Don't like Clementine
If you dislike Clementine then thats ok here after all she is a bit of a dead weight during episode 1. sure she helps you a couple of times but she also gets caught by zombies a couple of times and this is just the start you wait and see she will end up by costing Lee his life. So come on lets have your ideas about how to get rid of Clementine

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what group is this K.I.Q.C.S
No not interested in your group but why the hell is she queen clemintine she is in the usa not uk and they don't have royal family over there:rolleyes:
Well said couldn't agree more
...I also corrected the thread title a bit.
Fatality! Vainamoinen Wins. Flawless Victory!
Not so was a simply typo. should have checked before I posted. Anyway thankyou Vainamoinen for the correction
(This comment is real not part of the role play.)
The queen title is purely OPTIONAL.. we CHOOSE to use it, no one ( me, cap and whd ) is forcing others to type/use/say it...It also has NOTHING to do with the celebrations of queen elizabeth the seconds jubilee....
It is for fun for the lulz NOTHING MORE to help ease the wait between episodes..
i mean seriously get a freaking grip...
IF we jumped off a cliff or we posted up pic's comments of us all wearing clown shoes with out any hint of asking other's to follow our lead, Would you do it (of your own freewill) ? then blame us ?
Joining our little fanfiction group is entirely up to you..sheesh...
I will assume if you guys copy KIQCS in other ways you clearly have more time on your hands then us knights do...for shame...
what do you mean SERIOUSLY? if this to Do I hate Clementine then the answer is maybe,maybe not. she is cute but a bit to perfect for an 8yr old I know she is scared and that this accounts for some of her quiteness but it is not natural for a kid to be this quite.
Not very original pinching someone elses picture. Just what I would expected from the court jester lol
Clem is cool and I'm glad she's there. She raises the stakes. You have something more than just yourself to worry about even if you don't give a toss about the rest of the group. Regardless of her intelligence, appearance or personality; Clem is a child lost in a word of hungry zombies and frightened strangers and if can't make space in your heart for her... That's cool, I hope they put something in to cater for those players. The final decision, who will you save? Clem... Or yourself?
I hate kids. Really, I do. But Clementine is such a sweet little girl. Honestly can't think of any reason why anybody would hate her.
Hehe, Portal 2 referance. Clem could look a lot like Chell when she grows up, and they're both orphans .. Probably. Hold up, I think I know what's going to happen to Clem in the future. Oh, no!
After the Zombie Apocalypse Lee got a job at aperture science. However on one fateful take your daughter to work day......
No we musn't kill the non believers, we need to reduce the zombie population..
patience young padwan you will get you chance
Sorry reggie you see we have uncovered a plot by the Anti clem group.
and walkers are part of their grand scheme to over throw our queen.
We must be VIGILANT !
Ps intel suggests larry is not as dead as we thought and he maybe rallying troops in the east to remove Our queens prime guardian (lee).
That a picture of you deadhead!!!!!:D
No fact and you are going to Dethrone Clementine!!!!!:D
Slanderous SWINE!! I will serve Queen Clem cereal from your hollowed skull and dance on your grave :guybrush:
'initiate duck droid, command code 24143 destory the haters'.
And you also have done the same to My clem thread *snip* so it's pay back time...
I never said that she is sweet or in fact that I hate her
I have walkingdeadhead in my group now so watch out all queen lovers:D