So you made a tough choice, Now tell us why? (spoilers)



  • edited June 2012
    Jakkal wrote: »
    Never read the comics, but watched the show. My take was the following.

    Day or night
    I easily chose day. I toyed with the idea of moving at night because of visibility, but I decided it would be easier to avoid things if I could see them properly.

    I decided to be sort of skimpy on the truth with Hershal. I didn't know what he would do if he found out my history, and it seemed by his actions and speech that Lee was kind of embarassed about it if anything. He seemed like a good guy, and a crim of passion isn't exactly first degree murder.

    Shawn or Duck
    I hesitated only a moment before quickly deciding on Duck. This one one of the two decisions that I made where I was hoping to save them both. Pull Duck off, then throw the tractor into reverse so Shawn could get out. Unfortuinately it didn't turn out that way.

    This was the first set of real survivors we'd run into and I tried to be impartial at first. At least some of them were backing Larry and I didn't want to start an all-out war inside of the general store or have some of us kicked out. I understood that it was a huge risk for them to take us in like they did. When it learned that Larry was a complete off-the-handle prick, I told Kenny to clock him.

    To me, Irene just wanted it to end. I was concerned about more walkers hearing the shot, but after a moment I gave her the gun. She seemed to me like she just wanted it to end, and I didn't think she'd try to turn the gun on me.

    Doug or Carley
    I actually took maybe a bit longer than others on this one. I liked Carly, and she had rubbed off on me a bit more, even though she was bad with electronics. She had the only firearm in the group. I know people who have put batteries in backwards even when it was completely obvious. She hadn't squealed on me about my past, but she DID know about it, and I considered letting her die for it.

    Doug seemed like a nice guy, somewhat brave when he needed to be. He knew about electronics, and in the state things were in that could have been useful. I felt like I didn't know quite what he was capable of.

    This was the second decision that I made based on speed. It would have been impossible to get Doug free then go for Carley. I went for Carley first hoping I could throw her the purse and run for Doug immediately after. Apparently I wasn't fast enough.

    I think this game has some of the best set-up decisions, especially when you're really thinking as your character. In the moment with only a little time to decide you can think about things in unique ways due to your personal moralities and how you see the situation. I can't wait until Episode 2.

    Very well said, and I like the choices you made and the way you described them. Good to read, and thanks OP for making the topic.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    I think ill try lying to herschel next time. but not changing my story mid way
  • edited June 2012
    My choices through my first playthrough;

    I "lied" to Hershel. In my mind, I did not lie. I just avoided the truth. Actually, when he asked me how I occurred the leg injury, I had genuinely forgotten how, so I chose the "can't remember" option. Apparently that meant Lee was purposely being evasive.

    I chose Shawn. I think 99% of players chose Shawn too. He was the obvious choice. I was very annoyed to discover Shawn is dead no matter what!

    I sided with Kenny in the end, although I did try to "reason" with Larry, to Kenny's disdain. I was trying to be the mediator but I think that only made matters worse for myself.

    I chose not to give Irene the gun, simply because I thought she was batshit insane and was afraid she'd shoot at everyone before offing herself.

    I saved Carley because she has a gun and a good aim. Plus, I liked her more than Doug. *shrug*
  • edited June 2012
    I made a believable lie, saved duck, sided with kenny, gave her the gun (why wasn't there a "let me shoot her then" option) and saved Carly...also I cant wait to axe some dudes leg off
  • edited June 2012
    Day or Night: I chose day just assuming I would see danger further away never really thought about it being the other way around, and I'm a little superstitious of the night.

    Hershel: I was honest with him, because I figured I could have a better chance of staying with him if I was honest after his "people will have to rely on the honesty of strangers" quote I say I made a good choice there. Too bad he kicked me out for my next choice

    Shawn or Duck: I chose Duck in my mindset the younger people should have a chance to live. I was also hoping to help Shawn after I got Duck out of trouble. (It was also because of my belief in save children first.)

    Argument: First of all I must say Larry is (barley) justified in his Duck is bitten logic. Yes a bitten person is a very bad danger to the group, but assuming that someone is bit, and not checking to make sure is... something that ticks me off. I tried to reason with him, but he just frustrated me. I ended up telling him off, because he got me so mad!!!!

    Irene: I gave her the gun reluctantly I felt sorry for her, and can relate to her Christian views.

    Doug or Carly: I chose Carly she knows my secret, and if it ever got out I believe she would defend me without a second guess, but if not for Lee for Clementine.
  • edited June 2012
    Gonna respond with my choices first, then go back and finish reading everyone else's.

    Was a bit evasive without outright lying. After all, even as Lee's player *I* don't know exactly what the hell happened before the apocalypse, so I'm not sure how much responsibility to take for being in that police car.

    Hershel did get mad at my word choice in the barn, but when you ask somebody if they want your advice, don't be too surprised if they don't welcome it wholeheartedly. :p

    Shawn or Duck

    I just plain got tangled up in the interface here. If it had been "real life" I would probably have tripped and fallen headfirst under the tractor. What I *tried* to do was get to the tractor to back it off Shawn, what I ended up doing was trying to directly pull him out from under the wheel -- while what I should have done was to have picked up one of those boards and fended off the walkers while the other guys on the farm rescued Duck and Shawn (which wasn't an option, was it? It should have been).

    Kenney because Larry was out of his mind. Understandable maybe, but he still needed to calm the hell down. I do wish there was an option right off to suggest we just clean the kid up and check him out, since that would be the sensible thing to do. I understand that the wife does eventually do that -- if you side with Larry to just up and kill the kid, which I'm not going to do.


    I gave her the gun, then immediately regretted it. Not just for the noise, though I thought of that (and for you guys saying use the axe, are you serious? You think you could stand there and just start chopping on a living woman in cold blood? *You're* officially off the guest list of my next slumber party, I can assure you!). But I was hoping she wouldn't use it, and decide she wanted to try to live. Who knows? Maybe some people can throw off the infection.

    Doug or Carley?
    Doug. In the heat of the moment he seemed to be in the most danger. He had walkers chomping just inches from his ear, while Carley just had her foot grabbed. The intent was to grab Doug away from the window, then he and I would rescue Carley. Didn't happen that way, and the guilt for letting her die is all the worse considering my assessment of her mental condition. (Which was another contributing factor, come to think of it. Doug looked totally terrified, while Carley just looked mildly put off by the fact that her purse was a little out of reach.)

    As for Clementine, I like her, and have tried to be as honest as possible with her. I *don't* know both her parents are dead, and I'm not even sure what crimes *I'm* guilty of, so that limits things a bit, but I don't intentionally lie to her.
  • edited June 2012
    pir8capn wrote: »
    Day or Night

    Ok. Let me preface here, my intent is not to troll. But I'm gonna break down a situation that I'm sure the writers have already debated up at the Telltale Games water cooler. Race is tricky to talk about.

    Call me prescient but from the first interactions with Larry, I was like "Larry's a racist who has it out for Lee." before you jump on the "he's a troll" wagon, hear me out and maybe it makes for some further compelling discussion down the line.

    Fast forward a few scenes to Larry's other interactions with Lee. Between the lean looks he was giving Lee, his absolute lack of gratitude for Lee saving his life and his eventual "Keep your eyes off my daughter" chat, I think the subtext the writers are dancing around is that Larry's a really stressed out, scared guy who it also racist. Not in a blatant, "redneck flying a rebel flag yee-haw" caricature kind of racist, but in an "old guy from a different age" racist. It was the “don’t touch my daughter” talk that cinched it for me.

    I'm also not looking to troll or incite a flame war, but I'm also a Southerner who picked up on the race vibe. If it is intended, the writers are doing a good job of keeping it from being overt, but yeah I do get the idea that unless Lee can change his skin color he isn't going to get an even break from Larry.
  • edited June 2012
    Hershel: I lied to Hershel. I knew he wouldn't take too kindly to me if he knew the truth, and I thought I could lie my way out of the situation.

    Shawn vs. Duck: I tried to save Shawn. My reasoning behind it came down to who I considered to be more useful in the zombie apocalypse.

    Kenny vs. Larry: I attempted to reason with Larry first, but then told him off when he refused to back down.

    Irene: I gave Irene the gun since I didn't want to see her suffer any longer.

    Doug vs. Carley: I thought this was a hard choice. Doug was obviously good with tech stuff whereas Carley knows her way around a gun. I saved Carley, however, since I figured in the long run her being a good shot would probably pay off a lot more.

    These were my first playthrough decisions. I'm also making save files for the goody two shoes & the jerk so I can see how the decisions alter the game. :P
  • edited June 2012
    Hershel: I lied to Hershel, because I didn't feel that it was his business to pry so much - and if he knew that I had killed someone, he may not welcome me into his home, and may seperate me from Clementine, who I now felt wholly responsible for.

    Shawn or Duck: I chose to save Shawn, for a number of small reasons. First off, he came to mine and Clem's aid back at the house, he welcomed us into his home, and we were on each other's side about the whole fortifying the barn business. Also, it was Duck's fault that Shawn was trapped! But alas, I couldn't save him. I'm glad I tried to save him though - it kind of worked towards patching things up with Hershel as well.

    Larry or Kenny: I tried to be a neutral party, and to calm everyone down, but according to the game, it looked like I was siding with Larry. I wasn't though. I even threatened to get violent with Larry, so I don't know how exactly it interpreted this as some sort of agreement, but alas that's what I technically did. If an opportunity arises in future episodes to screw Larry over though, I'll definitely take it.

    Give Irene the gun?: I did give Irene the gun. I think, as morbid as the choice was, to keep the gun from her would be cruel and would only prolong her suffering. It's not like I was shooting her against her will. As for Glenn arguing that I should have more hope - maybe he was right - but I'm unconvinced until I see an infected person miraculously survive. Besides, she could have followed us back to the drug store. The lady was clearly unhinged.

    Doug or Carley?: This was the toughest decision, because it was the decision I made with the most haste. I couldn't even possibly nail exactly why I chose to save Doug over Carley, but I did. I think that's what was so great about it though, because it was purely gut-instinct. I genuinely felt awful when Carley died though, and Doug told me he wished I had saved her. But, c'est la vie! I acted in the heat of the moment and that's what happened.

    Really really enjoying this game so far, can't wait to see how my story plays out.
  • edited June 2012
    Honesty With Hershel
    I was as honest as I could be with Hershel, just because I didn't want to piss him off. But also to avoid a scene or just drama in general.

    Shawn or Duck?
    I personally tried to save Shawn, because Duck could have just fell forward and escaped from the zombies, and I knew Kenny would help him if Duck was too dim to save himself.

    I sided with Kenny, for obvious reasons.

    I gave her the gun, simply because I thought I might be able to help her. Poor girl was just desperate.

    Doug or Carley?
    This is the big one here. Now, while Carley does have a gun, she's really, really, stupid. Doug, while he doesn't have a gun, is extremely intellegent. People argue that they don't have electricity, so he would be useless, but he could possibly build a generator! (Not very likely, but he's more likely to do so than Carley.) I personally see reasons to save both, but, overall, it come down to this, you can find another gun, but you might not have access to another IT guy for a long time, and I just had to save the guy with the epic nerd skills.
  • edited June 2012
    Day or night

    I chose to travel at night because I thought that it would be better to avoid them in the darkness, plus it would give Lee time to recover from the accident.


    I chose to lie about being a convict etc. because to me Lee had only one thing to think/care about....lil Clemintine, the reason why I kept with the story about being a neighbour because her safety became top priority.

    Shawn or Duck

    I sided with Duck instantly because children always become priority, yes maybe shawn is more reliable in terms of defending himself against the walkers but Kenny seemed to be a nice guy, one who ya could rely on in the future episodes.


    Sided with Kenny for the reason in the above paragraph, just wanted to earn his trust even more, plus I cant stand larry at all, I wanted him to die so I tried to not look for his pills hehehe, and from what he does and says at the end of the episode.....due to me saying 'I'm her neighbour' lets just say Im keeping friends close and enemies even closer in the future episodes.


    I couldnt decide this one, was really hard for me to choose but in the end chose to not give the gun to her, maybe it wasnt the best choice I made, but I couldnt help think what if she chose to turn the gun on us??? There would be no way I could take that risk because Clemintine wouldnt have anyone to look after her, ye maybe Kenny could but in the end he wouldnt be able to keep his eyes on both his son and her.

    Doug or Carley

    Now this was easy for me for several reasons,
    1: She knew who I was, and what I done. She did say she'd keep it a secret but how long for? she would always have that card to play when she needed it.
    2: She didnt know how to fix a radio, and even put the batteries in right :0
    3: Yer she was good with a gun, but guns run out? what then?
    4: Doug apparently saved her previously...without a gun Im guessing, just wondering how
    5: Doug is a tech wizard which to me sounds way more useful than some dumb reporter with a twitchy trigger finger, plus Im guessing not everywhere has power out, what if they needed to bypass some security lock? am sure he would be able to :)

    In my initial/proper play through I have decided to make Lee concerned mainly about keeping his history secret and protecting Clemintine his top priority, would love to see how the other episodes play out with this view in mind :)
  • edited June 2012
    Moved out during Day: As if I was just going to sit around doing nothing. Keep moving forward and don't give up.

    Honest to Hershel: If you start making people lose trust in you by having them begin to doubt you, you're done for in a world where everyone relies on each other. Even Hershel eventually says pretty much the exact same thing. Also, you can tell whether or not he trusts you, he shows genuine concern for Clementine. So even if he kicked me out or killed me (and we all know Lee isn't going to die in the first episode...), she would still be safe / taken care of.

    Saved Duck: I had no freaking idea who to choose. The whole time, up until Shawn got bit, I actually thought I could save both of them. In the last second before time ran out I just panicked and chose Duck because he was a kid. Interesting note: it was only after watching a playthrough on Youtube that I realised that Shawn being stuck is actually DUCK's fault. He drove the tractor over Shawn's leg. I'm wondering if I had known this if I would have let Duck die, since you could think "Why does he deserve to live if he is the one who gets Shawn killed?"

    Sided with Kenny: Larry was wrong, unreasonable, presumptuous, short-tempered, a douche, selfish, impatient, immoral and was an infanticidal maniac who wanted to kill a child, let alone the child who I just sacrificed Shawn and my relationship with Hershel to save. F*** Larry.

    Didn't give the gun to Irene: Even though I knew she was going to die either way, I still wanted to do everything I could to prevent Glenna and Carley from losing hope. I didn't want them to ever think that giving up was an option.

    Saved Carley: I remember the moment when the choice presented itself to me. My thought was "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN..." After what I went through with Shawn/Duck I just didnt' [/B]think I'd have to make a decision like that again. Again, I thought I could save both of them. But as for the decision... Unlike most people, the gun/electonics factor didn't play a part in my decision. Lee and Carley just seemed to have built much more of a relationship. It didn't matter that it wasn't romantic, I thought it was cool that she and Lee had this inside secret together (about who Lee really is), that Lee comforts her several times and she is also one of the really level-headed people in the group. With Doug, our only relationship building was hacking some TVs and taking some keys.
  • edited June 2012
    It never cease to amaze me.
    There is a disturbing amount of people who hold a 10 year old boys responsible for someones death.
    Are you guys like that in real life to or is this a computer game thing?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    Lars80 wrote: »
    It never cease to amaze me.
    There is a disturbing amount of people who hold a 10 year old boys responsible for someones death.
    Are you guys like that in real life to or is this a computer game thing?

    ...Duck has maybe 10 lines in the entire first episode, is dumb struck in the entire middle, and is still disliked for his quacking. How's that for reasonably taking a side? :D
  • edited June 2012
    Lars80 wrote: »
    It never cease to amaze me.
    There is a disturbing amount of people who hold a 10 year old boys responsible for someones death.
    Are you guys like that in real life to or is this a computer game thing?

    I would actually take that into consideration in real life... BECAUSE IT WAS HIS FAULT! Both him and Kenny(He left after saving Duck, not to mention not watching his son while he was on the tractor) would be to blame should that have happened in real life...
  • edited June 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I would actually take that into consideration in real life... BECAUSE IT WAS HIS FAULT! Both him and Kenny(He left after saving Duck, not to mention not watching his son while he was on the tractor) would be to blame should that have happened in real life...
    Duck being a minor is not responsible for anything he do, or dont do..
    If you hand a 6 year old boy a gun, he points it at his sister and blows her head off. Would you hold him responsible for it? Authorities would hold you responsible.

    And wasnt it Shawn that told Duck he could sit on the tractor?
    That poor decision by Shawn, got him killed.

    But you are just pretending to be really stupid to mess with me right?
    You got me going for a while there, good job.
  • edited June 2012
    ...Duck has maybe 10 lines in the entire first episode, is dumb struck in the entire middle, and is still disliked for his quacking. How's that for reasonably taking a side? :D

    Duck is like 80% of all 10 year old boys.
    Annoying and only a parent can love them.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Lars80 wrote: »
    Duck is like 80% of all 10 year old boys.
    Annoying and only a parent can love them.

    And their toys that come to life when their out of eye/earshot
  • edited June 2012
    Lars80 wrote: »
    It never cease to amaze me.
    There is a disturbing amount of people who hold a 10 year old boys responsible for someones death.
    Are you guys like that in real life to or is this a computer game thing?

    In real life I would save the boy without even thinking. But this is a video game designed to stretch you two ways with difficult choices. I have to consider "How will this affect the rest of my game experience?" as opposed to "What will this say about me?"

    Also, this is the Walking Dead: "THE SAME RULES DON'T APPLY ANYMORE!" - Rick (I think it was Rick, anyway).

    I'm a softie and play video games like one, but the in-game consequences outweigh the non-existent real world ones. Blowing up Megaton in Fallout 3 wouldn't even begin to imply that the player is sick and twisted in real life. There is the faintest, most minute, thinnest thread of correlation but it's just not strong or direct enough and next to non-existent.

    Now that I know Duck survives no matter what choice you make, I would now choose Shawn. Think about it:

    Choose Duck:
    - Shawn dies
    - Duck survives
    - Hershel wants your balls in a blender
    - Kenny thinks of you as a good friend

    Choose Shawn:
    - Shawn dies
    - Duck survives
    - Hershel acknowledges your help
    - Kenny still thinks of you as a good friend

    So, gotta think in terms of the game :)
  • edited June 2012
    ronCYA wrote: »
    So, gotta think in terms of the game :)
    This is not call of duty or battlefield.
    I fail to see how a game like this can be any fun at all, if you dont try to live through Lee and make the choices you would have made if you were actually there yourself.

    I guess there is a reason why people ask for a Skip button.
  • edited June 2012
    ronCYA wrote: »
    Choose Duck:
    - Shawn dies
    - Duck survives
    - Hershel wants your balls in a blender
    - Kenny thinks of you as a good friend

    Choose Shawn:
    - Shawn dies
    - Duck survives
    - Hershel acknowledges your help
    - Kenny still thinks of you as a good friend
    - Katjaa hates you and Kenny will most likely side with her in an argument.

    So, gotta think in terms of the game :)

    If you truly are thinking in terms of the game.

    I'm not though for my playthrough, I'm going by my actual decisions(when I can, both "save one or the other" scenarios I had a completely different idea for both of them. Save duck and then back out the tractor for Shaun, and tell Clem to get Carly's ammo while I save Doug)...
  • edited June 2012
    Unfortunately, games will never (for the foreseeable future) allow you to play them as anything other than a game. You do realise you are looking at a computer screen / TV, clicking and selecting dialogue options hovering in front of you?

    Of course you know that. That's why you don't open your mouth and say all the lines Lee does. That's why you understand that even though you might be smarter or stronger than Lee, you can't do what you would in real life. For example, why couldn't I use the walking cane to grab the brick? Also, in real life, I wouldn't kill someone for sleeping my wife. I'm also not black or teach at a university.

    During a Mass Effect game my mouse dropped to the floor and chose a dialogue option I didn't want- meaning that my character's personality was shaped by something completely unrelated.

    Skip buttons are great, too. People make the assumption that anyone wanting to use one doesn't care about story. I do- I play games predominately for their story. However, when a mouse drops or the computer freezes or the game interprets your choice in a stupid manner (in The Witcher 2, if you click "Very funny" the game interprets that as "F*ck off!"), being able to skip cutscenes is great if you want to rewind a part of the game to redo such incidents.

    Games are games, friend and you know it. You can't turn suspension of disbelief (necessary for enjoyment of any fiction) into denial. As true to life Heavy Rain, Mass Effect, The Walking Dead, etc try to get- they are video games of real life, not real life itself.
  • edited June 2012
    Honest- I'm not the kind of guy o lies. Expecially to a guy that welcomed me to stay in his house in change of nothing.

    Duck- It's apocalypse. The only way to give continuity to our specie, it's saving the kids, no matter what. Plus, his dad has a boat....

    Larry- I was trying to reason with Larry, and make him not kill the kid. But at the and I had to be tough with the old guy and stop him. Kenny thanked me, Lilly was pissed at me, but in the end stats, it said that i sided with Larry. But that didn't affect my relation with Kenny "I'm not letting anybody else get eaten today, especially a god friend".

    Refused the gun- I knew that she was doomed. But it was the begginig of the apocalypse, and by that time, i would still believe in a cure...

    Doug- I indetify me better with Doug. And the guy is smart, and at that time, he was defenseless. It wouldn't be so hard knock a zombie with a gun, or kick him.
  • edited July 2012
    I can't be the only one that is surprised (disappointed) that this topic isn't filled with episode 2 choices and reasons for those choice, right?
  • edited July 2012
    yup you're right i came here to see those as well
  • edited July 2012
    Cornson wrote: »
    I can't be the only one that is surprised (disappointed) that this topic isn't filled with episode 2 choices and reasons for those choice, right?

    Start a new thread? No will hate you for it.
  • edited July 2012

    I lied to him. The man was a bit off putting for my taste.

    Shawn or Duck
    I tried to save Shawn. I knew that Kenny would take care of his kid, I just didn't think he would run off like he did.

    I stayed silent for most of it. Only when I was forced to speak did I stand up for Kenny.

    I did not give her the gun. Not wasting bullets and not about to attract them with sound. Besides what if she had flipped and killed us all?

    Doug or Carley?
    Doug. Because Carley was too honest and confronted me with the fact that she knew about Lee's past. Just another liability as far as I am concerned.
  • edited July 2012
    phoray wrote: »
    Start a new thread? No will hate you for it.

    I guess I just expected everyone to post their season two choices here aswell...
  • edited July 2012
    I was truthful to Hershel, mainly for the fact that he'd probably see through my lies anyway =/.

    Shawn or Duck
    Normally I'd choose Duck since he's a kid and all, but I had watched a walk through of episode one before hand (which was a bad idea on my part :c) and realized just how annoying he is... In real life I'd still save him, but since this is a game I was like "Meh. Screw it." He lived anyways, unfortunately.

    In my mind I stood up for Kenny, knowing Duck wasn't bit. Apparently, reasoning with Larry isn't standing up for him though... so I'm not sure. Kenny turns into a bit of a dick anyway.

    I didn't give Irene the gun, figuring that the shot would just attract more walkers and also that bullet could be used later on to save Clementine (or to kill off Larry... cough).
    No hacking off her head with an axe?

    Doug or Carley?
    Carley. It had nothing to do with gender, 'twas mostly because we got to know her better than Doug. The gun was a plus, too.
  • edited August 2012
    Upon seeing a walkthrough and when playing the game the choices are as following:

    HONESTY Lie to Hershel?: Mostly, I would be truthful about getting out of Atlanta but dodge the truth about how I injured my leg (Jumped a fence). Face it, in the past couple of minutes, you are chased by the dead, have to fight a couple of them, so it would leave a first timer in this world a little frazled.

    SHAWN or DUCK?: I suppose it's necessary action to save a child, but I would choose Shawn cause he's trapped under the tractor with walkers trying to grab him. Plus, if it wasn't for his help, I wouldn't have been able to get out of Clementine's neighborhood.
    Even though he dies, I would choose Shawn again. FYI I'm not a Duck hater

    SIDE WITH KENNY?: Kenny's a good guy and I appreciate his lift to Macon, but in this heated discussion in the drugstore, I try to calmly try to reason with him as we are all in this together. See when playing a game, I try to believe I'm in the game.
    See the character, Be the character, you ARE the character.
    But just cause I try to be friendly doesn't mean I'm a pushover (I'll choose the badass choice of "You better have a plan to kill me because it's ME before anyone else in here!)

    GIVE IRENE THE GUN?: Some would just give her the gun because she's bitten and we'll turn eventually. Me, with a strong moral code, would refuse. I'd maintain caution. If there was another way to make it quick and final, I'd probably do it...but alias, the rest is history.

    SAVE DOUG OR CARLEY?: Carley hands down. She has numerous qualities that make her invaluable as a survivor. I just can't seem to picture Doug in the game walkthrough (no offense to Doug fan's on this forum)
    Even though I'm a guy, I prefer an equal balance of women in a group of men.

    So, this are my choices and I stick with them reguardless
  • edited August 2012
    Bigfern60 wrote: »
    Yes plz tell I won't get to that tonight girlfriend picked side with Kenny also but not as spoiler alert I'm pretty sure Kenny face is one of the episode avatars so I don't think u can break ties with him curious though let me know!

    so is Carley! :eek:
  • edited August 2012
    HONESTY: My Lee is an honest guy who has been dealt some bad luck of late. So he remains true to himself despite that.

    SHAWN or DUCK?: Shawn. He was trapped, and Kenny was in the vicinity. Not a hard choice all told.

    SIDE WITH KENNY?: Generally side with Kenny- but I stood up to Larry and invited him to throw me out if he wanted to throw anybody out. He's a bit of a bully, and I loathe bullies.

    GIVE IRENE THE GUN?: Gave her the gun. I've worked with terminally ill people before, and I've seen people essentially opt out, and appreciate that choosing how to go out is sometimes a luxury.

    SAVE DOUG OR CARLEY?: Carley hands down. She has a gun, and had already saved myself and other members of the group. She's simply too useful.
  • mz3mz3
    edited August 2012
    I told him the truth.
    Shawn or Duck
    I tried to save shawn but that was uesless
    I didn't give her the gun.I tried to save her.....

    Doug or Carley
    that was a tough choice for me..
    I saved carley because she is a good shooter..she is very honest
    I think she support me better than doug at future
    (I think that was a romance between carley and doug)
    I am sorry for my bad English
  • edited March 2013
    I made all good decisions I think and it still doesnt affect the outcome of the game
    - I tried to save Shawn cuz I knew Kenny would save Duck
    - I let the girl have the gun
    - I saved Carly because she can handle a gun
    - I tried to save Larry even though I hated him
    -I didnt kill any of the brothers
    - I shot the woman in the street out of mercy
    - I left Lilly behind but i felt bad afterwards
    - I chose to not let Kenny have to deal with his losses
    - I pulled Ben up, rather than letting him drop
  • edited March 2013
    The first time around I just tried to calm situations, please everybody, trying to stay reasonable and not let emotion take over. White lies, things that were somewhat true, just trying increase my chance of survival by holding the group together. I even let Kenny beat me up on the train. This was reflected in all my choices so..
    Hersh- Somewhat lied.
    Shawn or Duck- Went for Shawn, he seemed to be most in danger.
    Kenny vs Larry- Just tried to calm the situation.
    Irene- Did not give her the gun since I didn't want to draw attention.
    Doug or Carley- Went for Carley since I thought I would not make it to Doug in time.
  • edited May 2013
    I was honest because I wanted to get on his good side and get him to like me. Also because I'm not very honest in real life so I wanted to be different in the game.

    Shawn or Duck:
    I chose Duck because he was a kid and I thought me and Kenny could save Shaun after but Kenny ran off.

    Well judging by my forum name you can probably guess what me and Kenny were like together. I had his back all the way with every choice until in episode 4 when I refused to kill Ben. But apart from that we were bros

    Didn't give her the gun and I don't have a reason.

    Doug or Carley:
    Carley because she was a good shot and had a gun.

    I'm not great at explaining things.
  • edited May 2013
    I am not sure what the hardest decision I made was, I had to pause the game when thinking about dropping Ben, I waited to the last second when think if I should take Clem to Crawford, I guess every choice after the meat locker in Episode 2 was difficult except for one. The Easiest choice for me was to leave Lilly behind, took about half a second for me to leave her.
  • edited May 2013
    I decided to lie because I wasn't sure about the world of the game, and was afraid that the characters would turn on me. If I were to replay it I'd probably tell the truth, partly to see what happens and cos Hershel doesn't stick around in the game long to do anything to me...

    Shawn or Duck
    Saved Duck, cos according to the laws of film/video games the good guy is the one who always saves the kids.

    I took Kenny's side cos Duck wasn't bitten, so they'd have been throwing an innocent kid to the walkers. Even if he was I'd have tried to find some kind of compromise. In any case Larry was overreacting.

    I gave her the gun because I just felt so sorry for her...

    Doug or Carley?
    Carley, since I honestly thought that she'd use the gun to save Doug and give us some cover as we ran.....guess not....
  • edited May 2013
    The hardest decision for me was probably Larry's death. He was such a jerk to you until that point that it almost plays out like a vengeful murder. The game doesn't give you enough time to really make the determination if he's truly dead or not- but I've never seen some turn in seconds after they fell to the floor- and as bad as Larry was I was still willing to give one of us a few more moments to try something, anything. His death caused a massive ripple effect imo
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