Woohoo!! I got mine!!



  • edited August 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Don't hold your breath :( Shipping to Europe seems to be a crawley slow process for some unknown reason.

    I wouldn't say that in general. As I already posted, I got my stuff in under two weeks, which is good for international worldwide shipping. I would guess that the delay is rather customs- than shipping-related. On one of my packages the green customs-declaration sticker was hardly readable and on the second one, if I'm not mistaken, it was left blank. Maybe a few customs officers found this to be a bit odd...:confused:
  • edited August 2007
    I pre-ordered the DVD and case file and I haven't even heard if they've shipped yet. Should I be worrying?
  • edited August 2007
    I pre-ordered the DVD and case file and I haven't even heard if they've shipped yet. Should I be worrying?

    Nope. Mine took ages to be shipped. Don't worry.
  • edited August 2007
    Nope. Mine took ages to be shipped. Don't worry.

    have you got yours now guybrush(no underscore) threepwood
  • edited August 2007
    patters wrote: »
    have you got yours now guybrush(no underscore) threepwood

    It's on it's way. :)
  • edited August 2007
    It's on it's way. :)

    hope you enjoy it (hides the fact that he a fellow english man got his at the beginning of august)
  • edited August 2007
    patters wrote: »
    hope you enjoy it (hides the fact that he a fellow english man got his at the beginning of august)

    Yeah, yeah. *mumbles about destroying patters* ;)
  • edited August 2007
    Yeah, yeah. *mumbles about destroying patters* ;)

    i got my confirmation email after it arrived (stupid digital river) no case file though (i have enough music merch in my room no space for games memorabilia)
  • edited August 2007
    again, its friday and i hope i get mine before the weekend.
    am i the only Aussie yet to recieve theirs that was shipped around the 14th?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    I pre-ordered the DVD and case file and I haven't even heard if they've shipped yet. Should I be worrying?

    I just checked your order, and it shipped on August 17. Maybe the shipping notification went into your spam folder?

    International shipping takes at least 10-14 days (often longer), so don't worry. I'm sure you'll get it soon.
  • edited August 2007
    My DVD+Case file is finaly here! They where shipped the 14th of august.

    They are still in plastic so I can't wait to open them.

    *edit* They should have warn me not to put the dvd in those transparant DVD players!
    like these:
  • edited August 2007
    wiedo wrote: »
    *edit* They should have warn me not to put the dvd in those transparant DVD players!

    That would be awesome. Or at least a transparent dvd rewinder :D
  • edited August 2007
    I so pissed I didn't get mine today. Now I have to wait over the long weekend. I don't know why I didn't get it, it's been longer then my other order and it was bigger. Oi
  • edited August 2007
    Still waiting for mine, but then again I live in England, and I think it was only dispatched a week or so ago, so it could still be a while,I'm not in a desperate rush for it, but it would be nice if it could still arrive next week so I can replay through season 1 again before I get my hands on Season 2
  • edited August 2007
    wiedo wrote: »
    My DVD+Case file is finaly here! They where shipped the 14th of august.

    They are still in plastic so I can't wait to open them.

    *edit* They should have warn me not to put the dvd in those transparant DVD players!
    like these:

    Oh, don't worry. I'll happily punch you on the head with my boxing gloves, if needed. ;)

  • edited August 2007
    Finally got mine!

    The case file is awesome and so funny, and I'm super impressed by the packaging.

    though I am a little disappointed that there wasn't a special little comic book, that noone mentioned, but it's not a big loss.
  • edited September 2007
    Am I like the only one who has yet to recieve their Case File and DVD?

    Mine hasn't.

    How do you see when your Order was dispatched?

    Edit: Mine shipped on the 17th! My, it's taking its time. (I missed the damn e-mail! I should filter my forum related e-mails into a different address)
    patters wrote: »
    or normal for us british folk

    Tru dat.
  • edited September 2007
    Tru dat.

    it so is i ordered something which was shipped on the 24th of august and it only arrived yesterday on the 31st of august

    not only that but we pay more taxes too
  • edited September 2007
    Mine was shipped on the 23rd, based on what other Aussie gamers have been saying I'm guessing it'll turn up sometime this week.
  • edited September 2007
    not for me, mine was shipped on the 14th.... still nothing
  • edited September 2007
    Weehee! I got mine as well now! I must say, the case file is simply awesome! I'm posting this with my hypno-goggles on, by the way.
  • edited September 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    I'm posting this with my hypno-goggles on, by the way.

    Oookay. :D Glad you're having fun..
  • edited September 2007
    finally, after all my whining and paranoia it arrived today. im a happy little camper. the soundtrack casing is awesome
  • edited September 2007
    finally got mine today, case file rules! Was shipped the 14th.
  • edited September 2007
    After accidentally getting the wrong size and cutting my finger open with a piece of glass, my poster print is now framed and hanging on the wall.

    TOTALLY worth it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    haha. RIP finger blood. :(
  • edited September 2007
    finally got my effigy mound yesterday!
  • edited September 2007
    Wish I could hold my breath from the shipping mail came till I actually recieve it. I'd beat Guybrush Threepwood by a looong time. 20 days and counting.
  • edited September 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    Weehee! I got mine as well now! I must say, the case file is simply awesome! I'm posting this with my hypno-goggles on, by the way.

    Iwas trying to read the Alien Love Triangle with those on, it just didn't work.
    Marty wrote: »
    finally, after all my whining and paranoia it arrived today. im a happy little camper. the soundtrack casing is awesome

    I'll tell you about Paranoia, our local Post Office is pretty bad about mixing up adresses and such, one time my brother ordered a digital camera, and it was shipped to a house with the same number as ours, but on the other side of town, in fact it was a house right up the street from my grandparent's house, and sometimes it seems when they see the name Leary on the envelope or box, they just assume it's for my Grandma, so we'll get a call alittle after the mail gets delivered "Honey, did you order something from a place called Amazon?"
  • edited September 2007
    Finally got mine at least, Shipped on the 15th August, It arrived 3rd September,So Not bad for a delivery to England. The Case File thing is great, love it :D
    Finally I can go and play it all again now,with extras before Season 2 comes along
  • edited September 2007
    DrakeFox wrote: »
    Wish I could hold my breath from the shipping mail came till I actually recieve it. I'd beat Guybrush Threepwood by a looong time. 20 days and counting.

    Mine was shipped on Tuesday 28th August. :)
  • edited September 2007
    Damn... I've just got a note from customs saying that I have to pick up my order from them, since the customs form was only filled with "software"... no value, no weight... whoever packs the packages (or fills the forms) should get a kick in the behind, because like THAT it's no wonder it gets stuck in customs.

    Ah well, I've gotta pick up my "The Art of Ralph McQuarrie"-book from them as well, so I'l have to get there anyway. Looks like they don't think an 11-pound-package labeled "Art book" is kosher...
  • edited September 2007
    so i was right...:D...the way the customs labels are filled is quite unfortunate..
  • edited September 2007
    Well, my disc shipped on 31 August.

    I'm just terrified of what will happen the moment the South-African Post Office gets their hands on it; they're not very reliable... :(
  • edited September 2007
    are they comparable to the namibian post? i had to send a dvd three times once..:rolleyes:
  • edited September 2007
    Shipped the 17th, arrived in the Netherworldlands today!

  • edited September 2007
    Marked without price. ahh that'd indeed explain the delay. Usually something can drag for 2 weeks here fine even if there's a price listed on the package.
  • edited September 2007
    barchetta wrote: »
    Shipped the 17th, arrived in the Netherworldlands today!
    you shouldn't put it next to the pizza. if it get's greasy you have to order a new one..:rolleyes:
  • edited September 2007
    My DVD and casefile is ready for collection at my local UK post office. Right after I pay the £51.95 customs charge!! This CANNOT be correct for a $15 shipment can it??
  • edited September 2007
    I've just picked up mine from customs (payed EUR 6.40 for 2 S1-DVDs, 2 case-files and 1 soundtrack... so probably 51.95 isn't correct, nm51ml)

    And, lucky me, the DVDs got off their nub and happily flew around the case during shipping, leaving the data sides of both discs scratched. Plus, the postcards got damaged by the Max-pins, and the nubs of both soundtrack CDs arrived broken... I'm not entirely happy.
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