Ron Gilbert/Monkey 3 Donation Website
Hi guys!
I was thinking about putting together a website to help collecting enough money to buy the rights for Monkey Island 3 .
BEFORE LAUGHING, listen to this, I'm serious.
If any serious Monkey fan gave ONE EURO or a dollar to Gilbert, the amount of money available would probably be more than a million or so, and this makes me think it could work. Obviously, the donation should be received by Ron in person, so his paypal address would probably solve the problem: every single dollar given would go directly to Ron's pockets.
Obviously, nothing can be done unless Ron agrees with this, and I'd also like to know if there's something illegal or dangerous with this idea.
Any help, comment, or insult will be appreciated.
I want Monkey 3, guys. I can't wait no more. Let's do something.
I was thinking about putting together a website to help collecting enough money to buy the rights for Monkey Island 3 .
BEFORE LAUGHING, listen to this, I'm serious.
If any serious Monkey fan gave ONE EURO or a dollar to Gilbert, the amount of money available would probably be more than a million or so, and this makes me think it could work. Obviously, the donation should be received by Ron in person, so his paypal address would probably solve the problem: every single dollar given would go directly to Ron's pockets.
Obviously, nothing can be done unless Ron agrees with this, and I'd also like to know if there's something illegal or dangerous with this idea.
Any help, comment, or insult will be appreciated.
I want Monkey 3, guys. I can't wait no more. Let's do something.
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Also, I don't think LucasArts want to sell the rights...
Haha, I remember that.
Curse of Monkey Island was a sweet game. I loved it.
Uhmmmm I don't think so, let's just call CMI as CMI and MI3 as the game that was never released. I also say so because of the fact that it wouldn't be a sequel to EMI but a sequel to MI2. That's what I call MI3.
It was a good game based on the Monkey Island characters, revisited in a cartoonish way (for the 1000th time, MI was never meant to be a cartoon). I liked it too as a Monkey-inspired game, but that's just not a sequel. You know well that MI3 was directed and developed by other good workers that made a good job if you consider it as a story apart. Unfortunately we also know that the real story, as his creator meant it to be, should TOTALLY go in a diiferent way. Aren't you curious about discovering what REALLY is the secret of MI and why there was that incredible final in MI2? I am.
HAHAHA, I never knew about that!
Well, what can I say... It's funny, but it is no surprise that it's reached a few more than 400$. I'm talking about a massive operation, sponsorised by Ron and for which people would actually give money. I didn't give him money for a car, neither I won't. But I'd give more than a dollar for MI3. I'm sure other people would agree.
Ron could just call it MI5 and put at the start "and Guybrush realised the last two games were a dream" if he dislikes the story so much.
The last time he talked about his real sequel, he said it would be called "Monkey Island 3a: the secret revealed or your money back".:p
Man, I wish someone believed in my project. We're never gonna have Ron's sequel if we don't do something. And LucasArts could just BORROW the rights for a good amount of money. Furtherly, Ron is a good old pal there, so a good offer would surely be at least considerated.
More importantly, I'd like to know for definite that the money would eventually fund buying the rights for Monkey Island 3a: The Secret Revealed or Your Money Back (Ron's name, not mine =P).
It'd be a real kick in the teeth if everyone threw in bit of money (ideally, every MI fan would donate one euro/pound/dollar/etc, but that's never going to happen. A lot of people will have forgotten about MI by now, or just wouldn't see the fund to donate to it) and LucasArts just turned round and said "No that's not enough for us" or "No, we want to keep the rights in case we have to fall back on non-Star Wars IPs for whatever reason).
I'm not sure because I don't have much experience in this sort of thing, but wouldn't it be nearly impossible to refund every person the correct amount in case something like this happens?
I think you're being a bit unfair putting down MI3 as if it wasn't a proper sequel. If we're going on the fact that it's not what Ron would have had in mind when he was making SoMI, we could say the same about Sam and Max: Season 1.
I think we can all safely say the developers of Hit the Road weren't thinking "Max is probably going to end up as President in the episodic series of Sam and Max 14 years from now, so lets make sure not to have Max being banned from being President in this game".
I'm happy taking CoMI as what it was: A fun game, full of laughs and interesting puzzles, a good way to spend the 20 hours I did completing it first time round, and the game that got me into the series in the first place (the chances are, I wouldn't have a clue who Guybrush Threepwood is if CoMI hadn't been made).
I even enjoyed EFMI until about a year later when I realised how bad it actually was (the giant robot monkey being the "real" secret of Monkey Island could hopefully be retconned out somehow. Like Guybrush went to the wrong giant stone monkey head or something).
I had something really meaningful to say, but I seem to have forgotten it midway through writing that wall of text.
So I'll just finish off by saying I'm too much of a pessimist to donate but I hope Ron does manage to get the real secret out one day (even if it means working around CoMI and the plot-hole packed EFMI (The earlier MI games have something that proves Herman Toothrot wasn't Elaine's grandad and where'd the underground cavern below the monkey head go?).
Ok, that's surely a good point. A project like this needs to be CRYSTAL CLEAR, that's why I can't do it alone. It takes to assure everyone that the money they're giving isn't being stolen.
Speaking of CMI, I don't think that you could compare it with what happened to Sam and Max. Let's say it: S&M are characters made for self-conclusive stories, and the season 1 never claimed to be a SEQUEL to Hit the Road. It's just a Sam and Max game, in no way tied to HTR. We can't say the same for CMI, which tries to keep on the story that we left with MI2, obviously with the clear lack of something. If I remember well, when starting making the game, Schafer also said to the team that they didn't have to do something big as the first two games (impossible without Ron), but a game that could be a good memory of his predecessors.
You have Thomas Jefferson to blame for that. John Hancock once suggested to add "The President must be a human" to the Constitution, but Jefferson said that was a crazy idea.
Ok, so it happened in Day of the Tentacle, but it's a valid point.
So I'm confused now: On my resume, am I still allowed to call it "Monkey Island 3," or do I have to call it "Curse of Monkey Island" and make it explicit that it was not Ron Gilbert's project?
If you are able to collect a million euros, it won't be enough to make the videogame you want to see, but it would be a very nice contribution to a worthy charity.
You have heard of starving artists, right? They starve because they have to do what they love, market be damned. Well fortunately we love adventure games and they do sell, so we won't starve. But we create them not to get rich; we create them because we love it
I think what you are asking about is the mainstream market. It's pretty simple. If you make a game that a select niche of people are interested in, you must keep the cost low enough to turn a profit. The budget will be smaller than many of the mainstream games. But this doesn't mean lowering the quality for the product."
They seem kinda like a team I know wink wink
Anyway youd be shocked what a mil could do..that is when you have a small team willing to work for almost nothing lol.
Yeah, no offense to Ron or anything, but I'm sure people can make decent games without him, even if it wasn't the original plot he intended.
(CMI was one of my favourite MI games)
However - I agree that a "real" Monkey Island 3 would be incredibly great!
Ok, let me answer to your points:
1) Who told you he didn't work on the game? He wasn't a leader like Ackley and Ahearn, but he joined the team and helped sometimes.
2) You're allowed to call it as you want, I'm for freedom of speech. I'm sorry you're confused, just relax adn you'll understand the situation.
3) Agreed here, but the million is not to actually MAKE the game but JUST to borrow the rights. The other money needed isn't a problem that we the fans can actually take care of. I suppose if Ron had the rights to do the game, someone else would finance the project.
Hope this helped, bye.
You know that the person you're talking to is the same Chuck that worked on CMI right?
This Chuck. Well at least I asume...
He worked on CMI? :eek:
*bows down*
You know Chuck wrote CMI, right?
*continues bowing*
now back to topic :P
While i am honestly one of Rons biggest fans and i would love to see him make *his* game i cant help but have to play devil advocate here: I think a lot of people forget that Ron sort of did just leave us hanging
I would love to see 3a and learn the full scope of the original story, but i honestly think it is unfair to discount the last two titles, both to the original developers and to the fans that have learned to love the games (Did i mention i loved CMI from day one
And don't mind me; I was just being grouchy.
:eek:Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't know who you are, I thought you were some guy in the forum that enjoys criticizing without a real cause (I've seen a lot).
I apologize, and I don't mean to say CMI sucks. I'm just longing to know the real story, and only Ron can say what it is like. And, once again, I repeat that I liked CMI a lot.
As for a new monkey lets hope they release the darn rights. Im still hoping for many other sequels id gladly help make endlessly for no money :P
Sigh damn corps.
Gimmie a hear hear!
Ahah you're right
Hint: if their name off to the left of their post is in italics, they probably work here (or used to, in the case of Squinky, who was our summer intern last year)
Yeah, now I noticed
on topic: I've never been a huge fan of Monkey Island (I know, I know, blasphemy, but it just was never my cup of tea), but I hope Ron does make MI3. It'd be a huge step for adventure games in general. The sales between that and Sam and Max would probably catch the interest of some big-league devs.
Totally agree. It could bring adventures to life again. Help meeeee :rolleyes:
What's this here webbing site you mention? *squints* Tall... tail... Games? Why, looks like a nice l'il company, if I do say so mahself! These here series of tubes never cease to amaze me... :P
You do know Telltale Games make first person shooters, right?
A seasoned intern? Cool.