Man, what are you guys gonna do when the fifth episode is released and you can't do this anymore? You'll have to find something new to hate and rant about, I guess.
Actually, we'll all be breathing a sigh of relief that the shitshow is over.
Why bother? You'll just pull the "Roberta liked Episode 1 which means she agreed 100% with our direction which means TSL is an official game, are you going to call Roberta a liar?" card again.
No, I didn't say that. I just said, Roberta played episode 1 and liked it. I really prefer to stick to facts, so it's just better to quote her directly:
“…I am deeply honored that a group of devoted fans have dedicated themselves to reviving the characters, lands and quests of my adventure game series, King’s Quest. Without the bravery and persistence of these volunteers – and it should be stressed that this game was developed by fans over ten long years without pay and in their own free time -- it is almost certain that King’s Quest would have been relegated to a forgotten obscurity – its story left untold. Now, there is a chance that many can truly find out what happens to the royal family of the Kingdom of Daventry.
This game is very true to the original series and features many of the storylines and characters, especially, of King’s Quest VI. I found it beautiful and fun to play. I, too, like many other fans, would like to see how this story unfolds!
No, I didn't say that. I just said, Roberta played episode 1 and liked it. I really prefer to stick to facts, so it's just better to quote her directly:
“…I am deeply honored that a group of devoted fans have dedicated themselves to reviving the characters, lands and quests of my adventure game series, King’s Quest. Without the bravery and persistence of these volunteers – and it should be stressed that this game was developed by fans over ten long years without pay and in their own free time -- it is almost certain that King’s Quest would have been relegated to a forgotten obscurity – its story left untold. Now, there is a chance that many can truly find out what happens to the royal family of the Kingdom of Daventry.
This game is very true to the original series and features many of the storylines and characters, especially, of King’s Quest VI. I found it beautiful and fun to play. I, too, like many other fans, would like to see how this story unfolds!
Roberta Williams "
You're a hero, Cesar. Let me kiss your ass like your fanboys do every day on your forum.
Exactly Anakin, as has been said, man - it's not about disagreeing. It's about civil discourse. You descended into baiting and attacking. It's not worth it; you're not going to cause any kind of social revolution that way. You're just going to end up banned.
And Cez, you don't need to defend you or your game to him. You don't have to defend you or your game to anyone.
It's not about disagreeing and it's not about being related to Telltale, Anakin. You're being overly insulting to another human being.
What did you say earlier in this thread about backseat moderators, Brandon?
Just ribbing. Actually, I think self-moderation - both in the sense of choosing your own words well and of regular members speaking up when someone crosses the line - is great, and "moderator" is hardly an insult. So good on you for saying the above. I was curious, though, why you thought it was "wrong" when I did it. Well, never mind.
What both of us were doing was point out that someone was behaving in a way that tried to demean another human being.* I think it is fair to say that only bullies or trolls disregard it when this is pointed out to them, whether offline or online.
Happy to see many lending their voices to the maintenance of a friendlier forum.
* Of course no one can actually demean anyone else, only themselves.
It occurs to me that this thread (nay, the subject of TSL in general) has descended into one big argument between the developers at POS and the disappointed fans.
I understand that a developer of a product that they have worked so hard on is want to defend their work. Okay. I get it. The fact of the matter is that (no matter what Roberta said after having only played ep.1) TSL feels nothing like a King's Quest game should. To enumerate them all would be time-consuming, and you would only immediately jump to the defense of your product anyway, thus doing so is therefore moot.
And don't you dare tell me that I can't be emotionally invested in a "work of entertainment." By rights then, no one should give a flying crap about any work of art or literature delivered on any medium whatsoever.
For myself, I maintain that I will never tell anyone I know in real life about TSL, and if they have heard about it I will discourage them from playing it.
The fact of the matter is that (no matter what Roberta said after having only played ep.1) TSL feels nothing like a King's Quest game should.
I'd say that's a matter of opinion. As far as I'm concerned, TSL feels a *tiny* bit like a King's Quest game should. Not a whole lot, but a little more than MOE. :P
And don't you dare tell me that I can't be emotionally invested in a "work of entertainment."
If this was directed at me, of COURSE you should feel emotionally invested in a story, game, or movie. But there's a huge difference between emotional investment, and claiming you were personally betrayed by something that just doesn't appeal to you.
That said, I'm in no rush to play the next chapter. I found plenty to enjoy in the previous chapters and I thought the story twists were fairly compelling, but the games have been incredibly flawed, and installing in CrossOver has just been a hassle. :P
I'd say that's a matter of opinion. As far as I'm concerned, TSL feels a *tiny* bit like a King's Quest game should. Not a whole lot, but a little more than MOE. :P
Lol...I'd agree with that. It at least has the interface and surface appearance of a KQ game.
I'd say that's a matter of opinion. As far as I'm concerned, TSL feels a *tiny* bit like a King's Quest game should. Not a whole lot, but a little more than MOE. :P
Oh god this crap is reproduceable. Every time I go to this place my game gets screwed.
This looks like what happened to me when I tried to play episode 2 in WINE on a Mac. Faces painted with wood, buildings painted with sky. If you ever figure out how to fix it, let me know.
While episode 1 bored the hell out of me, from the conversations here it seems that subsequent installments get a lot more, uh, "interesting", for better or worse -- I'd like to decide for myself if I could it get it to work right.
Thom (and others) check out our Tech Forum--there are a lot of already resolved issues that may help you, and Weldon (aka wilco64256) is good about getting people helped out quickly & efficiently.
The only two people I see consistently bashing TSL whenever someone even mentions something that could be maybe construed as being in the context of TSL are Lamb and Anakin. We get it, guys. You don't like the game. It's just old and annoying to see you post about it over and over. Nobody else seems to really enjoy it or think it's funny or witty so the only people you're doing it for, it appears, are yourselves. Seriously, I know it's the internet, but grow up a bit.
Thom (and others) check out our Tech Forum--there are a lot of already resolved issues that may help you, and Weldon (aka wilco64256) is good about getting people helped out quickly & efficiently.
Thanks, I had seen that info but nothing worked with the Episode 3 download. Fortunately, whether it was changes in the game build or updates to wine, I now have the Episode 4 bundle running fairly well.
I completed the second and started the third episodes, and I'm delighted to find they feature real adventuring and puzzles! There are any number of aspects so far I would regard as quite King's Quest-y. While I'm enjoying it overall, at the same time I find much to agree with in the critiques offered by Lamb and Anakin. Maybe I'll say more about that when I've completed Episode 4.
It's just old and annoying to see you post about it over and over. Nobody else seems to really enjoy it or think it's funny or witty so the only people you're doing it for, it appears, are yourselves. Seriously, I know it's the internet, but grow up a bit.
It seems to me that if it's acceptable for an outside game developer to come to the forum and start a new thread announcing release of their game, then it should be acceptable for the forum participants to express their opinions on it in that thread (as you did) regardless of whether they've expressed the same opinions elsewhere. You might consider that not everybody reads the same threads you do...
Sure, absolutely, but you have to draw the line somewhere reasonably. Any sane person could look and see that hardly any of Lamb's or Anakin's posts are constructive and are basically just offensive.
Sure, absolutely, but you have to draw the line somewhere reasonably. Any sane person could look and see that hardly any of Lamb's or Anakin's posts are constructive and are basically just offensive.
I would have to agree with this. I've played through the four episodes of TSL, and while there were things that I found annoying and didn't particularly enjoy, on the whole I was satisfied, especially with it being free and all.
There's nothing wrong with people expressing either negative or positive reactions to things, but when it degenerates into personal attacks and insults against not only the team in question, but anybody who enjoyed it - well it's just not good enough. Honestly we're not 11 years old any more, so the playground insults are quite unnecessary.
I look forward to the 5th episode. Since it's using a new engine (I think that's correct?) hopefully it will be less buggy. That was probably my biggest gripe with episodes 1-4. There were quite a few times I'd had to quit or revert to an earlier save, just because of some annoying bugs.
I think what they meant was that graham got a new morley motorcycle and is going to become the new leader of the polecats... Or did I just make that up?
How will that work with the way you've been doing the episodes thus far? (all in the same download) will episodes 1-4 be a separate download and installation from 5? (and 6? is there a 6?)
How will that work with the way you've been doing the episodes thus far? (all in the same download) will episodes 1-4 be a separate download and installation from 5? (and 6? is there a 6?)
5th is the final episode, and yes, it will be a standalone download. Episodes 1-4 will stay in the current build, and then we'll have 5 on its own.
We are actually moving in that direction with our games --having them in standalone builds. And they are going to be designed to be such. Trying to patch everything together has proven a big headache, so we need to figure out a good infrastructure that can really support that system before we go back to it again.
I guess that means that you have abandoned the idea for a final directors edition (or something like that) that isn't episode specific as had been mentioned previously. Probably not worth doing all the work for that.
yeah, we are really not thinking about that one right now.
We could still do it, but we added so much material to these episodes, that it's become exponentially harder to fit the story chronologically within a more open world exploration. In reality, it was always going to be ep2-4 what would have benefited from this approach, so it's somehow still manageable for those episodes.
But yeah, with 4 episodes of Cognition incoming, TSL Ep5 and other stuff down the line, not exactly our priority right now.
Go ahead discuss TSL here (or wherever else people discuss it), and everything you like about it or don't like about, etc! Discuss the plot, discuss the Four Winds. Carry on and have fun...
We're looking for some recreations of iconic King's Quest scenes that will be shown in the final episode of TSL, and the contest is open to one and all! Artists are welcome, as is anyone with a great design idea even if they aren't an artist. Check out our forum for the details at the link above.
We're looking forward to seeing what people submit!
Actually, we'll all be breathing a sigh of relief that the shitshow is over.
No, I didn't say that. I just said, Roberta played episode 1 and liked it. I really prefer to stick to facts, so it's just better to quote her directly:
“…I am deeply honored that a group of devoted fans have dedicated themselves to reviving the characters, lands and quests of my adventure game series, King’s Quest. Without the bravery and persistence of these volunteers – and it should be stressed that this game was developed by fans over ten long years without pay and in their own free time -- it is almost certain that King’s Quest would have been relegated to a forgotten obscurity – its story left untold. Now, there is a chance that many can truly find out what happens to the royal family of the Kingdom of Daventry.
This game is very true to the original series and features many of the storylines and characters, especially, of King’s Quest VI. I found it beautiful and fun to play. I, too, like many other fans, would like to see how this story unfolds!
Roberta Williams "
You're a hero, Cesar. Let me kiss your ass like your fanboys do every day on your forum.
I understand. Cesar is an ex-employee, so no disagreeing with him. I got it.
I'm not a Telltale employee and I don't know Cesar, but I do know you need some time to cool off.
And Cez, you don't need to defend you or your game to him. You don't have to defend you or your game to anyone.
What did you say earlier in this thread about backseat moderators, Brandon?
Just ribbing. Actually, I think self-moderation - both in the sense of choosing your own words well and of regular members speaking up when someone crosses the line - is great, and "moderator" is hardly an insult. So good on you for saying the above. I was curious, though, why you thought it was "wrong" when I did it. Well, never mind.
What both of us were doing was point out that someone was behaving in a way that tried to demean another human being.* I think it is fair to say that only bullies or trolls disregard it when this is pointed out to them, whether offline or online.
Happy to see many lending their voices to the maintenance of a friendlier forum.
* Of course no one can actually demean anyone else, only themselves.
I understand that a developer of a product that they have worked so hard on is want to defend their work. Okay. I get it. The fact of the matter is that (no matter what Roberta said after having only played ep.1) TSL feels nothing like a King's Quest game should. To enumerate them all would be time-consuming, and you would only immediately jump to the defense of your product anyway, thus doing so is therefore moot.
And don't you dare tell me that I can't be emotionally invested in a "work of entertainment." By rights then, no one should give a flying crap about any work of art or literature delivered on any medium whatsoever.
For myself, I maintain that I will never tell anyone I know in real life about TSL, and if they have heard about it I will discourage them from playing it.
I'd say that's a matter of opinion. As far as I'm concerned, TSL feels a *tiny* bit like a King's Quest game should. Not a whole lot, but a little more than MOE. :P
If this was directed at me, of COURSE you should feel emotionally invested in a story, game, or movie. But there's a huge difference between emotional investment, and claiming you were personally betrayed by something that just doesn't appeal to you.
That said, I'm in no rush to play the next chapter. I found plenty to enjoy in the previous chapters and I thought the story twists were fairly compelling, but the games have been incredibly flawed, and installing in CrossOver has just been a hassle. :P
Lol...I'd agree with that.
This looks like what happened to me when I tried to play episode 2 in WINE on a Mac. Faces painted with wood, buildings painted with sky. If you ever figure out how to fix it, let me know.
While episode 1 bored the hell out of me, from the conversations here it seems that subsequent installments get a lot more, uh, "interesting", for better or worse -- I'd like to decide for myself if I could it get it to work right.
Thanks, I had seen that info but nothing worked with the Episode 3 download. Fortunately, whether it was changes in the game build or updates to wine, I now have the Episode 4 bundle running fairly well.
I completed the second and started the third episodes, and I'm delighted to find they feature real adventuring and puzzles!
It seems to me that if it's acceptable for an outside game developer to come to the forum and start a new thread announcing release of their game, then it should be acceptable for the forum participants to express their opinions on it in that thread (as you did) regardless of whether they've expressed the same opinions elsewhere. You might consider that not everybody reads the same threads you do...
I would have to agree with this. I've played through the four episodes of TSL, and while there were things that I found annoying and didn't particularly enjoy, on the whole I was satisfied, especially with it being free and all.
There's nothing wrong with people expressing either negative or positive reactions to things, but when it degenerates into personal attacks and insults against not only the team in question, but anybody who enjoyed it - well it's just not good enough. Honestly we're not 11 years old any more, so the playground insults are quite unnecessary.
I look forward to the 5th episode. Since it's using a new engine (I think that's correct?) hopefully it will be less buggy. That was probably my biggest gripe with episodes 1-4. There were quite a few times I'd had to quit or revert to an earlier save, just because of some annoying bugs.
5th is the final episode, and yes, it will be a standalone download. Episodes 1-4 will stay in the current build, and then we'll have 5 on its own.
We are actually moving in that direction with our games --having them in standalone builds. And they are going to be designed to be such. Trying to patch everything together has proven a big headache, so we need to figure out a good infrastructure that can really support that system before we go back to it again.
Agreed. Especially since the upgrade patches for the episodes always caused troubles.
We could still do it, but we added so much material to these episodes, that it's become exponentially harder to fit the story chronologically within a more open world exploration. In reality, it was always going to be ep2-4 what would have benefited from this approach, so it's somehow still manageable for those episodes.
But yeah, with 4 episodes of Cognition incoming, TSL Ep5 and other stuff down the line, not exactly our priority right now.
We're looking for some recreations of iconic King's Quest scenes that will be shown in the final episode of TSL, and the contest is open to one and all! Artists are welcome, as is anyone with a great design idea even if they aren't an artist. Check out our forum for the details at the link above.
We're looking forward to seeing what people submit!
Uh what?! So did you see that interesting PC gamer article?