector Base at the end of ME2. Which again says to me that the third option is more about the privilege having three options to choose from rather than the contents of the third option itself... Still... weird...
Yes, but the problem people are having IS the fact that the ending is going to be DLC.
I mean, regardless of whether the DLC will be free or not, the intent would have always been to make this DLC paid.
Also, Microsoft doesn't really allow much of free DLC. So there's that.
It does hit most of the crucial points without babbling (something I could never do
Yeah I totally get that but at this point I personally don't care anymore I just need a real ending. No matter what Bioware does now they're going to be screwed. I know I'm going to think twice before purchasing another Bioware title and that really makes me sad as I used to be a fan and champion of the company. I chalk all this down to the influence EA has had on the company and I just want to slap whoever agreed to sell to that monster.
Plants vs Zombies 2 with 3 endings.
Destroy all the zombies with red explosion.
Merge zombies with plants with green explosion.
Control zombies with blue explosion.
And an ending which makes no sense. Whoops.
Actually that makes more sense!
I wonder if some important documents got mixed up in the EA office...
I disagree that all the endings negate Shepard's efforts. The destruction ending would, without a doubt, unless you sided with the quarians and destroyed the geth. The synthesis ending though, I firmly believe works out the best for all involved. Except Shep, but the hero sometimes has to sacrifice him/herself to save the day. But with the help of all the races, I could see the galaxy rebuilding the mass relay network.