Soundtracks and Soundtracks Only
Given the proliferation of "The X Threads", I've made a thread committed to music... but only soundtracks! Which ones have caught your interest lately? Why?
I remembered Musically Inspired discussing how he felt the original Batman theme was stronger than the new Batman theme of the Nolan trilogy. While I disagreed, I did agree about one thing... the Danny Elfman soundtrack is amazing.
It's awesome Hollywood music at its best. Bold, big, brassy. "Waltz to the Death" is a creepy track that just invokes the image of Joker dancing along at the top of the cathedral.
The actual Batman theme itself is interwoven into many of the action sequences, and the spirit of this 80s Batman just pops to mind. That raw fighter, cruising along through the skies, forming the Batman silhouette upon the moon. Awesome.
I remembered Musically Inspired discussing how he felt the original Batman theme was stronger than the new Batman theme of the Nolan trilogy. While I disagreed, I did agree about one thing... the Danny Elfman soundtrack is amazing.
It's awesome Hollywood music at its best. Bold, big, brassy. "Waltz to the Death" is a creepy track that just invokes the image of Joker dancing along at the top of the cathedral.
The actual Batman theme itself is interwoven into many of the action sequences, and the spirit of this 80s Batman just pops to mind. That raw fighter, cruising along through the skies, forming the Batman silhouette upon the moon. Awesome.
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Listening to it separately is actually a really weird experience, because you keep getting images in your head of the scenes the music is from, but because it's in your mind it can be radically different to how it actually played out in the movies. The piece that plays when Luke looks at the sunsets is amazingly epic in my mind. It's hard to go back to putting it to actual images now.
Michael Nyman is a majestic composer. Some of the songs on this album are so strong I get chills. "The Arrival" uses strings with such finesse and grace, and the upwards swell of the song really reaches into the heart. You really feel the protagonist's pain.
I'm going to be honest here.
My little brother keeps putting Phineas and Ferb on in the morning.
I actually secretly stay in bed and watch an episode or two.
(I um.. kinda like it... XD)
I'm hooked. I listen to this a lot.
It qualifies as a soundtrack because it is official music bundled with Skyward Sword.
EDIT: oh... and by "soundtrack," DAISHI I hope you mean "score." I love film and game scores (instrumentals), but normally not soundtracks (ie. with vocals). Albeit with certain exceptions, like Simple and Clean and Passion from Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 respectively.
Otherwise, I don't know what the hell I've been buying all these years.
It can be either. For the purpose Of the thread, I mean music originating from a game or movie.
I completely forgot to mention I listen to video game soundtracks. LOTS of Video Game soundtracks. Mostly stuff garnered from Indie Music Bundles at the moment, so things like the Mighty Milky Way, Imposter Nostalgia, stuff from games I've never even played. It's all good stuff and great to listen to while writing.
Loads from Indie bundles alone!
But I also have over 200 GOG titles, many of which include a soundtrack as well!
I will admit I like the Descent Soundtrack, some of the tunes off Might and Magic, and I love almost every indie chiptune I hear.
(Once I get my 2 32gb Class 10 microSDs and my second memory card adapter for my PSP I'm going to add loads more music to my old card (planning to split my games and music into two 64gb cards you see (a 128gb PSP is a beastly concept!
(I'm into chiptunes at the moment. Virt and Disasterpeace are amongst the best at their craft. Preschtale by C-Jeff is just fantastic. Taking the concept to a whole new level!)
EDIT: Oh and Castlevania.
I'm really liking Castlevania's music again. Enough for me to go back to the games and play them on the Wii.
(Emulating NES on Wii and playing with the Wiimote is very comfortable. I recommend it!
I'm also unashamably admitting that I practically know Megaman 2's music off by heart! HAHA!
Actually I love "Where my Heart will take me"
And "The Planet Krypton" is my ringtone
Recent film soundtracks I've got include Sunshine, 28 Days Later, Star Trek & Moon and has given me three composers to really look out for: John Murphy, Michael Giacchino & Clint Mansell (I also love Mansell's Lux Aeterna for Requiem for a Dream but I really don't like the film).
There's only one game soundtrack that I've really listened to (I should change that, considering I do have a few others through various indie bundles) and that is Alan Wake by Petri Alanko. It is beautiful and haunting and stands on it's own as well as it fits the game.
I couldn't buy any of them, not being in inventory yet, and I'm terrified to go back in and find out how much they actually cost
It's a beautiful piece when you remove the lyrics.
Not too sure if it counts, but the Kung Fu Hustle soundtrack, while mostly classical Chinese music, is very cool. Like this or this.
Lastly, the High Road to China soundtrack gets my nostalgic side all squeaky. Bam!
The vocal version is good, but that instrumental piece is fantastic. If I had the time and actual inclination, I'd re-cut the opening to fit that.
Okay, I just finished watching an anime called Dusk Maiden of Amnesia recently, and as awesome as the opening and ending themes are, there's an insert song in two episodes that is just hauntingly beautiful. I am sad that the full version without dialog hasn't been released yet, but still THIS SONG
Also, I've been listening to Hans Zimmer's score for The Dark Knight Rises. Hauntingly beautiful as well as triumphant. And it's up for FREE HERE!
EDIT: Never mind, it's widely available. Probably because it's so freakin' awesome.