The theme to Only Fools and Horses must have been confusing for you then.
So anyway, what did you guys think of yesterday's episode? (Of Friendship is Magic obviously.)
I'm probably the only person in these isles who hasn't seen a whole episode of the show. I've only ever caught bits of it on UKTV gold or whatever. As such, I have never heard the theme tune.
Also, the original post was aimed at Mr. Nutt's awesome background. I should really learn to click refresh before post reply, or preview or something.
It's not exactly the same pose but try S2E13 around the 7:08 mark.
I would go for it if I was any good at actually getting the poses myself (plus I'd have to find a high quality logoless source like iTunes). Also it can easily be excused as it's Pinkie.
I just tried to watch an episode for the first time (Somthing about a rainbow horse being stuck in bed and refusing to read a book and then reading it.), and I'm afraid I don't get the appeal. Was it just the episode I saw? Any suggestions for a better starting point?
I'm a big fan of the 90's Cartoon Network shows like Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Lab, so when MLP became a big internet hit I thought I should check it out.
Watch season 1 episode 9: Bridle Gossip. That's the one that got me hooked on Friendship is Magic.
Ah, screw it. I've never actually watched the show, but I love the brony community and their creations. I'm a sort of secondhand brony. I figure I have to watch at least one. Where can I watch the pilot, then?
Fixed. Fixed FOREVER.
You sir have taste.
Also, who calls £25 a pony? I have literally never heard anyone call it that.
Obviously you're not a bowler British. I dunno, perhaps you are but either way you're not knowledgeable when it comes to cockney slang.
The theme to Only Fools and Horses must have been confusing for you then.
So anyway, what did you guys think of yesterday's episode? (Of Friendship is Magic obviously.)
I've met the queen, does that count?
I am actually British. Being a student, I'm just not used to seeing sums of money that large.
I'm probably the only person in these isles who hasn't seen a whole episode of the show. I've only ever caught bits of it on UKTV gold or whatever. As such, I have never heard the theme tune.
Also, the original post was aimed at Mr. Nutt's awesome background. I should really learn to click refresh before post reply, or preview or something.
I was surprised they didn't drop any mention of Cluedo in it! Being that they both are Hasbro properties.
Agatha Pinkie. Need I say more?
Those were Sherlock and Watson hats.
Yeah, but the scenario and name are both references to Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express."
I was responding to Wolfy's Poirot mention.
I see, thanks!
Edit: I made one each for the others! (I couldn't find Pinkie Pie saluting so have Derpy instead.)
My Little Pony Song
You do know that the lyrics are "karma karma karma karma karma chameleon", right?
Stop badger badger badger badger badger badger badgering him.
I would go for it if I was any good at actually getting the poses myself (plus I'd have to find a high quality logoless source like iTunes). Also it can easily be excused as it's Pinkie.
Disregard that, I made it anyway!
Edit: Some of these tags are just plain rude.
(...I'll go hit myself now so you don't have to.)
Me gusta.
Hehe dw I just googled it.
also season 1 is available to stream on Netflix.
I think I'm a Brony now.
(You can even track my progress throughout the thread)
Let me be the first to welcome you to the Herd, sir.