At least the number of people that will quit are lower then if Daryl dies in the show, and having TV characters in the game will not sit well with me at all, but I will still play on.
Continuing the series as Kenny just seems to make the most sense to me. Fans who complain that Kenny's personality is "fixed" underestimate what a traumatic near-death experience can do to a person, and Kenny's struggle in the alley with Ben (or in the building with Christa) would definitely qualify.
He's basically in the same place Lee found himself at the beginning of season 1 (i.e. a broken man with a tragic past), and I love the idea of the player determining the final chapter of his story - and yes, that means if Kenny is the PC, I'd like to see him die by the end of season 2. It must be VERY different from how Lee was killed, of course, but the same theme of arriving at your own death "and how you get there" should be carried over, IMO.
Continuing the series as Kenny just seems to make the most sense to me. Fans who complain that Kenny's personality is "fixed" underestimate what a traumatic near-death experience can do to a person, and Kenny's struggle in the alley with Ben (or the in the building with Christa) would definitely qualify.
He's basically in the same place Lee found himself at the beginning of season 1 (i.e. a broken man with a tragic past), and I love the idea of the player determining the final chapter of his story - and yes, that means if Kenny is the PC, I'd like to see him die by the end of season 2. It should be VERY different from how Lee was killed, of course, but the basic theme of your own death "and how you get there" should be carried over, IMO.
This is why it would not be the worst idea, I mean I understand that some people hate Kenny, I won't try to sway them I understand why, but they could do far worse then make Kenny the protagonist.
A rivarly between Clem and Becca would be interesting , and i can imagine a meat locker situation where Becca falls unconscience and maybe one of the 400 days characters like Wyatt or Vince will decide to kill her so than she can't come back and eat them and Shel will protest and it would be up to the new main character to save Becca or kill her but Becca will stil die and Shel will become like Lilly and unstable .
Great idea, dude. This is why we should play as Shel. New PC, female PC (yeah, you can hate me now ) and great moral decision potential.
But please (no, I beg) Telltale, don't include some fuc*ers from TV. I hate that idea.
Anyone else have a feeling that something terrible will have happened to Omid and Christa between Seasons 1 and Season 2? I mean, compared to everyone else, they got through Season 1 basically unscathed. I don’t think Telltale would let that trend continue. So I’m going to predict that something really tragic happened to them.
Here’s something: we know that Christa would have given birth some time over the ~300 days between Seasons 1 and 2. From her attitude towards her pregnancy, it seems like she was hesitant about keeping the baby while Omid was really excited about it. What if Christa had the baby but then died during childbirth? Omid might blame himself for persuading her to keep the baby. Maybe he gets really depressed and loses all of the charm and humor he had from before. When we eventually meet him again in Season 2, he’s become a shell of his former self, just a joyless guy trying raise a baby in the middle of an apocalypse. Alone. How depressing would that be?
Omid's a funny guy, but he wouldn't have survived three minutes into the zombie apocalypse without Christa. I'm more inclined to think Telltale will force the player into choosing between Omid or Christa in a life-threatening situation, like Carley and Doug.
Anyone else have a feeling that something terrible will have happened to Omid and Christa between Seasons 1 and Season 2? I mean, compared to everyone else, they got through Season 1 basically unscathed. I don’t think Telltale would let that trend continue. So I’m going to predict that something really tragic happened to them.
Here’s something: we know that Christa would have given birth some time over the ~300 days between Seasons 1 and 2. From her attitude towards her pregnancy, it seems like she was hesitant about keeping the baby while Omid was really excited about it. What if Christa had the baby but then died during childbirth? Omid might blame himself for persuading her to keep the baby. Maybe he gets really depressed and loses all of the charm and humor he had from before. When we eventually meet him again in Season 2, he’s become a shell of his former self, just a joyless guy trying raise a baby in the middle of an apocalypse. Alone. How depressing would that be?
Omid's a funny guy, but he wouldn't have survived three minutes into the zombie apocalypse without Christa. I'm more inclined to think Telltale will force the player into choosing between Omid or Christa in a life-threatening situation, like Carley and Doug.
Well, that's me sufficiently morose for the rest of the day. Either situation is built upon a bedrock of tears and absolute suckage, but the latter seems more likely.
Omid's a funny guy, but he wouldn't have survived three minutes into the zombie apocalypse without Christa. I'm more inclined to think Telltale will force the player into choosing between Omid or Christa in a life-threatening situation, like Carley and Doug.
Omid as he was when we met him wouldn't have. But post-dead Christa Omid might be cold and cynical enough to make it by himself. Plus, he'd have a child to protect. Fatherly instincts and all. He'd manage.
Omid as he was when we met him wouldn't have. But post-dead Christa Omid might be cold and cynical enough to make it by himself. Plus, he'd have a child to protect. Fatherly instincts and all. He'd manage.
"Cold and cynical" doesn't make survival any more guaranteed than being naive and deluded. Lily followed that path, and it made a monster out of her. Expecting the worst on a daily basis doesn't nurture your will to live, it erodes it.
But if Telltale used the scenario you described, that's probably what Omid would turn into. He seems like the kind of guy who would swing from one extreme to another if a tragedy on that scale ever came into his life.
That is what I thought would happen if something, and if we get to choose I don't know who will be the popular pick, I am taking a blind guess and say it's Omid but I don't know, or maybe they won't even let us pick and make Christa die and Omid become a shell of his former self as said above, ether way bad stuff is coming.
"Cold and cynical" doesn't make survival any more guaranteed than being naive and deluded. Lily followed that path, and it made a monster out of her. Expecting the worst on a daily basis doesn't nurture your will to live, it erodes it.
But if Telltale used the scenario you described, that's probably what Omid would turn into. He seems like the kind of guy who would swing from one extreme to another if a tragedy on that scale ever came into his life.
Maybe it's just me but I associate "cold and cynical" with people like Christa, Molly, Roman, or Russell. Untrusting and pessimistic. Lilly is something else entirely. She's...a bitch? I don't really know any other way to describe it. She's just too irrationally angry all the time. And I expect Omid's will to live to be fairly eroded by this point. It would pretty much rest in his kid (in a way it'd be the last piece of Christa he'd have left). Athough if he met Clementine again it might help. In my head, I'm picturing Omid as Ethan Mars in Heavy Rain. Also, even though I suggested it, I'm really hoping Telltale doesn't use my scenario. I really liked Omid as he was. If you're reading, Telltale, this was a speculation not a suggestion.
I do hope that some of are ideas do not get put into the game, this might be cruel but I would rather have them both die together then half just one die and the other last sometime before dying.
regarding Omid,i think he and Christa work really well together,having one on their own would not have the same effect,there like a double-act,i like em and the Christa pregnant storyline will be good to explore,i wonder what the odds are for the remaining group members finding each other again?
For all we know we might not ever see them again, unlikely but we might never find out or maybe they died before they could get out of Savannah, I hope and think they made it out, it's just a option that has not been thought of as far as I know.
He took the picture from one of his videos, in which he disputes whether it's official or fake. The original pic doesn't have "The Turning Dead" in it.
Someone on Walking Dead wiki wrote that in the image (not this one but that from Comic-con) is confirmed appearance of Clem and Becca sitting opposite to her. But Im' not sure about it.
Well that sure as hell does not look like Becca at all, were is Shel is that is the case, she never leaves her unattended for long, and it's the Wiki, they are wrong quite often and to this day believe Kenny is dead, and they won't listen to reason, unless Telltale says it's real and Becca is with Clementine, don't believe what the Wiki says.
You more then likely won't find anything, Telltale is pretty secretive and they do a good job of not telling people about what's to come, something AMC can not do, and they have not even confirmed if the pic is real or not, I have my doubts though.
I'd like to change the subject to who will we play us, after thinking about it, i want to play as Clementine, because it will be so different from playing lee, you wouldn't be the one that is making the choices, but if the people that do make them like you, maybe you can influence them if not her, then I'd like another s1 character, omid would be nice, maybe Lilly?
btw, grown up Clementine will be completely dumb, even more so unlikely(thankfully!), why in the hell would they skip 4-6 years?
I hope they won't pull a bioware stunt and please the masses, making us able to play Kenny, Christa, Clementine, and whoever else we like just because we think its fun, if you can have everything, its allways boring. We got Lee last time, nothing else, and he may just have been the best protagonist i've ever seen. If we can play more then one character, it will dilute over eachother, we can't like all characters equally.
Actually, I think it'll be Omid. He has never even been in the room when a big decision has been made, aside from going with Lee or staying at the mansion, and even then he goes along with Christa. Therefore he could be a complete humanitarian or a survivalist. Christa on the other hand already has set views. She already has a general demeanor and goal. You can predict what her choices are going to be before she makes them. All of her choices revolve around Omid, not including when Lee shows the bite. Plus, Omid is cooler general.
If it isn't him, I think it'll be Molly, as the same goes for her as for Omid, while she is in the room with Ben and the vote, she doesn't vote, at least, not to my memory. I could be wrong, my episode 4 is broken. The only thing against Molly is the fact that she can end up in a Kenny situation. But her's is different, because she has shown time and again that she is agile, and she has an exit that she's used before behind her in that scenario.
If it's not one of them, I think it'll be someone we don't know.
Someone on Walking Dead wiki wrote that in the image (not this one but that from Comic-con) is confirmed appearance of Clem and Becca sitting opposite to her. But Im' not sure about it.
I doubt it. From what I saw, I couldn't make out one of their identities.
Omid is way too nice to be the protagonist. I just can't see him killing people or stuff like that. Christa is the most balanced character left and also the only character that has protagonist qualities.
- No special abilities (ala Molly)
- Shown to be compassionate and tough in varied decisions so I can see her siding with anyone in any situation and it making sense
- She knows Clem and other season 1 characters apart from Lilly
- Her personality isn't that well defined compared to to others like Kenny
Omid? Christa? No way!
Omid is funny but I can't see him as main game character. Protagonist must have some fighting skills. And would he really care for Clementine? I don't see it. Christa was complaining all the time. Why would she care about Clem more than about Omid or her own baby? I don't want to play as pregnant grumpy woman.
Omid is way too nice to be the protagonist. I just can't see him killing people or stuff like that. Christa is the most balanced character left and also the only character that has protagonist qualities.
- No special abilities (ala Molly)
- Shown to be compassionate and tough in varied decisions so I can see her siding with anyone in any situation and it making sense
- She knows Clem and other season 1 characters apart from Lilly
- Her personality isn't that well defined compared to to others like Kenny
I don't know, Christa already has a set demeanor when it comes to big decisions. I'm guessing that were she in the room with Kenny, Lilly, and Larry, she would have held Lilly back. Better safe than sorry. The only reason I know of to get her to come with you to save Clem is to show her that you may not make it to her in time. So it's better to have a group who will definitely not just lay down and die, than one who won't, regardless of Omid's injured leg, which needs only time, now that she has the medicine. She wants to leave Ben because he harmed her safety and her ability to get back to Omid, who may not make it if there are too many distractions. If she were with Lilly, Carley/Doug, and Ben, she would have left her, so that she couldn't kill anyone else.
It may be a bit weird having her go from this to whatever possibly crazy decisions happen in episode 6 and onward. Although, when you put it like that, Molly seems a bit out there. Only a bit, though. Also, Omid's injured leg could possibly open with a throwback to the beginning/end of the walking dead. The first episode and the last episode share the same beginning and ending shots, respectively. Starting with looking at Lee in a bad spot, sitting down with a cop, then hobbling and stumbling, then looking at Lee in a worse spot, hobbling along a display case and stumbling, bearing the marks of his journey. Perhaps we could have a similar shot with Omid and his injured leg.
I know that last bit has nothing to do with story and why Omid would be good for the player, but I just like the idea. Also, I can see him growing more serious when he now has Clementine to take care of, and it could show him slowly growing to act his part as father, and then eventually meeting his own child. Or losing both his wife and child, and being left only with Clem... (COMIC SPOILER) Although that would be way too close to Rick's story to be plausible... (SPOILER)
Just had an interesting thought. We've been having a lot of discussion about what Tavia's settlement is going to be like and how long the 400 days characters are going to be there for before things inevitably go to shit. But what if things start going to shit before they even get there? Not with the settlement, but with them.
What if they never make it to the settlement to begin with? We don't know how far away this settlement is, only that it's "up north." Depending on how far up north they're talking, a lot of things could happen to them before they reach it. Maybe they crash or get attacked on the way by bandits or Nate and have to hoof it the rest of the way. Then, Tavia's settlement can serve as the new Savannah: a possible glimmer of hope on the horizon that the characters are striving towards. This would avoid having to show the collapse of yet another settlement just to keep the tensions high. Thoughts?
Yeah I'll play if Kenny's there but telltale please *falls onto knees* please don't put the tv characters in the game, I'm begging you!
He's basically in the same place Lee found himself at the beginning of season 1 (i.e. a broken man with a tragic past), and I love the idea of the player determining the final chapter of his story - and yes, that means if Kenny is the PC, I'd like to see him die by the end of season 2. It must be VERY different from how Lee was killed, of course, but the same theme of arriving at your own death "and how you get there" should be carried over, IMO.
That sounds like a great idea.
Great idea, dude. This is why we should play as Shel. New PC, female PC (yeah, you can hate me now
But please (no, I beg) Telltale, don't include some fuc*ers from TV. I hate that idea.
Here’s something: we know that Christa would have given birth some time over the ~300 days between Seasons 1 and 2. From her attitude towards her pregnancy, it seems like she was hesitant about keeping the baby while Omid was really excited about it. What if Christa had the baby but then died during childbirth? Omid might blame himself for persuading her to keep the baby. Maybe he gets really depressed and loses all of the charm and humor he had from before. When we eventually meet him again in Season 2, he’s become a shell of his former self, just a joyless guy trying raise a baby in the middle of an apocalypse. Alone. How depressing would that be?
Well, that's me sufficiently morose for the rest of the day. Either situation is built upon a bedrock of tears and absolute suckage, but the latter seems more likely.
Omid as he was when we met him wouldn't have. But post-dead Christa Omid might be cold and cynical enough to make it by himself. Plus, he'd have a child to protect. Fatherly instincts and all. He'd manage.
"Cold and cynical" doesn't make survival any more guaranteed than being naive and deluded. Lily followed that path, and it made a monster out of her. Expecting the worst on a daily basis doesn't nurture your will to live, it erodes it.
But if Telltale used the scenario you described, that's probably what Omid would turn into. He seems like the kind of guy who would swing from one extreme to another if a tragedy on that scale ever came into his life.
Maybe it's just me but I associate "cold and cynical" with people like Christa, Molly, Roman, or Russell. Untrusting and pessimistic. Lilly is something else entirely. She's...a bitch? I don't really know any other way to describe it. She's just too irrationally angry all the time. And I expect Omid's will to live to be fairly eroded by this point. It would pretty much rest in his kid (in a way it'd be the last piece of Christa he'd have left). Athough if he met Clementine again it might help. In my head, I'm picturing Omid as Ethan Mars in Heavy Rain. Also, even though I suggested it, I'm really hoping Telltale doesn't use my scenario. I really liked Omid as he was. If you're reading, Telltale, this was a speculation not a suggestion.
That is fake there is a guy who does youtube videos under the title "Turning Dead" or "SpreadtheLoveNotSTDs"
He took the picture from one of his videos, in which he disputes whether it's official or fake. The original pic doesn't have "The Turning Dead" in it.
Yes, you're propably right.
btw, grown up Clementine will be completely dumb, even more so unlikely(thankfully!), why in the hell would they skip 4-6 years?
So i just hope they keep it to 1 protagonist.
If it isn't him, I think it'll be Molly, as the same goes for her as for Omid, while she is in the room with Ben and the vote, she doesn't vote, at least, not to my memory. I could be wrong, my episode 4 is broken. The only thing against Molly is the fact that she can end up in a Kenny situation. But her's is different, because she has shown time and again that she is agile, and she has an exit that she's used before behind her in that scenario.
If it's not one of them, I think it'll be someone we don't know.
I doubt it. From what I saw, I couldn't make out one of their identities.
- No special abilities (ala Molly)
- Shown to be compassionate and tough in varied decisions so I can see her siding with anyone in any situation and it making sense
- She knows Clem and other season 1 characters apart from Lilly
- Her personality isn't that well defined compared to to others like Kenny
Omid is funny but I can't see him as main game character. Protagonist must have some fighting skills. And would he really care for Clementine? I don't see it. Christa was complaining all the time. Why would she care about Clem more than about Omid or her own baby? I don't want to play as pregnant grumpy woman.
I don't know, Christa already has a set demeanor when it comes to big decisions. I'm guessing that were she in the room with Kenny, Lilly, and Larry, she would have held Lilly back. Better safe than sorry. The only reason I know of to get her to come with you to save Clem is to show her that you may not make it to her in time. So it's better to have a group who will definitely not just lay down and die, than one who won't, regardless of Omid's injured leg, which needs only time, now that she has the medicine. She wants to leave Ben because he harmed her safety and her ability to get back to Omid, who may not make it if there are too many distractions. If she were with Lilly, Carley/Doug, and Ben, she would have left her, so that she couldn't kill anyone else.
It may be a bit weird having her go from this to whatever possibly crazy decisions happen in episode 6 and onward. Although, when you put it like that, Molly seems a bit out there. Only a bit, though. Also, Omid's injured leg could possibly open with a throwback to the beginning/end of the walking dead. The first episode and the last episode share the same beginning and ending shots, respectively. Starting with looking at Lee in a bad spot, sitting down with a cop, then hobbling and stumbling, then looking at Lee in a worse spot, hobbling along a display case and stumbling, bearing the marks of his journey. Perhaps we could have a similar shot with Omid and his injured leg.
I know that last bit has nothing to do with story and why Omid would be good for the player, but I just like the idea. Also, I can see him growing more serious when he now has Clementine to take care of, and it could show him slowly growing to act his part as father, and then eventually meeting his own child. Or losing both his wife and child, and being left only with Clem... (COMIC SPOILER) Although that would be way too close to Rick's story to be plausible... (SPOILER)
What if they never make it to the settlement to begin with? We don't know how far away this settlement is, only that it's "up north." Depending on how far up north they're talking, a lot of things could happen to them before they reach it. Maybe they crash or get attacked on the way by bandits or Nate and have to hoof it the rest of the way. Then, Tavia's settlement can serve as the new Savannah: a possible glimmer of hope on the horizon that the characters are striving towards. This would avoid having to show the collapse of yet another settlement just to keep the tensions high. Thoughts?