I took some time thinking first..... but ultimately I went this way.
I first decided to talk to some people, and I saw Mark and Larry working on the fence, so I strolled over to see what was up. Spoke to them, and got pissed at Larry for being a dick again. From this and the generally good vibes I had gotten from Mark I gave him the jerky. He seemed like the most reliable of the group as a hunter, and the one in the most need of protein, being the strongest. So ultimately my decision to go with mark boiled down to a hate for Larry mixed some what with what I saw as a good investment.
Next I spent sometime walking around the camp deciding my options. Did just about everything else, and at some point gave Clem the Apple, I mean I can't leave my adopted daughter to starve! So now all I had was the crackers, and I spent awhile trying to decide what to do with it. I was very tempted to give it either Duck or Carly, but I have a thing against Duck since his stupid rant about "Rexasaruas" or some stupid shit at the end of Ep. 1. Ultimately I talked to Carley for advice, and she helped me lean more towards Duck because she reminded me of my relationship with my good pal Kenny (or at least we were then, now we aren't Hopefully I'll be able to patch that up sometime, probably gonna have to save Duck again -.-) So yea back to the task at hand, gave Duck some crackers cause kids come first I guess. Then I kept the last crackers for either my self, or Clem farther down the line, cause I'm a selfish bastard.
-Duck and Clem (jerky and apple) due to the obvious reason of them being children
-Mark (crackers) because he clearly needed it
-Carley (crackers) because she appeared rather weak as well, though that was probably her lack of sleep
-Kenny (crackers), since Carley didn't accept the food and I just wanted to see a smile on Kenny's face.
I didn't feed:
-Katjaa because she didn't appear to be needing it
-Lilly out of spite towards her for giving me the food distribution task
-Larry because he's a butthole (in retrospect, giving him the axe and then leaving him without food may have been one of the most stupid things I've done in the game so far)
-Ben because I lived in the impression we would soon kick him out anyway
-Myself because, well, that should go without saying really.
I gave food to the kids, Mark, and Larry, and tried to give food to Carley
Clem: no explanation needed
Duck: Since I supported Kenny in episode 1, I wanted to keep my friendship with him
Larry: To build my relationship with Lily
Carley: Tried giving the last of the rations to her but being such an awesome person she refused them so I gave the last of my rations to
Mark: He seemed like a good guy, and he was neutral in the whole Kenny/Lily feud. Ben just came into the party, and if I gave it to Katjaa, Kenny, or Lily, I feel like I would have pissed the other side off. On my second play through I didn't give him anything because of what happens to him.
I love how this game forces me to make difficult choices. You may call me weird but when i got those pieces of food i pressed escape and thought about it for like 10 minutes because i felt the tension (i really am weird i guess but i like to put myself in the characters shoes). So i thought:
-To not feed myself (there should have been a consequence for that) 1 down 9 to go
-Gave it to Clementine, 8 to go
- Carley didnt want it, 7 to go
- By feeding Duck i thought i could get both Kenny and Katjaa's appreciation, 4 to go
- By giving it to Larry i thought i could get Larry and Lilly's appreciation, 2 to go
- Gave the last one to Mark because i thought he was good, 1 to go
So the only guy who could've been mad at me was the new kid but he seemed allright and if i gave it to him the group members probably would've killed me.
You may call me weird but when i got those pieces of food i pressed escape and thought about it for like 10 minutes because i felt the tension (i really am weird i guess but i like to put myself in the characters shoes).
I went for a walk around the motor inn, talked to everybody there, then took a coffee break while I thought about what to do with the food. So I guess I'm right with you there. I even took the imagined nutritional value of the food into consideration, like I know dick about that.
Luckily I fluked giving the right food-types to the right people first time, so nobody declined my offers. If that had happened I probably would have had a panic attack.
-Apple to Carley; Because I enjoy her character in general
-Crackers to Clementine; Love the Citrus child
-Crackers to Duck; He's a kid, plus it gets me in good with Kenny and Katjaa
-Jerky to Ben; Seemed like a nice kid, was genuinely worried about his group's survivors, and I figured if his camp was raided he hadn't eaten for days. In addition I felt it might soften the blow when his teacher eventually kicked the bucket.
I would have fed Kenny and then Mark in my order had I been given more food.
No food for Lilly because she but me in a position that I didn't want to be in
No food for Larry because he's an ass
No food for Katjaa because she didn't seem to need it
No food for Lee. The Lee i'm playing as is very selfless and wouldn't take food unless everyone (sans Larry) Had eaten first
Feed both children (if an adult leave children starving while they eat they simply not have any moral)
The others are for the new guy Mark and Larry because they are the only ones that sayed how hungry they are (and are also working).
Larry also get the half bited ugly dry apple
1. Gave Clem the apple. Because who wouldn't.
2. Kenny said to feed his kid first so Duck got some cheese and crackers.
3. Carley said I'd done enough for her and told me to give it to someone else. So Mark got a food thing since it seemed as if he was about to die.
4. Larry got jerky. I won't give up on you you asshole! Also didn't want to rock the boat more than necessary.
I fed the little girl because Lee is her care taker. Gave her the apple just cause it was first on the list. (I think)
I fed Kenny's kid because he is a kid and it meant I didn't have to feed the adults. It would mean more to both adults to feed their child with one item than to feed both adults.
I chose to feed Carley because she has a gun. The last thing I want is the person with the gun miss aiming because they are weak from hunger. I also fed her to stay on the good side of her or she may snitch out on Lee.
The last few were hard but I choose to feed Lilly to ease out the tension with her father and Lee. I could not bring myself to feed Larry, so Lilly was the next best thing.
I fed Mark because he was complaining about being hungry.
My first playthrough I knew about the rationing of food (because of the 20min preview) so I had more time to think. I gave the crackers and cheese to Clem and Duck because iFelt it was kids food. Then I gave Doug the Apple because I wanted the Jerky lol and I took the jerky because I dnt meta-Game (ep2 out of 5 no sh*t he wont die) and its about survival theres no need to play hero .
For me I chose 1. The kids well because their kids and feeding Duck puts me in a positive light with Kenny. 2. At first I chose Carley/Doug because if you check the fence Lee says she's been up the most doing the bulk of watching the perimeter of hotel. With Doug he came up with that banging alarm system but they both told me to keep the food so then I chose 3. Mark because he's one of our hunters. Then finally 4. Larry to keep Lilly from hating me and to keep the group unity intact. So what about you guys?
I feed the kids first because they need more !
Give the piece of meat to Clementine and the Cheese to Duck !
the new guy its a kid too so i give he the other piece of Cheese and cracker !
and the piece of apple for Carley because she really help and think or others too !
Mark: its a strong guy like lee so he dont need !
the same for the others because they are the old and strong for the group !
my last option would be larry if i have more !
I gave Clem and Duck both cheese and crackers. I tried to give Carley something to eat but she refused. I gave the piece of jerky to Kenny as I was on fairly good terms with him(before the meat locker). For the half piece of apple, I gave it to Mark. He instantly became a likable character.
I fed Clem first without a doubt.
gave her apple, because of the fruits in her house. (she loves it)
gave duck & kenny the cheese biscuits & the meat to Larry
oh I gave to Carley first before talking to Kenny, she gave it back to me,
than I gave it to Duck after Kenny says he won't take it unless Duck has it.
I thought giving to him, he'll share with the family.
Didn't try Katja cause I thought they'd share the same thing
no particular reason I didn't give to Mark other than I want to get on Lily's good side. (trying to be neutral between the 2 of them.)
I chose Clementine first and gave her the apple. I then decided that the people who were out hunting all day would be first to get food. I gave Mark the jerky. Then offered the crackers to Kenny, but he said his kid first, so his share to the kid. I offered Doug some food since he had been working on security, but he turned it down, so I kept his share for Lee.
I probably could have given my share to Larry, but he's a $%#!, so I didn't.
These choices probably matter more if you declined taking the food at the end of episode 2.
I gave Clem the first item, mighta been the Cheese and Crackers, then Jerky to Duck and the College Kid I gave the apple too. I finally gave Lilly the other Cheese and Cracker. The last item was between Lilly and Katja, but decided to go for Katja who's had to make the decisions beforehand.
I gave jerky to Larry as an apology to Lilly for the argument, knowing she'd appreciate the gesture more than getting offered some herself. I suspected Kenny and Kat wouldn't care as long as the kids were fed (and I was right), and the last piece I gave to Mark because he moaned the loudest.
Basically, I seem to have won on all fronts first time out. I wonder if anyone gave food to the newest guy.
IF the newest guy was the young kid from the College team, then I did, just because he was a youngster, it did say that some wouldn't be happy with me feeding a new face, however technically he's still just one of the kids.
feed clem duck ben and larry and kenny is ok with you for feeding kids talk to doug first and offer not the apple and he turns it down and well marks gonna die so noone will confront you cept mark at the farm and then he gets taken away shortly afterwards
Clem, Duck - cheese and crackers. Carley- apple. Larry- jerky.
Kids are fed, Kenny and Katja are happy you fed Duck. the new kid wasn't getting anything. Was going to give jerky to Mark but he told Larry I was talking behind his back so I gave it to Larry. Since I gave something to Lilly's dad I chose Carley for the apple.
thats my fuck kenny playthrough choices I considered not feeding Duck but eh just cause im pissed at his dad doesnt mean i oughta punish him for it. he's an pretty ok kid. He's no clem but he's still ok.
My first play through: LONG POST WARNING and SPOILERS if you haven't finished episode 2.
I didn't really think too hard about it. I talked to katjaa and she told me to buzz off before I even thought about offering her food. Wandered over to Larry and Mark and both whined. I know for sure I decided to give Larry the jerky, because he actually showed a soft side when Mark mentioned our inside conversation concerning his daughter. I wasn't even thinking politics at all.
I think I passed on mark at that moment, and headed over to the children.
It was a duh for Clementine to receive food (crackers and cheese) because well... it's just duh. She's my ward. She fucking saved my life at the age of 8. Any other child would have stayed in that tree house. Not only that, she even procured a weapon while all the crap with the undead babysitter went down. Larry says his daughter has the most balls? ha! I'm not so sure she would have at a similar age, just sayin'.
Clementine straight up said, "Give food to Duck, he's hungry, too." Um, game prompt anyone? Gave him crackers, because out of all the snacks, it had the most calories (same reason I gave it to clem). Again, I wasn't thinking politics but later, it really worked in my favor because Kenny said I got a spot on his RV for feeding the kids like "a real man."
At that point, I went over to Carly and offered her the apple. She went on about nuts and granola and ate up. I didn't know that this was magically the only thing she'd eat.
It never occurred to me to even offer anything to Lilly or the new boy Ben. His being there wasn't a plan and, traumatized or not, he hadn't earned the rations, not one snot. During the time we chatted with him and had the option to give him food, never did he mention, "I hope the teach survives, cuz otherwise we'll have to smash his head in and that's no fun." Then later everyone claims he never had a chance to mention it. Seriously? He did!!
Lilly was on top of the truck and it never occurred to me to look up for her. She gave me the job to ration, and, perhaps my only nod to politics, albeit subconsciously, you don't eat what few rations are given that day when half the group is mad at you. I think we all knew that even if she didn't deserve punishment, some people obviously thought she did need some. (To name names, Kenny and Mark for sure. Even Carly was peeved, albeit more at both of them then just Lilly.)
Everyone says Mark was such a good guy but he disliked Larry, Lilly, AND Kenny. Hell, I'd be surprised if he wasn't talking to other people behind Lee's back about how he disliked Lee. He's a gossip. And then later he died anyway, so I was glad I hadn't wasted a ration on him.
After 4 playthroughs, if you want to make the most people happy:
1. Offer food to Katjaa; she'll refuse because Duck hasn't been fed and you get all the glory of the offer and none of the expense.
2. Feed Larry: (not the apple) because Lilly doesn't care at all if she gets fed,but she does hold it against you if you don't feed him.
3. Feed Clem the apple, she loves them. You get points for taking care of your ward. (I haven't tried feeding just Duck, and not Clem. But Kenny says taking cares of kids, plural, is what makes you a man, so it makes me wonder.)
4. Feed Duck: This makes Kenny like you even if he doesn't get fed. All the points, none of the expense.
5. Offer Carly/Doug something she/he doesn't want (anything but the apple) so you can again gain the glory of offering with no expense. Don't feel bad about this, because both she/he and Ben totally scarf biscuits on the way back from St. Johns, being the only two people out of the entire group not to go without din din that night.
The teacher is never an option. (Was this a clue for his fate?)
And I'll explain why.
If you choose to side with Kenny when you get back from the drama, Lilly will refuse food due to anger, giving you the option to gain the glory of the offer (sort of) without the expense. When you deny yourself the food, you state that others have gone hungry longer than yourself, perhaps indicating that you'd been fed the day before or that maybe you'd munched some forest herbs while hunting. Also, if you choose not to feed Mark, he has less of a leg to stand on later (hahaha, unintended pun ) when he complains to you, because you didn't get rations either. So, shut up Mark, because, "I'm hungry, too." Besides, Mark will be dead, so the fact that you didn't feed him really will have no effect on the next episode. Ben scarfs biscuits with Carley/Doug later. So really, with the hindsight that is possible, only Kenny, Lilly, or you will really be skipping din din that night because you won't be getting either the rations or the biscuits.
You appease Lily and Kenny by feeding their family members, and maybe you're not that hungry. I feel that it boils down to politics, in the end. I know for a fact then when I fed both kids AND kenny, with one more food choice to make, that Lilly makes a snide remark about picking favorites (despite her having no clue if I was going to give the last bit to her father. She doesn't wait.) I haven't gone the "Larry, Lilly, and Clem" feed path to see if Kenny wouldn't make a similar remark.
So, I wonder, then, if feeding either of them isn't more of a "siding with them" decision. Base your decision purely on politics. If you're for the Leectatorship, feed yourself, (although this may be seen as more of a neutral decision, as no one really thinks you're fighting for a leader position). If you want to stand by a certain "leader" person, choose them to show your support.
about me....? i gave clem cheese qnd crackers (all hail queen clementine) doug the apple larry the jerky (i gave him the axe too i was trying to be as nice as possible with him so he may not yell at me again...but he died...i wished i gave the jerky to ducky boy) and lilly the other cheese and crackers (because i dig that angry gurl ).
PS: i hate Kenny sinse Hershel's farm because he didn't help me with Shawn he is a coward unlike lilly.
i gave the jerky to the girl on the rv roof (Yeah i have forgotten her name rght now o0) because i wanted to pull her over to my side because she doesn't like lee then i gave the apple to duck because kenny wouldn't take anything from me if i wouldnt have done that and i want to have a place in his RV.And last but not least i gave the other crackers to mark the army guy because he mentioned earlier how weak he was getting and also because my priority was to feed the people most important for the well being of the group. That's also the reason i didn't give any food to clem because she doesnt have to be strong to fight and larry because we was rude to me and also because he seemed like a really strong guy for his age who could work without food for some time.
Gave Clementine Cheese and Cracker, Tried to give Doug Cheese and Cracker too but he never took it, Then I gave Larry the jerky ... I don't even know why.. And kept Cheese and Cracker for myself so I could give it to Clem later / Keep me alive.
Gave Clem crackers and cheese and Duck the jerky - kids don't go hungry on my watch.
Gave the apple to Carley - a small token of appreciation for opening the pharmacy doors, gunning down a bunch of walkers and saving Lee's bacon.
Gave cheese and crackers to Lilly - just my way of saying sorry for calling her a bitch in front of everyone back at the pharmacy. First impressions...so important.
2nd I gave Mark, because he mentioned how hungry he was, plus he stood next to Larry, so I beat two flies with one swatter: feeding the hungry and letting Larry suffer by having to watch the person next to him eat while he get's nothing.
3rd I tried to give to Kenny but he wanted his son to get it first, so I gave it to Duck. Even tho I hate that dumb little kid. But at that point I wanted to stay good with Kenny because of his boat.
The last piece was given to Lilly. Because I like her. And I think she can be useful to the group.
I didn't give the new Kid anything because that would have been unfair. Katjaa and Doug so far have been too neutral to make me worry about them, plus they didn't seem desperate. And Katjaa was busy and all bloddy anyways and didn't seem she wanted to eat.
first clementine, then duck (i like kenny and his family comes first so feeding his child is better than feeding him) then i gave some to mark cause i heard he fed us so i feed him back, then i tried to give some to doug because even though i saved him i thought he may need cheering up and i would have a better friend but he refused it, so i figured i would try and get good with larry even though i didnt like him i figured it would make lilly happy as well
I fed Clem-Clem first, that was a no-brainer. Lucked out in giving her the apple; seemed like the healthiest option of the bunch (it was also the only food item that had any real amount of Vitamin C ) and she just happened to like apples.
After that, I tried to prioritize based on who had important jobs or was doing the noticeable work around the place. I tried to give Carley something since she was apparently the primary lookout, but she ended up turning it down (apple was already gone), so I tried giving Katjaa something, and she turned it down too unless Duck was fed. So I ended up tossing Duck a pack of crackers and cheese purely out of politics, I figured it'd keep the rest of his family appeased if nothing else.
That left Larry and Mark since they were working on the fence, gave Larry crackers and cheese and Mark the jerky (figured he could use the protein since he was griping about getting weak).
Granted, Mark ended up dead, but I didn't regret the decision all things considered. He's the only person besides Lee that can theoretically end up not eating anything during the entire episode, atleast while alive (everyone else can either partake of the biscuits or dinner), and there wasn't any griping afterwards.
I first decided to talk to some people, and I saw Mark and Larry working on the fence, so I strolled over to see what was up. Spoke to them, and got pissed at Larry for being a dick again. From this and the generally good vibes I had gotten from Mark I gave him the jerky. He seemed like the most reliable of the group as a hunter, and the one in the most need of protein, being the strongest. So ultimately my decision to go with mark boiled down to a hate for Larry mixed some what with what I saw as a good investment.
Next I spent sometime walking around the camp deciding my options. Did just about everything else, and at some point gave Clem the Apple, I mean I can't leave my adopted daughter to starve! So now all I had was the crackers, and I spent awhile trying to decide what to do with it. I was very tempted to give it either Duck or Carly, but I have a thing against Duck since his stupid rant about "Rexasaruas" or some stupid shit at the end of Ep. 1. Ultimately I talked to Carley for advice, and she helped me lean more towards Duck because she reminded me of my relationship with my good pal Kenny (or at least we were then, now we aren't Hopefully I'll be able to patch that up sometime, probably gonna have to save Duck again -.-) So yea back to the task at hand, gave Duck some crackers cause kids come first I guess. Then I kept the last crackers for either my self, or Clem farther down the line, cause I'm a selfish bastard.
-Duck and Clem (jerky and apple) due to the obvious reason of them being children
-Mark (crackers) because he clearly needed it
-Carley (crackers) because she appeared rather weak as well, though that was probably her lack of sleep
-Kenny (crackers), since Carley didn't accept the food and I just wanted to see a smile on Kenny's face.
I didn't feed:
-Katjaa because she didn't appear to be needing it
-Lilly out of spite towards her for giving me the food distribution task
-Larry because he's a butthole (in retrospect, giving him the axe and then leaving him without food may have been one of the most stupid things I've done in the game so far)
-Ben because I lived in the impression we would soon kick him out anyway
-Myself because, well, that should go without saying really.
Clem: no explanation needed
Duck: Since I supported Kenny in episode 1, I wanted to keep my friendship with him
Larry: To build my relationship with Lily
Carley: Tried giving the last of the rations to her but being such an awesome person she refused them so I gave the last of my rations to
Mark: He seemed like a good guy, and he was neutral in the whole Kenny/Lily feud. Ben just came into the party, and if I gave it to Katjaa, Kenny, or Lily, I feel like I would have pissed the other side off. On my second play through I didn't give him anything because of what happens to him.
doug likes jerky but apparently wont take it
no other prefs ive noted
-To not feed myself (there should have been a consequence for that) 1 down 9 to go
-Gave it to Clementine, 8 to go
- Carley didnt want it, 7 to go
- By feeding Duck i thought i could get both Kenny and Katjaa's appreciation, 4 to go
- By giving it to Larry i thought i could get Larry and Lilly's appreciation, 2 to go
- Gave the last one to Mark because i thought he was good, 1 to go
So the only guy who could've been mad at me was the new kid but he seemed allright and if i gave it to him the group members probably would've killed me.
I went for a walk around the motor inn, talked to everybody there, then took a coffee break while I thought about what to do with the food. So I guess I'm right with you there. I even took the imagined nutritional value of the food into consideration, like I know dick about that.
Luckily I fluked giving the right food-types to the right people first time, so nobody declined my offers. If that had happened I probably would have had a panic attack.
-Crackers to Clementine; Love the Citrus child
-Crackers to Duck; He's a kid, plus it gets me in good with Kenny and Katjaa
-Jerky to Ben; Seemed like a nice kid, was genuinely worried about his group's survivors, and I figured if his camp was raided he hadn't eaten for days. In addition I felt it might soften the blow when his teacher eventually kicked the bucket.
I would have fed Kenny and then Mark in my order had I been given more food.
No food for Lilly because she but me in a position that I didn't want to be in
No food for Larry because he's an ass
No food for Katjaa because she didn't seem to need it
No food for Lee. The Lee i'm playing as is very selfless and wouldn't take food unless everyone (sans Larry) Had eaten first
The others are for the new guy Mark and Larry because they are the only ones that sayed how hungry they are (and are also working).
Larry also get the half bited ugly dry apple
2. Kenny said to feed his kid first so Duck got some cheese and crackers.
3. Carley said I'd done enough for her and told me to give it to someone else. So Mark got a food thing since it seemed as if he was about to die.
4. Larry got jerky. I won't give up on you you asshole! Also didn't want to rock the boat more than necessary.
Took me a long ass time that though.
I fed Kenny's kid because he is a kid and it meant I didn't have to feed the adults. It would mean more to both adults to feed their child with one item than to feed both adults.
I chose to feed Carley because she has a gun. The last thing I want is the person with the gun miss aiming because they are weak from hunger. I also fed her to stay on the good side of her or she may snitch out on Lee.
The last few were hard but I choose to feed Lilly to ease out the tension with her father and Lee. I could not bring myself to feed Larry, so Lilly was the next best thing.
I fed Mark because he was complaining about being hungry.
clem got the apple, duck got the crackers, and i gave the new kid some food as well.
ohh I tried to give jerky to Carley ^^
Never thought giving her apple because on first playthrough I gave apple to Clem and she loved it...
I feed the kids first because they need more !
Give the piece of meat to Clementine and the Cheese to Duck !
the new guy its a kid too so i give he the other piece of Cheese and cracker !
and the piece of apple for Carley because she really help and think or others too !
Mark: its a strong guy like lee so he dont need !
the same for the others because they are the old and strong for the group !
my last option would be larry if i have more !
I fed Clem first without a doubt.
gave her apple, because of the fruits in her house. (she loves it)
gave duck & kenny the cheese biscuits & the meat to Larry
oh I gave to Carley first before talking to Kenny, she gave it back to me,
than I gave it to Duck after Kenny says he won't take it unless Duck has it.
I thought giving to him, he'll share with the family.
Didn't try Katja cause I thought they'd share the same thing
no particular reason I didn't give to Mark other than I want to get on Lily's good side. (trying to be neutral between the 2 of them.)
I probably could have given my share to Larry, but he's a $%#!, so I didn't.
These choices probably matter more if you declined taking the food at the end of episode 2.
skip 1/2 the video, somewhere there...
or watch the whole thing.
Basically, I seem to have won on all fronts first time out. I wonder if anyone gave food to the newest guy.
Kids are fed, Kenny and Katja are happy you fed Duck. the new kid wasn't getting anything. Was going to give jerky to Mark but he told Larry I was talking behind his back so I gave it to Larry. Since I gave something to Lilly's dad I chose Carley for the apple.
thats my fuck kenny playthrough choices I considered not feeding Duck but eh just cause im pissed at his dad doesnt mean i oughta punish him for it. he's an pretty ok kid. He's no clem but he's still ok.
I didn't really think too hard about it. I talked to katjaa and she told me to buzz off before I even thought about offering her food. Wandered over to Larry and Mark and both whined. I know for sure I decided to give Larry the jerky, because he actually showed a soft side when Mark mentioned our inside conversation concerning his daughter. I wasn't even thinking politics at all.
I think I passed on mark at that moment, and headed over to the children.
It was a duh for Clementine to receive food (crackers and cheese) because well... it's just duh. She's my ward. She fucking saved my life at the age of 8. Any other child would have stayed in that tree house. Not only that, she even procured a weapon while all the crap with the undead babysitter went down. Larry says his daughter has the most balls? ha! I'm not so sure she would have at a similar age, just sayin'.
Clementine straight up said, "Give food to Duck, he's hungry, too." Um, game prompt anyone? Gave him crackers, because out of all the snacks, it had the most calories (same reason I gave it to clem). Again, I wasn't thinking politics but later, it really worked in my favor because Kenny said I got a spot on his RV for feeding the kids like "a real man."
At that point, I went over to Carly and offered her the apple. She went on about nuts and granola and ate up. I didn't know that this was magically the only thing she'd eat.
It never occurred to me to even offer anything to Lilly or the new boy Ben. His being there wasn't a plan and, traumatized or not, he hadn't earned the rations, not one snot. During the time we chatted with him and had the option to give him food, never did he mention, "I hope the teach survives, cuz otherwise we'll have to smash his head in and that's no fun." Then later everyone claims he never had a chance to mention it. Seriously? He did!!
Lilly was on top of the truck and it never occurred to me to look up for her. She gave me the job to ration, and, perhaps my only nod to politics, albeit subconsciously, you don't eat what few rations are given that day when half the group is mad at you. I think we all knew that even if she didn't deserve punishment, some people obviously thought she did need some. (To name names, Kenny and Mark for sure. Even Carly was peeved, albeit more at both of them then just Lilly.)
Everyone says Mark was such a good guy but he disliked Larry, Lilly, AND Kenny. Hell, I'd be surprised if he wasn't talking to other people behind Lee's back about how he disliked Lee. He's a gossip. And then later he died anyway, so I was glad I hadn't wasted a ration on him.
After 4 playthroughs, if you want to make the most people happy:
1. Offer food to Katjaa; she'll refuse because Duck hasn't been fed and you get all the glory of the offer and none of the expense.
2. Feed Larry: (not the apple) because Lilly doesn't care at all if she gets fed,but she does hold it against you if you don't feed him.
3. Feed Clem the apple, she loves them. You get points for taking care of your ward. (I haven't tried feeding just Duck, and not Clem. But Kenny says taking cares of kids, plural, is what makes you a man, so it makes me wonder.)
4. Feed Duck: This makes Kenny like you even if he doesn't get fed. All the points, none of the expense.
5. Offer Carly/Doug something she/he doesn't want (anything but the apple) so you can again gain the glory of offering with no expense. Don't feel bad about this, because both she/he and Ben totally scarf biscuits on the way back from St. Johns, being the only two people out of the entire group not to go without din din that night.
The teacher is never an option. (Was this a clue for his fate?)
6. The only worthy remaining options are:
Kenny (then again, maybe not)
Lilly (then again, maybe not)
Yourself (then again, maybe not)
And I'll explain why.
If you choose to side with Kenny when you get back from the drama, Lilly will refuse food due to anger, giving you the option to gain the glory of the offer (sort of) without the expense. When you deny yourself the food, you state that others have gone hungry longer than yourself, perhaps indicating that you'd been fed the day before or that maybe you'd munched some forest herbs while hunting. Also, if you choose not to feed Mark, he has less of a leg to stand on later (hahaha, unintended pun ) when he complains to you, because you didn't get rations either. So, shut up Mark, because, "I'm hungry, too." Besides, Mark will be dead, so the fact that you didn't feed him really will have no effect on the next episode. Ben scarfs biscuits with Carley/Doug later. So really, with the hindsight that is possible, only Kenny, Lilly, or you will really be skipping din din that night because you won't be getting either the rations or the biscuits.
You appease Lily and Kenny by feeding their family members, and maybe you're not that hungry. I feel that it boils down to politics, in the end. I know for a fact then when I fed both kids AND kenny, with one more food choice to make, that Lilly makes a snide remark about picking favorites (despite her having no clue if I was going to give the last bit to her father. She doesn't wait.) I haven't gone the "Larry, Lilly, and Clem" feed path to see if Kenny wouldn't make a similar remark.
So, I wonder, then, if feeding either of them isn't more of a "siding with them" decision. Base your decision purely on politics. If you're for the Leectatorship, feed yourself, (although this may be seen as more of a neutral decision, as no one really thinks you're fighting for a leader position). If you want to stand by a certain "leader" person, choose them to show your support.
PS: i hate Kenny sinse Hershel's farm because he didn't help me with Shawn he is a coward unlike lilly.
The first time I played Starved for Hope, I gave the food to Clem, Duck, Mark, and Larry. I tried to give some to Carly but she wouldn't accept.
Gave the apple to Carley - a small token of appreciation for opening the pharmacy doors, gunning down a bunch of walkers and saving Lee's bacon.
Gave cheese and crackers to Lilly - just my way of saying sorry for calling her a bitch in front of everyone back at the pharmacy. First impressions...so important.
2nd I gave Mark, because he mentioned how hungry he was, plus he stood next to Larry, so I beat two flies with one swatter: feeding the hungry and letting Larry suffer by having to watch the person next to him eat while he get's nothing.
3rd I tried to give to Kenny but he wanted his son to get it first, so I gave it to Duck. Even tho I hate that dumb little kid. But at that point I wanted to stay good with Kenny because of his boat.
The last piece was given to Lilly. Because I like her. And I think she can be useful to the group.
I didn't give the new Kid anything because that would have been unfair. Katjaa and Doug so far have been too neutral to make me worry about them, plus they didn't seem desperate. And Katjaa was busy and all bloddy anyways and didn't seem she wanted to eat.
After that, I tried to prioritize based on who had important jobs or was doing the noticeable work around the place. I tried to give Carley something since she was apparently the primary lookout, but she ended up turning it down (apple was already gone), so I tried giving Katjaa something, and she turned it down too unless Duck was fed. So I ended up tossing Duck a pack of crackers and cheese purely out of politics, I figured it'd keep the rest of his family appeased if nothing else.
That left Larry and Mark since they were working on the fence, gave Larry crackers and cheese and Mark the jerky (figured he could use the protein since he was griping about getting weak).
Granted, Mark ended up dead, but I didn't regret the decision all things considered. He's the only person besides Lee that can theoretically end up not eating anything during the entire episode, atleast while alive (everyone else can either partake of the biscuits or dinner), and there wasn't any griping afterwards.