So you made a tough choice, Now tell us why? (spoilers)

*Spoilers* Do not read any further if you have not completed the game.

Title say's it all. What was your reasoning behind the 5 major choice's in the game?

I know it's a game and all and some of you just made the choice's to see the various outcome's but I would like to know what your reasoning would be behind the choice's that are presented in the game if you yourself were in Lee's shoe's?

I wouldn't lie to Hershel about killing the guy cause honestly telling the truth would probably get you a lot further in that situation than a lie. Yea a lie would get the suspicion off of you for the time being but get caught and you're screwed.

Shawn or Duck
I chose Shawn on the first play through because he seemed the better choice. Now I know that seems morally wrong but Shawn would be of way better help than some kid. Look at how Sophia ended up in the TV series. Also Duck had a better chance of getting away than Shawn, probably. *Edit* Not completely knocking how useful kids would be in these situations cause Clem did bring Lee the hammer. and if Clem was in Ducks place then the choice would be quite simple. Lol sorry Shawn >_<

I sided with Kenny because everybody needs a bro to watch your back in moments like these and that is proven later in the game, and he has a boat, everybody needs a boat. Also going on and on about killing someone's kid without knowing all the fact's is stupid and dangerous.

I chose not to give Irene the gun simply because I would shoot her myself and save her from that burden. I would want it the same if it were the other way around.

Doug or Carley?
Again first play through I chose Carley because she saved Lee and seems like she knows her way around a gun and shes a woman, never can go wrong saving a damsel in distress. Sorry Doug >_>

So those are my reasons, let's hear yours.


  • edited April 2012
    Lied to hershel just not full blow lie, tried to save Shawn I knew Kenny would come for duck then backed Kenny up when Hershel slammed him, sided with Kenny I hate Larry already, didnt give Irene gun but she ended up with it anyway, carley because who knows if I would have lost the gun also can't risk that. This was my first time through interested to see who choose what my girlfriend is playing through now and let me say what u say and your choices do make a noticeable difference. Very exciting game I will defy play through again and explore options that I haven't seen yet keep this thread going for sure. Did anyone side with Larry when he though duck was bite want to know what happens?!?!?
  • edited April 2012
    I plan on playing it through again just to see what happens to Duck if you do side with Larry. I'm gonna guess it would be Kenney punching you in the face at the end and Larry saving you, but I could be wrong and I am gonna find out here soon.
  • edited April 2012
    Yes plz tell I won't get to that tonight girlfriend picked side with Kenny also but not as spoiler alert I'm pretty sure Kenny face is one of the episode avatars so I don't think u can break ties with him curious though let me know!
  • edited April 2012

    I was honest with the guy. It seemed like he didn't trust me already so I felt like he would see through my lies.

    Shawn or Duck:

    I actually hesitated too long and Duck's Dad came for him, and I tried to save Shawn but he died. Kenny wasn't mad for some reason, and Hershel wasn't either, so I guess I won both of them over.


    Kenny of course. I don't know why you'd choose the other option... that guy was a completely jerk and it was obvious the child wasn't bit.


    I gave the gun to her. I didn't see how or why she'd threaten anyone with it, and I would want to end my own life as well if I had been in her situation.

    Doug or Carley?

    This was a tough choice. I liked Doug and only partially liked Carley, (Really Carley? You don't know what batteries are, and on top of that, DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT THEM IN?) but Carley had the gun and I've always been a "women and children first" kind of guy.

    Plus, looking at both of their positions, Doug seemed the most likely to die even with help.
  • edited April 2012
    Hershel: He's an honest hard-working man, and so am I. Told the truth.

    Shawn or Duck: Went to Shawn's aid but couldn't find the tractor icon in time. Counted as saving Duck.

    Kenny or Larry: I tried to be a neutral mediator. Told Kenny to sock Larry in the face. Counted as siding with Larry.

    Gun or no Gun?: I gave her the gun. She was miserable and I was not going to let her suffer.

    Doug or Carley: I sided with Doug. He was the pudgy IT guy but Carley did say that Doug saved her so he does have some useful skills. The main reason was that since Carley had a gun and was only being attacked by one walker at the time I thought that she might be able to escape (much like how Kenny saves Duck) but I was wrong. She died and I have to live with it.
  • edited April 2012
    Went as honest as I could and gave Irene the gun. Not much for moral choices, just honesty and the hard stuff.

    Went for Carley just because she'd make a better scout and knows her way around weapons. Since Lee's fated to lose Glenn to contractual obligation I figured she'd be more of a help than a tech nerd in a world with no electricity.

    The only decision that I'm not entirely happy about is saving Duck. My reason was having him and Clementine around as a breeding pair, but the kid's such a tard that that I just can't see it working out.
  • edited April 2012

    I lied to him, it's not his business

    Shawn or Duck
    I saved Duck, not cause he was a kid (although irl that would be the reason.), but his dad seemed more useful then Shawn, rather have him on my side. (although i really donnt trust his wife, maybe cause of her subtitle color.)

    I sided with Kenny, who the hell would kill someones kid on a suspision, besides you could see he was not bitten since you were there when he got his face all dirty.

    I gave her the gun, not cause i have sympathy or respect for suicidals, but showing "mercy" might improve my relations with the 2 persons who were with me.

    Doug or Carley?
    Carley because she seemed more talkative and she's smart how she handled things like keeping my secret, and great with a gun. all the dude did was tell me im a cool guy.
  • edited April 2012
    Hershel: I guess I didn't understand my choices, because I wouldn't lie to him if you asked me now, but I did in the game. I didn't want to, but it ended happening.

    Shawn or Duck: I saved Duck because he was a kid (moral+instinct led me to this decision) BUT also because I thought "Ok, I save duck, then I drive the tractor and save Shawn as well". That didn't happen... Looking back now, I wish I had chosen Shawn, as apparently Kenny saves Duck. Also, I got mad at Kenny from getting his son and running away. Seriously, at least try to help the guy who's being eaten alive.

    EDIT: Kenny: I sided with Kenny because, come on, the guy was being totally unreasonable; I said "We'll cross that bridge when we get there" and he said like "Good, that's what I wanted to hear. Anyway, let's kill the boy now"
    Seriously, I don't like Larry, and even though I try to respect everyone's opinion even in real life, I wouldn't think twice if I had to beat him up, lock him or kill him, regardless of what good survival skills he may have.

    Irene: I didn't gave her the gun because I think that was Carley's decision to make.

    Doug or Carley: I honestly chose Carley because I thought she could shoot the zombies who were trying to eat Doug. Seriously. Same mistake I did with Duck.
    Anyway, I'm sorry because Doug was such a good guy, but then again, Carley seems like a nice gal. Let's hope she stays that way.

    EDIT: Can the people who wave chosen differently than me explain here what happens after their choices?
  • edited April 2012
    Hershel: Didn't lie, Hershel has a good BS detector. :D
    Shawn or Duck: Saved Duck without really thinking about it, guess I have a mindset of "save the kid first."
    Kenny & Larry: Sided with Kenny for the aforementioned reason I suppose and it didn't look like Duck was bitten.
    Irene: Gave her the gun, seemed the merciful thing to do.
    Doug or Carley: Carley because it seemed more valuable to have someone good with a gun rather than someone good with remotes and televisions in this apocalyptic setting.
  • edited April 2012
    For me, my first run through choices were actually not very difficult.

    I was half honest with Herschel. Omitted some details. Wasn't planning on sticking around his farm anyway.

    I am a Women and Children first fellow. Period. So when faced with Shawn or Duck. No hesitation. Duck.

    Took Kenny's side because Larry is an asshole. I understand he is scared like everyone but unless you can SEE the bite on Duck, he is not bitten. Edit: Besides, Duck would have been bawling his head off had he been hurt.

    I gave Irene the gun. This one was actually the hardest choice but since she was already bitten, I saw no other option except to kill her myself, and that will not happen.

    Doug or Carly? As you can see from my comment about the Shawn/Duck choice, I did not hesitate to save Carly.
  • edited April 2012
    You guys are missing a choice, whether you seek help in the light or in the dark. It only affects the appearance of side characters but they may show up later. All that with Hershel's farm means you apparently must run into him again at some point. Unless that's just a trick to make us think that...

    I told everyone the truth that I could. I would have come right out and said I was Lee Everett convicted murderer if possible! Saved Duck because he seemed weaker and more likely to be eaten. I sided with Kenny and protected his boy because Larry was a nut. I didn't give that girl the gun though I think i'll change that choice in another playthrough having thought about it. I'll shoot her next time. And it was a simple choice for Carly. She's cute and I prefer there being a higher women to men ratio.

    Next up will be a full evil playthrough. Doing nothing for anyone, hording snacks, lying and doing every single thing wrong. The hardest parts will be ignoring Clementines pleading. She really tugs on my heartstrings.
  • edited April 2012
    As far as Herschel goes, I tried to be as honest as I could without blatantly giving away why I was in the police car.

    I saved Duck, because he's a child. Also, Herschel's child is already dead in the comic, so I might have simply been delaying the inevitable.

    I took Kenny's side, of course. Larry was clearly overreacting. Though I'm interested to see what the conflict is about if Duck dies (or can Duck even die? If not, I feel bad about not saving Shawn....)

    I didn't give Irene the gun, based on the knowledge that even if she kills herself she'll turn.

    I saved Carly--she's got a gun, and I could see something developing between her and Lee.
  • edited April 2012
    I didn't give Irene the gun, but only because I assumed I would get the option to finish her with my axe and save the bullet.
  • edited April 2012
    Yea I also thought using the axe on Irene would be a smarter choice but kind of bad cause that would just be you giving them the impression that they are not worth the bullet. I think the hardest choices were Irene and Shawn/Duck. but that's just my opinion on it. Doug and Carley could go either way I suppose if I were in that situation but would probably pick Carley anyway.

    Also with Irene's situation that is just a hard choice either way you go, you would still feel like crap whether you gave her the gun and let her shoot herself or you or someone else did it. If I were in Irene's position I would do it myself unless someone else stepped up to help me. I would have mad respect for anyone willing to do that.
  • edited April 2012

    For christ's sakes, Doug was wearing sandals WITH SOCKS!
  • edited April 2012
    I left the house during the daytime because...c'mon, I'm not an idiot.

    I partially lied to Herschel and he wasn't too happy about it, but when is Herschel ever happy anyway?

    I picked Duck over Shawn because he was a kid. I tried to save them both, so once Kenny came over and grabbed Duck, I went to try to get Shawn but it was too late. I know Shawn would have probable been more useful but I didn't think Lee was far enough into the zombie apocalypse to start thinking about people in terms of usefulness yet.

    Like just about everyone else, I sided with Kenny against Larry. I wasn't unsympathetic to Larry's point (though he was an ass about it) but Kenny gave me a ride and I wasn't gonna side against him until we knew for sure.

    I gave Irene the gun. It seemed like the merciful thing to do.

    And I saved Doug over Carly because...I don't know, I made the decision quick and he's the one I clicked on. I guess he seemed more in need of help. Carly was pretty capable, and she had a gun, I thought she might be able to get free on her own. Doug, not so much. Again, Carly would have been the more useful choice but Lee's not there yet.

    I also got partially through a second play-through last night to see what the other options would have been. I left the house at night and met Shawn's friend the police officer instead of Shawn's friend the redneck. He might be more useful if the character shows up later. The scene seemed shorter than the daytime version, and you don't need to push a car out of the way. There is a cool moment when the cop shoots at Lee, thinking he's a walker - but Lee assumes it's the cops coming after him again.

    I chose to try to save Shawn but the outcome wasn't that different. Kenny ran in and pulled Duck away but instead of helping with the tractor, he runs off. Lee is unable to push the tractor off of Shawn by himself and Shawn dies anyway. Herschel doesn't blame Lee for his son's death but he kicks everybody off his farm all the same. Later on, in the drug store, Kenny is the only one who feels guilty for what happened, while Lee's conscience seems to be clean about it.

    I sided with Larry against Kenny and Duck. Much arguing ensues and Kenny never stands down, but before Larry has a chance to do anything, Kenny's wife manages to clean all the muck off of Duck and prove that he wasn't bitten.

    I didn't give Irene the gun but she ended up with it anyway and the result was the same (though I think Glenn was a bit more traumatized with this version). I actually preferred the previous version where I gave her the gun. Having Lee stay with her while she did it was incredibly moving.

    I haven't gotten to the choice of Carly or Doug yet. I'll choose Carly, but I can pretty much guess how the episode will go from there.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm confused about this. I claimed to be Clementine's babysitter, and told Hershel that I was wounded in a car accident after a police officer gave me a ride. The next morning, he asked me again how I got out of town. Again, I told him I caught a ride. Then he asked me how I met the girl, and none of the options seemed relevant to my babysitter story, so I told the truth: She saved my life. He then told me that people weren't going to trust me if I wasn't honest...but according to the stats, I was honest (84% agreed).

    Shawn or Duck
    Duck, of course. My ONLY priority is keeping Clementine alive...and it seemed in this instance that the smartest way to do that was to create an environment in which we always choose to save the children. Hey Kenny, remember that time I saved your boy? Save Clementine. (Only 26% agreed!)

    This is confusing. I DEFINITELY sided with Kenny. I even told Kenny to punch Larry in the face (Larry punched back harder). But the stats say I sided with Larry, as did 50% of the other players. NO WAY. I say this stat is borked. It didn't affect gameplay though. Kenny thanked me, Larry hated me.

    I agreed to leave Irene behind, and then I gave her the gun. I would have axed her because I was worried about the noise of a gunshot, but it wasn't an option. (51% agreed)

    Doug or Carley?
    Doug, of course. People were saving Carley because she has a gun. This makes no sense. SHE HAS A GUN. She can defend herself. Doug was unarmed. He was the one who needed saving! Of course, as it turned out, Carley was out of bullets. Didn't know that, but that makes her even less useful. She has never seen a battery, and claims she can't be a reporter without technology (guess she's never seen a pencil and paper either?) Meanwhile, Doug has memorized every single TV remote code. People say he's not useful without electricity, but at this point in the game, we still had electricity! Lights didn't go out until the end of the episode! (34% agreed)

    As for other choices...I chose to look for help in the daytime, told Clementine the truth about me killing someone (and didn't pretend it was a zombie), and gave Clementine one energy bar. I kept two more, which are both for Clementine as well. ;c)

    I've also created a list of survival priority, in case I need to choose between people again:

    1) Clementine, of course.
    2) Duck. Keep reminding people that we always save the kids.
    3) Kenny. Downright useful, good leader, has a boat, and he likes me.
    4) Kenny's wife. Keep Kenny happy, and she has medical skills to boot.
    5) Doug. His technical skills will come in handy, even if the power's out. And I saved him once already.
    6) Larry's daughter. Probably useful for something. Baby making?
    7) Larry. Not going to intentionally kill him, but he's at the bottom of this list for a reason.
  • edited April 2012
    I made the choices that I made because I would like to believe that I'm a survivor first and foremost and a Humanist second. With that said...

    I semi-lied to him. For example I told him that the police officer was "giving me a ride" which is technically true. I guess that my response could be viewed as a lie of omission, but I don't agree with that view. In the end he believed me. I hope that it doesn't come back to bite me in the behind later on.

    Shawn or Duck
    I chose Shawn simply because I thought that he would be more useful at the time. I'm glad that Kenny didn't get mad at me because I really could use a ride on that boat of his.

    I chose to give her the gun and to let her shoot herself because if I were her that's what I would probably want to do. Although, the idea that she might survive did briefly cross my mind. You never know when someone has a resistance to a disease. She might have been the one Human in the entire world that could fight off the zombie infection. In the end I weighed the survival of the group against that chain of thought and I decided that I wouldn't take the risk. Also, I was thinking that Larry might simply kill her when we got back to the pharmacy, so that would be a lost cause.

    Doug or Carley
    I decided to save Carley simply because she has a gun and is a good shot. Maybe even if she died I could've recovered it, but I didn't want to take the risk. If she had been unarmed I would've totally rescued Doug. I kind of have a feeling that Doug would've been more useful in the long run.
  • edited April 2012
    DjangoZom wrote: »

    For christ's sakes, doug was wearing sandals with socks!

  • edited April 2012
    Actinguy1 wrote: »
    I've also created a list of survival priority, in case I need to choose between people again:

    1) Clementine, of course.
    2) Duck. Keep reminding people that we always save the kids.
    3) Kenny. Downright useful, good leader, has a boat, and he likes me.
    4) Kenny's wife. Keep Kenny happy, and she has medical skills to boot.
    5) Doug. His technical skills will come in handy, even if the power's out. And I saved him once already.
    6) Larry's daughter. Probably useful for something. Baby making?
    7) Larry. Not going to intentionally kill him, but he's at the bottom of this list for a reason.
    I really like how you ended with a priority list.

    To add my two cents..
    1- Clementine: That's a given. Besides, she is simply adorable.

    2- Kenny: Because he is useful and friendly. Except when he is afraid to act. Perhaps berating him for running off, and not helping with Shawn, will make a proper man outta him.

    3- Carley/Doug depending on Ep 1 choice. Carley because knows my secret and has shown she is thus far trustworthy by keeping it. Regardless of how dumb she may appear with batteries, she is kinda cute (possible romance options later?) Doug because he has obvious useful skills. Nerds do tend to know things many people take for granted.

    4- Katjaa: only to keep Kenny happy. I honestly have not seen her do anything yet except watch Clem once and wipe the crud off Duck.

    5- Duck: Again, only to keep Kenny happy. Duck is extremely annoying to me. One of those unruly children you find in local grocery stores with the mother pulling her hair out, but afraid to put a hand to his backside. (Thank you, over-protective society)

    6- Lilly: She is much nicer than her father, and she is better looking! (possible romance options)

    Larry I simply will not place on my list of saves. That MotherEffer can die the first opportunity that comes along. In fact... Carley? Gimme that gun! Imma put a bullet in his melon right now and get it over with!
  • edited April 2012
    Lilly should rate higher on both of your lists. She (and her dad) may be a hassle to deal with, but she does potentially have access to a nearby military base.
  • edited April 2012
    Lilly should rate higher on both of your lists. She (and her dad) may be a hassle to deal with, but she does potentially have access to a nearby military base.
    Ehhh.. maybe. I see a military base as a deathtrap full of walkers. She said she was only a mechanic of a sort so she will not have any kind of security clearance to get you into any weapons areas. Vehicles perhaps but not weapons.
  • edited April 2012
    Didn't lied to him, no reason to do so. As i don't think anything that happened before the dead's walked matters now, might as well start doing things good from the start.

    Shawn or Duck
    Shawn,because the kid ran over the guy's leg enough said.

    Yea i helped kenney he is the guy that i've been most with need someone watching your back always. Besides the big nose grumpy old man with heart problems who enjoys killing kids is not of much help.

    Also he has THE BOAT wich is better than any other possible military outcome that you could get from the girl.

    I gave her the gun as my game freezes if i choose not to. Either way i think its the best option as she was going to turn into a walker.

    Doug or Carley?
    Oh my god HELP US HERE.

    Doug of course, when carley couldn't find that the radio didn't had batteries i said "its okay happens SHIT HAPPENS"but when i gave her the batteries and she put them wrong i was like "why god WHY humanity" a handgun and a possible 5 secs kiss scene are not worth this (if you take a look at this closely its just a matter of time before she says oops i forgot them bullets in my other purse lol).

    On top of that the reporter said that doug saved her so he has more than just fat and brains.

    And leaving all that aside every guy needs to get laid at least once before dying so ill give him that lol hope those pounds come in handy when trying to block a door.
  • edited April 2012
    Ehhh.. maybe. I see a military base as a deathtrap full of walkers. She said she was only a mechanic of a sort so she will not have any kind of security clearance to get you into any weapons areas. Vehicles perhaps but not weapons.

    That military base is also near woodbury. So it's apparently pretty accessible.
    I think a lot of people don't rate her just because we all know she'll survive the games. It's like rating whether or not to protect Glenn or Hershel.
  • edited April 2012
    Chillforce wrote: »
    That military base is also near woodbury. So it's apparently pretty accessible.
    I think a lot of people don't rate her just because we all know she'll survive the games. It's like rating whether or not to protect Glenn or Hershel.
    Yeah. I had actually forgotten that point. She'll leave at some point, when is anyone's guess.
  • _BrYan__BrYan_ Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    This is my favorite thread. Some of you guys are coming up with awesome rationaliztions for your choices that I certaintly never considered.

    Case in point: The person who suggested He/She saved Duck because of the idea that Duck and Clementine could later become a breeding pair.

  • edited April 2012
    Lilly should rate higher on both of your lists. She (and her dad) may be a hassle to deal with, but she does potentially have access to a nearby military base.

    She's also canonically obligated to leave the group at some point so that she can hook up with The Governor's group to do spoiler related stuff. Not much reason to expect anything from them.
  • edited April 2012
    _BrYan_ wrote: »
    This is my favorite thread. Some of you guys are coming up with awesome rationaliztions for your choices that I certaintly never considered.

    Case in point: The person who suggested He/She saved Duck because of the idea that Duck and Clementine could later become a breeding pair.

    Yeah but man, I would not wish that on poor Clem! lol
  • edited April 2012
    1. Semi-lie, it would be fairly stupid and suicidal to tell every stranger the whole truth about yourself, especially considering you are a convict. Place yourself in their shoes, would you trust your life with a convicted criminal? Unfortunately, Lee is a bad liar and got caught.

    2. Shawn. Slightly tough choice. But went with Shawn, since without him, Lee would not be here.

    3. Ken. Larry is simply paranoid and his arguments made no sense whatsoever

    4. Ran out of time. I would not hand a stranger a loaded firearm unless there is a very good reason to. For all we know, she might have other intentions than offing with herself. Plus, there are many ways to commit suicide without resorting to shoot oneself.

    5. Carley. You owe her your (or Clementine's) life! Reason enough to come to her aid at once when she is in trouble. How would you feel if the person whose life you saved just abandonded you when you are in a dangerous situation?
  • edited April 2012
    Told Hershel the truth. Frankly. I'm getting my secret out in the open as soon as the game will let me; keeping secrets in a zombie apocalypse is...I mean, who am I hiding from? The cops? They're hiding in a wide variety of digestive tracts. My companions? We're relying on each other to survive. Grandpa Joe? I can run faster than him. I'm taking this albatross off my neck, taking it behind the barn, shooting it, then using it as zombie bait,

    Shawn or Duck

    Duck's dad has a boat and access to seafood. Shawn's dad has an exposed farm and access to being food. Chose Duck. I'm looking towards the future here.


    Sided with Kenney, as the kid wasn't actually bitten. Also reinforcing alliance with Team Seafood.

    Gave her the gun, let her shoot herself. Saves me the trouble of doing it later. Berated Glenn savagely in my head for getting all whiny about it.

    Doug or Carley?

    The sharpshooter zombie fighter versus the awkward TV control programmer.

    Doug, if we ever get attacked by rampaging, man-eating Blu-Ray players...I'm calling you first, man.

    That not being the case, saved Carley.
  • edited April 2012
    <snip>5. Carley. You owe her your (or Clementine's) life! Reason enough to come to her aid at once when she is in trouble. How would you feel if the person whose life you saved just abandonded you when you are in a dangerous situation?
    I don't know about the "owe" her part. Lee saved Clem, and he has already struggled with a couple walkers by that point. He probably could have saved himself in another moment or two. Hell, Carley might have just as easily hit you and not it! Plus, by shooting she did bring the attention of the ones outside with the noise, even if they did not get in at that point.
  • edited April 2012
    Hershel: Lied to him because it´s none of his buisness. He did however tell me that I didn´t lie well so perhaps I lied a bit too much.

    Shawn or Duck: I choose to save Duck since he is just a little boy.

    Kenny: I sided with Kenny since as far as I could see the kid wasn´t bitten and Larry was very aggresive and didn´t seem like a nice guy. He was against me for the rest of the episode also for choosing Doug over Carley. I think this was probably the easiest ”big” decision in the game.

    Irene: Gave her the gun since she was already bitten.

    Doug or Carley: I would have saved Carley since she is a woman but somehow I couldn´t see any icon when pointing at her so I choose Doug.
  • edited April 2012
    Christian0 wrote: »
    <snip>Doug or Carley: I would have saved Carley since she is a woman but somehow I couldn´t see any icon when pointing at her so I choose Doug.
    For future plays, the icon for Carley's save is on her purse laying on the counter. She needs the clip out of it because the gun is empty.
  • edited April 2012
    I don't know about the "owe" her part. Lee saved Clem, and he has already struggled with a couple walkers by that point. He probably could have saved himself in another moment or two. Hell, Carley might have just as easily hit you and not it! Plus, by shooting she did bring the attention of the ones outside with the noise, even if they did not get in at that point.

    Sure, Lee might have won the struggle but it was Carley who removed all doubts. And most importantly, Carley could have just stood by and watched like everyone else, no one would have asked any more of her. By lifting the gun and pulling the trigger, she unnecessarily burdened herself with all the risks and responsibilities that comes with her actions.

    I still think it would be morally wrong to not aid Carley when she is in need, even if it is for the sake of repaying her kindness.
  • edited April 2012
    Sure, Lee might have won the struggle but it was Carley who removed all doubts. And most importantly, Carley could have just stood by and watched like everyone else, no one would have asked any more of her. By lifting the gun and pulling the trigger, she unnecessarily burdened herself with all the risks and responsibilities that comes with her actions.

    I still think it would be morally wrong to not aid Carley when she is in need, even if it is for the sake of repaying her kindness.
    Please don't misunderstand. I certainly was not questioning the response of saving her, just the feeling of debt. I am a Women and Children first type. Period. There was no hesitation on my first play through to save Duck and Carley. It was only on subsequent plays that I even considered making different choices.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm playing the game as a person that is trying to redeem himself, but doesn't want his past to interfere with his #1 priority Clem.

    Lied to him, but he clearly saw through them don't see why he had to question me. Really got me pissed with all the questions almost felt like an interrogation.

    Shawn or Duck
    Shaw due to the fact he helped me back their in the beginning. Duck was stupid ran over his foot right?

    I gave her the gun its what she wanted I had to end her misery.

    Doug or Carley
    Picked Carley just like many said before me good with guns and kind of got to know her more. Sorry Doug you'll be alive on my second playthrough promise.

    Why the hell did that old fart thought I liked his daughter? Was really pissed when he punched me. Wished I didn't get the keys to the pharmacy and would of kicked his but earlier.

    Overall I love this game and cant wait for the rest of the episodes. On the meantime will give it another go and play the game like an a hole. My spidey senses were correct on purchasing the season pass.

    btw first post =)
  • edited April 2012
    Hershel: Told him I was alone (i.e. lied). Didn't see any reason to "out" myself as a potential criminal so soon. Ignorance is bliss.

    Shawn or Duck: Tried to save Shawn. I surprised myself on this one (I really like the timer aspect - makes you go on gut), but my first thought was not the zombies, oddly enough, but "this guy is PINNED beneath a tractor!" I think a part of me thought the kid could still get away, but Shawn was stuck for sure without help.

    Irene: Gave her the gun. Her decision. She was lost. Mercy. Take your pick. Didn't seem that difficult of a decision to me.

    Doug or Carley: Saved Doug. Lost the gunner, but she knew too much and Doug seemed like he had useful skills.
  • edited April 2012
    Tylthul wrote: »
    <snip>Shawn or Duck: Tried to save Shawn. I surprised myself on this one (I really like the timer aspect - makes you go on gut), but my first thought was not the zombies, oddly enough, but "this guy is PINNED beneath a tractor!" I think a part of me thought the kid could still get away, but Shawn was stuck for sure without help.<snip>
    I must say, my first instinct regarding that choice was Duck because he is a kid, but as Lee was saving him, I thought to myself, "Hey! Here I am right at the control area of the tractor! I should be able to back the thing off of Shawn and save him too!" Sadly, that did not pan out. :/
  • edited April 2012
    I LoL'd too about Clem and Duck breeding later but that might be dangerous >_> poor Clem!!!

    I didn't expect to get this much feedback, keep them coming guys this is good stuff.

    I think honestly on a gut reaction I would of went for Duck too since the walkers actually had him in there clutches, not like im gonna have time to think about it coming around that corner and seeing the situation. Maybe Shawn should of worked a little faster on that fence >_>. but then again, Duck did run him over lol. Kids like that could be a liability in a survival situation. I truly have no soul >.< but I will have to agree on only saving him cause of Kenney.

    Now Doug or Carley well that is a toss up, Doug seems like he knows his stuff with electronics and you could teach him how to shoot so. Doug Vs. Carley could go either way. matter of preference I suppose.
  • edited April 2012
    One thing about Doug, everyone is making the assumption because he seems to be a techy type fellow, he will be useful for anything electronic. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I am not saying he isn't, only that just because he knows one, does in no way mean he will know anything about the other. I am big into computers, build my own systems, etc., (I am even working on my AAIT degree in school) and I am an electrician by career trade. The two areas are very, VERY different from one another. What use will Doug really be? That remains to be seen.
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