I wished I could vote both. I live with my fiancée so we both play the games I buy. I looked over her shoulder when she played episode 2 and she literally took like 3 times as long as me.... trying to click every pixel in the game and trying to investigate all useless stuff like hay, the fence, the far away crops..And apparently Doug is "kinda hot" *shrug*
I wished I could vote both. I live with my fiancée so we both play the games I buy. I looked over her shoulder when she played episode 2 and she literally took like 3 times as long as me.... trying to click every pixel in the game and trying to investigate all useless stuff like hay, the fence, the far away crops..And apparently Doug is "kinda hot" *shrug*
Lol.. I'm a guy and I wasted far too much time searching everything.. I was expecting more to figure out than needed.
I'll know better in EP4 and just shoot more, search less!
I'm a girl, I play it on PC. Would play it on my PS3, but Australia does not have an R18 classification which really really sucks. Would have loved the trophies.
It seems like the majority of female players in this thread are on ps3. I doubt that means anything, but I find it interesting nonetheless. As long as we're asking the ladies for perspective, how do you feel about the game's treatment (as in writing quality) of female characters in general?
Generally I am not impressed. They seem to have stuck to the more traditional female roles. They have given us a total nutcase, a simpering cutie pie (she could shoot but not install batteries?) and an earth mother.
I have a question for the female gamers, if they don't mind?
I've been wondering who the female gamers saved at the pharmacy?
Since some insinuate that males are bound to choose the female in danger, I wonder what was the deciding factor for females to choose either way.
I myself suspect that a lot of females chose Carley also.Is this true? is it as simple as going for the sharpshooter.Would Doug of stood a better chance if he was the one with the gun skills? maybe not with male gamers but would it be different for females?
I chose Carley. I thought it was best to have more firepower for the group.
lol saying mostly guys play video games is totally false and a stereotype :P
I'm a girl, and I've just started playing Walking Dead on my Mac. But I've grown up on video games, consol games (PS2, PS3, xbox, xbox 360, gamecube, wii, gameboy, PSP, you name it, I have it ... lol) and of course, obsessed over the Sims series for a number of years Right now? I'm into Skyrim at the moment on my PS3. Girls play video games, guys just like to think we don't, and then get all amazed when they find out we do *insert eye roll*
This game is awesome so far. Now that its actually SAVING my games, on my mac. Not on my PC.
lol saying mostly guys play video games is totally false and a stereotype :P
I'm a girl, and I've just started playing Walking Dead on my Mac. But I've grown up on video games, consol games (PS2, PS3, xbox, xbox 360, gamecube, wii, gameboy, PSP, you name it, I have it ... lol) and of course, obsessed over the Sims series for a number of years Right now? I'm into Skyrim at the moment on my PS3. Girls play video games, guys just like to think we don't, and then get all amazed when they find out we do *insert eye roll*
This game is awesome so far. Now that its actually SAVING my games, on my mac. Not on my PC.
I don't think this is true, let's say that for each 10 guys that play videogames 2 girls play too, and this is now in 2012, i don't think you'd see any girl playing videogames in the 90´s.
I don't think this is true, let's say that for each 10 guys that play videogames 2 girls play too, and this is now in 2012, i don't think you'd see any girl playing videogames in the 90´s.
I dont think thats true. You would have seen me and I got my love of games from my mother.
To answer the other questions, I chose Carley because I hoped against hope that I would be able to use her gun skills to help save Doug. To be honest, I bonded more with Doug in ep 1. It wasnt until Eps 2 and 3 that I grew to like Carley.
As for the depiction of women, I think its fine. I empathize with all the characters, even Kenny who has mostly lost my trust. Im not one who needs to see women kicking ass all the time. As long as they're reasonably realistic and honest, Im good.
I don't think this is true, let's say that for each 10 guys that play videogames 2 girls play too, and this is now in 2012, i don't think you'd see any girl playing videogames in the 90´s.
5-10 years ago I'd say this is true. But nowadays for every 10 guys I'd say at least 5-6 play games. Why the increase you ask? Easy, mobile gaming. So many of my girlfriends used to joke about me playing snes, 64, xbox etc..
As soon as the PSP came out they were all over it, now the DS and 3DS.
You still might not call them "gamers", but they do play video games all the same lol.
I don't think this is true, let's say that for each 10 guys that play videogames 2 girls play too, and this is now in 2012, i don't think you'd see any girl playing videogames in the 90´s.
And how old are you? I was playing in the 90's and I'm fairly certain I wasn't the only one.
5-10 years ago I'd say this is true. But nowadays for every 10 guys I'd say at least 5-6 play games. Why the increase you ask? Easy, mobile gaming. So many of my girlfriends used to joke about me playing snes, 64, xbox etc..
As soon as the PSP came out they were all over it, now the DS and 3DS.
You still might not call them "gamers", but they do play video games all the same lol.
Female here. And probably the oldest – just turned 49. My adult sons find it hilarious that mom is playing a game but I’m not embarrassed. I love the TV show, am disturbed by the comics, and the game was just a natural extension of my new found obsession. I love all things TWD!
games stipped being all about guy gamers years ago there are tons of female gamers out there dont believe me open up some twitch streams your see there are alot of female streamers also games went mainstream pretty much hardcore mainstream back in like 2004-2005ish.
I don't think this is true, let's say that for each 10 guys that play videogames 2 girls play too, and this is now in 2012, i don't think you'd see any girl playing videogames in the 90´s.
I'm not so sure about that. I'm female, and the first video/computer games I got into were on the Commodore 64, which was back in the 80's. Moved from that to the Atari, then NES and Sega, then SNES and Genesis, now the Wii, PS2 and PS3. Oh, and the PC, which I play this on.....
Interesting. We seem to be holding pretty steady at just over a 1/4 of the market. I wonder how accurate that is.
Considering it's a zombie game also. I think it's safe to say that female gamers aren't the myth they are made out to be.
I heard a stat earlier in the year that 40% of gamers are female now. Mind you that includes mobile devices like PSP and Nintendo DS. Of which the majority of player are actually female.
This is better: boy or girl . I am a boy
Attachment not found.
Lol.. I'm a guy and I wasted far too much time searching everything.. I was expecting more to figure out than needed.
I'll know better in EP4 and just shoot more, search less!
Generally I am not impressed. They seem to have stuck to the more traditional female roles. They have given us a total nutcase, a simpering cutie pie (she could shoot but not install batteries?) and an earth mother.
I chose Carley. I thought it was best to have more firepower for the group.
I'm a girl, and I've just started playing Walking Dead on my Mac. But I've grown up on video games, consol games (PS2, PS3, xbox, xbox 360, gamecube, wii, gameboy, PSP, you name it, I have it ... lol) and of course, obsessed over the Sims series for a number of years
I don't think this is true, let's say that for each 10 guys that play videogames 2 girls play too, and this is now in 2012, i don't think you'd see any girl playing videogames in the 90´s.
I dont think thats true. You would have seen me and I got my love of games from my mother.
To answer the other questions, I chose Carley because I hoped against hope that I would be able to use her gun skills to help save Doug. To be honest, I bonded more with Doug in ep 1. It wasnt until Eps 2 and 3 that I grew to like Carley.
As for the depiction of women, I think its fine. I empathize with all the characters, even Kenny who has mostly lost my trust. Im not one who needs to see women kicking ass all the time. As long as they're reasonably realistic and honest, Im good.
5-10 years ago I'd say this is true. But nowadays for every 10 guys I'd say at least 5-6 play games. Why the increase you ask? Easy, mobile gaming. So many of my girlfriends used to joke about me playing snes, 64, xbox etc..
As soon as the PSP came out they were all over it, now the DS and 3DS.
You still might not call them "gamers", but they do play video games all the same lol.
And how old are you? I was playing in the 90's and I'm fairly certain I wasn't the only one.
Are you lesbian ?
You pulled a quote from a separate thread just to pose that question? Even if she was, what's your point (other than to be completely ugly)?
I'm bi, but I don't see how that matters, what gave you the impression I was a lesbian?
You didn't ban him for that question, did you? lol I wasn't offended.
Whether you were offended or not, he meant to be offensive. Banning only lasts a week and hopefully he'll learn some manners in the meantime.
Moral justice enforced.
Fair enough lol. So is it possible to be perma-banned on here?
1 of them took Carley's death very hard... practically reloaded the game dunno how many times (fast forwarded)
before she accept the fact she's gone.
How do you watch them play? lol
Well u know, some new website...
I think its called YouTube.
I'm not so sure about that. I'm female, and the first video/computer games I got into were on the Commodore 64, which was back in the 80's. Moved from that to the Atari, then NES and Sega, then SNES and Genesis, now the Wii, PS2 and PS3. Oh, and the PC, which I play this on.....
Oh good, so I can put the thought of you standing outside their windows with binoculars out of my head :P
But do girls actually webcam themselves while they play and put it on youtube? how do you know what part they are up to? Or is there like two boxes?
Wrong, someone asked this question, a lot of us still save Carley.
Considering it's a zombie game also. I think it's safe to say that female gamers aren't the myth they are made out to be.
I heard a stat earlier in the year that 40% of gamers are female now. Mind you that includes mobile devices like PSP and Nintendo DS. Of which the majority of player are actually female.
what do u mean what part they are up to?
they place the image of their face (expression) at the corner of the screen of the game.
some do it live on stream with their fans watching & some do it offline & post on utube just the same & others have no commentary or webcam.:)
Harthur (female, regular no commentary, saved Doug)
ICHIIB (cute, funny, & very emotional, saved Carley, video commentary)
I cried with her when I saw her play ep3
PS: Incomplete, she's still uploading the (should be finale judging where she stopped but she could split it)
Holluable(someone new I just watched recently, saved Carley)
FYI guys do it too.
Maximus Black (A fellow brother of Lee, video commentary)
PS: I got this game thanks to watching him play this.
auric180 (...) no commentary
"The Silent Treatment"
believe it or not, non of them choose to have a drink with the old man, lol
really? How rude
I hope ur not serious
to list a few titles I know played by girls & won.
Dead Space
Mass Effect
Counter Strike
Star Wars
Assassin's Creed
Hitman: Blood Money (1 saw my playthrough & bought it right away, lol)
& these r not the cutey or puzzle type games, they're the combat, bloody & horror genres