Games That Didn't Deserve To Be Forgotten
I'll start off with a few- you don't have to post pictures or links-
The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy
Dark Savior
Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem
Fragile Dreams - Farewell, Ruins of the Moon
God Hand
Starfox Adventures
Metal Wolf Chaos
The Guardian Legend
Space Harrier
Custom Robo
New Horizons
Space Station Silicon Valley
Rising Zan
The Legend of Oasis
Beyond Oasis
Gunman's Proof
Astro Boy - Omega Factor
Banjo-Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts
Clash at Demonhead
Conker's Bad Fur Day
PK - Out of the Shadows
Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth
Ghost in the Shell
P.N. 03
The Neverhood
Demon's Crest
Sweet Home
Scooby Doo - Mystery!
The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy
Dark Savior
Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem
Fragile Dreams - Farewell, Ruins of the Moon
God Hand
Starfox Adventures
Metal Wolf Chaos
The Guardian Legend
Space Harrier
Custom Robo
New Horizons
Space Station Silicon Valley
Rising Zan
The Legend of Oasis
Beyond Oasis
Gunman's Proof
Astro Boy - Omega Factor
Banjo-Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts
Clash at Demonhead
Conker's Bad Fur Day
PK - Out of the Shadows
Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth
Ghost in the Shell
P.N. 03
The Neverhood
Demon's Crest
Sweet Home
Scooby Doo - Mystery!
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...I wouldn't really consider Conker and Ghost as forgotten as both are still brought up quite often(or else NES Batman would be posted here).
...but then I forgot.
Man, now I want to go through my boxes of old Nintendo Power issues and see what other games piqued my interest that I've since forgotten.
Had it been a trilogy as originally planned, would've kicked Mass Effect's ass (even though Mass Effect is kind of a really different genre, but still ). But now, we have only the first entry with a cliff-hanger
I don't know, but it's been recommended to me and it has an original storyline in canon with the manga directly. For that reason alone I think it's an important title. There was a SAC game too but I heard it wasn't very good.
Yh I played the SAC game for PS2 and it wasn't great. It was fun but onnly cos I was running around as Batou and the Major otherwise I wouldn't have played past level 1.
I haven't played all those games mentioned, but I can comment on a couple. So...
Eternal Darkness - Good game. Bloody good game. It's like Resident Evil if it was, y'know, good.
Fragile Dreams - Farewell Ruins to the Moon - When I tried this, I seem to recall it having an incredibly slow start. Like, I played for an hour and not a lot happened. I'm sure it picked up, but oof. Not a great way to entice players.
Starfox Adventures - Leaving aside the fact that this was Starfox in nothing but name (it's basically a Zelda ripoff), it's also one of the easiest games I've ever played. Like, I can play all the way through without dying once. ONCE. The combat was repetitive, the shopkeeper was annoying, the combat was repetitive, the puzzles weren't challenging, the combat was repetitive, the ship sections were pale imitations, the combat was repetitive, the characters were bland & annoying and the combat was repetitive. Also, repetitive combat. Not sure if I mentioned that.
The Legend of Oasis - I only briefly played this to get an achievement in the PS3 Sega Mega Drive Collection, but it seemed like a fun Zelda-like game. I'm guessing Beyond Oasis was a sequel?
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - This is a perfectly fine game, with one fatal flaw. THIS IS NOT A BANJO-KAZOOIE GAME. It's a completely different game with the BK license slapped all over it. It's not a true successor to the series and it's not the game fans wanted. THAT is what's wrong with this game. Also, JonTron review. It is hilarious, as is all his stuff.
Conker's Bad Fur Day - Yes. We need either a sequel to this game (and not one that focuses on the Tediz war that the head of Rare said somewhere) or another completely different game that has much the same feel. Live and Reloaded doesn't count. God, what happened to you Rare? You used to be cool.
PK - Out of the Shadows - I own this game on the Gamecube, and I can tell you why people didn't buy it. It takes Donald Duck, turns him into a 'superhero', changes his voice and has him shooting aliens. ...yeah. It's actually a pretty solid game, but it's so left field it baffles me why they made it.
Earthbound - FUCK. YES. I'm playing through a hack of it that basically adds a New Game + mode. Can't wait until I finish and play through again, dominating those f**king bees. Yeah.
P.N.03 - Another game I own (somewhere). This was an odd game to say the least, but it wasn't bad at all. It was a pretty fun shooter. Weird, but fun.
Again, like BK, it's a Rareware game with a different type of gameplay using well-known characters out of their element. Now originally it was an N64 game called Dinosaur Planet having nothing to do with Starfox, but I honestly love playing as Fox in a Zelda style game. But it is Zelda in mechanics only. Also it has fire keese and a play on a Zelda tune in an area. The places are Rareware, the music is Rareware, the humor is Rareware, the voice acting is horrifyingly bad but exactly what Rareware's grunts and hoots would sound as voice acting, and its gameplay is honestly neat. It also does some things Skyward Sword does, but first. Digging and combat are pretty similar, and the enemy AI is great at blocking. Also flying back and forth to areas. Yeah, the game is easy, but it's also FUN. It has its hit and miss moments: namely the beginning and the Arwing sections, but everything else is spot on Rareware. Even the jazz music that plays when Fox sees Krystal: it's not Starfox's Rareware humor. That's what makes it so off-putting for Starfox fans, but that's why I love it so much. It's Rareware back when Rareware knew what the hell they were doing, and in spite of being forced by Ninty to use well known characters to sell their game, they managed to keep their voice and charm within it. Also, yes the shopkeeper is annoying, but you can't tell me that he doesn't sound exactly how a pre-Microsoft Rareware character typically sounds. I like the characters: they're typical Rareware characters. It's the voice acting that is ruined, but again- Rareware games weren't meant for voice-acting.
This was a sequel to Beyond Oasis, but it's also a prequel. BO came first.
I'm a diehard BK fan, but having played Nuts and Bolts, I can't agree. It's not a platformer but it is a BK game. It has a lot of charm actually once I gave it a chance. I still far prefer the first two, especially Tooie, but I got over my peeves. Now Grunty's Revenge....don't get me started.
You pretty much said why it's on my list.
You gave all the reasons why I bought it. Also it's based on an existing series of...I think...comic books. Not sure. I found out about it back when it came out and got it then. I loved it, even though the final boss is ripped from Ganondorf in OOT.
Feel free to add games you feel deserve to be remembered: I don't want to be the only contributor.
When I said they plastered Banjo-Kazooie over Nuts and Bolts, I didn't mean that they did it badly. They did it very well indeed - the characters and the humour are all over the thing. The problem is that it plays nothing like previous Banjo-Kazooie games and is most definitely not what the fans wanted, myself included. If you watch the review I linked, JonTron explains why I was so disappointed with it quite well. We were originally enticed with a proper next-gen BK platformer (the likes of which is sorely missed these days), only to get a completely different experience.
As I said, it's a good game. it really is. I wouldn't be trying to 100% it if it wasn't. I really do enjoy it for what it is, and there isn't much else out there quite like it. But it's not a sequel to Banjo-Kazooie in the traditional sense, since it changes almost everything gameplay-wise, and that's why I feel like I do.
Fragile Moon - Clunky Title to the Moon - I do intend to try this one again some time. When I eventually try and play though my (incredibly) huge list of games, I'll try and delve deeper into this one. It looked good.
Starfox Adventures - Not to repeat myself, but again, it's not a traditional Starfox game. That said... it's still pretty good. I still enjoyed it (enough to play through it twice). We need more proper Zelda-like games. But again, it's so different! That's my biggest issue with sequels like this. Why do developers have to change everything when what came before was so good?
Only game I would have added to the list would have been Okami, but again, it's being re-released on PSN late this year, so I can't say it's forgotten. 'cause it's not. Yays!
That game was amazing...I wish I could find the Gameboy color version.
With that said.
I think this game has infamy, but isn't actually played and marks when companies tried to do something different with their series.
I loved Deja Vu. I heard the PC version was better, but I only played the NES version.
I don't know if anyone remembers this...but uh...this game was one of the best Lego games ever, before TT started making them. Full voice acting, open world, hilarious.
I agree with that. I'm just saying people hate this game without playing and kind of shove it under the rug. "Like whateve's. AVGN didn't like it so I won't either"
They're kind of going back to that with Lego Undercover. Something I'm extremely excite for.
I enjoyed Grunty's Revenge, but I have my doubts on its actual quality. I really hate the story and I really wish it had been more akin to Donkey Kong Country, but it is what it is and I still own a copy regardless. As far as Nuts and Bolts, I was disappointed too! Very much so- until I played it. Hell, I still kind of want a 360 just FOR it. As far as Starfox Adventures, it's just really Nintendo's fault for forcing a different IP brand onto Rare's concept. But I don't really blame them in the end, because I love what I got- and again, there was a ban in my house on Zelda games for SA was a nice loophole.
But yeah, I always wanted to try Lego Island, but it's something that just never happened for me. Lego City is a Wii U exclusive, though, yep.
More to come i'm sure!
(secretly adds Johro to the list)
Okami wasn't exactly forgotten either, as it's already been released on two systems and is being released again.
Yeah it is...but it will be like the classic PC lego games.
My Dad hates fairies, elves, sorcery, fantasy, etc.
Also I would get so into the game I would get seizures- that was probably what sealed it. The ban was lifted when I turned 18 though.
Eh, you're not alone. I've never actually played Zelda, so I don't even have an opinion on it one way or the other. Except that it seems to only come out in formats playable only on machines that I don't own and don't intend to begin owning in the near future. Or the distant future.
I love Link to the Past. Well except when I turned into a pig and couldn't do anything epic.
But like...the rest of the game was flippin amazing.
The original Zelda bored me. Except for the classic line where the old man gives you a "wooden" sword. Thanks old man.
Zelda 2 was weird...I guess I liked it better in a way cause Link had crazy abilities when he killed bosses. But that was so Megaman.
And the 64 ones...I know how people LOOOOVE Ocarina in time. You know what? The Nintendo 64 killed console games for me until the Nintendo Wii.
I stuck with PC games about the time the Playstation came out and I never went back.
I realize tons of people enjoy Final Fantasy 7 more than they should (I loved Final Fantasy 6) and Ocarina of time...but meh. I'm a jaded old school gamer.
Those games didn't do much for me. And Majora's Mask zomg...I don't get why people think that game is fun at all. -_-
The Wii Zelda wasn't bad, but I didn't really play it that much. I don't think I got past Wii Sports to be honest. That game will always be the ultimate Wii game, lol!
Running through my game collection, I found a few that should be brought up more often.
Dark Reign
Dink Smallwood (it's got an HD version now, and it's still free, so go play it!)
The Nomad Soul
...actually, the controls for that one were awful. Maybe we should forget it...
I've played many games that didn't deserve to be forgotten.
I would list them here, but unfortunately, I forgot them all.
Some people may not find them great but they were my favorites back in the day...Wish i could find them now.
There's a free and open source online remake of the first LORD game called Legend of the Green Dragon. It's just like the original, although most names and such have been changed to avoid conflict with the current rights holders of the LORD games. It's well worth a play.