Yeah nothing top's Lee's death, that was sad. Duck's was most tragic. That poor kid was looking at his dead mother, probably saw her kill herself and then watched as the gun was pointed at him and he was put down like an animal. What a horrible way to go. At least Carley's was a quick death, she never knew what hit her.
Yeah nothing top's Lee's death, that was sad. Duck's was most tragic. That poor kid was looking at his dead mother, probably saw her kill herself and then watched as the gun was pointed at him and he was put down like an animal. What a horrible way to go. At least Carley's was a quick death, she never knew what hit her.
Even worse, if you give Kenny the gun. Seeing his own father aiming a gun between his eyes, and(without intervention) walking away and leaving him to turn.
I'm sure that most players said something like: "WHAT THE F*CK when their favorite character died." Haha.
When Carley died I was like: "WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU DO (Directed to Lilly), YOU STUP*D PIECE A' SHIT? Kind of reminds me of Andy St. John's reaction when Lee lies/tells him that both Danny andBrenda are dead.
Duck's too. But I didn't really react much, since I knew he was bitten. But seeing the poor boy who hasn't lived out his life yet much die, that's something sad to see.
100% Carley. I expected Katjaa's death. Carley's was too sudden. And to add salt to the wound, Carley was your one true friend. Everyone else vascillated b/w kind and douchebag (except Clem, Duck and Katjaa).
I agree with the people who said that Carley's death went very fast and it has been more unexpected than emotional. I don't mean that I wasn't shocked when she died, but the scene didn't pack me emotionally.
I think the death of Duck was very emotional, because the whole scene was very powerful initiated. You go there to meet Katjaa and have to witness that she ended her life to get out of this horror. I then gave Kenny the gun to kill Duck and the overall scene was very emotional I think.
Mine is Ben, I can not explain why this death affected me, as I was the one who dropped him. But as you see him fall, and eventually teared apart by walkers. It was awful, I would of much rathered sent him off much quicker, but I do not regret killing him, as I feel he redeemed his mistakes by deciding it would best if I left him. To be honest I didn't particularly like Ben, nor did I dislike him I just thought of him as a careless teenager but even the music as you look away is saddening much more than any previous death ( I have yet to play episode 5 having just completed episode 4.)
Lee. With Clem the gunshot and then dark. I dropped the controller
and declared this the best game I have ever played. Then the credit
song kicked in. Good games wow you with visuals. Better games
have challenging gameplay. Great games elicit an emotional response
that you'll want to tell others about. Telltale please don't disappoint
with season 2.
100% Carley. I expected Katjaa's death. Carley's was too sudden. And to add salt to the wound, Carley was your one true friend. Everyone else vascillated b/w kind and douchebag (except Clem, Duck and Katjaa).
One true pairing. If both Lee and carley survived I bet they'd marry and raise Clem. Would've been heartwarming to see that. ( considering most wanted that)
As Clem said "Don't Go..." fuck... I was done... if you know what I mean, hands all wet... and stuff. That music in the background was so great too, and the ending theme didn't exactly help my feelings, I was crying like a damn bitch, but I'm man enough to admit that... But Lee's death is not up for vote in the poll so I have to go with Duck's death, for the reasons SeriousScar and Mornai gave some posts earlier.
Hence why it's blocked out. Also, I don't think people realise that there are different release dates for TV shows based on region. The only time you realise are times like this where people see it, post spoilers, and the people who can't see it yet get annoyed.
Its not a simple question to answer, they were all good at getting a different emotional reaction from me.
For sadness: Lee saying goodbye to Clem, Kenny standing over Kats body and realising we still have to deal with Duck, horrible moments.
For Guilt: Dropping Ben, Having to leave Doug.
For Shock: Carley, Also the horror of Mark's death, i was pretty sure he was dead, but never expected the true horror.
Overall which got the biggest reaction from me? I would have to say Carley. I lost probably my favourite character in an instant, no chance to say goodbye, no heroism. She was murdered suddenly and pointlessly, it still hurts a little even now.
Lee is obvious choice, but i knew what was coming from that bite scene, i always suspected the arm chop had come too late, and i knew i was going to have to explain it to clem, and so i was braced for it and battle hardened by everything that had happened to get this far. Still a close second.
*Carley will remember that*
Great for shock value, but it kind of ruined the game for me, because it just made it seem so depressingly linear. This is a game about choices, but your choices don't really matter: you can never save Dough or Carley, you can't save Duck, you can't save Katjaa, you can't save Mark, the game gives you plenty of choices but in the end it ends up the same. No matter what happens, by the time you find Omar and Christa: Katjaa, Duck, Carley, Doug, Larry, and Mark will be dead. Lilly will be MIA (hopefully dead). You will always come to that point in the game when it's just you, Clem, Ben, Kenny, and that hobo guy (I forget his name).
Emotional ws Duck. But the death that hit me the most was Carley. Mainly because she was my favorite character in the game and wanted to see more of her.
I actually stopped playing for the longest time because I was so annoyed that we couldn't save her no matter what we did. By far the most shocking but would've preferred someone else dying in the scene
Couldn't stand the latter's nails on chalkboard voice; I'm positive that the good folks who make Excedrin bribed Telltale to include Duck to sell pills.
Other then Lee's death it's a tossup between Carley and Ben.
At the time of Carley's death she was one of my favorite characters and she was murdered for no good reason.
A lot of people don't like Ben because of how many times he messed up and indirectly hurt/killed other characters, but the way he died was probably the most horrific to me.
When she died, I immediately said "No way!" and restarted the scene thinking there would be an alternative way. If anything, it serves to highlight the limitations of this type of video game.
Carleys' death is chocking,:eek: and I just wanted to immediately kill Lilly ! but what makes the most anger is that there's no way to prevent Lilly from shoting her !! :mad:And THAT is nonsense ! Because the basic of that game actually is that the choices and decision you make lead the way that your adventure happens ! So, where the hell are the decisions that can make us save Carley or just make her not be shot by Lilly on that road, that night, at that moment ?!!! That game should give us the feeling that "Hey, I am in the story, I have the power of decision ! it's great !". But actually, with Carley's death, you just feel like you dont have any power of decision !!!
It would be VERY usefull that Tell Tale Just explain us WHY they did it like that. I think many of us would really want to understand the aim of Tell Tale about Carleys' death.
It would be VERY usefull that Tell Tale Just explain us WHY they did it like that. I think many of us would really want to understand the aim of Tell Tale about Carleys' death.
It feels (to me at least) like Lee had power over the things he would realistically have power over, and is frustrated by the things he can't change. We don't want players to feel cheated, but we also don't want them to feel like they are the all-powerful gods of the universe who can change the story and other characters to do whatever they want. In real life would "pouring affection" into someone guarantee that they do what you want? I don't think so! Only in video games is that allowed, and it starts to fall apart if you want to have NPCs who act more like real people, with their own wills and whims separate from yours.
It's a balancing act for us, for sure -- how much does your will as the player actually change the course of other characters and the plot -- and I won't say that where Season One landed is perfect. We have a long way to go and a lot more to work with to get that balance and feeling right. There's always room to improve and to try new things. The Wolf Among Us pushes this in new directions which I think you'll find exciting, and of course with future Walking Dead games we will be playing with and tweaking how the player's balance of power works. We won't be going back and re-doing Season One, though!
Personally i think it's good to have some events like this. Just as in life, you can't control everything, and there are going to be situations that you can't prevent. I wouldn't want to feel like a god who had complete dominion over everyone's lives and decided when people would live or die.
It would have been nice to have a little more effect on the situations where we did get to choose a decision, but maybe those will have an effect on Season 2 in some way.
As Clem said "Don't Go..." fuck... I was done... if you know what I mean, hands all wet... and stuff. That music in the background was so great too, and the ending theme didn't exactly help my feelings, I was crying like a damn bitch, but I'm man enough to admit that... But Lee's death is not up for vote.
Even worse, if you give Kenny the gun. Seeing his own father aiming a gun between his eyes, and(without intervention) walking away and leaving him to turn.
When Carley died I was like: "WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU DO (Directed to Lilly), YOU STUP*D PIECE A' SHIT? Kind of reminds me of Andy St. John's reaction when Lee lies/tells him that both Danny andBrenda are dead.
Duck's too. But I didn't really react much, since I knew he was bitten. But seeing the poor boy who hasn't lived out his life yet much die, that's something sad to see.
I think the death of Duck was very emotional, because the whole scene was very powerful initiated. You go there to meet Katjaa and have to witness that she ended her life to get out of this horror. I then gave Kenny the gun to kill Duck and the overall scene was very emotional I think.
and declared this the best game I have ever played. Then the credit
song kicked in. Good games wow you with visuals. Better games
have challenging gameplay. Great games elicit an emotional response
that you'll want to tell others about. Telltale please don't disappoint
with season 2.
One true pairing. If both Lee and carley survived I bet they'd marry and raise Clem. Would've been heartwarming to see that. ( considering most wanted that)
It would have to be Lee's. I cried for a damn hour. LITERALLY.
TV: Merle
The Walking Dead has that effect on people!
Some people haven't seen the episode yet! :O
Hence why it's blocked out. Also, I don't think people realise that there are different release dates for TV shows based on region. The only time you realise are times like this where people see it, post spoilers, and the people who can't see it yet get annoyed.
Okay, but this is the spoiler section after all.
For sadness: Lee saying goodbye to Clem, Kenny standing over Kats body and realising we still have to deal with Duck, horrible moments.
For Guilt: Dropping Ben, Having to leave Doug.
For Shock: Carley, Also the horror of Mark's death, i was pretty sure he was dead, but never expected the true horror.
Overall which got the biggest reaction from me? I would have to say Carley. I lost probably my favourite character in an instant, no chance to say goodbye, no heroism. She was murdered suddenly and pointlessly, it still hurts a little even now.
Lee is obvious choice, but i knew what was coming from that bite scene, i always suspected the arm chop had come too late, and i knew i was going to have to explain it to clem, and so i was braced for it and battle hardened by everything that had happened to get this far. Still a close second.
This forum is therapy for me
I agree to that lol
Great for shock value, but it kind of ruined the game for me, because it just made it seem so depressingly linear. This is a game about choices, but your choices don't really matter: you can never save Dough or Carley, you can't save Duck, you can't save Katjaa, you can't save Mark, the game gives you plenty of choices but in the end it ends up the same. No matter what happens, by the time you find Omar and Christa: Katjaa, Duck, Carley, Doug, Larry, and Mark will be dead. Lilly will be MIA (hopefully dead). You will always come to that point in the game when it's just you, Clem, Ben, Kenny, and that hobo guy (I forget his name).
I actually stopped playing for the longest time because I was so annoyed that we couldn't save her no matter what we did. By far the most shocking but would've preferred someone else dying in the scene
Couldn't stand the latter's nails on chalkboard voice; I'm positive that the good folks who make Excedrin bribed Telltale to include Duck to sell pills.
At the time of Carley's death she was one of my favorite characters and she was murdered for no good reason.
A lot of people don't like Ben because of how many times he messed up and indirectly hurt/killed other characters, but the way he died was probably the most horrific to me.
Carleys' death is chocking,:eek: and I just wanted to immediately kill Lilly ! but what makes the most anger is that there's no way to prevent Lilly from shoting her !! :mad:And THAT is nonsense
It would be VERY usefull that Tell Tale Just explain us WHY they did it like that. I think many of us would really want to understand the aim of Tell Tale about Carleys' death.
Edit:Here we go:
Personally i think it's good to have some events like this. Just as in life, you can't control everything, and there are going to be situations that you can't prevent. I wouldn't want to feel like a god who had complete dominion over everyone's lives and decided when people would live or die.
It would have been nice to have a little more effect on the situations where we did get to choose a decision, but maybe those will have an effect on Season 2 in some way.
This x9001