Jane Jensen's Pinkerton Road Studio
Just in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, Jane Jensen has a kickstarter up for her new adventure-gaming focused company:
This kickstarter is moving along, but slowly. If you haven't pledged yet and you're interested in adventure games, please consider it! The Gabriel Knight series is a classic - some of the best adventures ever, in my opinion - and Gray Matter was pretty fun, too.
This kickstarter is moving along, but slowly. If you haven't pledged yet and you're interested in adventure games, please consider it! The Gabriel Knight series is a classic - some of the best adventures ever, in my opinion - and Gray Matter was pretty fun, too.
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The problem preventing me from backing it is that this isn't for one solid game - it's for a new development cycle that will allow you to help support a couple of games that have yet to be decided upon.
If I knew, for example, that they were making a Grey Matter 2, I'd back it. But that's not a definite - it could well be that my money goes to help them develop something I don't want in the least. And given that I'm supposed to be saving money for a holiday, I could put the money towards something that I actually want (selfish as that may sound) rather then have it invested in something I don't.
I wish the company, and Jane Jensen, all the best, but with so many other Kickstarter projects competing for my moolah, I need more than a possibility for something before I commit with my hard-earned cash.
Also, if I back it and they do make (for example) Grey Matter 2, I'll get it as a reward for backing. If I don't back it and they make GM2, then I'll probably buy it. Somehow, I'm OK with that compromise.
EDIT: Should point out that the vote to decide which game will be made is being held this weekend - the 14th and 15th of April - while the Kickstarter drive ends next month. So it could well be that Grey Matter 2 is indeed the next game they make. If so, I'll probably end up backing it!
I'm just waiting for the Tex Murphy Kickstarter to um... kick off.
I must say that I am a little disappointed that the reaction to this project hasn't been positive overall but that may change after the voting this weekend and it's clear what the main end product (as there is at least one other thing coming from them, it being a kids e-book which is already in development and has just been tacked on to the kickstarter 'cos it's actually what they're working on right now or at least so I guess) will be. I also see this as a long term project, getting funding now for projects this year could very well lead to them obtaining the licence for the Gabriel Knight series and making the GK4 that a lot of people (myself included) really want in the near future (like in a year or two or so).
The "Anglophile Adventure" concept is increasingly growing on me, though. Once she explained it as a Jane Austen-esque sex comedy... I think that has potential!
Why? Worthy projects get funded.. and ones not worthy do not... how is that a bad thing?
Why humour him by starting up a conversation? He's the sad little troll who's been flooding this forum with his bullshit.
For those who have backed the project, I'm curious which game you ended up voting for? I surprised myself by picking the Anglophile game. I love Jane's dark, brooding mysteries (and leading men...) but the unrequited romance angle of her stories always seems to be my favorite part, so I thought it could be a fun twist to have a whole game about that.
Frankly I'll be happy with any/all of the games (looks like Moebius is going to win).
Same here.
Story: Malachi Rector is an antiquities dealer who hunts down artifacts all over the world. After losing everything in a fire, he's hired by a Manhattan millionaire to investigate a series of events and document them in his meticulous way. But Rector soon realizes that the events hold a bizarre significance, as does his own existence. This is a metaphysical thriller ala Dante’s Equation and Gabriel Knight.
The anglophile adventure especially intrigues me.
Also Jane has been teasing at something big happening through twitter with one tweet saying "It's a big day for Pinkerton Road...." and another one saying "Best news ever!" (no context available) just a few minutes ago. Intriguing, I think.
That is indeed intriguing. It should be interesting to see what that news is.
No, the kids e-book thing is a separate thing from that. I'll just copy the relevant stuff from the Kickstarter:
The ebook is different than the children's game mentioned in the original kickstarter page. That's why she specifically said there will only be one game made this year in the newest update, since Pinkerton Road was originally planning to do two.
So there were always going to be two games (if the $300k was reached and that's counting the kids thing as a game which it technically is) and there was the possibility of a third game if they hit $600k. What has changed now is that the third game is a more likely possibility regardless of the funding level.
EDIT: I sent a message to Jane, asking how the GK ebooks will be delivered, and that though my Kickstarter account is connected to my own Amazon account (for payment), I would rather have the GK ebooks on my wife's Amazon account as both our Kindle ebook readers are connected to hers.
No, the "kid's game" and the "kid's ebook" are the same thing - it's Lola and Lucy, it's already done almost, and it's basically just included as a bonus. If there are two games made, the second will likely be one of the other two pitches.
I think we need to reach at least another 1000 backers. We can do it! Spread the word and use these images around the web.
17 days left.
If there's anybody you can trust, it's Jane.
The front page includes this updated information. I guess they can't update reward tier descriptions when people have pledged to them.
The solution they've come up with is pretty good though. If they can't update the $50 tier, just create a new one with the extra stuff at $51! Clever, plus it gets that little extra bit of cash from people.