Why do people want "Season 2" to be Lee and Clementine still?



  • edited September 2012
    They'd never put them in a new season anyways; Clem has to fulfill her role as "super-mega-ultra-sad death" in Episode 5, as does, probably, Lee.
  • edited September 2012
    They probably wouldn't use the same characters

    Maybe you will meet adult Clementine who will be different depending on how you treated her in season 1
  • edited September 2012
    Words of Harrison Pink from the interview;
    Anything else you’d like to say to fans of the series?

    I think I’m just super pumped that you guys are excited for the story. It’s very rare for gamer culture to embrace a story like this, and embrace a little girl that you have to take care of that’s not annoying and…really every review I’ve seen it just blows my mind that people are like, playing [Lee Everett] as if they were him. ‘I am Lee Everett. I am Lee Everett.’ So I’m really glad that we as gamers are ready for that.

    This is what I'm talking about, man! Bring season 2 with them in it!
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